Jail everyone one, doctors included, yes medical doctors who refused to treat patients & they died, jail those who forced & mandated the fraud vaccine, jail all in CDC, NIH, FDA who caused deaths
I understand your call for incarceration Dr. A, however if Nuremburg type proceedings are to be commenced and administered fairly, the proper punishment is something more appropriate to the crimes. That is not jail time, for some perhaps but for many many more it has to be capital in nature imho
Absolutely!!! Open Nuremberg and indict the entirety of Big Brother, the government, media, medical, and corporate players that we have hard evidence on.. Then we can investigate those who we have less substantial cases.. but Fooochi, Collins, Bourla, etc - slam dunk... straight to Nuremberg then the Max penalty ...
The only reason there was a Nuremberg is because the allies won the war. Had Germany won, there would never would been any trials. We have to ask ourselves who is going to play the part of the allies in this war against these monstrous medical terrorists. I don't see anyone coming to the rescue. I do not trust congress and the only other person in the world with the balls is Putin...the most hated man in the world...for no good reason.
Poland was the only country to "say" they'd hear the charges when Fuellmich (sp?) filed a year or so ago. Then they changed their minds. Therefore, there is no country on the world that will hear the Nuremberg charges. I'm pretty sure Russia, Chiii-na, N. Korea, and possibly some other non-European countries were not asked.
It's my understanding that the Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Human trafficking, money laundering, bioweapons etcetera. I read an article a while back where the mainstream media was trying to discredit Donald Trump, when he said it was not a bad thing for Russia to invade the Ukraine or something to that effect. I wish I could find the article again. Trump knew about the crimes against humanity, so does Putin. When I read that the Bidens were involved with the Ukraine I immediately knew there was complete corruption in government there and when Trudeau started sending weapons and billions of Canadian taxpayers' money there that he was even more corrupt than I thought. If I was Putin, I would not want a neo-Nazi army in control of bioweapons etcetera near my border either.
That's what I've been saying. All governments that propelled this bioweapons world war would have to be dissolved before another Nuremberg can happen. Otherwise the defense of "I was just following YOUR orders" is air-tight. Also, I like Putin.
Obama made sure that after the financial crisis of 2008 that no greedy and immoral executives faced any charges. Eight years later, Obama was getting 500k per speech, for dozens of 20-minute lunchtime speeches at Goldman Sachs and other grateful Wall Street financial institutions.
Don't hold your breath! The republicans love Pharma just as much as the democrats so anything they do will be for show only in my opinion. I wish it were not so! Remember the republicans were in charge when the mRNA shot was rushed out with Trump's Operation Warp Speed. Remember that Trump also decided to not bring Kennedy on board as his vaccine safety czar. Both parties are in cahoots on this.
When the truth comes out and the hangings start the people will have to remind the government the people are their employers, and they can be fired and depending on their crimes executed or imprisoned as it should be. The government must be reminded that they work for the people, they are not our rulers. I still can't understand why there has not been civil uprising around the world. It has happened in the past for far less.
Because people are basically dumbed down sheep. I look at other countries like Brazil, and even Iran years ago...why isn’t that the USA???? Because people in the USA have been spoiled by FREEDOM. Only when they lose it...maybe...will they appreciate it.
My God, I’m 59 and I’m losing hope for my country. It’s a very sad place to be. Truly...
The legislative branch of government has no power to issue indictments. It can only make referrals to the executive branch, specifically the attorney general who in turn should file any indictments with the federal district court(s). Unless they are all derelict in their sworn duty.
The legislative branch can also dissolve all the unconstitutional federal agencies, such as Health and Human Services and the Department of Education, They can also defund any part of the federal government.
We need representative use cases of prosecution jailed for life for each specific type of crime against humanity, starting with wrongful deaths but also denial of informed consent, HIPAA violations... the people who changed Federal Regulations without oversight. Then we need mass re-education of those who still think ADE is not happening and why it was scientifically and ethically wrong to do what they did. Then they can sweep floors for a living.
Oh, the Rs will hold hearings; and they will make a show of caring (Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, and a few others do care but not enough of them); ultimately, Rs will do nothing to bring any of these people to justice. Our Federal government is simply not equipped or willing to investigate itself (Church Committee notwithstanding). The best course would be to identify our errors, reaffirm our civil liberties including our right to medical privacy, informed consent, autonomy (including to refuse any treatment), and to strip the deep state of as much authority and funding as we can scrape away.
