others too, but yes, and we drag the little devil Fauci & Birx & Walensky & Hahn & Jha & Malone & Bourla & Bancel & Sahin & Azar et al. into proper courts under oath to get answers
Trump singed the secret contracts, Trump knew what the vaccines were and how deadly they would become. Trump has never had a vaccine shot, nor has RFK Junior and neither have I - reason, we are not silly. Trump calls himself "The Father Of Vaccines" but they are not vaccines and they never were: But, But, But - They are "vaccines", not "genetic experimental "MODmRNA" therapy - Actually
Scientists STUNNED by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA Getting Absorbed into Human Cells –“Sunak Better Watch Out” says Dr Bhakdi
By Patricia Harrity on March 15, 2024
Not wishing to poach, but you can read the rest on my free substack - AND antibodies do not exist either, they can't happen, so they don't in the latest articles I have posted - just another Big Pharma - Doctor's thing to get you to take their ModRNA made in a laboratory DNA changing Bio-Weaons
I didn't write this article but it brings up some interesting points. My question is, was fauci and birx part of a conspiracy created during the Obama administration to unleash covid on Trump's presidency?
I asked that question because they never ended G,O.F. funding that helped create covid.
what they release, what got away was circulating for years, we have stronger evidence...this was never novel...the PCR process was to detect something they knew was circulating...they used what was circulating to 'detect' it the first time...what was done is monstrous, evil, fraud. all to topple Trump.
Fauci and the public health experts should have also considered the possibility this virus had already been spreading around the world for many months. If this is/was true, the world wouldn't even need a new mRNA vaccine because everyone would know that this new respiratory virus wasn't "deadly."
Well, virus means poison, and the poison they released was definitely deadly for some people, especially since it was not possible to get proper medical treatment or even accurate information in many places, including right here in the USA. Look up Dr. Chetty, he figured out that "it" is a biphasic illness, with the second (deadly) phase being a hypersensitivity or allergic & inflammatory phase, which required an entirely different treatment protocol than the "viral" phase. By the time someone realized the "viral" treatment wasn't working, it was too late. Tragically, I experienced this personally. https://ia902509.us.archive.org/4/items/20-pdf-web-articles-archived-4-22-22/4pg-7-3-21-chetty-elucidating-the-pathogenesis-and-rx-of-covid-reveals-a-missing-element-.pdf
If it was spreading for months we don't know really know, but what we do know is THEY KNEW this virus and sars cov3 exists and I have a document I copied from nih that references both sars co v2 and 3, from 2008. They also knew all about how deadly it wasn't, no vaccine was needed, and how unsafe & ineffective the shots truly are. Pfizer exec testified they never tested to see if it prevented infection and birx admitted they lied in her book. Sars lie, vaccines lies, everyone involved, liars.
Paul -these are two comments I posted on this article on American Thinker, a great publication.
"While there is much about your article I liked, there are two points I would make:
Trump still believes that the shots were a great idea and he claimed credit for them as recently as last week. Following your logic that Fauci was responsible, Trump would approve of that and reward it as he did by giving Fauci a medal as he left office.
While I agree completely with your assessment of Fauci et al being guilty of one of the greatest health crimes in human history, Trump knew from his meetings with Bobby Kennedy before he was even in office that Fauci was bad news, did not remove him for three years, and therefore was responsible for Fauci's presence during the Covid Crisis. So if Fauci et al is responsible for the Covid Crisis, Trump is responsible for Fauci."
I also commented to a reply that it required Senate approval to replace Fauci.
"If Trump had fired Fauci when he started the job (young blood as an excuse) it would have been old news by 2020 when the Covid Crisis occurred. Also if Trump had let Bobby Kennedy continue his Vaccine Investigation, the whole world view of Fauci and the Medical Mafia could have been radically different.
It may not have been fun, but Fauci, among others, including himself, cost Trump reelection. How much worse could it have been than that? What else? They might impeach him?"
The lost opportunity of Bobby Kennedy fully investigating the Medical Mafia was one of greatest failures of the Trump Presidency. Trump should be asked why he killed it and promise to do an honest investigation of the Vaccine Vampires if he gets reelected? That may bring back some of the people he lost with his stupid Vaccine statement last week, that even you couldn't support. Remember, we're the side of truth and honest, particularly with our friends.
