Thank you for standing up and bringing up the truth. As a student in the medical field who was just withdrawn and lost 20,000$ In student loans due to not being vaccinated, I appreciate you so much. No amount of money is worth lying and hiding data.

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Thank you for your integrity. Sadly the medical field will continue its decline with the loss of principled people such as yourself. I wonder if that's the point.

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I think it’s the point. They want students to follow a narrative and not think for themselves. The medical field has taken a gross and negligent turn for the worse. No one wants accountability, they just want to be told what to do and follow orders. I won’t give up fighting.

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I think there's a wide open opportunity for alternate medical systems, though what that would look like I don't know. I can say that I'm scared off going to doctors for now and maybe permanently. This has been eye opening in a not very good way. God bless and guide you, you'll have a great future wherever you end up.

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My tenth grade daughter was planning to graduate early next year and go to nursing school to become a nurse practitioner. I live in SW VA and my kids see a fantastic functional nurse practitioner at an integrative practice in Winston Salem NC. We have a great nursing program at a university 15 minutes from here. Now because of all the covid BS, she no longer wants to fight with vax requirements and the general insanity of this field. Hell, she really doesn't even want to go to college now that's she's aware of all the woke madness.

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Hi Kelly! Let's hope something changes. My daughter just graduated from college with 2 science degrees and straight-As. She'd talked about going to med school, but now says, "No way!" On top of not wanting to get vaxxed, she is seeing that the medical profession has just become a "follow orders" profession. Might as well become an army private and dig ditches for the rest of your life.

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She might want to check the Osteopath colleges, some of them aren't falling for the crap.

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My daughter has a degree in marine biology specializing in shark research. She thinks because she has that degree. She knows everything about science and ask her mother because I do not have a degree. I know nothing about science. She got the initial jab and every booster as did her husband and my brothers. My daughter spent well over a year badgering me to get the jab. It was awful but I refused and I still refuse. Fortunately, she is still with us, but I know she’ll get the next, VAX, if and when she’s told. I am so frightened for her and for my brothers. I am almost 67 years old and compromised. I have asthma I have two auto immune diseases, but I refused that VAX and I think truly believe actually that’s why I’m still alive. Had I taken it? I know it would’ve killed me. I’m so glad your daughter and the lady responded to her daughter. I’m glad they’re awake. My daughter is sent and my heart breaks every day every time I think about that. She keeps getting calls getting sick but doesn’t remember each time. When I pointed out to her she says what do you mean I keep getting sick. This is the first cold I’ve had in years. Not true ever since she got those shots she’s either lost her voice had a cold got the flu and I am just so afraid for her. But all I can do is pray. I can’t even talk with her about it because It just ends up in an argument. All I can do is turn it over to God and pray that someone else will wake her up because she’s not gonna hear it when I try to wake her up. I hope everything came out with this OK I’m doing talk in text and I’m exhausted so I haven’t gone back to proof it. I’m just hitting the send button. God bless you all and may God be with us all thru this spiritual warfare.

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I know an NP who operates very successfully outside the system...unvaccinated.

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Kelly, though I don't blame her, it is such a loss, and her decision is part of a gigantic loss of a competent, trustworthy, reliable, medical community in the US and beyond. 10 yrs. ago, I had the most incredible docs and nurses at Baptist off and on for a month. My son had a tumor removed from inside his spinal cord by one of only 2 neurosurgeons in NC qualified to do the surgery there a few years ago. Such trust we had in everyone in the medical community along the way! I live in Wilmington now where medical care has gone to Hell in a hand basket overnight. It's CRIMINAL!

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I hope your son is doing well. My son who was 10--right when the covid nightmare began--became critically ill and couldn't walk, talk, or even hold his head up. That was what led me to the practice in Winston--we saw a great doc in DC mid-March 2020 and ended up at Robinhood Integrative in May and my kids still go there. My son was in Baptist Children's at the end of Feb 2020 and they didn't have a clue what was wrong with him--along with many doctors we'd seen.

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However, the medical community is only good for mending broken bones. It doesn't practice health.

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NO! its NOT an OVERNIGHT phenomenon! Its NOT only the USA where these EXACT same behaviours have occurred for many, many years now.

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Just read this on Breitbart, "Republican Leaders Push Bill to Import Nurses, Not Train Americans" I bet these foreign nurses will not be forced to take the death shots.

She should pick a future outside of medicine. The FDA, CDC, and hospitals have become a death cult.

