Please republicans, if we give you power again with the house and senate, PLEASE, we want no hearings, no sub-committees, NONE, you have all evidence needed, we want indictments, we want jail!
Jail everyone one, doctors included, yes medical doctors who refused to treat patients & they died, jail those who forced & mandated the fraud vaccine, jail all in CDC, NIH, FDA who caused deaths
No quarter, no reprieve, no amnesty, just deep jail!
I understand your call for incarceration Dr. A, however if Nuremburg type proceedings are to be commenced and administered fairly, the proper punishment is something more appropriate to the crimes. That is not jail time, for some perhaps but for many many more it has to be capital in nature imho
Absolutely!!! Open Nuremberg and indict the entirety of Big Brother, the government, media, medical, and corporate players that we have hard evidence on.. Then we can investigate those who we have less substantial cases.. but Fooochi, Collins, Bourla, etc - slam dunk... straight to Nuremberg then the Max penalty ...