DOD ran the show and HHS was their "health" umbrella. Average year, 30 million cases of the flu. In any of the recent flu years, what would have been the death rate if the Covid protocol had been followed? Remember, Covid was a nasty means to the end goal of vaccinating billions of folks with a bioweapon for which are still discovering adverse consequences! The next plandemic will follow adoption of amendment to the International Health Regulations this May. Scumbag Biden will sign us up unless a ton of heat is put on Congress.
They're all bickering over, and blowing tons of cash on hearings for thing they will never take action on. It keeps people distracted, busy little bee's while they're focused on the ridiculous and the treaty date will come and go. There doesn't need to be a sign up. The way it is written, unless it is expressly wrotten there will be no acceptance or participation, no response is acceptance and participation. We're doomed because all of the politicians serve satan amd have crooked money or little kids (or both) in their closets.
Recently RFK Jr reached out to Mike Rowe for consideration for VP. If that’s the case then as far as I’m concerned Trump is done. Trump is never going to do anything about big pharma, mRNA, Fauci, or anything relating to the scamdemic. RFK hates Fauci and Rowe is a brilliant orator and champion of the working class. No way Trump is a factor if those two get together.
The upcoming election will not center around covid. There is no way rfk jr can win the election no matter who he chooses as a running mate. This election is between Trump and traitor joe, and there's only one choice!
I'm saying if you look at every poll out there rfk jr is polling at 12% vs Trump's 45%.
I can see you don't like Trump, sorry to hear that. What do you hate, the record employment? Wage growth above inflation? Lowest poverty rate on record? Maybe world peace?
You say he's a knucklehead, I say he may be the only hope to fix the nonsense created by bush, obama and biden.
Remember, a vote for rfk jr is in reality a vote for Trump!
Your response is endemic to the problem. And it’s a big problem. You immediately assume I don’t like Trump. That zero-sum lack of critical evaluation and jumping to conclusions is exactly what leads to civil war. If it has to come down to those idiots I’ll vote for Trump and hope for the best. But, no matter if Biden or Trump win in Nov your mindset of total buy-in will persist in the minds of half the nation. With either Trump or Biden half the country will disavow them as not their president. And no filthy tricks will be off the table. With JFK and Rowe naysayers go home a little disappointed and that’s it. What you’re asking for by your snap judgements and assumptions is war. I abhor war but am fully prepared if that’s what you want.
I'm Canadian, so don't have a dog in this fight. Most of what Trump says I can agree with. Where he has seriously erred is his taking credit for the "success" of the mRNA "vaccines".
As far as who to vote for, we in Canada have been plagued by a similar uniparty political machinery supported by people voting against a leader instead of voting for what they want, reinforced by the perceived fear of the "vote split".
War? Civil war? Nowhere in my response am I implying that. My point is simple, rfk jr CAN'T WIN. So we have only 2 choices.... I HATE VIOLENCE! I HATE WAR, that's one of the reasons I support Trump. Covid is over in the minds of the voters at the moment. The main issues are the economy, immigration and new worldwide conflicts. All things Trump excelled at.
I love America, it's the last best chance for freedom. You have choices. You can vote as you see fit. I'm not here to tell you what to do, but to hopefully shine a light on what choices you might have. This is not a simple thing, there are many variables to consider.
Not sure what you mean by your last sentence but I fully agree with the rest of your comment. MAGA
On the PBS News this evening, where their on-camera employees are unabashed Biden cheerleaders, they claim that RFK Jr has 19% of the polled voters in the 7 crucial swing states and they are extremely concerned that these votes would otherwise go to Biden.
I think they are protest votes from misguided RINOs and never-Trump Republicans who could throw the election to Biden.
Falsie knew exactly what he was doing, they partnered with Moderna meaning patents and money and death all at the same time, him and Gates favorite trifecta investments. When you start and make the virus you know ahead of time what you want to use to " Safe and Effective It LOL".. Its been their way of making money for generations, just using vaccine or poisons again.. Used to be wars and blowing up things, but if you look at history they alternate between blowing up countries and making money with caused pandemics to make money..
