I wonder if Hunter is aware and if the big guy will get 10%. During the jab rollout a brothel in Austria was turned into a vaccination hub where migrants were offered a free seesion with the sex worker of their choice as a reward for getting jabbed. There seems to be no limit to what jab proponents will stoop to in order to get these jabs into reluctant recipients. Maybe the current low booster uptake rate among youth could be addressed by offering a shot of this new pink cocaine with every mRNA jab.
So long as there is intervention, the market will continue, and continue to expand. A couple of decades or more ago the idea was floated to legalize all drugs. It was anticipated there would be 6 months of extreme times. Many would die. Others would manage their use and survive. Others would choose not to participate. Essentially, some (many) self-select out of the gene pool. It goes beyond tough love. The 'problem' of illicit drug use would disappear because 1) it would no longer be illicit and 2) choices have consequences which would in a matter of months resolve the perceived problem.
Heroin use in the UK was a medical issue which was treated medically under the Rolleston or British System until 1971.
Doctors had to register addicts but there were never more than 1,000 in the UK at any one time.
Heroin prescriptions could be collected like any other NHS prescription with Boots (24 hour) Piccadilly Circus being one of the biggest herolin suppliers in the UK.
Supposedly due to US influence forcing the hand of many nations the UK implemented Misuse Of Drugs Act 1971 and heroin use became a criminal act to be punished.
Heroin use exploded as addicts were forced to buy on the black market and many introduced others as a way of making money for their own drugs.
They gave up registering addicts in the mid 1990s when the number was in the 100,000s.
And yet addiction still remained a medical issue, despite criminalisation. And the latter enforced, despite the US CIA moving into drug-smuggling, with Canadian troops, among others, guarding the crops in Afghanistan for them and police in various countries arresting the addicts - with for-profit prisons even adding to this via rent-a-convict for cheap labour programs, including dangerous forest-fire-fighting - becoming an investor-thing in the US.
All correct, I'd adjust the timeline. Drug smuggling by 3-letter agencies goes back to the 1950's and 60's. The change was moving from SE Asia to Afghanistan. I had not considered rent-a-convict. It fits the script.
Yup. I had a copy of my grandmother's cook book from the late 1800s, recipes to make your own drugs. In 1914, The Harrison Narcotic TAX act was enacted. Why? the money tree of course.
Have not found any reliable info on drug use during those years, my guess is no more than the percentage of alcohol abusers now.
One only has to look at the sad story that is Portland OR to realize legalization never resolves the problem of illicit drug use. Rather, it make so many aspects much worse including crime, sanitation, homeleasiness and death.
Alcohol manufacturers did indeed have turf wars complete with drive-by shootings when alcohol was illegal. We learn from history that some people learn nothing from history.
You make good points. Addiction is a health problem and some are more vulnerable to it than others.
The approach to the drug problem of the last several decades has been a monumental failure. The RINOS and Dems keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Libertarians, like Ron Paul, take a different approach. Big government is not the answer. Children need to be protected. However, with a few exceptions, the state has no right to dictate to adults what they put in their bodies.
Unfortunately, there is a huge number of parasites who make money from the current approach. Judges, prosecutors, cops, court reporters etc are all riding the gravy train, milking the victims for all they can.
One needs to consider what causes drug use.
It appears that most users may have the A1 allele of the dopamine D2 receptor gene. The witches of the middle ages were drug users. Presumably they and their persecutors were genetically different.
What's going on when one genotype persecutes another genotype?
As dangerous as some of the illicit drugs are, I'm not sure they kill more people than the jab does.
In agreement. While I think it's morally reprehensible to push addictive substances on people, prohibition is a recipe for corruption of law. And a lot of damage happens that wouldn't, without prohibition.
Prohibition delivers the profit margin for organized crime. It hinders people who need certain products from getting them. It violates our right to property, and to contract.
100% correct. That profit margin for organised crime plus the fact there are so many in the judiciary, legal profession and cops living off the earnings of the drug offenders is a big part of what keeps prohibition going.
I think the globalists know that their only real obstacles in fully taking over and remaking the world are Russia and the US. They are trying to eliminate the Russian problem through the Ukraine war, and are perfectly comfortable letting China do the dirty work in taking down the US. Once that is done, they can easily take down China because their economy is vulnerable and their people are more naturally subservient.
