even if they worked 100% and had ZERO adverse side effects, that would not justify the mandates, restrictions, job loss, terrible treatment by former "friends," etc. many people showed their true colors under pressure and it wasn't pretty. what about the term "inalienable rights" didn't they understand?

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yeah, I need apologies from some people. We didn't get near the vaxxes. Were told, "we're protecting YOU!" Yeah, right. SMH. So sick of the lies, fraud, crap....

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indeed! i had an old "friend" who is HIV positive, a gift from her gay husband, who turned down my offer of a lovely guest room in my house the minute she found out that my boyfriend (who she worships!) and i weren't getting vaccinated!

and lost my job of 40 years!!

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Whoa! So sorry about all that. Sad that people are so closed-minded. Had 2 of husband's relatives say they hate the unvaccinated. I actually remained calm, as I'm trying to "let things go." But really, losing your job and a "friend," that's very sad.

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How supposedly intelligent people can be so misled is very sad and frightening.

I am so sorry,

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It’s pretty bad when someone who maybe should be sensitive to being treated like a leper treats you like a leper! But I’ve had my little revenge

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Bravo! Good for you. But, isn't it sad that one had to do "stuff" instead of appreciating the good for so many years. From my viewpoint, when a government involves itself in one's daily life, something is drastically wrong. We're headed down a very scary road.

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You lead an interesting life

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Ahh ...American.

In the brain frozen north we say......theatre.

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Anyone who read the excellent 4 pt series of articles by Peter Doshi in the BMJ knew that these shots would at best, not work and at worst, hurt people. Doshi kept bringing up the point the trials were not created to show that they prevented infection/transmission. And they only showed a reduction of mild to moderate symptoms. I kept showing this to people and telling them but most would not believe it. I have been waiting almost 2 years now for this to be accepted in the mainstream.

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Meanwhile, they wouldn't believe us: lives lost, friendships lost -- for no reason other than these lies and coverups

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Divide and conquer.

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Right there with you- all my information fell on deaf ears.

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I heard this interview on Tucker tonight! I cheered! This is a real positive step in getting the TRUTH out to the masses. Let the lawsuits begin.

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Meanwhile, CDC approved vax for children 5 and over. They’re terrified of losing their profits.

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Pfizer should be sued right out of existence.

Lawsuits to infinity & beyond!

Fraud all the way down.

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That’s why they wanted 75 yrs. to show the data.

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All the way down to the last turtle.

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The paper that one had to sign to get the shot, basically excuses them. The shot was an emergency authorization (you are the guinea pig), you said ok. It was/is? not approved.

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Not if fraud is proven.

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Being cynical, the big word is 'if". Thanks for the heads up.

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"We must place Bourla and Bancel in chains if shown all of this is true, these are criminals!"

Chains are heavy, more expensive, and have a substantial carbon footprint (for those who think that actually matters). A simple piece of rope, seven foot off the ground, will do the trick.

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How about a shot every month and let them stay free?

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Even better. But, we get to select the ampule. No more of these saline shots for these guys.

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In the eyes.

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Just keep them updated on boosters. You can bet they haven’t had a shot.

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As a matter of passing curiosity, that comment will have you permanently banned from Twatter - I know from experience

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Well done.

Getting banned from Twitter is like getting banned from re-education camp.

They'll ban someone for implying harm, whilst promoting those actually doing mass harm.

They did you a favour.

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There will be NO APOLOGIES!! Don’t hold your breath! Those who promoted this NEED TO BE PUBLICLY PUNISHED!!! THEY NEED TO FEAR US!

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What difference does it make? So many people got pressured into jabbing!!! Over half the world rolled up their sleeves! Once that was achieved it DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER THAT THEY LIED!!! We showed them we will DO WHATEVER THEY WANT TO GET BACK TO NORMAL! Weak fucking sheep!!!!

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How long before Twitter suspends his account for spreading "misinformation"?

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A friend told me she never under the impression that the vaccine would prevent transmission but would prevent severity of the illness. I think her "impression" has changed because of the backpedaled propaganda from our "authorities". I don't take a Polio vaccine hoping I get a light, non-contagious case. We need more US data showing the the hospitalizations and deaths of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. I found the one from Dr. Alexander for the UK...

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Here's one for you Dr A. Press conference after Pfizer ceo albert bourla refused to answer in front of European Parliment - 11hrs ago, 10-11-'22. https://youtu.be/2jTgDj7uiX8

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I love those MEPs that have been speaking out all along!