"... the unilateral decision of Fauci to have the NIAID partner with Moderna to develop an mRNA vaccine in response to the predictable COVID pandemic and not have the NIAID engage the FDA to grant EUA for the immediately available and effective off-label use of FDA-approved therapeutics that were already on pharmacy shelves has had devastating unintended consequences."
If you're going to praise an article, how about this:
WAYNE ROOT: “THE ART OF THE DEAL.” Alex Jones Warns Trump Will Lose Election If He Keeps Praising Covid Vaccine. But I have a Way for Trump to Turn Covid Vaccines into Biggest Win-Win of All-Time
And I agree that Trump praising the Covid vaccine is a big mistake. For a guy who always wins, and loves to negotiate“win-win” deals, President Trump needs to understand the Covid vaccine is the world’s biggest “lose-lose.
Trump needs to pledge if elected, he’ll do 4 things and he wins on the issue of the Covid vaccine…
1. Trump pledges an Executive Order on day one that bans any mandates ever again regarding the Covid vaccine, masks, or lockdowns
2. Trump pledges on day one to order a Special Counsel investigation of Big Pharma and the Covid vaccines.
3. Pledge to name Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the lead Special Prosecutor of this investigation.
4. Here’s the big one that wins the presidency for Trump…Trump pledges an Executive Order on day one to force the government to reimburse for all back pay,
We must also remember that Dr. Fauxchi publicly announced (predicted, to be exact) that there would be a pandemic during the Trump Administration on January 10, 2017 only 10 days before President Trump was inaugurated. His exact words were "THERE WILL BE A SURPRISE OUTBREAK." You can't make this stuff up. He gave a speech on Pandemic Preparedness at Georgetown University and you can still find it on YT. IMO, this implicates the evil little weasel in planning the catastrophe. It's NOT a SURPRISE if it's KNOWN 3 years in advance. It's a PLAN.
From the description of the full speech: "January 10, 2017 | The Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University Medical Center (GU GHSS) in partnership with the Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI) will jointly convene leading thinkers from across sectors, and representing disciplines from practitioners to policymakers, to listen, learn, and discuss ways the next presidential administration can contribute to pandemic preparedness, global health security, and domestic readiness and resilience."
They also said 2020-2030 would be the decade of pandemics, diseases, deaths. Get used to burying your loved ones, due to neglrcted illness or poisonous cures. We've buried four.
Trump singed the secret contracts, Trump knew what the vaccines were and how deadly they would become. Trump has never had a vaccine shot, nor has RFK Junior and neither have I - reason, we are not silly. Trump calls himself "The Father Of Vaccines" but they are not vaccines and they never were: But, But, But - They are "vaccines", not "genetic experimental "MODmRNA" therapy - Actually
Scientists STUNNED by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA Getting Absorbed into Human Cells –“Sunak Better Watch Out” says Dr Bhakdi
By Patricia Harrity on March 15, 2024
Not wishing to poach, but you can read the rest on my free substack - AND antibodies do not exist either, they can't happen, so they don't in the latest articles I have posted - just another Big Pharma - Doctor's thing to get you to take their ModRNA made in a laboratory DNA changing Bio-Weaons
You left out the best part:
I didn't write this article but it brings up some interesting points. My question is, was fauci and birx part of a conspiracy created during the Obama administration to unleash covid on Trump's presidency?
I asked that question because they never ended G,O.F. funding that helped create covid.
With people beginning to recognize that U.S. government officials and the intelligence community have been less than honest, and in some cases
downright lying, surrounding the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; and when we overlay the political motives in the background of mass narrative
deflection from media and other institutions; and when we consider the known lengths that people inside the U.S. government were willing to go in
their efforts to eliminate President Trump; discovering that President Obama’s administration technically authorized the restart of “gain of
function” research (biological weaponization of SARS virus) just days before President Trump took office… is way more than alarming. My hunch is
this link might even disappear.
An even larger backstory. Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological
weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of
weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014. The media reporting on this is misleading, if not downright false.
In the original pdf guidance for the 2014 research pause of into weaponization of SARS viruses there was a footnote that everyone seems to have
missed: https://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/gain-of-function.pdf Page 2...
JANUARY 9, 2017 AT 9:06 AM ET BY .
Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is releasing “Recommended Policy Guidance for Departmental
Development of Review Mechanisms for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO).” Adoption of these recommendations will
satisfy the requirements for lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research that could enhance a pathogen’s
virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).
Issuance of this policy guidance concludes the deliberative process launched in October 2014 by OSTP and the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS). At that time, OSTP and HHS asked the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB), as informed
by feedback from the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, to provide recommendations to help shape the
development and adoption of a new United States Government policy governing the funding and conduct of this category of research.
While NSABB deliberated, such projects were placed on pause.
A ruling issued last week by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — to implement a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act, signed into law in
December 2016 — makes it legal for clinical researchers to conduct research on human subjects without obtaining informed consent when the research
poses “no more than minimal risk.”
Clinical researchers no longer have to obtain informed consent from human subjects when their research poses “no more than minimal risk,” the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled last week.
The new rule amends FDA regulations to implement a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act, which was intended to accelerate medical product
development and “bring new innovations and advances to patients who need them faster and more efficiently.”
The final rule “allows an exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than minimal risk to
the human subject and includes appropriate safeguards to protect the rights, safety, and welfare of human subjects.”
It also allows an institutional review board (IRB) “to waive or alter certain informed consent elements or to waive the requirement to obtain
informed consent, under limited conditions, for certain FDA-regulated minimal risk clinical investigations.”
Interesting footnote:
New USG funding will not be released for gain-of-function research projects that may be
reasonably anticipated to confer attributes to influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses such that
the virus would have enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility in mammals via the
respiratory route. The research funding pause would not apply to characterization or
testing of naturally occurring influenza, MERS, and SARS viruses, unless the tests are
reasonably anticipated to increase transmissibility and/or pathogenicity.
fauci gave a speech the day after obama's executive memo stating there would be a pandemic during the next administration: https://twitter.com/atensnut/status/1702745357833191472
There are too many red lights here to ignore!
what they release, what got away was circulating for years, we have stronger evidence...this was never novel...the PCR process was to detect something they knew was circulating...they used what was circulating to 'detect' it the first time...what was done is monstrous, evil, fraud. all to topple Trump.
Perfect, great response. Thanks!
Fauci and the public health experts should have also considered the possibility this virus had already been spreading around the world for many months. If this is/was true, the world wouldn't even need a new mRNA vaccine because everyone would know that this new respiratory virus wasn't "deadly."
needed no lockdowns, no vaccine...just strong protections of the vulnerable.
Well, virus means poison, and the poison they released was definitely deadly for some people, especially since it was not possible to get proper medical treatment or even accurate information in many places, including right here in the USA. Look up Dr. Chetty, he figured out that "it" is a biphasic illness, with the second (deadly) phase being a hypersensitivity or allergic & inflammatory phase, which required an entirely different treatment protocol than the "viral" phase. By the time someone realized the "viral" treatment wasn't working, it was too late. Tragically, I experienced this personally. https://ia902509.us.archive.org/4/items/20-pdf-web-articles-archived-4-22-22/4pg-7-3-21-chetty-elucidating-the-pathogenesis-and-rx-of-covid-reveals-a-missing-element-.pdf
If it was spreading for months we don't know really know, but what we do know is THEY KNEW this virus and sars cov3 exists and I have a document I copied from nih that references both sars co v2 and 3, from 2008. They also knew all about how deadly it wasn't, no vaccine was needed, and how unsafe & ineffective the shots truly are. Pfizer exec testified they never tested to see if it prevented infection and birx admitted they lied in her book. Sars lie, vaccines lies, everyone involved, liars.
They knew about the studies because Facebook banned them all!!!!
They also paid people/military to shame people online. The UK called them “ nudgers”.
Noe they will be known as knobs!
Paul -these are two comments I posted on this article on American Thinker, a great publication.
"While there is much about your article I liked, there are two points I would make:
Trump still believes that the shots were a great idea and he claimed credit for them as recently as last week. Following your logic that Fauci was responsible, Trump would approve of that and reward it as he did by giving Fauci a medal as he left office.
