Walensky knew and sat on the data for 2.5 years until it was forced out of her. Mass murderer. She needs to be dragged out by her perfectly coiffed hair.

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No Amnesty for any of the federal agencies for COVID.

Like many of you, I agreed to ‘shelter at home’ for 2 weeks to flatten the curve.

Now I things are much different. The radical left & deep state used COVID (Crisis) to do their dastardly deeds, lies, stealing the 2020 election. Of recent stealing the 2022 midterms. They are done until they are in control of the have not’s (Us). No Amnesty NEVER!

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I agree 100%.

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Lord God anyone associated with these lies and their constant continuation are responsible for these crimes against humanity and should get the maximum penalty!

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What is even more depressing is that many vax zombies still do not believe there are any adverse effects or deaths. "Safe and effective" is the line they still parrot out and they refuse to believe otherwise, even as friends, co-workers and family/relatives drop like flies around them.

I've seen this in action and it truly is a form of psychosis, going as far as seeing them wearing masks everywhere and pushing for more boosters at every opportunity while calling us purebloods, virus spreaders and a danger to society.

Luckily it seems their numbers have been diminishing during the past year and some former vax zombies are now realizing they've made a terrible mistake which might not be reversible and undone.

The psychosis is real and all too persistent and these pitiful NPCs are going to pay a very heavy price for their devotion to a lie.

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Just as with Jonestown, you couldn't save anyone by showing up and talking sense into them. Deprogramming from a cult take effort and time, as any ex-democrat can attest.

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Tragic, but true. Once you drink the Kool Ade, you're in big trouble.

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Brainwashed booster addicts.

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That's right, Dr. Alexander!! We must not relent until we bring every single one of them to justice!! With God's help, they will all be held accountable for their actions!!!

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what we will find is that as public knowledge and public anger grows at this utter outrage of covid and the murderous response to it , that none of us spiritual enough to even consider forgiving these monsters, and that it will be utter futility to pretend.

so we cut to the chase.

the covid criminals, IMO anyone with any kind of authority who coerced anyone to take a jab against any objection of theirs. must pay the ultimate capital penalty.

but always by due process. the convictions must be totally safe otherwise we are not better than they are

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The covid psychopaths are not retreating, they are doubling down.

The criminals who pushed this are intending to link the roll out of Digital ID, Digital currency into a social credit system.

Mandatory vaccinations are on their list of requirements otherwise you'll find yourself locked out of the economy, you won't be able to buy anything including food.

Look at the pronouncements coming from the UN, WHO and the WEF, they know their covid scam is falling apart and being exposed so instead of retreating they're pushing forward even more aggressively.

They know they have nothing left to lose because at the end of the Nuremberg 2.0 trials awaits a rope...so they are openly declaring their intentions to subjugate the population and force their will on us.

Never forget we are in a war, even though it doesn't look like it and criminals of this type never, ever backdown or surrender.

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Exactly.... you hit on every point. Thank you for your comnent

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This is absolutely true. They have never planned to back down. They have established a prison planet for their own sick perverted pleasure. They will stop at nothing.

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Yes, which is why we must not sit & do nothing -- even though it's now the eleventh hour.

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A likely interim assessment, based on a pretty sound big picture. Yeah, I think you inductively nailed it all down right. What a ride we're all in for, huh?

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Yup. They are just repositioning and getting ready for another push. I swear if this goes thru I’m gonna find the most staunch covidian and “assume” their social identity. At that point all bets are off and society will become uncivilized

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Society is already uncivilized. We must not hide, but put on our armor and fight.

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Dear GRY, I am quite serious about my question --individual action now. Would like your ideas. Tks.

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Several immediate ideas:

1. Help setup and participate in a parallel economic system, if possible do not use <their> system. An example is not to use their financial system if at all possible, minimize the use of credit or avoid it completely unless there is no other alternative.

Use cash if possible, shop locally and support local businesses and don’t use outlets like Walmart or Amazon.