Don't hold your breath expecting R's to do much of anything. They have a long history of "reaching across the aisle" being "bi-partisan", etc. They glory in pissing on their base and telling them it's raining. They specialize in being "all talk, no cattle".
Let the GOP have their hearings if they win the majority. It's about all they can do. They may forward their information to the Biden Department of Justice. What action can we expect from AG Garland and his corrupted FBI? My guess is none. Best to let American citizens file court suites with their state AGs and prosecutors. As long as they find sympathetic AGs and honest judges, and it won't be easy or fast, then justice will start to come. Talk with your state AG's office, backed with info and applicable court decisions, after you find lawyers to represent you. Once we get the ball rolling it will pick up speed and intensity. If we wait for anything meaningful to come out of Congress...
As long as everything is put transparently before the American people for everyone to see. We need a reconciliation with each other and that can only come with an admission of the truth. That means it has to be visible and we have to take the time to digest it all. I would definitely like to see convictions, but I want us all to be united by the actual truth so the convictions don't become political.
I think it always will be political. People are given the truth now and they are arguing about it.
Also, we’ve had almost 3 years that we have been seeing evidence. You probably can tell that a lot of body doubles, or people with masks are walking around. The internet will go down and the Emergency Broadcast System will start. All evidence will be shown. Videos of people’s confessions, etc. ( That’s my understanding of how it will occur). Pray for peace and healing of the USA and the world.
The US Marshals were at the Privy Council in Canada on Sept 26,22. The USS Gerald R. Ford was in the Halifax Harbour this week. Norm Traversy ( A Canadian), delivered documents regarding the corruption in Canada a couple of years ago. We have the USMCA agreement with the US.
Our corrupt Government was involved in the 2020 US Fraudulent Election. We are a security threat to the US as we have let Chinese Troops into Canada and they can cross into the USA. Plus other crimes they have committed. While President Trump was in office he signed several Executive Orders to protect America. The USA is under Military Law. There is a global military operation occurring to take down the Deep State and the corruption worldwide. The US Military ( white hats) made Trump Commander in Chief. His plane’s license # is N757AF. ( AF meaning Air Force.
Respectfully, there is lots of evidence. Posting a couple.
We're currently dealing with the recent, unmodified, unclarified, and certainly unrepudiated comment by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy that Republicans in the House are not -- NOT -- planning to initiate impeachment proceedings against any current Administration officials -- namely (purported) President Biden and (thus ditto) VP Harris, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Christopher Ray, AG Merrick Garland, and maybe certain others -- oath- and lawbreakers, malfeasors all.
Okay, I'll take that as a "Don't say we didn't inform you before we asked for your vote in the Midterms" kind of remark. It certainly doesn't excite the base, who, like you and me, Dr Alexander, want, rather than blood -- because we and probably most Repubs are, on the whole, civil, law-abiding, and, to be sure, nonviolent in our political activity and proclivities -- investigations, indictments, arraignments, trials if no guilty pleas, and convictions with very serious, error-and-course-correcting, social-rules-informing, rule-of-law-perpetuating SENTENCES, BY WHICH THE GUILTY MUST PAY WITH TIME BEHIND BARS.
My immediate concern, then, is this: Will enough Repubs turn out next Tuesday to overcome the likely rigging taking place as I write these words, or will many now stay home -- thanks to Kev's above-paraphrased announcement of his intention, adding that we Repubs are a solution-finding-and-fixing, and not a vengeful bunch seeking vindication for our beliefs -- thinking, WTF's the difference at this point?
Ironically, like no other irony in living memory, perhaps, doesn't this sound familiar -- an intolerable frustration and annoyance felt in a very different context and time, and by a very partisan, seemingly teflon-coated, allegedly criminally negligent Dem officeholder, back in 2013, with a sort-of redux occurring later, in 2016?
Gosh, some political parties and members just have all the right luck -- don't they? -- or maybe know the right people; or maybe support the right, global-power-control-seeking body; or whatever.
Republicans in the a house or Senate, can only hold hearings and run investigations. Indictments have to be initiated by the DOJ—good luck with Garland indicting anyone from this administration! … 🤬🤬🤬
I understand your call for incarceration Dr. A, however if Nuremburg type proceedings are to be commenced and administered fairly, the proper punishment is something more appropriate to the crimes. That is not jail time, for some perhaps but for many many more it has to be capital in nature imho
That is not how Ceausescu was processed.
There should be no more hearings.
