Absolutely. Poland and every other country should be suing Pfizer and all covid vaccine pharmas. High time!

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Poland should sue Phizer.

They did not stop infection or transmission . Poland should sue Phizer for billions.

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Sort of like a serial killer suing his victims for carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Poland needs to bring a fraud lawsuit in return citing excess deaths. Begin the dismantling of the Covid narrative.

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Boston Tea Party had the right idea. Destroy the product(s)..

This would work for Pfizer as well.

No product. No problem

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I’m going to disagree with holding original inventors liable. No one will ever invent anything as it may be used disastrously in the future. Poland , other countries, as well as individuals, companies, colleges, etc. should all be suing for the lies Pfizer, other companies, government agencies, and experts told about the injections. You usually can’t win because they have so much money, but they don’t have the money to fight thousands or hundreds of thousands of suits at the same time. There is tons of evidence today.

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So cam someone please explain to me like I'm a 5 yr old why we can't sue big Pharma for violating truth im advertising? According to the FTC's website,. they are in complete violation. Amongst a lot of other serious crimes. FDA just sued a supplement company for violating the same law. Yeah I know they can do whatever they want

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This is awesome!!

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Ultimately, the US DoD needs to be sued, as well as the CCP.

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NO BRAINER Paul! every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer for deliberately injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

I'd start with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!

Watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Plllllease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in yandex.com, mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter and substack search), gigablast.com, startpage.com, duckduckgo.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




WARNING! Weaponization of vaccines:

AI exposes zero Government oversight on Pharma





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I remember reading about this brimming pharma dispute a while back.

Poland screamed blue murder and told pfizer that Poland is not paying one brass polish farthing to pfizer.

Pfizer then said pay us 50%.

Poland said: "fuck you, you greedy kikes; we'll ressurrect Hitler to gas your Jewish CEO before we pay anything".

And so pfizer is now going to court.

How pedestrian.

This would be quite an easy case to win in the law courts - that is if Poland ever had the balls to allege defective product.

That would be a sustianable defence in contract law.

Poland, if it really had the fully erect kosher polony it would love to have, could even counter-sue for the damages in delict (tort in the USA) that the poison jab did to its society in terms of loss of economic activity and increased medical costs to treat the injured and bury the dead jabbed Poles.

This could be in the tens of USD billions - way exceeding pfizer's little boy's claim.

But Poland doesn't even have a soft pole it can erect.

Not even were pfizer to gave it free viagra.

So, the soft cock Poland will capitulate and make a non-discloure agreement deal for a fraction of the worthless 60 million doses of mRNA rotting in its govt medical vault.

And the kikes will again get some USD for zilch.

Then the media story will go back to Oscar Pistorius being paroled in Jan 2024 and poor dead social climber Reeva's brains splattered against the guest toilet wall.

If Oscar had been poor, she might have still been alive, because she wouldn't have looked twice at some broke legless bloke.

Then the media will report HAMAS is giving the Nazi Israelis the finger over the 2nd tranche of hostage releases.

Then you'll go to bed after drowning your sorrows with booze or hot chocolate.

And tomorrow, being Sunday, Alexander will wake us up by sending us more garbage fodder so we can protest and moan and bang on the keyboard until our fingers go numb.

And then Monday back to work.

What a cruel new cowardly world.

Well Xmas isn't far away and then it's 2024.

What will the elite globalist 2024 gig be?

I pay a USD 20 first prize only for the best plots.

I'm off to make my hot chocolate with French cognac.

Night night.

Much love,


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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023

Dr. A - If you're not familiar with JJ Couey, PhD (Biology), then let me introduce you... I came across him from someone's comment to a substack I was reading - no, I don't recall any of those details.

JJ Couey, PhD (Bio), GIVES THE MOST INTERESTING & PLAUSIBLE THEORY RE. HOW THE CONVID PLANDEMIC WAS PULLED OFF THAT I'VE HEARD/READ ABOUT SO FAR... WITH INFECTIOUS CLONES. The main part of his talk is from 30:30 to 1:01:22 - he makes 2 drawings in the last 1/3rd of this portion that are NOT to be missed - they highlight the entirety of the biology! Also, how what we've known as "inoculation" is really "transfection", and that how forces our bodies into making choices it never should have to - and very briefly why this may be part of why we're seeing the never-before-seen types of "adverse events" and at such an incredible scale. I'm hoping he'll talk about that more, and will send him that question to try to prod him to do so. The entire discussion and Q&A is very long (2hrs 36mins), but very interesting all the way through (except a couple of small parts where Dr. Stephen Frost is being incredibly detailed when it's not absolutely not necessary, lol). This is a session of the Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics, International (MDCEI) from Sept. 2023. https://rumble.com/v3ljg6i-dr-jonathan-jay-jj-couey-phd.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4

He gave another talk to them a week or so ago (also about 2.5 hrs long), in which got more into how he got interested in CONvid, as that was not what he was studying in his research job. "Dr JJ Couey PhD, the gifted American biologist, researcher, analyst and teacher (please see below), will speak to us again at our Zoom meeting on Sunday 19 November 2023 at 8 pm London time (see invitation below). Jay will present an update on the general biology of the pandemic, with specific focus on discussing the transfection countermeasures, the dsDNA contamination of them, and the current bait and switch happening with regard to LNP transfection and gene therapies." https://rumble.com/v3wtrqz-dr-jj-couey-phd.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=5

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Poland - and EVERYONE - should be suing Pfizer, Moderna, and the USDOD for this crap... But, the immunity shield has to be pierced first. Perhaps this suit will be used for Poland to introduce some of the adverse effects data??? Pretty please!!! THAT just might open a door for that...

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It's no different than us paying the government to kill us. Well I stopped paying them.

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