I think it is unequivocally fair to state that impairment of sperm count & motility with their attendant combined impact on both near & long term fertility were among the principle objectives from the outset.

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Not to be callous, but those that did not take personal responsibility with the massive amount of history and information regarding these bioweapon jabs AND willingly (for whatever reason) rolled up their sleeves, it may be better they do not reproduce.

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I share to inform especially men out there, young men. Take this into consideration. I nor anyone but you and your doctor are to decide if you even take the doctor into account, but if I were telling my brother, I would say stay 1000 miles from any of these shots, and we move to imprison, criminal investigations, criminal negligence charges on all involved.

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Unless you'd figured out the plandemic early on, you were a sitting duck when these injections rolled up.

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Right on. The coordinated censorship is extraordinary. I fear something very evil, way more sinister than the last 3 years is unfolding. They can't stop now. Crazy thing is, most people are unaware. If you bring it up, they can't see it, they think you're crazy and shut you down.

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What have you heard?

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Looks like it's been pulled already.

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Rumble! Actually, I was surprised this was available on youtube. This is awesome!


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If the swim team is reduced by 22%, what does it say about the quality of the swimmers that remain?

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Let's ask Michael Phelps on his medical expertise as a Pfizer advocate. Or perhaps the NCAA's greatest female swimmer Lia Thomas for her input on the future of the sport. :D

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I specifically recall reports of young couples requesting waivers of employer mandates on the basis of their then-current efforts and/or future efforts to conceive, since they had become familiar with similar, early reports of covid shots deleteriously affecting sperm and ovarian function. Such waiver requests were denied, and most of those couples requesting them eventually succumbed to mandated orders to 'vaccinate.' (Having been scolded by employers that they had been repeating "misinformation," they were worried about their livelihood.)

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Thanks. It gets worse. In one out of five, it appears that fertility was permanently impaired. The original study’s results were written up in a way that disguised this, perhaps in order to enable the study’s publication. Look at my article from June carefully: https://truth613.substack.com/p/brand-new-male-fertility-information

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Love you Dr. P and appreciate all you do - some simply cannot be saved, but for the ones you do, bravo. And I truly pray ALL THOSE responsible are held accountable. And more would do due diligence.

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As a Canadian Dr. Alexander it would be nice one day if perhaps the Journal De Montreal-especially Richard Martineau and company whom labelled us for years as "covidiots" for expressing our concerns for this and a host of other issues backed by empirical data.

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Does anyone have information on the effects of the J&J shot?

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Unvaxxed/Unjabbed Sperm and Eggs are about to command a pretty penny $$$

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Dr Paul,

(A bit off topic)

What do you know about covid shots and hematomas?

My niece's workout 30 something yo friend developed horrible headaches a couple of weeks or so after her latest booster (2nd, I think). Yesterday, she fell out during their workout and was air lifted to a hospital and was found to have a hematoma between her eyes requiring drilling and insertion of drain tubes with surgery next.

Are hematomas potential side effects of the shot?

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The horrors will be compounded if fertility clinics use spiked sperm. What will the embryo be?

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Am I missing something here? The article reports that the effect of Covid vaccination on semen was transient with recovery noted at T3; however, this only seems due to a lack of statistical significance that could’ve been due to an under powered study. It seems pretty obvious that the raw percentages of sperm concentration, % motility, and total motile count all remain decreased from T0.

Part of me wonders whether or not there is actually more data out there that was not included in order for the power of the study to be throttled down.

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Thank you and shared.

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If I were a sperm, I'd swim up Austin's ass just to give birth to a MAN BABY NEWS STORY LIKE THIS ONE! (hint: The DoD did it) ALL OF IT. FOIA released! BOOM!!!!!!!!!


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Yuval Noah Harari speaks of homosapiens having been replaced within one hundred years.

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Harari is a crazy, arrogant, homosexual svengali.

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...and, a loudmouth! Mercifully. Otherwise we'd be in the dark over all this.

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To be fair he did warn about the technocratic state and ability to hack humans,


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I send Harari clips to normies, just for fun.

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Well known and done by design

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