We heard enough.
Are you proposing violent overthrow? If so, are you ready to initiate and lead it?
Absolutely!!! Open Nuremberg and indict the entirety of Big Brother, the government, media, medical, and corporate players that we have hard evidence on.. Then we can investigate those who we have less substantial cases.. but Fooochi, Collins, Bourla, etc - slam dunk... straight to Nuremberg then the Max penalty ...
The only reason there was a Nuremberg is because the allies won the war. Had Germany won, there would never would been any trials. We have to ask ourselves who is going to play the part of the allies in this war against these monstrous medical terrorists. I don't see anyone coming to the rescue. I do not trust congress and the only other person in the world with the balls is Putin...the most hated man in the world...for no good reason.
I don’t hate Putin.
I respect him more than any current or recent Western leader.
Poland was the only country to "say" they'd hear the charges when Fuellmich (sp?) filed a year or so ago. Then they changed their minds. Therefore, there is no country on the world that will hear the Nuremberg charges. I'm pretty sure Russia, Chiii-na, N. Korea, and possibly some other non-European countries were not asked.
It's my understanding that the Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Human trafficking, money laundering, bioweapons etcetera. I read an article a while back where the mainstream media was trying to discredit Donald Trump, when he said it was not a bad thing for Russia to invade the Ukraine or something to that effect. I wish I could find the article again. Trump knew about the crimes against humanity, so does Putin. When I read that the Bidens were involved with the Ukraine I immediately knew there was complete corruption in government there and when Trudeau started sending weapons and billions of Canadian taxpayers' money there that he was even more corrupt than I thought. If I was Putin, I would not want a neo-Nazi army in control of bioweapons etcetera near my border either.
You describing Ukraine sounded like you were describing here. 😖
Yes, more than a little discerning, eh?
That's what I've been saying. All governments that propelled this bioweapons world war would have to be dissolved before another Nuremberg can happen. Otherwise the defense of "I was just following YOUR orders" is air-tight. Also, I like Putin.
Obama made sure that after the financial crisis of 2008 that no greedy and immoral executives faced any charges. Eight years later, Obama was getting 500k per speech, for dozens of 20-minute lunchtime speeches at Goldman Sachs and other grateful Wall Street financial institutions.
Don't hold your breath! The republicans love Pharma just as much as the democrats so anything they do will be for show only in my opinion. I wish it were not so! Remember the republicans were in charge when the mRNA shot was rushed out with Trump's Operation Warp Speed. Remember that Trump also decided to not bring Kennedy on board as his vaccine safety czar. Both parties are in cahoots on this.
When the truth comes out and the hangings start the people will have to remind the government the people are their employers, and they can be fired and depending on their crimes executed or imprisoned as it should be. The government must be reminded that they work for the people, they are not our rulers. I still can't understand why there has not been civil uprising around the world. It has happened in the past for far less.
Because people are basically dumbed down sheep. I look at other countries like Brazil, and even Iran years ago...why isn’t that the USA???? Because people in the USA have been spoiled by FREEDOM. Only when they lose it...maybe...will they appreciate it.
My God, I’m 59 and I’m losing hope for my country. It’s a very sad place to be. Truly...
Exactly Dick! I totally agree!
I hope they all get put behind bars.
This is WAY past “jail time”.
Now ur talkin
The legislative branch of government has no power to issue indictments. It can only make referrals to the executive branch, specifically the attorney general who in turn should file any indictments with the federal district court(s). Unless they are all derelict in their sworn duty.
The legislative branch can also dissolve all the unconstitutional federal agencies, such as Health and Human Services and the Department of Education, They can also defund any part of the federal government.
Defund them all!
We need that to work
We need representative use cases of prosecution jailed for life for each specific type of crime against humanity, starting with wrongful deaths but also denial of informed consent, HIPAA violations... the people who changed Federal Regulations without oversight. Then we need mass re-education of those who still think ADE is not happening and why it was scientifically and ethically wrong to do what they did. Then they can sweep floors for a living.
Oh, the Rs will hold hearings; and they will make a show of caring (Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, and a few others do care but not enough of them); ultimately, Rs will do nothing to bring any of these people to justice. Our Federal government is simply not equipped or willing to investigate itself (Church Committee notwithstanding). The best course would be to identify our errors, reaffirm our civil liberties including our right to medical privacy, informed consent, autonomy (including to refuse any treatment), and to strip the deep state of as much authority and funding as we can scrape away.