I don't just watch videos, I read a lot from Substack publishers, Epoch Times, and Gateway Pundit, etc. Thank goodness I'm retired. It is hard to get my other things done around the house.
George Soros did say, he thinks we need to take out Xi too. "“We can only hope that Putin and Xi will be removed from power before they can destroy our civilization,” writes Soros"
How many millions from China have gone into brain ded bye den's account, add in the druggie's take, and that's the price we pay. Of course don't forget bill gates of hell, China helps get rid of useless eaters.
Pink powder is usually regular amphetamine (sulfate; speed paste), it's called "pink champagne" and it's generally considered very good stuff. The pink is a minor residue from what indicates a better synthesis. But that actually appears white with a very light pink tint. This is neon pink, it's obviously artificial coloring. Cocaine is usually white or slightly yellowish, right? Who the heck would buy any "cocaine" that is pink? This is a very weird marketing strategy.
I wonder if Hunter is aware and if the big guy will get 10%. During the jab rollout a brothel in Austria was turned into a vaccination hub where migrants were offered a free seesion with the sex worker of their choice as a reward for getting jabbed. There seems to be no limit to what jab proponents will stoop to in order to get these jabs into reluctant recipients. Maybe the current low booster uptake rate among youth could be addressed by offering a shot of this new pink cocaine with every mRNA jab.
You jest but don’t give them any ideas, nothing is beneath them.
You are correct.
So long as there is intervention, the market will continue, and continue to expand. A couple of decades or more ago the idea was floated to legalize all drugs. It was anticipated there would be 6 months of extreme times. Many would die. Others would manage their use and survive. Others would choose not to participate. Essentially, some (many) self-select out of the gene pool. It goes beyond tough love. The 'problem' of illicit drug use would disappear because 1) it would no longer be illicit and 2) choices have consequences which would in a matter of months resolve the perceived problem.
Heroin use in the UK was a medical issue which was treated medically under the Rolleston or British System until 1971.
Doctors had to register addicts but there were never more than 1,000 in the UK at any one time.
Heroin prescriptions could be collected like any other NHS prescription with Boots (24 hour) Piccadilly Circus being one of the biggest herolin suppliers in the UK.
Supposedly due to US influence forcing the hand of many nations the UK implemented Misuse Of Drugs Act 1971 and heroin use became a criminal act to be punished.
Heroin use exploded as addicts were forced to buy on the black market and many introduced others as a way of making money for their own drugs.
They gave up registering addicts in the mid 1990s when the number was in the 100,000s.
Prohibition creates black markets. The U.S. 18th Amendment (1919) is an example, though not exactly the same as the substance (alcohol) was different.
If it's forbidden, that makes it more enticing.
I don't agree but can we agree to disagree?
Absolutely. That's how I learn, a different perspective.
And yet addiction still remained a medical issue, despite criminalisation. And the latter enforced, despite the US CIA moving into drug-smuggling, with Canadian troops, among others, guarding the crops in Afghanistan for them and police in various countries arresting the addicts - with for-profit prisons even adding to this via rent-a-convict for cheap labour programs, including dangerous forest-fire-fighting - becoming an investor-thing in the US.
All correct, I'd adjust the timeline. Drug smuggling by 3-letter agencies goes back to the 1950's and 60's. The change was moving from SE Asia to Afghanistan. I had not considered rent-a-convict. It fits the script.
Yup. I had a copy of my grandmother's cook book from the late 1800s, recipes to make your own drugs. In 1914, The Harrison Narcotic TAX act was enacted. Why? the money tree of course.
Have not found any reliable info on drug use during those years, my guess is no more than the percentage of alcohol abusers now.
One only has to look at the sad story that is Portland OR to realize legalization never resolves the problem of illicit drug use. Rather, it make so many aspects much worse including crime, sanitation, homeleasiness and death.
I don't see beer companies shooting each other in turf wars.
Addiction is a health problem, not a crime, not malus in-se.
Selling a product isn't a crime either.
What one could consider a crime is selling something to an addict, or someone who has an abuse problem... At least a moral crime.