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This is about exterminating all of us weeds, human garbage, landfill, or whatever term "they" call us by. The reality of the situation is that our politicians have sold our lives to Big Pharma and our extermination is imminent, because we are no longer necessary in the scheme of things, they don't want to feed us, house us or provide us with their money and we are all now on the garbage tip and you know what happens to garbage, don't you - hence these vaccines and the government mandates and force to ensure none escape the net and all are exterminated.

My suggestion to anyone force-ably vaccinated is to find the nearest electric cattle fence and short yourself out on it several times - that should kill the injected nanotechnology and parasites, especially if done soon after the injections have been done.

Carer arrived today for my renter, says she is starting to go blind in one eye - the results, I take it, of the vaccines she was forced to have, to keep her job - at least they did not kill her - but blindness, would be a fate worse than death to a sighted person, anyway, should that later occur.

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I'm sorry to hear that about the carer. I'm afraid that the "blind in one eye" may be only the start of it. And she will not be alone in her experience.

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Hi Dani - Yes I agree with you. She is not blind in one eye yet, but she is noticing blindness starting to occur on one side of her outer right eye. We tried the Bluetooth search for her digital number, but her iPhone did not find one, however it was in Bluetooth and searching for other Bluetooth devices nearby, so either I do not know enough to set an iPhone up properly to find that number, or the later vaccines have been modified so that the number does not appear. I was surprised at how willing she was to experiment with her iPhone on her own body, I had said nothing previously, because I did not want to upset her, but she was more than capable of taking the bad news, dealing with it and getting on with her married life, with kids - more power to her.

It is amazing to me that Biden has achieved so much from a negative point of view in such a short time - give him the remaining 2 years of his Presidency and I'd say there won't be anything left for Trump or anyone else to take over from - this whole process of vaccines and what they really seem to be doing, is already past the point of no return and has a life force of its own. What will be interesting for the more immediate future, is what happens to the humans in Australia and New Zealand as their governments force total compliance to the vaccines, if they can do that and the death rates and presumably Android modifications go on unchecked. 50 years old seems to be the use by date for everyone now, as anyone over 50 is probably considered to be too old and worn out for further modifications, so dispose of them as conveniently and quickly as possible. (Shudder)

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Hah! I've wondered about that (disposing of us old people). I admit, from time to time the thought flits across my mind.... what if I am like the only gray-haired person left in my town? Will I be somehow hunted down as it becomes obvious that I did not take the poison? (I read too many dystopian sci fi books, clearly). That could never happen.... right?

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Nothing is impossible and the impossible is now fact. If someone had said to me 5 years ago that we would find ourselves here, now, I would have laughed at them and called them bonkers, but here we are and ridiculous is fact, so who is bonkers now - obviously me!!

I am a lot worse off, in all probability to you - desert all around here, hot as Hell and without any supply chain, electricity or water, the future does look a bit grim, if the worst comes to the worst and I find myself alone, or one of the very few still left alive here.

I will be OK for a bit - breaking into empty homes for what I can find, releasing pets and feeding them while I can and local supermarkets, probably with a tire iron or something like that, although there are always the cars - I forgot about that option. I don't read any books now, I don't have the time, I forget how long ago I read a book - it was a Jack Reacher one, though, I seem to recall.

It seems to me and it is my impression, that everyone over 50 is now dying in ever increasing numbers and have you noiticed that people 50 plus are the ones that vaccines are now recommended for, thus 50 plus for the chop?

I am almost 76 and like you not vaccinated - I do Richard's free salt water cure and that has kept me safe from the odd virus I have picked up while I have been out and about and on which I rely totally now.

Ultimately, it does not really matter how much longer I live for, because retired also means waiting for death to occur but my life is enjoyable now and that is sufficient until my future catches up with me and it all ends - I feel for all of the young people who have died and in all probability won't live beyond 50 now, thanks to what is happening now - my take on that is changing we humans into Androids and that is what Joe means by The Big Reset - we don't need to know, all we have to do is conform and do what we are told to do - something I have never been very good at doing!!

Good Luck to you - keep the home fires burning and don't ever submit to these vaccines - nor me too - who knows, if we live in the same town, we might even meet, now that would be a buzz to be sure, though I'm not in the States.

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Yes, they certainly need to take the punishment for what they have done (and are still doing!). Rotten to the core!😫

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this plandemic goes beyond the vaccines. They were just another tool to break humanity so we could be enslaved. Bourla and Bancel answered to those with the power. They were just lackeys. Lets keep our eyes on the root cause.

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I've lost old friends and don't speak to certain relatives any more, nor do they try to communicate with me.

It's a relief, truth be told.

"Stop arguing with idiots. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

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