While I agree completely with your assessment of Fauci et al being guilty of one of the greatest health crimes in human history, Trump knew from his meetings with Bobby Kennedy before he was even in office that Fauci was bad news, did not remove him for three years, and therefore was responsible for Fauci's presence during the Covid Crisis. So if Fauci et al is responsible for the Covid Crisis, Trump is responsible for Fauci."
I also commented to a reply that it required Senate approval to replace Fauci.
"If Trump had fired Fauci when he started the job (young blood as an excuse) it would have been old news by 2020 when the Covid Crisis occurred. Also if Trump had let Bobby Kennedy continue his Vaccine Investigation, the whole world view of Fauci and the Medical Mafia could have been radically different.
It may not have been fun, but Fauci, among others, including himself, cost Trump reelection. How much worse could it have been than that? What else? They might impeach him?"
The lost opportunity of Bobby Kennedy fully investigating the Medical Mafia was one of greatest failures of the Trump Presidency. Trump should be asked why he killed it and promise to do an honest investigation of the Vaccine Vampires if he gets reelected? That may bring back some of the people he lost with his stupid Vaccine statement last week, that even you couldn't support. Remember, we're the side of truth and honest, particularly with our friends.
DOD ran the show and HHS was their "health" umbrella. Average year, 30 million cases of the flu. In any of the recent flu years, what would have been the death rate if the Covid protocol had been followed? Remember, Covid was a nasty means to the end goal of vaccinating billions of folks with a bioweapon for which are still discovering adverse consequences! The next plandemic will follow adoption of amendment to the International Health Regulations this May. Scumbag Biden will sign us up unless a ton of heat is put on Congress.
They're all bickering over, and blowing tons of cash on hearings for thing they will never take action on. It keeps people distracted, busy little bee's while they're focused on the ridiculous and the treaty date will come and go. There doesn't need to be a sign up. The way it is written, unless it is expressly wrotten there will be no acceptance or participation, no response is acceptance and participation. We're doomed because all of the politicians serve satan amd have crooked money or little kids (or both) in their closets.
Recently RFK Jr reached out to Mike Rowe for consideration for VP. If that’s the case then as far as I’m concerned Trump is done. Trump is never going to do anything about big pharma, mRNA, Fauci, or anything relating to the scamdemic. RFK hates Fauci and Rowe is a brilliant orator and champion of the working class. No way Trump is a factor if those two get together.
The upcoming election will not center around covid. There is no way rfk jr can win the election no matter who he chooses as a running mate. This election is between Trump and traitor joe, and there's only one choice!
boom...you should know I am part of that.
Oh, I see. You’re saying our only choice will be between two knuckleheaded geriatric turd blossoms. Pretty fucking depressing.
well, its an interesting question...who would you chose? give us a good chose...we will consider. seriously
I'm saying if you look at every poll out there rfk jr is polling at 12% vs Trump's 45%.
I can see you don't like Trump, sorry to hear that. What do you hate, the record employment? Wage growth above inflation? Lowest poverty rate on record? Maybe world peace?
You say he's a knucklehead, I say he may be the only hope to fix the nonsense created by bush, obama and biden.
Remember, a vote for rfk jr is in reality a vote for Trump!
45 is one of the smartest POTUS we ever had. he is better than them in DC character wise.
Your response is endemic to the problem. And it’s a big problem. You immediately assume I don’t like Trump. That zero-sum lack of critical evaluation and jumping to conclusions is exactly what leads to civil war. If it has to come down to those idiots I’ll vote for Trump and hope for the best. But, no matter if Biden or Trump win in Nov your mindset of total buy-in will persist in the minds of half the nation. With either Trump or Biden half the country will disavow them as not their president. And no filthy tricks will be off the table. With JFK and Rowe naysayers go home a little disappointed and that’s it. What you’re asking for by your snap judgements and assumptions is war. I abhor war but am fully prepared if that’s what you want.
I'm Canadian, so don't have a dog in this fight. Most of what Trump says I can agree with. Where he has seriously erred is his taking credit for the "success" of the mRNA "vaccines".
As far as who to vote for, we in Canada have been plagued by a similar uniparty political machinery supported by people voting against a leader instead of voting for what they want, reinforced by the perceived fear of the "vote split".