But that is something for communities to censure or prohibit, not some remote and totally corrupt central government.
Alcohol manufacturers did indeed have turf wars complete with drive-by shootings when alcohol was illegal. We learn from history that some people learn nothing from history.
Wonder how many of those turf wars involved JFK's father. That's where their fortune started.
Yep. And alcohol destroyed the brain of his last son, the only one who didn't die a violent death while young. What comes around goes around.
Money can't buy everything, can it. Sad really.
Certainly can't buy class.
You make good points. Addiction is a health problem and some are more vulnerable to it than others.
The approach to the drug problem of the last several decades has been a monumental failure. The RINOS and Dems keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Libertarians, like Ron Paul, take a different approach. Big government is not the answer. Children need to be protected. However, with a few exceptions, the state has no right to dictate to adults what they put in their bodies.
Unfortunately, there is a huge number of parasites who make money from the current approach. Judges, prosecutors, cops, court reporters etc are all riding the gravy train, milking the victims for all they can.
One needs to consider what causes drug use.
It appears that most users may have the A1 allele of the dopamine D2 receptor gene. The witches of the middle ages were drug users. Presumably they and their persecutors were genetically different.
What's going on when one genotype persecutes another genotype?
As dangerous as some of the illicit drugs are, I'm not sure they kill more people than the jab does.
In agreement. While I think it's morally reprehensible to push addictive substances on people, prohibition is a recipe for corruption of law. And a lot of damage happens that wouldn't, without prohibition.
Prohibition delivers the profit margin for organized crime. It hinders people who need certain products from getting them. It violates our right to property, and to contract.
100% correct. That profit margin for organised crime plus the fact there are so many in the judiciary, legal profession and cops living off the earnings of the drug offenders is a big part of what keeps prohibition going.
Wow, your last statement says it all, doesn't it.
Hey, I've got an idea how to avoid the harm of this new drug. Same way to avoid the harm of older drugs: Don't use it.
The same approach has spared me the suffering of lung cancer, cirrhosis, and myocarditis.
I have a video for you. China is our enemy, an enemy of the West. Why is our Govt and the rest of what was once the free world doing nothing? Communism is overtaking the world and our enemies are many; the communists and our own Govt. They have a silent war on the people. I just can't figure out how does this work into the WEF Plans. https://www.theepochtimes.com/brazil-a-last-stand-in-the-americas_4881721.html?utm_source=Goodevening&src_src=Goodevening&utm_campaign=gv-2022-11-28&src_cmp=gv-2022-11-28&utm_medium=email&est=nOPEywwTZdrOZSMy1Mg0zaRQFYsyncUyVKMloMymdH6syqyytU0sk3DyuFilEJE%3D
I think the globalists know that their only real obstacles in fully taking over and remaking the world are Russia and the US. They are trying to eliminate the Russian problem through the Ukraine war, and are perfectly comfortable letting China do the dirty work in taking down the US. Once that is done, they can easily take down China because their economy is vulnerable and their people are more naturally subservient.
I had to wait yesterday for almost 2 hours at Safelite, so I took my tablet and watched this video: https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-final-war_4851409.html?utm_source=News&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-12&utm_medium=email&utm_content=finalwar It is very good and informative.
This one is good to: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NqvM6YyaT8XX/
I don't just watch videos, I read a lot from Substack publishers, Epoch Times, and Gateway Pundit, etc. Thank goodness I'm retired. It is hard to get my other things done around the house.
George Soros did say, he thinks we need to take out Xi too. "“We can only hope that Putin and Xi will be removed from power before they can destroy our civilization,” writes Soros"
How many millions from China have gone into brain ded bye den's account, add in the druggie's take, and that's the price we pay. Of course don't forget bill gates of hell, China helps get rid of useless eaters.
Pink powder is usually regular amphetamine (sulfate; speed paste), it's called "pink champagne" and it's generally considered very good stuff. The pink is a minor residue from what indicates a better synthesis. But that actually appears white with a very light pink tint. This is neon pink, it's obviously artificial coloring. Cocaine is usually white or slightly yellowish, right? Who the heck would buy any "cocaine" that is pink? This is a very weird marketing strategy.