Let’s hope the business fails

Deserves to.

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Is that his actual photo?

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Yes, Libs of TikTok posted it a few weeks ago. Follow her on X and Substack!

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But it's so Amerixan! There would be no devout muslims on their premises. But maybe there should be?

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Omg, that’s horrible. I will never go there again nor encourage anyone else to.

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My husband walked in and canceled when this story first broke. The woman who sounded the alarm was kicked out permanently because she was not nice to pedos.

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Kudos to both!

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And just what would happen if a woman went into a men's locker room? They'd be safe, of course they would. After all, the sexes are equal.

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Mentally ill person with crazy eyes. Get them the hell out of real women’s spaces!

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yes, these are men, IMO rapists, pedophiles

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Always has been a woke company. Should die like any woke company.

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Much like Bud Light, I wished I was a member just so I could cancel it.

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I have no problem if someone is trans - you be you and I will be me. But doing anything to make women uncomfortable or put them at risk is bad for business and wrong.

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There's no such thing as "trans-sexual", any more than there's an "assault weapon" or "social justice"..

There's are two sexes, one male and one female. Everyone falls into one category or another. You can't change your sex anymore than you can change the color of your skin, your eyes out any other immutable characteristic. You can put contacts in to change the "appearance" of the color of your eyes but underneath what you were born with remains.

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Well what was Hitler? Individuals with de la Chapelle syndrome are XX (biologically female) but typically have one descended plus one undescended testicle, and possibly a micropenis, because they have the SRY gene for male genitalia, which is usually on a male Y chromosome, coded on one of their female X chromosomes.

Remember the song about Hitler having only one ball, which likely originated from der fuehrer's WW1 medical records?

"Within this condition, individuals with a female karyotype (46,XX) experience undescended testes and ambiguous genitalia stemming from irregular gonadal and genitalia development during fetal gestation." 

The Russians had an excellent chain of custody on Hitler's remains and they matched them to her dental records.

She was a woman, but she had at least one ball and probably a dick.

Evidence was given by an Italian actress during the trial of Harvey Weinstein that Weinstein has no testicle and appears to have a vagina.

I agree that neither Hitler nor Weinstein would belong in female changerooms.

Russians insist skull fragment is Hitler's


Harvey Weinstein accuser: Mogul lacks male genitalia

"He does not have testicles, and it appears that he has a vagina."


A Case of de la Chapelle Syndrome.


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Apples and oranges.

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The Russians allow "gender" surgery in the case of these congenital deformities, of which a small number do exist. It's the perverted idea of "gender is whatever you identify as" that the US extolls that's the problem.

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Exactly. Manny have seen the Yuri Bezmenov clip on screw tube. This one is different and goes into greater depth as to how social division is used to weaken and destroy the target country.


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We are living in a society that is so afraid to say anything - we need to stand up to these perverts. The very least we can do is boycott the businesses that condone this behaviour

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ANY business that promotes that should go out of business.

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I hope they go broke. Will never go there.

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Go woke ~ Go broke!

Looks good on you honey 😆

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Woke and broke

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The tranny insanity is a great reason for girls and women to get some hard-core training in self-confidence and self-defense of all types, IMO.

In ancient Sparta, the girls used to train in athletics and the use of weapons right along with the boys because the society recognized the value of having fit mothers capable of taking care of themselves. Nobody fooled around with Spartan women! As they got older, they went on to receive educations in economics, philosophy, business and the humanities because they ran society. All of the men were soldiers, so somebody needed to manage the farms and businesses, teach the children, and advise the legislature on policy. Women kept society running beautifully.

The Spartans were admired and feared across the ancient world and would have continued indefinitely if they hadn’t overemphasized the warrior aspects of their culture to the detriment of sex. Their birth rate declined so far below replacement that the peoples they enslaved to do their farming finally had the advantage of numbers, and revolted. As their society fell, the women were absorbed into the other dominant cultures of the day and gradually reduced back to the weak, silly, second class citizens that most societies have taken for granted before and since.

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Planet insanity.

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The YMCA in our small northern Ontario town is closing. Our local newspaper says it's because they lost membership during the lockdowns.

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I have received emails for 2 weeks now begging me to come back 🤣 Hell No

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