Few things more dangerous than a big pharma company with falling sales and share price.

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Yes, pharmas/DoD/Central banks/ all military corps and oil cartels each are invested in all others, meaning, NOT just pharma is being squeezed by Americans on the street. All these power elite trash are sweating.

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Howard Zinn, the American historian, likely meant that even enormous and seemingly strong systems, like authoritarian regimes or oppressive governments, can fall apart or break down relatively quickly. He wasn't explicitly calling out certain regimes such as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, but he was making a broader point about how these kinds of systems can be surprisingly fragile.

What Zinn was getting at is that throughout history, various oppressive systems and authoritarian governments have eventually faced resistance, internal disagreements, or pressure from external sources that led to their collapse. These systems might seem stable and powerful, but they can unravel or crumble when challenged by mass movements, public outcry, international pressure, economic issues, or changes in popular opinion.

In simpler terms, Zinn's perspective emphasizes that political and social systems are dynamic. It suggests that even the most deeply rooted powers can be susceptible to change and collapse under the right circumstances.

- Luc

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The Zinn equation doesn't take into account our Republic based upon the Constitution. Our problem is that the Bilderberg/Tri/CFR et al, sorted out long ago to take us from within, via media control, military-corp-complex, secret societies like CIA's fake NGOs and attending foundations, and the real killer, bureaucrat deep state pile of weak trash and these guys come in layers.

our problem is that we have to wait for critical mass awareness of Americans finally sort out that the above power elites have subverted our USA's Constitution. The pure perfection of Squatter and his freak show SHOULD BE ENOUGH, but I'm not convinced until we sort out this new speaker. He appears weak and stupid at this point.

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Indeed, after WWII, the Dulles's' OSS brought about at least 100,000 Nazis to America, to people the new CIA, and the Pentagon. And create NASA from Nazis to NASA.

- lUC

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Bourla's greed surpassed his grasp of reality.

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It takes two years for Americans to recognize the government is poisoning them.

The Great Democide


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They realized it and change is coming.

"Trust arrives on foot and flees on horseback"

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Rings so true, I had to look it up: An old Dutch saying attributed to statesman Johan Thorbecke (1798–1872).

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Paul and all,

Thank you for your continuing great work educating Americans, presenting solid TRUTHS before it is too late to ‘cut the snake off at the head!’

We ALL want the global psychopaths prosecuted, right?

HOW? Unity!

WHY? This is what your enemy fears most!

Is it past time for ALL patriotic Americans to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to support these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival….



2. DEPRIVATION OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW statute…ALL our rights were crushed the past 3 years, right?

Do you know your rights? If not, then you have NO rights!


Aren’t these 2 critical issues highest priority to get right for America AND future generations!

Good always wins over evil…ONLY if you UNITE and do something!

P.S. I pray for ALL brave persons like you AND Gideon’s Army of 300 (Judges) everyday!

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Unify with other VERY patriotic citizens, joining the ONLY Constitutional America First organization…newsletters are the best!


You must unify to get the right things done with strategic planners…ART OF WAR!

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My non-injected haemorrhoids bleed for Bourla and his ilk. The subtext everyone is overlooking is:

"Hey man, don’t even try suing us; didn't we tell all you anti-vaxx nutters we're broke man. Now pissoff while we work on the next mandatory anti-pro-Palestinian pill. The mandates are coming you antisemitic fucks. Just you wait".

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Now the Pfizer leadership and governments from around the world can see with their own eyes the truth: that nobody wants their shots. The only way to make people take them is to force it on them. But I don't think it's going to work the second time. And they know it perfectly well. That's why they are not mandating the shots anymore. Can you imagine the anger of the people if they would try the same thing again? They are too afraid to try it, that's why they don't even dare to talk about mandating these dangerous injections again.

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We passed critical mass understanding of the Dod/Pharma bioweapon crimes at some level of understanding. Here's the problem: DoD election digital hackers need psyche cover to pull off yet another rigged election. 2020 rigged went down perfectly due to CFR constant bad mouthing the finest President ever via fake mainstream news by lies and omissions. The psyche icing, always at last moment, was the stop of WARP until after the election. Voters and observers not equipped with political vetting skills blame lack of the vaunted vax for the planting of Trilateral Vatican Pedo.

Squatter reeks now even among my hijacked Communist Dem Party. DoD plans on hacking '24 as too much NWO power is at stake. Begs the question: what's the next new 9/11 hoax. We have to all stay alert.

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Great news!

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I am considering shorting Pfizer stock, but have never shorted a stocks before. Does anyone with some investing experience have any recommendations? I would love to make some money off of Pfizer's demise.

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Typically accounts that allow individual trading require some form of investor testing to allow you to do short sales or trade on margin.. Pretty sure small investor wipeout in 1987 ushered in trading rules but for sure short selling is not a novice activity. Invest in a local food CoOp don't imagine Wall Street lets outsiders make bank on trending moves.

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I am fairly confident that Pfizer stock is going to go down over the next 6 months. I only want to use around $1000 to short Pfizer, and I could have another couple thousand in the account in case the stock miraculously doubles or triples over the next 6 months, but I think that is extremely unlikely. I have an IRA stock retirement account, but can't do shorts with the retirement account.

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I think Steve Kirsch is shorting Moderna stock. Maybe contact him for recommendations. He's a savvy guy.

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Just ask your broker.

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Research GameStop

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CEO of Pfiter can go screw himself piece of trash knows and did know from day 1 his vaccines hurt and killed people I hope you loose everything and then rot in prison

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At one point earlier today, moderna was down over $13/share from yesterday's close. These murdering bums are saying they won't be profitable until 2026.

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Let's Budweiser Pfizer. Whether it's prescription or OTC ask if it's Pfizer. If so ask for a substitute.

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Fools to even think it was about safe and effective, unvaxed unmasked unmuzzled unafraid keep the pressure on freedom movement is alive worldwide 💪, love from down under.

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Let’s drive it down to minus 10 billion, and enjoy the spectacle of angry shareholders tossing the execs from the top of a nearby skyscraper.

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May those who have committed fraud and malice aforethought be held accountable before the law.

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