Financial independence means getting off the debt slavery treadmill, don’t buy things on credit or that you can’t afford, don’t get a mortgage or bank loans if possible because you’re just feeding <their> system.

Don't live beyond your means, live like your grandparents or great grandparents did in the 1930s, save and don't try and "keep up with the Joneses", the Great Depression generation learned a lot of harsh lessons about economics, finances, the banking system and who is in charge. Unfortunately after WW2 many failed to live according to these lessons and here we are today, slaves to billionaires and their system who own us through our debts.

The less you use of <their> system the less power they have over you.

2. Look at Mahatma Ghandi’s strategy for dealing with the British Empire in the 1930s, 1940s to win India’s independence.

The number one action is passive resistance of which point 1 is all about.

Non-violent refusal to participate in your own repression and subjugation.

The prime example of this was refusal to get the death shots, even at the cost of your job or personal relationships. Most people couldn’t go this far, most have mouths to feed, clothe and shelter.

Small actions also count as resistance, for instance don’t wear a mask if it’s not mandatory.

Those pathetic brainwashed covid zombies still living in fear and trying to spread their fear to everyone around them, telling you to mask up and get boosted immediately.

Always challenge these people (non-violently) if possible without getting into trouble, don’t simply comply ‘to keep the peace’.

3. Speak the truth, no matter how uncomfortable if you’re challenged or pressured to conform refuse to do so. There are still plenty of people out there who think it’s their duty to force conformity with their social expectations.

Woke cancel culture is all about this tactic and too many people simply fall into line when confronted.

Support those who are speaking the truth and fighting the information war on our behalf.

The psychos in power pushing all of this are obsessed with power and ultimately control over everyone and everything around them.

Don’t comply, don’t participate in their clown show.

Don’t fall for the fearmongering and the calls for violent Revolution being put out there on social media, joining an armed militia will only get your name on a federal watch list.

Becoming a paranoid survivalist also works into their plan, being cut off from society and viewing everyone as an enemy satisfies their divide and conquer strategy.

January 6th was mostly a failure for the Cabal/Deep State because they couldn’t get enough people to become violent. Their little trap flopped because we didn’t go all Antifa, which they were hoping for.

In Canada Justin Trudeau feared the trucker convoy precisely because it was peaceful and very well organized.


Live your life as independently as possible and as well as possible, it’s what these criminals can’t stand because you’re not obeying their edicts as they want.

Look at how they make pronouncements in the media, as if you’re a serf and must obey them without question.

However you must also be prepared to stand up and be counted when the time comes.

Passive resistance doesn’t mean doing nothing!

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Yes, it's chilling, but I don't want it to paralyze me. What concrete action do you think an individual could/should take now? When a large tank is rolling quickly towards us, we must do something!

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Due process of course, but we need VERY smart lawyers. These weasels have gotten away [literally] with murder for their own financial gain for YEARS.

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They submitted the report to FDA in March or April 2021. It was released in December, 2021 and pretty much every month with bits here and there unredacted. Without knowing the denominator, which I believe over hundred of millions doses shipped through the end of February , its hard to say the incidence is over base line. Of course, there is also an unknown under reporting factor. Not quite the smoking gun everyone is making it out to be

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The data was collected between Feb 2021 and August 2021 and released on Dec 1 2021. It’s not “how many doses were given around the world”, it is how many doses were given that were INCLUDED IN THE STUDY REPORT. Huge difference! They clearly did not want the percentage of AE’s to be be worked out. By law they are only supposed to redact proprietary information. There were pages upon pages of AE’s in that report. I sure as hell don’t think that’s ok. A vaccine that kills 1223 people in an unknown sample size is a beyond a red flag. They redacted it so we couldn’t calculate how bad it is. If it was good news they would have been more than happy to give us that information.

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Of course they don't want us to calculate the percentage of harm. I would like to know who, exactly, signed off on ZERO liability for big pharma.

