You forgot Burn Loot Murder and Antifa pansies. I was so disappointed they were allowed to burn our country down.

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Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna FDA, CDC and everyone else who lied about the vaccine and the pandemic.

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Collins, Birx, ....

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I’m sick of seeing these elites walk free. How many of these are on Epstein’s list and still waking free.

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Look, we, the United States of America, never had the vaunted "Peaceful Transfer of Power" from the Obama Administration, it was literally a coup from that point.

I know it, you know it, under the circumstances I feel Trump did a miraculous job, especially as he just kept moving faster than they could react (the immortal words of Rush). Of course they finally got it all locked down, since they controlled the levers of power. I just can't believe "Military Advisors" actually admit they lied to him about everything including troop deployments/numbers and so forth, and they are still alive and not in Leavenworth.

And yes, we realized how much the deck was stacked against him election night with Tucker Carlson the only FOX dissenter.

Remember "Trust Sessions" and "Trust Barr" and even "Trust Huber" (remember him?).

You don't have to like Trump, I personally don't but I supported him right off the escalator, because I thought we needed somebody like him, and we did, twenty years ago, now, forget it!

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Sussman walked ~ jury nullification, i.e. DC Democrat jury.

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Trump made some VERY poor choices in his law enforcement appointments while president. Jeff Sessions was a disappointment as AG, only to be replaced by a closet Never-Trumper Bill Barr. Had Trump appointed real law enforcement types like Sheriff Arpaio as Attorney General or FBI chief, the nation we live in would likely be a free one, not one captured by a communist cabal.

Yes, as President Truman said of the presidency, “The buck stops here!”

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Good grief, Trump couldn't appoint them if the Senate didn't approve them.

Haven't you read Sundance, the Last Refuge, to understand how it works?

How we have fifty (times 2) little kings evenly split onto two sides of the same coin?

I can't name one Senator I would support, with the possible exception of Herchel Walker and that probably won't last long.

Steven says Ron Johnson, I say why?

What has he done?

Well, what has he done? They will hold no one accountable, all this time and they haven't done it yet?

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

The Senate was in GOP control with 53 seats when Trump took office. Senate confirmations are almost always courtesy confirmations. DJT was poorly advised on his choices.

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"GOP" control. That is a big laugh.

The Big Show!

You really need to read.Sundance.

Remember the GOP, we need the House, now we need the Senate, now we need the Presidency, now we need 60 seats, uh, no, 63 or 64 because of Collins, Sasse, Murkowski, Burr, uh, make it 65.

These guys will never run out of excuses! And guess what, they never did.

Repeal Obamacare 57 times under Obama, but can't do it once under Trump.

In the movie, “The Shooter,” a corrupt United States Senator Charles Meachum, played wonderfully by Ned Beatty, has a soliloquy in which he says, “there are no sides; there's no Sunnis or Shiites; no Republicans and Democrats; there's only haves and have nots.”

"Exactly Senator!"


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No, he was kneecapped by McConnell EVERY SINGLE TIME..

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DeSantis is the only outside the box leader. He’s more Independent than in a partisan box and very, very smart. Hell, even Dems like Bill Maher, Rogan, Naomi Wolf, Bret Weinstein, Tulsi Gabbard, Kim Iversen , Russell Brand support him.

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He has been recently purchased by the GOPe for 2024. Sad.

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Yes, he could have fought with a winner, but you do have to remember he does has a beautiful wife and family.

I liked him a lot more when he had a lot to do and little to say!

They have to be concerned about Trump spoiling it for "their boy" as even these "Repubs" like Kurt Schlichter seem taken in by the hype, but they will never give up their "conservative" status for an admission of "The Big Show."

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

Well said, Bern a Sundance reader for 10 years. I think Johnson got red-pilled with the Vax thing and then he stepped up.

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THE SENATE WOULD NOT APPROVE ANY OF TRUMPS CHOICES! McConnell kept the Senate in session 365 days of the year, so he could make no "recess appts", and all it would have taken was ONE SENATOR to object to have broken the "in session" move by Mitchie.

Learn your history. Those of us who have followed everything carefully since 2015 know it all.

It's a miracle he could get done what he did.

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BRAVO, good buddy!

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If it is true that President Trump gave command to the Military ( Review his Executive Orders about Foreign Interference in the USA), that there are 500,000 arrests ( 158,000 Sealed Indictments), that the public will find out soon, then I say that he did not fail.

We are in a ‘war’. I’m won’t condemn anyone until the whole truth is revealed.

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Trump could kick it off as: "Apology Tour" starting with Julian Assange and why??? he was left out in the cold. When he should have been pardoned and given the American Freedom Award. The ongoing disorder seems to be all about de-population .. aka killing most everyone. Trump's silence is deafening.

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Timi Yuro's "I'm Sorry" re-worked for The Trump Apology Tour

I'm sorry, so sorry ..

That I was such a fool. ..

I didn't know ..

Pride could make me weak. ..

Oh oh oh oh uh-oh oh yes.


They say mistakes..

Require apology ..

But that won't right ..

The wrong that's been done.


(I'm sorry) I'm sorry ..

