That's why I don't date and will probably remain single for the rest of my life. I suffered so much from shedding and decided I just cannot ever live with a jabbed person. It's kind of sad in a way but I'm also glad I was smart enough to stay away from this crap. I listened to Doctors like now deceased Rashid Buttar. If not for him, I would not have traveled down the rabbit hole of information.

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Aug 9, 2023ยทedited Aug 9, 2023

Nicotine - a defense to Covid, post-Covid issues, and Shedding ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿชด๐Ÿƒ


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I think it would be more just to have guilt determined by a PCR test run at 50 cycles for 95% false positives...

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Great didn't get the vax but the wife did (work mandates) now I am copping the shedding terrific :(

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Just when everyone was getting comfortable with a materialistic worldview, evil returns from all directions.

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Widowed and posted on dating site no to anyone jabbed. Already.. two women interested when chatting and I asked the question, " did you take the jab " ? " yes, but the web says the Spike protein leaves the body after a short time, so you would be safe ". When I informed them that it stays throughout the body, they got #1 angry with me and told me I'm un informed #2 well it saved lives and you have to believe, what you believe.

So, it's going to be very difficult going forward I'm beginning to understand to find a lady who understands and has not been jabbed to fall in love with. I'm thinking now within the next 5 years the contamination through sex, and close contact will result in mass population reduction from death and the complete collapse of the medical system , overwhelmed with serious injuries and side effects. I'm lucky to be 77 and fit having lost my love in Sept, so looking into the countries that had low jab % to move to from canada and carry on from there , were ever that may be.

Want to make alot of money and your a tech, start up a dating site for the un jabbed. Ray

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Karen Kingston surfaces...she's been MIA, in hiding...

and no surprise who is coming after her.

KarenKingston on GETTR : karenkingston Livestream 2023-07-23

should probably watch it soon, it will be taken down any minute, I'm sure...

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Everyone agrees. How though? Everything is so corrupt. These satanic people have infiltrated everywhere from politicians to courts to corporations. How do we wake up the corporations to see they were lied too. These plans of depopulation arenโ€™t going to get them customers or money obviously. Nobody trusts big pharma any longer either. We need more whistleblowers.

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I remember everyone was pushing shots except for the companies that made and released the vax, none and I mean NONE of their people HAD TO TAKE VAX! THAT RIGHT THERE TELLS THE TRUTH, THEY MADE POISON FOR EVERYONE BUT DID NOT TAKE IT THEMSELVES!

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What do you get when you kiss a guy? You get enough germs to catch pneumonia After you do, he'll never phone ya I'll never fall in love again https://youtu.be/S-g2RCdk8nI?t=36

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Saw a headline about some Canadian "rapper" just got 10 years for "shooting at the back of (someone's) feet" Girlfriend or something, wounded and survived (how stupid and cruel of the idiot shooter)... So what should the sentence be for the bastards responsible for uncountable jab deaths, injury, and suffering? Yeah, think you've got it about right, Doc.

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Who knew ? The BORG (Bourla > Borgla?) already seemed to be full-throttle busy before that StarTrek โ€˜storylineโ€™ ended. ... just a little โ€œpredictive programmingโ€ to put the masses asleep with ANOTHER โ€œHappy Ending.โ€ ๐ŸŒˆ โ„๏ธ ๐Ÿ’” โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ‘บ ๐Ÿฅณ

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When I was a teen, neither I nor my peers ever worried about our health. Like previous generations of teens, we took our health for granted. We ate a lot of crap but we were very physically active. And nobody ever told us: โ€œNo more basketball, no more track, no more band, no more chess club, no more algebra, chemistry, or history, just go home, stay indoors, and if you get together with your friends youโ€™re all going to die..โ€

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So abstinence is still the best policy to avoid picking up things shed?

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Dr Elias.. or anyone.. my granddaughter in Canada has developed many things since jabs..her Thyroid is off & she needs to do CT or MIR..on medication now say she had Hashimotos disease.

Doctor said it causes her brain fog..tired..loss of memory! She is 23.. Now her boss is yelling at her calling her stupid and will fire her..and he doesnโ€™t believe what doctor says. This is what is being done to Canadians!! What can she do?? She is also Mรจtis Canadian..

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Sucharit Bhakdi warned of vax shedding 2021. Many struggled to accept and understand this. Saw documented evidence here about 2 years ago. If someone is recently vaxed for covid, flu or whatever, go out of your way to avoid them. ALL VACCINES NOW ARE mRNA. If you want justice then itโ€™s best to keep strong and assume you have been shed on by air. SPIKE DETOX - (Paul Alexander, Peter McCullough, Walter M Chessnut, Thailand Medical News, Kevin Mc Kernan probably has good ideas on that, many others are onto it). Detox and prevention is the go, including high antioxidant anti inflammatory diet, essential minerals, vitamins and essential oils and fats (only) etc. Nattokinase, ivermectin and a few others in the correct combination. KEEP YOUR BLOOD STRONG. I Have notes saved to read later about nicotine interfering with ACE 2 receptors for the spike.. Cannabinoids blocking the spike entering the nucleus of the cells. WMC Research on SubStack is hopeful. Look under Friday Hope section. What about high doses of vitamin C? Linus Paulin knew a thing or two about that.

FOR mRNA IN MEAT Since heat degrades mRNA, what temperature, how long and to what extent? If in doubt I suggest cooking stew or bolognaise. Anyway, lots of sunshine, fresh air and moderate exercise and be happy.

Those depraved abominations are presently feeling a little bit more than embarrassment. We are having the Big Match of a lifetime outing them and are thrilled being on the winning team. They are now desperate and most dangerous but they are now out numbered as common knowledge is now common. They have plenty of rope, far more than they bargained for. Donโ€™t you worry about that.

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