Einstein said a difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits. Add sociopathy as having no limits.

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I wonder how they are able to live with what they are doing to other human beings...

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The cover-up is worse than the crime...maybe not. If you know that something is not working and killing/maiming people and you are still pushing it to this day then it is too late. This should have stopped almost a year ago before many were lost, hurt or tossed from their jobs.

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Liars all. The efficacy was published in the Lancet months ago. 0.86 ARR for Pfizer. Did the Walenzga not read it? Can she read or does she just pull stuff out of her arse?

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I never used to have bad thoughts about a person until Bourla - now my imagination runs riot. How he sleeps at night I don't know.

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Bourla, the biggest drug pusher of them all, … after Fauci and Gates.

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His lack of conscience, that’s how he sleeps. How many sociopaths do we have in the medical field? A whole hellaofalot! The doctors doing the commercials to jab your children ages 5-11. Yikes! Those so-called doctors, need to be put out to pasture. 50yrs of hard labor would be to good for those creeps.

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He has no soul.

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Sorry, not good enough. Much too little, too late. He’s not convincing.

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This is from CTV in Canada.

While remaining unvaccinated against COVID-19 is often framed as a personal choice, those who spurn the vaccines raise the risk of infection for those around them, a new study suggests. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/being-with-unvaccinated-people-increases-covid-19-risk-for-those-who-are-vaccinated-modelling-study-1.5874632

These people are sick in the head. This is another attempt to shame the unvaxxed and cover up the failure of the so called vaccines to protect anyone.

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I read that article this morning. It actually had the audacity to say that the unvaccinated put the vaccinated at risk for covid and having around with them is dangerous. No evidence at all. Purely political rhetoric. These people just won't quit.

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They don’t need evidence, I still have a brother that won’t come near me because I am not jabbed. He actually believes in asymptomatic spread. Dr. Kheriaty wrote a great substack refuting that. I sent it to him & he rejected it on the basis that Dr. Kheriaty had been fired from UCLA & written some kind of strange book, NOT on the basis of the facts that there is no such thing as asymptomatic spread. Facts don’t matter to these people.

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I know the feeling. My triple vaccinated brother has refused to see me since the shots became available. My cousin the same way and my partner's daughter and family started shunning me since just before Christmas and still are in spite of being vaccinated and all getting Covid at Easter. It's absolutely insane. On a slightly positive note my brother recently told me he won't be having any more shots after three and seems open to seeing me this summer. And you are right. Facts don't matter to these people. I think the vaccinated are going to have a long pity party and I just hope they don't intensify their attacks on the unvaccinated. Quite frankly I am getting sick and tired of them. Most did no research at all and blindly followed the government, media and so called health experts.

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Maybe the unvaccinated will be used as scapegoats, when the vaxed start getting sick and sadly dying from these shots or they can’t fight off simple diseases because they have vaids. (The three shots of the vaccines destroy the immune system completely).“It’s not the safe and effective shots, it’s the unclean and diseased unvaccinated spreading their germs and killing those whose immune systems have been permanently destroyed by the shots.”

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I think they have been using the vaccinated as scapegoats for awhile. My worry, is as you say, we will be blamed for all the horrific side effects of these shots. As this whole thing falls apart which it appears to be doing, its possible the unjustified attacks on the unvaccinated will intensify. My 3 double vaccinated grandchildren and their mom also double vaccinated and their Dad triple vaccinated all caught Omicron at Christmas. And now a few months later they all were sick again with some virus. They were at our place for Easter dinner while they were probably contagious and yet days later both my partner and I are fine and we are not young. I am completely unvaccinated and he has had 3. My partner's daughter, husband and both kids, all vaccinated got Covid at Easter. With me being unvaccinated and my partner the opposite it is interesting that we both have remained healthy for nearly the last three years. The one thing we have in common is from the very beginning of the pandemic I made sure ,and still do, that I kept our immune systems up with vitamin D, K, C, Magnesium etc. I worry constantly about my partner and possible side effects in the future from the shots he took. He says he will have no more. Since the two of us are a perfect control group I am wondering and hoping if the steps I took to keep our immune system up and running will have a positive effect for my partner in spite of the damages to the immune system caused by these shots.

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Also interesting that you as a couple are a perfect example of no shedding. Such confusion.

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I know. But to be honest with you I am not as eager as I used to be in sharing bodily fluids if you get my drift. I honestly don't know if this will be printed but blow jobs for me are off the menu.

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Well, it was printed. 😂Thanks for the laugh! I was actually thinking of more of just kissing and intercourse. How boring am I?

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I will bet you everything I have that this is exactly the tactic that they will use. It’s so much easier than blaming the real culprits. And of course the real culprits will help them, so we are in for a rough ride.

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Add mass formation to the mix and things can get dicey.

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Not shame. Blame. We're back to the specter of being loaded onto the trains and carted off to the camps for disposal. F'n canadians.

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Holy garbage Batman. Not only is this Fisman guy compromised as a political hack, but their 'study' was not epidemiological at all. It was based on major assumptions for modeling of contacts and potentials for transmission. Made of whole cloth. Yet, CTV and the like think that this is the holy grail. One other comment. Although I don't like to cast aspersions against Canadian Medical or other health-related journals you'll notice that the best he could do was publish in CMAJ. Why not JAMA? Or some other journals with much higher impact factors? I think I know.


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Good to know some background. This is yet another planted story to gaslight anyone who has refused to get their so called vaccine and to get this into the public eye and maybe the eye of a judge with upcoming court cases about the Trudeau Travel Ban on the uninoculated healthy members of the population.

It's also along the same lines as saying blood clots and all the other vax side effects are being caused by "long covid". Next they will be claiming that the unvaxxed are transmitting Hepatitis.

A Canadian with credentials should refute this garbage. Byram Bridle maybe?

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Just astounding that he throws his own scientists under the bus. Money hungry slob.

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Adults take responsibility, cowards run from it and never learn a thing.We can't have cowards making decisions for the population.

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Holy garbage Batman. Not only is this Fisman guy compromised as a political hack, but their 'study' was not epidemiological at all. It was based on major assumptions for modeling of contacts and potentials for transmission. Made of whole cloth. Yet, CTV and the like think that this is the holy grail. One other comment. Although I don't like to cast aspersions against Canadian Medical or other health-related journals you'll notice that the best he could do was publish in CMAJ. Why not JAMA? Or some other journals with much higher impact factors? I think I know.


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