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Foreign nurses were told to give death shots/death meds, and if they refused they were threatened with deportation. So it was either kill/harm the patient or get deported back to your country where you came from.

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Alt medicine.

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Let’s fight that bill. Unless vetted and come from the Phillipines

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Of course they will be. Immigrants are required to be "up-to-date" on many vaccines that other countries don't require. As a result, many are severely compromised when they arrive.

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The only reason to go to college in the US is to be saddled with debt so that the only way to ever pay it off is to toe the line on any and all leftist policies or get blacklisted.

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Unfortunately I don't blame her at all. I do think the only answer will be creating parallel institutions. There apparently are a few non-woke colleges in the US; Hillsdale in Arizona (?) I think is one, Grove City in...Pennsylvania? is apparently another, and I know there was an initiative to create a new non-woke university in Texas. Worth doing some research, although I wouldn't blame anyone who skipped out on the whole mess for trade school.

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I went to a trade school for a medical program and was withdrawn because of the vaccination requirements to do my clinicals. :/ trade school isn’t always better. It sucks. All of this.

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Dr Trozzi, a Canadian who was an Emergency Dr has his own website and is part of a group that started the World Council for Health.


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When I was younger my family used to attend a Bible conference for a week each summer--it was a specific group of related non-denominational churches--this was at Grove City College which was a small religious school. Back in the 80's or 90's someone sued them to make dorms co-ed and they refused based on the fact that they're private and can do what they want. Big Daddy Guvment tried to force them because they received federal financial aid--which they abruptly stopped taking and that was that. So maybe they've managed to stay sane--here's a petition for a professor at a Christian college that has been suspended for criticizing the school's woke policies: https://www.change.org/p/concordia-university-wisconsin-board-of-regents-stand-up-for-concordia-wisconsin-professor-gregory-schulz?redirect=false&fbclid=IwAR20KPZB-K6kLAV8aLsvasEwbAYhyfFkX18tqzn5RjYnAzxWPWji-CnkEyk

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Hillsdale is in Michigan

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Functional medicine is fantastic, completely different to all this BS!

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She could learn homeopathy (a number of ways) along with first aid and bone setting and offer private home care.

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Naturopathic medical school

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You have a smart daughter.

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That’s so sad! She can refuse the jab in a number of ways

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wise girl. good news.

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Help her be strong. Sue any employer who tries to force a vax. Challenge the teachers. Sue if they descriminate against st you

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Smart girl.

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I have a 10th grade daughter and live in SW VA as well. She's talking about becoming a dr and knows my stance on all jabs. She's totally unjabbed but I don't think she realizes what she's up against. I'm hoping she decides to go a different route.

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I’m the same, I haven’t been to my Dr for 12 months, and I won’t ever go back to her, I’ve lost ALL trust and Faith in the Health dept of Australia. ❤️🙏

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Hospitals working as co-operatives or not for profit organisations. Instead of paying insurance companies, pay the hospital directly. The key objectives would be to try and keep people well and healthy not as it is now where the goal is to to try and encourage illness to rack up more profit.

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I think the jigs up.ets keep the truth in the forefront Hold Fauci responding die. Even if he got a pardon. Be still needs to testify to the truth.

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You mean the traditional medical system? The way it was before the Rockefellers took over?

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Any alternative medical system will have to function strickly underground. If we believe these monsters in control are going to let us flock to a new system....we have entirely missed the point of what is going on.

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Naturopathic medical school

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Don't call them doctors or nurses for starters. Say "health coach" or "wellness instructor" and "home care assistant."

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My advice would be to avoid calling themselves doctors. Easier to avoid legal problems--for a while--and it will help patients know you are not part of the death System.

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There are amazing, intelligent people of good character who study things like naturopathy, doctor of osteopathy & doctor of chiropractic degrees, herbology, functional medicine/ functional nutrition (etc)… to help people find ways to actually HEAL (rather than prescribing a med based on a synthetic molecule that might reduce or hide the initial symptoms while creating new symptoms via side effects, as the current mainstream medical system does. Well, that and surgery, which does have its uses, but prescriptions and surgery are used to the exclusion of any other healing protocol in the current medical system. And please don’t get me started on chemo and the cancer industry!!). But the point is: Alternate medical systems already exist!! (and are comprised of the people that the government and media worked so hard to censor during the pandemic — including but not limited to the so-called Disinformation Dozen). These more natural methodologies were actively attacked during the 1900/1920 period, when Rockefeller and other robber barons decided to discredit any medical education that taught anything with any connection to nature (even/especially when it was science-backed), and stacked the boards of all the medical schools in America with their employees or robber-baron family members so that they could determine the medical school curricula and shift the teaching away from centuries of healing knowledge and toward the practice of simply matching a symptom with a pharmaceutical — “a pill for an ill” (NB: Rockefeller had discovered that there was a whole potential industry of medicines based on petroleum by-products and was investing heavily in pharmaceutical companies to do just that). They systematically went after, discredited and put out of business all but two schools of naturopathic medicine in the US (out of dozens that existed then). Today, medical schools in the western world teach about an hour of nutrition (if that) and completely ignore the role that what we put into our bodies has on our health.

