The reason Russia is being touted as the enemy is because Putin is taking out the Ukraine nazis that have been aligned with the US STATE DEPARTMENT and the corrupt US DEEP STATE.

The real enemy of Americans is our own government. They have stolen BILLIONS from the taxpayers to support a nazi regime in Ukraine that has been murdering ethnic Russians in RUSSIAN territories since Obama overthrew Ukraine in 2014 with a "color revolution".

Now the deep state WANTS war. They WANT a nuclear war, to cover up their treasonous crimes.

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People in the west don't realize Putin is not the USSR. He is a leader who wants to stop spending resources on war and create a country that people can thrive in. But when Yeltsin, our CIA pick, was in charge, he handed out Russian resources like candy at Halloween. So the West hates him because we thought we had Russia in our pocket as another colony we could rape. He refused the WEF's plan and stepped out. I am very lucky to have a dear friend who just moved back home to Russia and keeps me informed of what is going on from within. It is nothing like you are hearing from ANY western media outlet. These people love him for what he is doing for them. They have a lot of wounds to heal from the terror of the USSR, and the constant hatred being directed at them from the west. At the end of the day, it is a country struggling to create a better way of life for all (and, I might add, their quality of life is, on the whole, better than in many large American cities). Putin is not our enemy. The military industrial complex is.

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While living in BC I befriended a Russian engineer. The guy was a picture of class, sophistication, integrity, intellectualism, and looked a bit like Brad Pitt. Unlike Pitt, this guy was a very decent human. He was living in a country, a province, and a town that despised Russians. Why? In a word....television.

In two words....television insanity.

He spoke with great fondness of Moscow, Russia and Putin. Canada benefitted from his presence....all the while calling him names.

It was a pure pleasure to be in his presence.

I have grown to despise western culture and values. We are now the most depraved culture in the world.

The western value system is self seeking, narcisistic, ruthless, arrogant and dishonest. We are pushing our insanity on the world.

If there was an option beyond the reach of UN globalists it would soon be over-run by people like me...utterly tired of who and what we have become.

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This gives me hope, that there are people out there who know the truth about Russia and Russian people. My friend was the same - an artist, a mom, a thinker....she told me stories about growing up in the USSR and even then with the reign of terror, there were so many ways people were taken care of and the environment was seen as something to protect and nurture (this of course was on the people's level, not the military or government). When we started hating Russia hard in 2022, my friend was afraid to go out of her house for fear she would be attacked. What kind of life is that?? I cannot wait to go visit her, the images she sends are breathtaking in the simplistic beauty of their country. Thanks for sharing this story.

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“We are now the most depraved culture in the world.”

Sad but true

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Putin also taking out US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

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They have at least one in Australia with a DOD contract

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Russia is also used as a distraction from the real enemy; China.

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Spot on

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Did you see yourself mentioned in the Malone lawsuit? You really got under his skin.


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Excellent cynical analysis by the author of the article.

While Putin was enjoying a USD 7M bottle of Billionaire vodka "cheers" and two highest class magnificent blonde hookers, who are descended from a direct line of the Royal Romanov family, with his 2IC, they were laughing like schoolboys at the US (lack of)intelligence agencies who were left scratching their itchy nutsacks staring at hundreds of millions of soon-to-be expiring Pfizer and Moderna vials stashed in the bunker under Langley.

Putin to his 2IC: "Amerikanski stupid korksucka - da, da - hahaha, Nazdaroviah scumski Hunter Biden, hahaha!"

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The difference between Putin and Biden: Putin loves his country. Biden hates America.

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Putin is by no means a saint but that doesn't mean he's on the wrong side of everything.

Biden has been metaphorically fellating Xi Jinping for quite some time, and the CCP and our own government are a far worse threat to We the People than Russia is.

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The West a is a war machine. The promise of democracy is dead. Overtaken by greed and apathy. The truth was sacrificed long ago and with it our critical thought. Comfort reigns while evil projects and creates hell.

While it cannabiizes itself can we separate from it to survive?

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What is the difference?


They are all injecting people with the same poison, introducing a digital ID, introducing the CBDC slavery system, climate change propaganda, etc. etc. etc.

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The difference is homosexuality. The West wants gay anal and bottom surgeries for kindergarteners while Russia wants traditional families. That’s about it. Ukraine is the West.

Both Russia and Ukraine are a part of the same oligarchical structure. The oligarchs are all a part of a coincidence unlike say la cosa nostra who are Italians.

The war is certainly gay and most likely fake.

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Victoria Nuland is pissed.

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Our own federal government is a bigger threat to our freedom than all of our contrived foreign enemies combined.

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Pepe’s a good read. I normally read his stuff on Unz Review. I was not familiar with LewRockwell.com, I’ll put that into my rotation...thanks 😀

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