War? Civil war? Nowhere in my response am I implying that. My point is simple, rfk jr CAN'T WIN. So we have only 2 choices.... I HATE VIOLENCE! I HATE WAR, that's one of the reasons I support Trump. Covid is over in the minds of the voters at the moment. The main issues are the economy, immigration and new worldwide conflicts. All things Trump excelled at.
I love America, it's the last best chance for freedom. You have choices. You can vote as you see fit. I'm not here to tell you what to do, but to hopefully shine a light on what choices you might have. This is not a simple thing, there are many variables to consider.
Not sure what you mean by your last sentence but I fully agree with the rest of your comment. MAGA
On the PBS News this evening, where their on-camera employees are unabashed Biden cheerleaders, they claim that RFK Jr has 19% of the polled voters in the 7 crucial swing states and they are extremely concerned that these votes would otherwise go to Biden.
I think they are protest votes from misguided RINOs and never-Trump Republicans who could throw the election to Biden.
A vote for rfk is in reality a vote for Trump. That means that when they vote for rfk that take a vote from traitor joe.
Like most elections, this turd or that turd. This traitor or thst traitor. Same ole, same ole.
They've all been installed. Or it's just coincidence?!!!
Falsie knew exactly what he was doing, they partnered with Moderna meaning patents and money and death all at the same time, him and Gates favorite trifecta investments. When you start and make the virus you know ahead of time what you want to use to " Safe and Effective It LOL".. Its been their way of making money for generations, just using vaccine or poisons again.. Used to be wars and blowing up things, but if you look at history they alternate between blowing up countries and making money with caused pandemics to make money..
"... the unilateral decision of Fauci to have the NIAID partner with Moderna to develop an mRNA vaccine in response to the predictable COVID pandemic and not have the NIAID engage the FDA to grant EUA for the immediately available and effective off-label use of FDA-approved therapeutics that were already on pharmacy shelves has had devastating unintended consequences."
"unintended consequences"? 🤔 Ha!! 🤣 I think not!!
We are living in insane upside-down clown world, after all...
Because end times are coming. Also why the movement and perception of time is changing rapidly.
If you're going to praise an article, how about this:
WAYNE ROOT: “THE ART OF THE DEAL.” Alex Jones Warns Trump Will Lose Election If He Keeps Praising Covid Vaccine. But I have a Way for Trump to Turn Covid Vaccines into Biggest Win-Win of All-Time
And I agree that Trump praising the Covid vaccine is a big mistake. For a guy who always wins, and loves to negotiate“win-win” deals, President Trump needs to understand the Covid vaccine is the world’s biggest “lose-lose.
Trump needs to pledge if elected, he’ll do 4 things and he wins on the issue of the Covid vaccine…
1. Trump pledges an Executive Order on day one that bans any mandates ever again regarding the Covid vaccine, masks, or lockdowns
2. Trump pledges on day one to order a Special Counsel investigation of Big Pharma and the Covid vaccines.
3. Pledge to name Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the lead Special Prosecutor of this investigation.
4. Here’s the big one that wins the presidency for Trump…Trump pledges an Executive Order on day one to force the government to reimburse for all back pay,
We must also remember that Dr. Fauxchi publicly announced (predicted, to be exact) that there would be a pandemic during the Trump Administration on January 10, 2017 only 10 days before President Trump was inaugurated. His exact words were "THERE WILL BE A SURPRISE OUTBREAK." You can't make this stuff up. He gave a speech on Pandemic Preparedness at Georgetown University and you can still find it on YT. IMO, this implicates the evil little weasel in planning the catastrophe. It's NOT a SURPRISE if it's KNOWN 3 years in advance. It's a PLAN.
Here's the short version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puqaaeLnEww
And here's the full speech (not sure how anyone could endure nearly an hour of him, but here you go): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNXGAxGJgQI
From the description of the full speech: "January 10, 2017 | The Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University Medical Center (GU GHSS) in partnership with the Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI) will jointly convene leading thinkers from across sectors, and representing disciplines from practitioners to policymakers, to listen, learn, and discuss ways the next presidential administration can contribute to pandemic preparedness, global health security, and domestic readiness and resilience."
They also said 2020-2030 would be the decade of pandemics, diseases, deaths. Get used to burying your loved ones, due to neglrcted illness or poisonous cures. We've buried four.