We all have to fight back, we are in a spiritual war with these demons, I for one turn to the Lord to protect me, we all must stay deeply rooted in our faith if we want to win.

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Amen!!! FAITH over FEAR!!!

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Nothing to see here:

FRIGHTENING: Leprosy Following COVID-19 Vaccination

Leprosy adverse events associated with BNT162b2 anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (two case reports)


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The shots produce the same results as the infection: leprosy, ALS, thyroid dysfunction, myocarditis, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, sudden cardiac death, stroke, gallbladder gangrene, psoriasis, arthritis, sepsis, cancers, turbocancers, AIDS and much, much more.

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Only multiplied many many times. I know lots of people who’ve had covid. Only the vaccinated are having on going issues including death.

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Death of the non-bioweapon arm poked are hospitals homicides

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First of all leprosy is not contagious.....second of all a few cases is not an epidemic and we have 15 in Florida and it is not even listed on our Health Website as a danger....again it can be cured, it is not epidemic and it is not contagious.......but yes it seems to be connected to the shots.....try not to use the scare tactics that have been used on us.....it is NOT frightening....

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I was pregnant with my 3rd son Oct. 2020 - June 2021. My Obgyn tried to strong arm me, by lecturing me for what seemed like a hour…to take the shot. I refused. I will tell you compared to my other pregnancies it was not the same. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and would get extremely lightheaded when I was around someone that had been vaccinated, to the point that I would have to lay down wherever I was and rest. I did have a healthy baby, but compared to my other boys he was very small and only weighed 6 lbs 1 oz. I thought this was odd too, especially considering I had gestational diabetes, usually you have a BIG baby with that condition.

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Thank God you refused!

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Wow.....thank God he is healthy.....and amazing how strong you are............yes the spike protein jumps and we all have it.....my acupuncturist told me when she was working on those that had gotten the shot and had touched them she felt very weird and not right....she is very careful not to touch her patients now....well those vaccinated ...... we all have a bit of what was in that shot....anyway Congratulations.....

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No we don't. Speak for yourself. In one comment you speak about not pushing fear of leprosy. Then you push a false statement "we all have it"designed to invoke fear.

Your uneducated statement is fear based.

Maybe you have it, but don't presume to sepak for others with such an outrageous statement.

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Actually if you were as educated as I am on the subject you would know that it is nothing to be afraid of and I did not indicate any fear…..But the spike protein is in everyone…..there are ways to handle it….i have no fear so you are reading yourself into this…..sorry you are so afraid of information that you don’t have…..man you sound so angry…..that is an indication of ignorance…..

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You are full of hot air and quite the ego.

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You are entitled to your opinion….but when you are accusatory and downright nasty that is what you get back….but no more….i know not to comment on anything Chewy says…..

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FDA Official (Dr. Paul Offit) Finally Admits Covid Vaccines Damage the Heart - https://tinyurl.com/2p9am76x

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Offit should be arrested for crimes against humanity.....he is a criminal. Has patents on all poison vaccines.

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URGENT: Italian researchers find Covid vaccine myocarditis relapses in teenage boys following apparently complete initial recovery. The mRNA shots are the gift that keeps on giving. At best, we may be monitoring a lot of teens and young adults for heart damage for a long, long time.


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They damage the heart? That can't be right. It has to be misinformation. We were told earlier that they don't and to not listen to anybody saying otherwise because they are conspiracy theorists.

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I believe we are at the stage of long term side effects and everything is coming out at once. Rough times ahead.

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Dr. Paul this is all working as they planned. They truly are trying to kill us. We need to accept that and prepare to take of ourselves.

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In Scotland they have cut down millions of trees for windmills that kill birds......these Satanists stand for nothing at all....and they think we are so stupid....and we are.....no one in my family has changed an inch since the beginning...yes we are being killed .... we can control the weather since 1952 according to David Icke and I believe that....so we control fires in CA and in Canada.....my siblings could not breathe from the Canadians and they are in NY.....they put nano aluminum particles in the fires....and the train in Ohio.....people have no ability to connect the dots......

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Is it any wonder that Pfizer can get away with doing this given how the USSA is run? Look at what RINOS Jack Smith, DeSantis, Barr and Pence have been covering up with their claims that the 2020 election was not stolen and that Biden is a legitimate president who won fair and square. The tip of the iceberg has emerged:

NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States


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Great comment......thank you....

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The Pharmaceutical Industry must be tore down and rebuild again with integrity and trust...and without these globalists like Bill Gates, poisoning our systems worldwide.

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I agree torn down.......but I do believe that God put everything we need on this planet to be healthy.....if we breathe, eat, drink, healthy and use herbs we will be healthy.......we don’t need pharmaceuticals....and the bottom line is that these companies cannot patent nature so they take the molecule of an herb and add or subtract an atom or more and then they can patent.....this change is what causes disease by a drug.....we are not made not constructed to take in chemicals....of any kind......all of society must be changed into truth and love and helping one another....

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The whole system is broken and open to abuse by psychopathic pseudo doctors and scientists.

Health stopped being about prolonging life and became a business plan to rake in power ... money and control.

There is nothing but death to follow in anyone stupid enough to trust criminals... I have had enough .. you should join humanity and stuff these crooks into sing sing.

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We've all had access to this .......... for awhile.

Best take on it?


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Fab ! E v e r y single human should sound like this. What happened to people?

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Both legalized racketeering cartels. Combined have more money and backing than entire countries. Fining them is less than a slap on the wrist. Repositioning them within their own filthy organizations is a crime in itself. Until serious repercussions are levied it will be status quo. Who/what person/organization/group has the clout and - just as importantly - the integrity to not take the bribe?

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LOL, yes both you and Makis are pretty awesome ‘demon scientists’. And Shizer best be prepared for it! They and their deranged satanic club better keep you safe and sound unless they want to unleash worse than hell onto themselves.

I remember this shedding warning in their trial. Indeed unbelievable they then dreamt up the Six Rat Trial (or was it 9?) ! The level of outright contempt for humanity revealed gradually in their doing is openly satanic. Let them enjoy their hay-day - alas in the end, Truth and Love win. Chew your hoofs off, parasites !!! We’ll be there to help it along, you won’t need them any longer ;) …..

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When I click on one of your images a new page appears with this text :

This site cannot provide a secure connection

link.sbstck.com has sent an invalid response.


> So I may conclude from this that 'they' would rather I could not read this info.

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If You Took

Your Covid Vaccine Shot ( .5 cc )

You Would Have Been Better Off

Injecting 1/2 Of A Cubic Centimeter

Of Anything That You Can Buy

In A Paint Store

Into Your Human Body.


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They’ve known exactly what they are doing from the start and for decades.....they totally know they are killing us.

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