At the moment, many of the practitioners in the realm of “alternative medicine” (which is really about HEALTHcare and not medical care) are people who’ve had some kind of health crisis of their own and discovered that the mainstream medical system didn’t have anything to offer that would restore them to the vibrant health they desired — or else they were already doctors/healthcare practitioners who witnessed that the mainstream prescriptions were not ultimately helping their patients — and they put in the time to research other approaches.

Please, please tell your aspiring medical students who’ve been put off by what the medical system has become NOT TO LOSE HEART! Not to give up the ambition of helping people become healthy! Please help turn the tide back to healthcare systems that focus on individual HEALING, and individual choice about how to do so. We need intelligent, well-intentioned young people to help reset the direction of a system that has been driven off the rails by corporate greed and regulatory capture!! As long as there are people with principles who refuse to just follow along and do what they’re told even when it doesn’t match what their own intelligence and conscience tell them is right — we have hope!

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Beware lots of grifters out there

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With their hands out, they all qualify!

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I would dearly like to believe you and pray that what you suggest, eventuates. I have also become afraid, and now refuse to see my GP in some fear and in protest now in solidarity with the once proud profession that Dr Alexander and others have defended. My cost in comparison is minuscule. At my age, expectations gained from a full working life to receive a helping hand, heart and medical wisdom cannot now be expected; I know this. I will help Dr Anderson et al in any way I can to stop the expected carnage from our once trusted scientific and medical community.

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eyes open, you won't be falling into any more cracks; take care of yourself...

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When interacting with the system, have to let them know you are in charge of deciding how you want to die UP FRONT!

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You’re not alone on the point of being scared of going to a Dr., me as well !!

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I suspect it’s the same for the armed forces too

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Underground local need.

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That's another complete failure.

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I think it said that they don’t need the vac. And are re-signing people up refused to take the VAX in the military

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I am sorry for the late response to anyone who responded to my comment. I haven’t been getting notifications and therefore was unaware that anyone commented on what I said. It is now January 30, 2024 and the spiritual battle is only getting more intense.

Remember every morning to put on the Armor of God, and remember that we Who believe in our Lord and Savior are washed in the blood of Jesus. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

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May God honor your integrity. Read Daniel chapter 1 - young adults who stood for their beliefs and God honored them, although it was over many years and with many obstacles in between. May God repay your losses seven-fold, if not financially then with other blessings that only he can give you.

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Thank you for this lovely comment. At times I wonder if I made the right choice by putting my future and what I thought was my career path on hold. I’m happy I stood by my beliefs. If I didn’t stand for this, and held my ground and morals, what is there to stand for? I feel bad for students who felt pressured and gave in just to finish their degree. They will be unhappy with themselves in the end and unhappy at their jobs where they aren’t able to make decisions based on their personal moral compass.

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You have gained something worth more than all the money in the world. You have retained your integrity.

I don’t know what field of medicine you were studying. But, I guarantee you that you are the exact sort of person that many of us - most all of us - want. Someone who places integrity and personal sacrifice above personal gain or convenience.

God sees you, he knows.

You don’t know what the future holds, but he does. It’s HARD to be in the wilderness waiting. See Moses. But, God is faithful and hr will provide for you and your family.

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Exactly correct. You came out of this with what is far more valuable than money - your conscience and integrity intact.

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AMEN 🤗🤗🤜🤛👊💙

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Walking with the crowd is easy

Walking Alone in Strength is Godly

You absolutely did the right thing

Self teach about all natural remedies, there are fascinating old books on herbs...I'm reading about apricot seeds and how they can possibly be a cancer cure

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God bless you for standing strong, I am praying for good things for you, so you can quickly repay that loan.

