See my 'QUICK BACK OF THE ENVELOPE' calculations below that shows you the criminality and crookedness of Pfizer and CDC; they knew by the data the vaccine did NOT work day 1, was RRR 15-20%, not 95%
I agree the vaxx has been way oversold, but It seems the vaxx does reduce death. Im not saying everyone should be vaxxed, but isnt it fact that deaths are less in vaxxed people vs unvaxxed? Where are the numbers on deaths of vaxxed (with and w/out comorbids) and of unvaxxed (with and w/out comorbids)? Thank you!
No surprise. No flu shot has ever worked so why would anyone think this would be any different?! That's why I never got the mRNA jabs. Pfizer is one the most corrupt Pharma companies to ever exist.
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I agree the vaxx has been way oversold, but It seems the vaxx does reduce death. Im not saying everyone should be vaxxed, but isnt it fact that deaths are less in vaxxed people vs unvaxxed? Where are the numbers on deaths of vaxxed (with and w/out comorbids) and of unvaxxed (with and w/out comorbids)? Thank you!
I address some of these questions here -
We are in a transition state from current narrative to a "new and improved" one, equally based in lies, serving the same exact global predators.
No surprise. No flu shot has ever worked so why would anyone think this would be any different?! That's why I never got the mRNA jabs. Pfizer is one the most corrupt Pharma companies to ever exist.