This is a prime example of Substack’s importance: it’s many talented commenters. Way to go Pete!

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They weren’t expecting there’d be people out here dumb enough to pull out rulers and extract numbers to ask hard questions from their predigested dashboards and reports. Easy fix. Declare the need over, close up shop on the monitoring ahead of the next round.

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As per my comment above, in 6 months it's not going to matter. The truth will be overwhelming.

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They can't hide it all. Too many of us have already captured it! We are just waiting for the right moment to let it all out.

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Agreed. What the hell happened to critical thinking in this country? (I think we all have our own answers...and all are correct)

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1. Not taught. No, actually worse — explicitly untaught.

2. If engaged leads one to wonder how can I possibly just be sitting here on this nice day waiting for my barbecue to warm up now knowing this? Which is hard.

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We have to have some pleasure in life!

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...."Which is hard" HaHaHaHaHaHaHa Post of the day. Brilliant!

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Yes, well said!

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Also, don’t forget ”He performeth that which is appointed for me to do”.  Truer than you will ever know.

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Can't argue with Job!

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So true.

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Seems to me they're doing their jobs well. Protecting the narrative, uh I mean the science, uh I mean the profits.

There is also this simple "necessity"- getting rid of the evidence at the scene of the crime.

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Consider.. Bob Odenkirk of “Better Call Saul” struck down with a heart attack after taking the Lethal Injection... Justin Beiber struck down with Shingles and Bell's Palsy at 27... His wife felled by a stroke at 26... Celine Dion purportedly confined to her bed with uncontrollable tremors and paralysis... Airline pilots dropping dead at the controls... Major sports players dropping dead in the middle of the game... In the Toronto region of Canada, how many is it now? SIX doctors in their 40s and younger, just... dropped dead? For no reason at all? The new bullshit diagnosis “SADS”... Children in their early teens, dropping dead from Myocarditis, strokes, and heart attacks. These are the first ripples in the oncoming megatsunami: 75% of British Columbians I have read, have taken “The Poison Death Shots.” According to any number of qualified researchers (there are hundreds of them), all these people will be dead, in the next 2 - 3 years. We’re in the summer of 1347, just after the plague ships landed at Genoa and within a year, 60% of Europe's population was dead. This is what is coming. Thus the British Columbia Government, the Ontario Government, the UK Government, the German Government – whatever.. They can hide their data all they like, at some point “the data” will be completely academic, the evidence will be undeniable, it will be overwhelming, as people find their co-workers dead in their office chairs, wake up to spouses dead in their beds, as 6 month to 5 year old children die within a week of taking the Lethal Injection. At some point, the bluest of blue-pilled vaccinated pinheads will finally “get it” and before they die in turn, they’ll go looking for the politicians, doctors and with any luck, the WEF plutocrats who did this to them – and there will be nowhere on this planet they can hide. And they’re not going to bother with lawsuits. They’re not going to use guns. They will lay hands on these monsters, and literally tear them to pieces. And frankly, I wish it would hurry up.

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You are 100 percent on the money however I don't believe the blue pilled will ever admit they made a mistake and that will suppress their acknowledgement that this was caused by the vax.

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Weary and cynical as I am at 63, still, the most totally unjustified outburst of optimism for humanity, occasionally, somehow, manages to surface... 🤔

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Not a bullshit diagnosis: Shot Adverse Death Syndrome.

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Thats good :-))

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I hope your wrong….

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So do I. But when you read and listen to people as disparate as Br. Alexis Bugnolo, or Rabbi Chananya Weismann, or people like Luc Montagnier or Robert Malone; Peter McCullough, Christianne Northrop, Sucharit Bhakdi or Judy Mikovits amongst dozens of others...

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I didn’t like pressing the like button.

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I hear you.

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Why wait for all this to happen when we can prevent it by moving Now? Start with WEF and Klaus Schwab, and Yural Noah Hurrari,, next Tedros, Fauci, Birx, and the Indian guy working for the Fake White House., And the main one to go after is Bourla, he is the main problem. By taking these guys out of operation, we can save the whole world from their depopulation agenda which is really just their desire to kill God and all of His creations and replace them with beasties, chimera, and synthetic robotoid AI controlled be ings. These are the ones who God wanted to wipe out because their hearts were continually wicked. If they are able to force anything on the people then the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Can you just imagine what will happen IF they are able to force monkeypox trial poison into all of these immuno compromised people? Hell on earth by allowing them? OR Heaven on earth by Ending their Reign?

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And these are the people being mentioned in the public realm!! We are seeing many adverse events and those having them are clueless! “Surely it can’t be the jab.” A 27 year old mother (relative through marriage) with a three year old and three month old just had a stroke while on vacation and two totally different hospital systems, one in S. Carolina and the other one in Ohio, can’t find anything wrong! Now she will never be able to function normally again and take care of her kids without assistance! Plus 27ish year old at our former church, fit as can be, has a massive stroke and won’t likely walk again!!! When you say its the jab people look at us as if we just flew in from outer space! The intentional ignorance is overwhelming! This is just a scratch on the surface of events that we are seeing!

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You ,me and Jeremiah.

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Germany's Largest Health Insurer Reveals 1 in 25 Clients Underwent Medical Treatment in 2021 for Covid 'Vaccine' Side Effects


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Incredible. People should be screaming from the lamp posts. The vaxes need to be stopped.

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"...and an increase of 3000 percent."

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Very well said. Taking down this data completes the destruction of medicine. Meanwhile all the “mainstream” doctors dutifully are clapping like seals for the “science”. :(

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They’ve learned you can’t grow a proper pandemic when you have sunlight available to disinfect.

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With tools/communication like substack, data can be pieced together. Spreading it meaningfully is the challenge. The blind will remain blind, the nefarious will dig a deeper hole.

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Removing/concealing data means people do not have a true informed consent when getting vaxxed.

It’s evil.

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Dr. Paul, have you heard about this?

"Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis"


Here's a link to the pdf containing all the court files:


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Thanks, Jerry. Could have checked before posting.

The court files are new though. Small file of 90MB and searchable.

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Certainly, especially after global mass non sterilising ect vaccination producing negative efficacy.

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I like the point about the doctors being of no value because they have no idea of what works. I sense that Alexander has lived under totalitarian or similar systems. So you will understand exactly how this works. Nobody trusts or believes anything. That further empowers the totalitarians. Mass formation for sure. So sad that there are always people so intent on controlling others. Very sad.

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The COVER UP proves the crime.


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Thomas Sowell's "Knowledge and Decisions" in a nutshell. In 2022 America, too many 'Decisions' are being made by individuals who completely lack the 'Knowledge' to make them. 'We the People' possess far more knowledge because we are closer to (and therefore understand) the complexities and problems of everyday life. It shall always be so.

Do Not Comply. The Government is not your Friend.

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Epically accurate. Needs to be blasted eveyrwhere and especially to our rulers.

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Brilliant post-- and totally correct. I am beginning to think thst some of our public health people are easily manipulated and not very bright.

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The most difficult concept for a rational mind to grasp is irrational behavior. If nothing else, conspiracy theory over the past 2 years has been proven to be anything but. There are nefarious forces at work worldwide and the amount of evil cannot be overstated. We are playing a game with a stacked deck. They want us dead, there can be no other reasonable explanation.

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Excellent writing! Clear and straight to the point. Anyone can understand this, no matter how complex. This gets the message out. A most important message.

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