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I hope you can sue for damages. I understand a doctor just won the first lawsuit seeking damages from the hospital that fired him for refusing the jab. Good luck! No amount of money is worth lying and hiding data, especially when you get lassoed by an angry Dad whose relative you just murdered and dragged behind his pickup for 50 miles, either.

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Your money, or your life. Which do you want most?

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I got kicked out last April. Still responsible for the loans without a degree. But I’m glad I didn’t get the clot shot.

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Sue. Everyone I know who has is winning. Or if no stomach for that. Just trust God and ask for direction snd grace.

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No amount of money is worth becoming a murderer.

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Yep. I owe all the student loan money back now with no degree and no career.

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I know this is hard, but maybe one day you will be very grateful for your decision not to take the shot, no matter how dire the consequences.

When all the vaccinated have either died, or are dying, or worse.

People have warned that this shot is intended to destroy people's souls and the current experiences of many people, including myself, point into that direction.

Many vaccinated undergo personality changes, they become cold, aggressive, unempathic.

I am convinced, the genetic change will be much more profound than just driving the cells to produce spike proteins.

I am convinced, this will lead to the zombie apocalypse, something they have been planning for a long time.

Lawyer Todd Challender points out that one of the admitted side effects is 1p36 deletion syndrome. People with this genetic defect have difficulty thinking, walkding or talking. And they are aggressive, with a propensity to bite others.

The vaccine must contain a CRISP-CAS mechanism, if it can induce this condition in the vaccinated. In the years to come, this CRISPR-CAS will work on the vaccinated, turning them into creatures that belong to the dark side of power.

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In many cases, I suspect the personality 'changes' are not something that is being induced, as they are something that is being revealed. I believe that there is a name for that.

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Brain damage from TIAs (mini strokes) results in damage to the pre-frontal cortex which is tasked with things like controlling socially unacceptable behavior, empathy etc. And we know that the spike may cause prion disease (misfolding proteins) and this will / does create brain disease that is degenerative like Alzheimer's etc.

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Sue the school!!!

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some of the nurses are sick and dying from the shot , you did the right thing!

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Write your congressmen and do

Write Robert Kennedy, Jr and Donald Trump.

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no amount of money is worth dying because they think there are too many people

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I know how hard you worked to gain your spot. I applaud you for having the keen mind to not only get to Medical School, but to know that vax mandate carried too many risks. I worked in Medical Device all my life and saw clinical trials and the rigor that was law. I am so glad I left that high paying field prior to this Covid debacle. I too, would have been in your position and only hope that I would have been brave enough to turn my back on a field I loved, as you have. You will find another path, maybe even back to Medical school, when the biggest scam in medical is finally revealed.

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Or having a shortened life due to the "vaccine".

It's an IQ test!

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Your money, or your life? Which do you chose?

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Epochtimes has an article on a cancer cure hidden for years. I wonder if it really works. I saw one documentary where a man stood up and lost his job because he supported a doctors cancer findings. It was a seed or something very interesting

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Go look up Joe Tippens among others. His is interesting story. And shows the stark truth, which is that there is NO MONEY in CURES. They (the industry and leaders) want you ill and on their meds, to make that god almighty profit. If an off patent generic drug can 'cure' something like cancer, well where is the profit to the drug makers? To the cancer doctors?Poooof! No more. There is NO concerns for you or your suffering prior to death. It is a ghastly business geared to 'make profit' from the sick and dying (many sicker and closer to death from the treatments). Indeed, the profit motive in medicine is the real culprit. The reason the shaman, the witch, the herb woman/man and the alternative path is followed is that THEY want a CURE in general for the patient, and while they too charge for services rendered, they really DO want the patient to get well and attain health. The 'mainstream' does not want a cure, a cure is bad business!

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Yes it is true. If you are curing cancer and big Pharma finds out, You will be killed Best to never say Cancer cure. But known to help.

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I congratulate you haylee on saving your health and keeping to your principles. I would seriously fight the repayment of the loan, since you did not terminate your place on your course and it was ended by the enforcement of a false claim and by trying to enforce you to take a dangerous medical substance which was under trial. It was not your decision to leave your place at medical school and the university had no legal right to force Students to take a drug that is proven neither safe nor effective.

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contact @creditandcars on instagram he will remove them for you.

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Really? I’ll add them. Thank you.

