Thank you, Paul, so very much, for helping us to share the knowledge and information and evidence Dr. Breggin has gathered over decades demonstrating the many official attempts to control the minds, brains and spirits of so many people!

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See link hear an important message directly from Dr. Breggin .

He (and his wife Ginger) are true heros - at least to me (and millions i believe) , and they are phenomenal patriots that loves humans, and are guiding lights.

I only know TWO psychiatrists (decades apart that called out the lies of their very own psychotriopic drugs and industry.

There are NO GOOD or safe drugs in psychiatry. Not one!

Don't take my word for it. Listen to Dr. Breggin .

ps - Buy his BOOK on CoVid and the evil plan ahead .

"We are the prey!"


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It's been wonderful to see so many hero/warriors stepping up over the last nearly three years, but these two have been heroic for a *long* time. God bless them for their work, strength, and courage ~

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Besides everything mentioned here, I think the Standard American Diet, vegan diet, anti-meat propaganda, and global warming/climate change propaganda are all taking their toll on our sanity.

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This was a great in depth article on antidepressants and explained what I witnessed my beautiful 31 year old daughter go through before she took her life to end the nightmare she was caught in.She was a wonderful life filled young woman who lit up the room with her effervescence and had friends everywhere she worked or attended college. She saw the beauty in challenged individuals and connected with them genuinely, she had rare qualities, She became a person who lost all confidence in herself,unable to function even rudimentary life skills. She became disconnected with any meaningful life.and tried so hard to make herself heard to no avail.the staff at the behavioral health facility were not connecting with the reason for her anxiety which I believe to be the antidepressants. It leaves me without the light of my life and living in my own hell for not being able to help her find her way back.

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We are all being experimented upon. ALL of us.

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Don’t forget the childhood vaccine schedule, mercury in amalgam fillings that off gas your entire life & fluoridated water.

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You have to be crazy to take any big pharma drugs. You never know what you are getting and what they will do to your body. Doctors will murder you for a buck.

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023

Once aluminum process was mastered, late 19th century, we noted the first autistic-schizophrenias around 1912 or so. Jenner came out, earlier, with his smallpox based upon cowpox antigens, then killed his child with his early vaccine, so he stopped. Humphries did the history on this subject with her Delusions book. OK, Enders of measles perfected growing bugs on egg yolks, published early 50s or so, ignored by all until Salk sorted the eggs to green monkey kidneys. Right there we have SV40 bugs in every vaccine WITH aluminum, the cause of psychoses including autism. In. Every. Vaccine.

Pharmas want all of us brain dead and stupid, just as Huxley pointed out in Brave New World. Nothing new. You were saying, Paul? :)

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We have 12 senses. They have been diminishing them since 1200’s :https://www.fullylive.world/coming-soon-03

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Now we all know why our children are being abused sexually, physically, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually. These Malificent global elites who are rendering the parents completely unable and uninterested, with complete apathy and indifference, to protect and care for their children. So, the State takes the kids and these global monsters turn us all into spineless, obedient, brain-fogged victims of their demonic totalitarianism. I've seen a lot of movies about the future of mankind - strict controls, everyone wearing the same uniforms, children being groomed by others while the parents work, and young people looking for a way out of their unbearable dystopia, but I have not yet seen a movie that presents as mortifying and evil as the one we're all in.

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Plus food…fat is good for us not bad. Meat is best source of protein. GMO’s are also bioweapons. Cholesterol and statin drugs are scam and harm. It all feeds their depopulation agenda.

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Possibly the best analysis of psychotropics & the non-vaxx I have read. It seriously still seems like I am talking to a brick wall (still) when I try to provide evidence of the dangers of both. Now it’s apparently a conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory- go figure.

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