(So sorry) So sorry. ..

Please accept my apology. ..

My sin was pride ..

I was just too blind to see. ..

Oh oh oh oh uh-oh oh yes. ..


You tell me mistakes ..

Require apology. ..

But that don't right ..

The wrong that's been done. ..

Oh oh oh oh uh-oh oh yes.


I'm sorry, so sorry ..

Please accept my apology ...

I was too blind to see.


I'm sorry .. so sorry .. so so sorry .. (repeated out)


Would best be delivered by Mr. Trump Himself emulating Leonard Cohen as Field Commander Cohen: Tour of 1979 or Austin City Limits 1988 ..

Song would open each show .. followed by a new, different example of yet another Trump Mistake/Shortcoming with details, sometimes accompanied with video or stills on large screen above

Far from showing weakness, this would be devastating to his enemies. Best of all, he wouldn't even need to run for President. Would change playing field.

When Timi Yuro had a show in Las Vegas, Elvis Presley always had a table up front. Honor & Respect.

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Hey Paul, you need to reconsider your thoughts regarding Trump failing at law enforcement. All the people on the list were swamp rats of the first order. Trump was a newcomer and not a politician. Who on that list was going to take orders from Trump and investigate the others? Comey was fired for not doing his job. The rest were part of the DC mob. He couldn't go out and arrest and prosecute them himself. He did great with Border Security. Ditto the Secret Service. How many attempts on his life? All these bastards wanted him dead from the moment he got on that escalator.

The only thing I didn't like was Trump shilling for the vax. He should have put Drs. Marik, Malone, McCollough, Kory, out to extoll the early protocols as a counter-weight to Fauci and Co. We know the vax was all about money and control, not about health. The globalists wanted lockdowns and their mouthpieces were allowed to speak without opposition. Trump should have given the early treatment people center stage before the vax was even rolled out. They would have been successful enough to thwart any need for the vax.

We are all pissed and frankly, my list would be 10 times longer than yours. But we know there's something in the works with Team Trump and I want to see what it is. We need to flood the polls for the mid-term election and vote. It might be the last chance we get to straighten this mess of a country up.

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Good points. No one could have imagined what he was up against. It's been an eye-opener to see how many politicians and bureaucrats actually want to destroy America. Bannon says they have the appointments all lined up for the next term, and I believe him. It would be foolish to give up on Trump and his cohort at this point. I do agree he needs to admit his mistake on the vax. Del's tirade was troubling, but important. Trump needs to realize how important this is for his credibility. Navarro strikes the right tone when he talks about what went on and how they were misled and sabotaged. People need to know.

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Navarro was his smartest appointment and Navarro was a Dem

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Wow. I didn't know that. He certainly doesn't sound like a Dem now.

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So was Wilbur.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

Mr. Trump seems to suffer from small balls syndrome. If (presumably) he retained backups of proof-positive illegalities by enemies of the state.. he should release everything now à la Julian Assange/WikiLeaks. The list of names you enumerate should be gone through. Each and every. At length and publicly in a series of public addresses by Mr. Trump. Linked to files and vids. No danger of running out of names. Citizens would offer additionals daily. The world, not just America, is going up in flames. American military is destroyed by Congress and the Ukraine boondoggle. Medical establishment, including local doctors, are no longer trusted. Europe is dying at our hands. Pandemic-pandemonium is on the horizon. 2023 looks to be The Year of the Great Famine/Plague. With worldwide financial collapse coming along for the ride. All appears to have been designed and implemented by the same forces that removed President Trump from office. If Trump is too timid to be the solution(?) then he is the problem ..

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Don't discount threats against he, his grands, or as that sniveling leech Lin Wood said, the American people, nuclear terrorism and poisoned water supply (if he didn't back off on the election theft)..

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If you wanta be The Man on the White Horse, you have to be ready to cross the river and go into the trees

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Hey, we tried it with a businessman, should've used a warrior, I agree.

The businessman would have been great, the greatest ever, businessman, in politics, everybody I knew loved the money.

But the government was long felled, and they have our money anyway, so yeah, slash and burn, nothing much left. That "warrior" is coming. Most folks won't like it.

Trump was the Marxists last chance and they blew it.

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And Valerie Jarrett!!!

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Lois Lerner.

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Where is Fauci?

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If you haven’t seen yesterday’s “Highwire” and want to hear a well deserved rant about FrankenFauci’s criminal ineptitude... Del Bigtree unloads big time! https://thehighwire.com/

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Reclassification of top level government staffers involved with policy writing so they can be fired is a necessary requirement before the swamp can be cleaned up. Cleaning the swamp has to happen before those perps in the list can be successfully indicted, tried, and put away or hung. It is treason, you know. Trump had no clue and it took most of his admin to start the process to clean out the swamp. It was never started before he was out of the picture.

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He failed in more than law and order. Last night he told Hannity the “ Pandemic” is NOT over and again went on and on about his miraculous vaccines, Operation Warp Speed, ventilators and the “ millions and millions of lives” he saved and blamed China.

There is no way he is that damned stupid. He refuses to take responsibility for ANY of his own self inflicted wreckage. I supported him, but he must not run again.

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