He can still water and mow the lawn but needs to wear appropriate shoes to avoid an accident. Duties and helping around the house need not interfere with feelings.

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Pumps are for making the garden hose run. Simple confusion. That's all. Stay fabulous.

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I was kayaking last week and saw a tween boy struggling to paddle his kayak. I cruised over to offer some advice. To start, I pointed out his paddle was upside down. He thanked me, flipped it over, and said it was his first time in his new kayak. I moved off & occasionally observed & let him practice. I returned 3 more times and taught him some new each time. He listened well, followed instructions, was thankful & respectful each time Within 30 minutes, he was doing really well.

When I was packing up to leave, he came over and thanked me again. It was a pleasure to mentor a kid like that. Had he been a goofball wearing a 2 piece bikini, I wouldn't have bothered because they don't listen, arent respectful, and they have no physical aptitude. It's a waste of time. Their brains & bodies just aren't right, albeit through no fault of their own. One thing I can't figure is why doctors dont prescribe them the correct hormone. If a biological girl can transition into someone with a male-like disposition, both physically & mentally with testosterone, surely testosterone would stiffen up the wrists on a silly boy & take the skip out of his step. Maybe even enough that a man might take the time to mentor him in manly things. The outcome would certainly be better than giving him estrogen & his mother buying him dresses & sharing her lipstick.

But of course, the whole subject is devoid of logic, reason, and common sense.

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Just remind him that women work hard and unnoticed, and if he insists that he is female, then he has to work through the exhaustion just like the rest of us gendered females.

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If he was my son, he would be justified in feeling misunderstood.

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Tell your friend to give his son a good backhand. "Spare the rod, spoil the child." Just don't give him any Big Pharma drugs-- that will likely turn him into a mass murderer.

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Would imagine if it were your child, you would love your child either way. Love and compassion is the only way to change the thoughts of an impressionable child! Hate and disconnect solve nothing! Perhaps you would not understand unless it happened first hand. A friend of mine was slapped in face with his 16 yr old boy coming out of the closet. He is a good kid with good parents and he chose to be gay. His father/my friend did his best to accept and continue to love his child unconditionally. They have a very healthy relationship to this day and the child is now a gay man 27 yrs old and productive in life. So in this case the child was gay not trying to change his gender and may be a huge difference as I believe the children that want to change gender are likely just very confused and if we’re made to wait till an adult wouldn’t proceed with changing. IMO odviously.

My point being , until you wear those shoes of a parent who has the challenge of dealing with a very confused child, be kind! I’m not saying that we should allow it only that we should address it differently. Locking people out from loved ones in thier life don’t help not in the slightest in my honest opinion. Paul, if it were your boy i don’t know if you would be so quick to give the boot!

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I would not be willing to give my son the boot just for being gay. But he would have to dress appropriately, behave as a decent human being would be expected, follow our house rules without defiance, make good grades and set goals to develop skills needed to survive as an adult. We will not feed into fantasies and will help him access counseling to help make important life decisions as an adult.

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Right now this country is going thru changes never before seen. There is alot of confusion and division that is destroying the healthy homelife we used to have.

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Dear Lord Jesus, help this young man to be saved. Deliver him from the Evil one. I ask you to help his parents to show him how to make it in the REAL world by serving others in return for money...rent...food...privileges, etc. The parents have been way too lenient on him. I had my son working at 4 yrs. old and he has always been very responsible, worked, bought his own cars, never asked me for money to pay his bills.

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That would not be my son either. In fact that my youngest who is 16, doesn’t want to live under our house rules, which are simple, I told him I would be happy to assist his quest to become an emancipated minor, go get a GED, get a full time job and find affordable housing. He can support himself. We just had this conversation a week ago.

Red pumps? The only red pumps coming near my house would be on a fire truck.

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The parents let this crap their son is now into, go too far. Blame them, not the boy.

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A very difficult situation. On one hand he is your son not certain of his age but I completely agree with you when requesting a minor work around the house he should do so without any problems. Both parents are guilty due to luck of upbringing time of your son. Yes, you are right to evict your son from your house which brings the question? Where is he going to live and how is he going to support himself?

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Let him mow the lawns in his red pumps!

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