Thank you for standing up and bringing up the truth. As a student in the medical field who was just withdrawn and lost 20,000$ In student loans due to not being vaccinated, I appreciate you so much. No amount of money is worth lying and hiding data.

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They know you're right! Otherwise, you'd have gotten a Cease and Decist notice and been served with a slander suit. Thank you, Paul. 🙏♥️

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And that is why I like to call you

Dr. Paul Alexander The Great! Keep up the good work!

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Thank you for standing up and speaking truth. Your integrity is an example to all!

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It's an honor to support you with my subscription. Please keep going!

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Thank you, dear man, thank you.

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Dr Paul = RIGHTEOUS soldier!

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Thank you Dr. PAUL for being such a brave tireless Warrior for all of us. The corruption is astonishing and tragic. Don't give up we are all behind you and the other brave warriors like yourself

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You will be remembered as a warrior of truth. Thank you for standing up and being an exceptional role model to all - TRUTH always wins. Thank you.

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You will not be forgotten. I'm just a regular dude driven by a singular motive "People need to know the truth". You and many others have been invaluable at giving people of all walks of life the courage and tools to speak out against this grave injustice.

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Hope you recorded the call.

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It is definitely about good and evil, truth and death-dealing untruths. Thank you for standing for truth and good and life.

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I have never in my life seen the medical industry fall so far from grace. I tell people, they threw their reputation in a dumpster and then set the dumpster on fire. It amazing to behold. I don't even know where to begin looking for a new doctor , I suspect all of them are on the "take" now. Lap-dogs of a crooked industry.

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Even if you are wrong, well done for sticking with your beliefs! Someone with morals in this world - makes a change. Not a lot of people would turn down $1mil.

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May God continue to bless you and to protect you. We pray often that his mighty angels will surround and completely cover you, Malone, McCullough, Kory, Cole, the Truckers, and others who are resisting, protesting, and publicly standing for Truth. May he protect you from ALL evil.

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