Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

This admission will affect the USA - the most medicated, prescription drug addicted nation on earth.

It's hardly surprising this admission. So I'm not sitting with my mouth open, gawking in horror.

Everything in life is hit and miss. But certain prescription drugs have been around long enough to have a proven track record. So one doesn't need to be a heathen 24/7.

However, the only part of the medical industry I believe in, is surgery - and by this I mean necessary surgery, life and death surgery, not having your tits made bigger.

Everything is about money, and it's been this way for quite some time now.

The professions are about money-making not helping people. If you think otherwise, you're not very bright.

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How validating. I have said for years that I never felt benefits from any prescription medicines; only the side effects. And that is why I stopped taking all prescription medicines, years ago.

But this is the first I've ever read someone in the industry stating this as a fact.

Most people have looked at me weird when I say I take zero prescriptions. I think they are the weird ones for assuming it's normal "once you hit a certain age" to be on a number of daily pills.

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My endocrinologist told me, after I told her I wasn’t going to take the prescribed pills, to think of the drugs as vitamins. VITAMINS!


Maybe the drugs now identify as vitamins and I’m a racist for not accepting them. Ha ha ha ha! 🤡

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Gee, what a shocker. If drugs worked as claimed, the world would be experiencing a new wave of healthy living and longevity. The exact opposite is occurring. All big pharma drugs are poisons. Stay away!

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

I always draw the distinction between medications for chronic conditions and those for temporary conditions. For me the medication for temporary conditions work almost 100% at the time, and for me the medications for chronic conditions work almost 0% of the time.

One positive exception was a CPAP machine, which worked quite well for me back when I needed it.

Providentially, recent changes to my diet, lifestyle, and exercise have resulted in me not needing any medications for chronic conditions.

I believe about 85% of all medications are for chronic conditions. If America could improve its diet, lifestyle, and exercise, then that would have a major positive effect on reducing the national debt.

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I want to draw your attention to nutrient deficit and causative correlation to dementia and alzheimers symptoms.

The first symptom of dehydration is a headache. This is how quickly dehydration effects the brain. From our schooled daze we have been trained to ignore our bodily needs for toilet and water until the bell rings. Headaches treated with aspirin and Panadol instead of salt plus water.

Then in the 80s government dietary advice had us avoid salt as if it were a poison.

So the population of elderly people, especially women, are now reaping the ills from chronic salt deficits. Women (womb) have more mucosa to maintain hence greater requirement for salt.

Hyponatremia or low salt or dehydration are all the same thing. Hyponatremia is deadly.

The adrenals are the red alert organs that make major adjustments to rectify hyponatremia. But they don’t just produce aldosterone, they produce all their adrenalcortical hormones.

If the body is subjected to chronic dehydration or chronic low salt, the adrenals must also become chronically productive instead of responding to emergency call outs.

The adrenals have two choices: exhaustion or hyperplasia. So now think about: unexplained hypertension, unexplained diabetes, unexplained anxiety ...

Meanwhile everything gets sticky instead of slick as chronic dehydration robs the body of essential moisture.

Hip and knee replacements because the joints are raided for salts and once the salt goes, moisture is lost.

So my take is a mis-functioning brain is a dehydrated brain. A sticky brain instead of a moist slick brain. Hence plaques showing up.

My article is titled:

We breathe air not oxygen

And I explain the difference between air and oxygen

How the lungs rehydrate the RBCs and breathing has nothing to do with a gaseous exchange.

Why is oxygen toxic and it can kill?

Why is oxygen primarily prescribed for the terminally ill and not for breathlessness?

Palliative care is not kind!


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This means that they cannot manufacture a “vaccine” that everyone must take for “herd” immunity. No product is good for all!

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I Am Against Releasing

The Government Data

About The Vaccines

To The Public.

And Here’s Why:

It Takes All Of The FUN Out Of It

When They KNOW They’re Going To Die.


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Nah it’s way less than that. They deliberately target only terrible NNTs so they can sell more.

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That’s why Medicare part D became mandatory! To secure Pharma’s profit. Some of the consumers are on 38-40 meds..

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Few even take into consideration NUTRITION and that Genetics Loads the Gun but LIFESTYLE pulls the trigger! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4991921/

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How perfect, now they can use all the data they are scrapping from inside our bodies via the hydrogel sensors they've installed in all of us and apply it to precision medicine. Soon they will be activating digital payloads to medicate us according to their will because after all the O’Bye**den regime cares so much about our health, not. These people are criminals of the highest order.

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And 99% cause harm to everyone who takes them. Stop buying the lies of allopathic medicine. From adverse events immediately upon starting to adverse events that don’t develop for years to simply causing nutrient deficiencies (almost every pharmaceutical interferes with the uptake and use of at least one nutrient) pharmaceuticals are toxins people voluntarily consume.

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Curiously, ironically, I'm being pushed toward use of a couple of the new cardioactive drugs despite the fact that one of them taken by patients of my age gains a enormously smashing 2.4 months of extra life, albeit one that is littered with nasty side effects. Said side effects could be "managed" by administration of other drugs, curiously bearing their own side effects. This magnificent syndrome is called the overdependence on drugs which are compounds carrying nothing but surprises. This is best described as practicing medicine via algorithm. Wonder why one of the big games in town is iatrogenesis?

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

so where does this lead? - he says most drugs work in fewer than half of patients "mainly because the recipients carry genes that interfere in some way with the medicine," is the next sentence but luckily we now have gene based pharmaceuticals that can overcome this barrier?

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