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Started with Reagan for Childhood Vaccines. Bush Jr signed the PREP act giving mfr a waiver for all related vaccines during an Emergency

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WASHINGTON – In 1986 Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), creating a no-fault compensation program to stabilize a vaccine market adversely affected by an increase in vaccine-related lawsuits and to facilitate compensation to claimants who found pursuing legitimate vaccine-inflicted injuries too difficult and cost prohibitive. However, the NCVIA also provided vaccine manufacturers with significant tort-liability protections and eliminated manufacturer liability for a vaccine’s unavoidable adverse side effects.


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Also as far as doses the unredacted document says 126 million doses shipped.

Pfizer has no idea how many were given, thats why they report how many they shipped. A good estimate would be 1/3. So use 40 million as a denominator.

In 1 month an average population of 40 million would have 30,000 natural deaths


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This is not correct. Here is the original report leaked December 2021


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Really they should hang!

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I think it is indeed a smoking gun.

The fact that 1,200+ people died of the vaccine in a period of three months is more than enough to pull it from the market, the denominator doesn’t really matter.

1,200 dead is 1,200 dead....

Many other products have been pulled for a LOT less......

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one vaccine had 26/deaths amd they pulled it but that is a while back!

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Was this data ever presented or discussed at any of the ACIP meetings ?

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Kim the ACIP knew they are all part of the criminal gang.. Their eyes and ears and mouth were like the three monkeys only see no truth, hear no truth, speak no truth..

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Those a public meetings, I would like to watch and see how they would justify approving it with this data.

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That's just it, they do not even discuss they just get their checks from the pHARMACEUTICAL companies and get their titles and credentials from Walmart and rubber stamp whatever the FDA and CDC say or order them or threaten them or pay them to do..

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They had 1 table of very low hospitalization of children from C19, then 29 pages of Safe & Effective to guide children into endless boosters:


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#worldwide #cdc #covid #thecure

Here you go this will create vaccines for all infectious diseases to include HIV:


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Shocking. Please provide a reference for this table. Thank you!

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We now know that Pfizer knew of 1291 severe reactions to the shots and NEVER told anyone, so EVERY SHOT NEVER HAD AN INFOMED CONSENT. Plus, they willingly and knowingly withheld important life saving knowledge (if you knew there was 1200+ severe reactions to the shot would you have taken it??? NOT ME!!!) and didn't share it is MEDICAL FRAUD!!! They withheld this information, it is FRAUD and there is a liability exception for FRAUD!! So people sue them all, this was and is medical fraud, they withheld this information, so all bets are off, you now can sue PFIZER here to hell and back again!!!!

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I didn't know about the liability exception for fraud. Great! Let's start suing them immediately. We had very fit & healthy family member (age 48) die suddenly on a sports field during his game.

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YEP!! medical Fraud trumps any liability, you can sue them.

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Please update the post to include the source document hyperlink.

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PUBBLICA CONTRO I GOVERNI 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


PLAINTE DU PUBLIC CONTRE LES GOUVERNEMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PÚBLICA CONTRA GOBIERNOS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


Please substitute your state's criminal law codes, disseminate and act in all procedures, send me a copy with the penal codes similar to these Italians


buffa.andrea.salvatore@protonmail.com; andreabuffa@yandex.com

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I am following WEF on LinkdIn. There is a post of them “ World Economic Forum shared a post: This new jab could protect us from a future flu pandemic. Learn...“. https://theconversation.com/covid-flu-rsv-how-this-triple-threat-of-respiratory-viruses-could-collide-this-winter-191822

Another “new jab” ?

Another mind blowing article on the same website : https://theconversation.com/living-with-covid-how-treating-masks-like-umbrellas-could-help-us-weather-future-pandemic-threats-187377

Is there any hope for further sanity?

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I hope Trump can use the military courts to bring real justice for them down in Gitmo.

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Over Here, the situation with Fauci's faulty memory seems reminiscent of Sir Ernest Saunders' sudden-onset dementia - "Alzheimer's Disease" to the gutter-press at the time - which equally suddenly seemed to disappear when the prosecutors introduced leniency into the equation.

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