Bourlo and Bancel are moral monsters and are Greedy George Soros Jews who care only about profit without any concern for the social cost. I can say that because I am a Jew. They need to be treated as those who commit crimes against humanity and dealt with accordingly. In the end, they will have been responsible for millions of deaths and more ruined lives. The fact they could care less about our children shows their satanic natures. As Jesus said to the Jewish leaders of his day 2000 years ago, "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." This sounds eerily familiar doesn't it?

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soros started his career in WWII as a teen, sending fellow Hungarian Jews on the trains. He cares about nothing or anybody except his desire to rule the world.

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I went for acupuncture today - for back and neck pain - with a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

He told me how he recently treated a young lady who came to his practice in a wheelchair after having received her 1st pfizer injection.

He told me that during lockdown he treated covid patients with traditional Chinese herbal remedies and they all recovered in a week to ten days.

He refuses to take the injection and maintains that within five years, the proper wholesale destruction of health and death in the injected population will manifest itself.

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Yup. Beyond comprehension that people are so evil.

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It would be interesting to see the percentage of individuals who got inoculated later contracted a variant of Covid all the same. I know several - and, I'm guessing, so does everyone else.

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I am still seeing cases among my vax-free acquaintances but the vast majority of infections I hear about are among the Pfizered.

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Crimes against humanity. I know 3 adults that likely died from the jab. Next will be children.

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That's the plan. bill gates(of hell) wants a severe decrease in population. Wish he would start with himself.

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Yeah and the antibodies lasted what? A whole month? Salvation cometh. 🙄

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Naïve, learning, adapting, innate immune systems of the young are not to be tinkered with because then there is no hope for sterilising natural immunity. C-19 doesn’t or rarely affects children. Autoimmune, vaccine induced CD8 T-cell dependent acute hepatitis does which is at least a red flag. Vaccine shedding is real. Also, the liver is where the vaccine spike protein converts into DNA, causing inflammation, one may join the dots. This is an experimental, LNP mRNA, non sterilising, gene therapy, (very recently included on the NIH website as the definition of a vaccine), “vaccine”. And for corona viruses! With a non sterilising vaccine for a start! WHO are they trying to bullshit! They have been unsuccessfully mucking around with corona virus vaccines for decades only to end up with disease enhancement or antibody dependent enhancement. Marek’s disease and dengue fever are other failed vaccine examples of this. This abomination of a so called vaccine is now common knowledge and I hear people talking about it. Keep spreading the word. First there was vaccine resistance, viral immune escape variants, negative efficacy and now antibody dependent enhancement appears and dormant viruses evolving. (Monkey pox is on the public record as gain of function , complete with another so called vaccine. The genome sequence of this is out a week or so ago). My guess is that this is an unfortunate combination.

The C-19 lipid nanoparticle vaccine spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells and down regulates DNA repair and the immune system. (Swedish study Nov 2021, major game changer in molecular biology. Merogenomics 18 YouTube). I couldn’t think of anything worse for a vaccine design.

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Murdering big pharma thugs. That works two ways. They have never been able to demonstrate that their poison mRNA gene therapy injections do anything other than cause severe harm and even death to humans.

Their true efficacy or ARR (absolute risk reduction) is less than 1%. Even the trials were never completed because the control groups were destroyed on purpose. Allowing pregnant women to receive this garbage was determined the true scientific way...using 44 rats. And we still trust these parasites?

There is no way to know if you had any covid because there are no tests that can confirm this. You would need a sample of the covid vector DNA/RNA, not the simulated computer algorithm they use, to compare your test results with. Since no covid virus has ever been isolated, it's all guesswork and people are often to lazy to question this nonsense.

Covid is nothing more than rebranded flu and cold symptoms with several other maladies thrown in. The regular cold and flu season was altered to covid season, nothing more. That psycho fauci didn't want any autopsies to be preformed on those said to have perished from covid. I wonder why?

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see also andreas oehler's excellent analysis from uk data across age groups https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/collateral-insights-uk-ons-edition

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Dr. Alexander, here is the notice that was on today's newsletter from the California Medical Association. Pediatricians are being given grants to push this criminal shot. They must be held accountable!

Deadline extended for pediatric COVID-19 vaccine grant program; apply by July 15

Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) has extended the deadline for its KidsVaxGrant program – which will award grants of up to $15,000 to support Vaccines for Children providers providing pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. Applications will now be accepted through July 15, 2022. Administered by PHC, the California Department of Public Health is investing approximately $10 million to fund the KidsVaxGrant program.

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They’ve been doing this for a very long time. Lots and lots of practice.

How the FDA Buried the Dangers of Anti-Depressants


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Aimee, thank you for this. I'm so upset, I'll have to finish reading this later. I had realized if pharm lied to us about covid vax, there must be other lies. Just didn't think the lies would be about so many meds i have taken over the last 25 years.

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I’m right there with you, friend.

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Ok, had to share.....for a bit of humour and LOTS of truth...book of the month....How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom - A Parody Children's Book....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGyPcHsXmho

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Dr. Alexander, here is the notice from the California Medical Society regarding the money that is paid to pediatricians to push this criminal shot. They must be held accountable!

Deadline extended for pediatric COVID-19 vaccine grant program; apply by July 15

Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) has extended the deadline for its KidsVaxGrant program – which will award grants of up to $15,000 to support Vaccines for Children providers providing pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. Applications will now be accepted through July 15, 2022. Administered by PHC, the California Department of Public Health is investing approximately $10 million to fund the KidsVaxGrant program.

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Jun 2, 2022
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They have a good doctor then 🙏

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Jun 2, 2022
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These monsters ,their names are known ,should be arrested stripped of all their riches down to their pants and send to a northern forest with an ax and handsaw to work 12 hours a day on some bread and water .for the rest of their life .

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