Don't hold your breath expecting R's to do much of anything. They have a long history of "reaching across the aisle" being "bi-partisan", etc. They glory in pissing on their base and telling them it's raining. They specialize in being "all talk, no cattle".
Let the GOP have their hearings if they win the majority. It's about all they can do. They may forward their information to the Biden Department of Justice. What action can we expect from AG Garland and his corrupted FBI? My guess is none. Best to let American citizens file court suites with their state AGs and prosecutors. As long as they find sympathetic AGs and honest judges, and it won't be easy or fast, then justice will start to come. Talk with your state AG's office, backed with info and applicable court decisions, after you find lawyers to represent you. Once we get the ball rolling it will pick up speed and intensity. If we wait for anything meaningful to come out of Congress...
As long as everything is put transparently before the American people for everyone to see. We need a reconciliation with each other and that can only come with an admission of the truth. That means it has to be visible and we have to take the time to digest it all. I would definitely like to see convictions, but I want us all to be united by the actual truth so the convictions don't become political.
And that's the truth!
I think it always will be political. People are given the truth now and they are arguing about it.
Also, we’ve had almost 3 years that we have been seeing evidence. You probably can tell that a lot of body doubles, or people with masks are walking around. The internet will go down and the Emergency Broadcast System will start. All evidence will be shown. Videos of people’s confessions, etc. ( That’s my understanding of how it will occur). Pray for peace and healing of the USA and the world.
That’s a psyop based on the Bolshevik revolution. No white hats, just censored doctors.
The US Marshals were at the Privy Council in Canada on Sept 26,22. The USS Gerald R. Ford was in the Halifax Harbour this week. Norm Traversy ( A Canadian), delivered documents regarding the corruption in Canada a couple of years ago. We have the USMCA agreement with the US.
Our corrupt Government was involved in the 2020 US Fraudulent Election. We are a security threat to the US as we have let Chinese Troops into Canada and they can cross into the USA. Plus other crimes they have committed. While President Trump was in office he signed several Executive Orders to protect America. The USA is under Military Law. There is a global military operation occurring to take down the Deep State and the corruption worldwide. The US Military ( white hats) made Trump Commander in Chief. His plane’s license # is N757AF. ( AF meaning Air Force.
Respectfully, there is lots of evidence. Posting a couple.
We have all the evidence!! We have the answers. If you’re confused or bewildered….Give us a call!!!!
We're currently dealing with the recent, unmodified, unclarified, and certainly unrepudiated comment by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy that Republicans in the House are not -- NOT -- planning to initiate impeachment proceedings against any current Administration officials -- namely (purported) President Biden and (thus ditto) VP Harris, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Christopher Ray, AG Merrick Garland, and maybe certain others -- oath- and lawbreakers, malfeasors all.
Okay, I'll take that as a "Don't say we didn't inform you before we asked for your vote in the Midterms" kind of remark. It certainly doesn't excite the base, who, like you and me, Dr Alexander, want, rather than blood -- because we and probably most Repubs are, on the whole, civil, law-abiding, and, to be sure, nonviolent in our political activity and proclivities -- investigations, indictments, arraignments, trials if no guilty pleas, and convictions with very serious, error-and-course-correcting, social-rules-informing, rule-of-law-perpetuating SENTENCES, BY WHICH THE GUILTY MUST PAY WITH TIME BEHIND BARS.
My immediate concern, then, is this: Will enough Repubs turn out next Tuesday to overcome the likely rigging taking place as I write these words, or will many now stay home -- thanks to Kev's above-paraphrased announcement of his intention, adding that we Repubs are a solution-finding-and-fixing, and not a vengeful bunch seeking vindication for our beliefs -- thinking, WTF's the difference at this point?
Ironically, like no other irony in living memory, perhaps, doesn't this sound familiar -- an intolerable frustration and annoyance felt in a very different context and time, and by a very partisan, seemingly teflon-coated, allegedly criminally negligent Dem officeholder, back in 2013, with a sort-of redux occurring later, in 2016?
Gosh, some political parties and members just have all the right luck -- don't they? -- or maybe know the right people; or maybe support the right, global-power-control-seeking body; or whatever.
Republicans in the a house or Senate, can only hold hearings and run investigations. Indictments have to be initiated by the DOJ—good luck with Garland indicting anyone from this administration! … 🤬🤬🤬
They would be flat out building new jails. Maybe forced prison labour might be more appropriate.