I would love to send this to my sister who has bought into the "vaccines" hook line and sinker, she's had 4 and I bet she'll take the RSV/ Flu shot soon if she hasn't already. I can't believe she allowed herself to be duped, she actually has a genius IQ, no seriously, she does. Her problem is, she believes the government so she's screwed.

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this is what happens when you toss the precautionary principle out the window to make a lot of $$$.

i'm a mere theatrical costume maker (forcibly retired) and i was able to figure out with just plain old common sense that the design of the thing was wrong from day 1- before i even learned about the uridine/pseudouridine issue.

telling your cells to make the most toxic part of the virus? does that sound like a good idea to anyone?

then there was the old "the vaccine stays in your arm" bullshit. is there a sealed compartment in your bicep or something? when i'm having an asthma attack, i can give myself an injection of magnesium in my glute muscle that within seconds calms my lungs. thanks to a little basic thing called circulation, the injection doesn't stay in my butt. and we were somehow supposed to believe this?

there's not a day that goes by where i'm not grateful that i never thought to take it even though i lost my job of 40 years, hence the "forcibly." you can't buy back your bodily autonomy or the integrity of your DNA.

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It's truly remarkable the number of people that still put unshakeable trust in the Establishment Goon Squad. This goes way beyond naivety....it's an incurable disease of the mind.

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A bit technical for the average reader. However, since there were no real trials for mRNA injections of any great substance and throw in the fact that covid (which I do not believe exists) didn't kill very many, the only purpose of these horrid injections is to injure and murder.

The more you trust big pharma, the closer you move towards an early death. But hey, it sure looks like billions of people don't mind dying sooner than they have to.

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Plasmids is what Dr Henry Ealy and Dr Brian Ardis have have been talking about. And according to them there are nature compounds that destroy it. I just couldn’t afford to by a ticket at their “Healing of the A.G.E.S. Conference” But I’m sure these natural compounds will make their way out

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Could Plasmids enter you gut bacteria and therefore multiple within your gut bacteria?

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