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Or your life

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Love you Haylee. Massive sacrifice fighting for freedom and bodily autonomy

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Good for you, Haylee.! It can't have been easy. My wife and I manage to resist despite considerable pressure,

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It has been tough. I don’t regret my decision at all but the torture knowing that I will have to pay back my loans eats away at my soul. It sucks to have wanted to make my life better with my degree and career choice but unable to obtain that degree and life because of a medical choice I made.

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You didn't make that medical choice. The evil Big Pharma parasites made it for you. And you had the backbone to say no. You have my respect.

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They know you're right! Otherwise, you'd have gotten a Cease and Decist notice and been served with a slander suit. Thank you, Paul. 🙏♥️

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Absolutely otherwise they’d be forced to go to court where the truth would be forced to come out!

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Ha-ha-ha! Sadly, in courts the truth does not come out, it gets hidden and buried. (With some exceptions when the issue is non-political and influential national law firms with good visibility are involved). The system is atrociously corrupt and your judges are part of the system.

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Most judges are merely ex lawyers. What's that joke about lawyers?

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Q: Why do scientists prefer to do laboratory experiments on lawyers rather than rats?

A: There is no risk of developing an emotional attachment to lawyers, and they will do things that even rats won't do.

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I can hardly remember leaving this comment, but continue receiving notifications about it...

Just wanted to add that I've worked very hard to make the worthless lying nits - the "courts" - to follow "their" law, not falsify documents, not simulate the proceedings, and not lie but they continued committing and covering up the crimes.



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Exactly. It's true or it wouldn't still be here. Pharma owns a million trash lawyers.

The same with the online Buffalo Chronicle post about Trudeau's sex relationship with a 15-year-old student at Vancouver's West Point Grey Academy Seconday School, where he was drama "teacher". He was fired and taken to court by the family, which settled with Trudeau for over $2M. The mother and daughter signed a NDA and have never been heard from since (though the now-grown woman's name is public). But the father never signed, and he reported his story; which of course Canadian whore media never mentioned.

If the story wasn't true it would've been removed. Trudeau can buy a million trash lawyers (using our tax dollars). Still there!


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And that is why I like to call you

Dr. Paul Alexander The Great! Keep up the good work!

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And thank you Dr. Marble. You also deserve that title. The Great. You along with all that have morals, ethics, truth and service to society all are truly admired and are GREAT. One day the whole world will know all the wonderful things that you , Dr. Alexander and a handful of others that we all know the names of will reap great blessings. Thank you.

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Thank you for standing up and speaking truth. Your integrity is an example to all!

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It's an honor to support you with my subscription. Please keep going!

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Thank you Dr. PAUL for being such a brave tireless Warrior for all of us. The corruption is astonishing and tragic. Don't give up we are all behind you and the other brave warriors like yourself

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Thank you, dear man, thank you.

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Dr Paul = RIGHTEOUS soldier!

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You will be remembered as a warrior of truth. Thank you for standing up and being an exceptional role model to all - TRUTH always wins. Thank you.

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You will not be forgotten. I'm just a regular dude driven by a singular motive "People need to know the truth". You and many others have been invaluable at giving people of all walks of life the courage and tools to speak out against this grave injustice.

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Hope you recorded the call.

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It is definitely about good and evil, truth and death-dealing untruths. Thank you for standing for truth and good and life.

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I have never in my life seen the medical industry fall so far from grace. I tell people, they threw their reputation in a dumpster and then set the dumpster on fire. It amazing to behold. I don't even know where to begin looking for a new doctor , I suspect all of them are on the "take" now. Lap-dogs of a crooked industry.

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Look for an independent physician, i.e. not hospital-employed or affiliated with a group. A good place to start is the list of docs who will prescribe ivermectin, listed on the FLCCC website (direct link is https://www.exstnc.com). Don't despair - many of us have not bowed to the beast and have upheld our oath to do no harm. There are a lot more of us than people realize, and our number grows daily as more and more physicians awaken to the truth.

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They threw their health away too. Amazing.

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Even if you are wrong, well done for sticking with your beliefs! Someone with morals in this world - makes a change. Not a lot of people would turn down $1mil.

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May God continue to bless you and to protect you. We pray often that his mighty angels will surround and completely cover you, Malone, McCullough, Kory, Cole, the Truckers, and others who are resisting, protesting, and publicly standing for Truth. May he protect you from ALL evil.

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I have a notarized document that I am not go ever have the vac or any other vaccine that had anything the Covid vac had. No more flu vaccine not shingles vaccine for me. I have never seen so much advertising for vaccines everywhere I go. We got go push go get it off tv No pharmaceutical commercials.

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