Plot is thickening as to origin of COVID virus: U.S. Government Identified as Original Source of Lab Leak Theory. What’s Really Going On? Did US, Fauci, release COVID virus in China? Provocative!
Plot is thickening as to origin of COVID virus: U.S. Government Identified as Original Source of Lab Leak Theory. What’s Really Going On? Did US, Fauci, release COVID virus in China? Provocative!
The explanation is that the Chinese lab origin narrative was put out by U.S. intelligence in early January as a cover story. A cover story for what? For a U.S. biological attack on China.
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
It’s imperative that people stop ceding ground to fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic. This only fortifies the narrative by implying that any extra-ordinary response was ever necessary, that a single one of their “public health” diktats was legitimate. This has never had anything to do with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen.
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.
Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.
Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.
There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.
Absolutely. Both the "virus" and the vaccine (so called). I'm not sure Allen above has accounted for that. Although the psy-op does include much of what he suggests, there is no reason whatsoever to conclude that there was no pathogen involved in the first place. In fact, that's not how the "virus-vaccine game" is played. Although "Covid" was (IMO) a new and enormously expanded version of the usual "game" with tremendous (stupendous) world-wide goals ("Novel" indeed) it was still an extension/elaboration of previous "plandemics" that were, in hindsight, practice runs for the current situation. I may not be interpreting Allen's (above) position correctly but if he is stating that "the Covid" was conducted w/o any pathogen--call it a "virus" (it doesn't have to be one) or whatever you like, there needs to be a physical correlate to the unique symptoms found by the doctors (the honest ones that are truly trying to help people and find out "what is ailing them") and the factor that killed off 100+ Iranian high officials. Any theory that does not account for these issues is, at best, incomplete.
Absolutely! So why can no viral particles ever be found?
Essentially, the virologists have offered multiple hypothetical pathogenetic
mechanisms for a particle hypothesised to exist in an organism such as a
human. And again, even if these speculative mechanisms were at play, it
would require enormous numbers of cells to be affected to produce
symptoms. But enormous numbers of cells would result in astronomical
amounts of viral particles coming out of them — so why can no viral particles
ever be found? Virology has a habit of diverting attention away from such
aspects that raise doubts about its phantasmal model. (Page 27), who has deconstructed virology itself in a 2022 paper called “A Farewell to Virology.” This paper dismantles the absurd methods that are used to prove the claims of virologists.
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
Crap. Wait till you get COVID then tell me it does not exist. It is nothing like the flu or like a cold. The 'vaccine' is the original cause of the COVID, and that synthetic bioweapon sheds, and infects others to produce the same symptoms as those seen in the 'vaccinated', babies born with half their faces missing do not occur with the flu or the common cold. Your comment is typical of those with some ulterior motive, pseudo-intellectuals with no actual experience, or perhaps you are one of the 110.000 employees of Klaus Schwab hired to sow confusion on the internet.
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
Yes, it was created in the US Biological Weapons Labs in the Ukraine under a Military Program. Then the US Team for the World Military Games released it at the Games in October 2019.
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
The Bioweapon was created in the US Biological Weapons Lab in the Ukraine, and that Nuland admitted to. She said they work on "Countermeasures to Biological Weapons of our Adversaries" (Russia and China). The US Team at the World Military in October 2019 released it and blamed China. It was reported in the Jaxen Report on The Highwire last week:
The Jaxen Report on show this week has a shocking section that reported on Paul Eherlich who wrote "The Population Bomb''.
Eherlich wrote a second book after "Population Bomb"
with the guy who became oBOMBa's Science Advisor, and they said in the book that: "WE COULD MAKE A BIOLOGICAL WEAPON THAT COULD REDUCE THE POPULATION''!!!!!!!!!
At the 30:00 mark they get into what happened with Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, who together have a bigger audience than all the Networks put together. Things are way worse than we thought, Watch that whole section from 14:00to 51:40, it is incredible. They actually WANT to Kill us. See this from Pepe the Great Escobar's Telegram Channel:
Mao, in 1971:
"In another 50 years China will be very strong, and by that time the Chinese Communist Party will be a hundred years old. Amerika will most likely be very envious and restless, but it doesn’t dare attack China, not even with a single bullet. It will research germ contamination instead. That is very unconscionable. After it finishes with this unconscionable deed, it will self-destruct."
Now we know why China had the insane Zero COVID Policy and why the entire Scamdemic was a Military Operation. It was about WAR WITH RUSSIA AND CHINA AT THE SAME TIME which in effect, the Wolfowitz Doctrine says: "If two Superpowers like Russia and China Control Eurasia at the same time, we must go to War against them".
They couldn't win a Shooting War against both at the same time, so they went to War with a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON.
The Biological Weapons Convention Bans Biological Weapons so the Nuremberg Code gets them. They must be Charged and Tried for Crimes Against Humanity and
they conveniently left a Paper Trail for us to use to Convict them.
You must understand that everything the US accuses Russia of is Projection.
Funny how everyone is fixated on Ukraine bioweapons labs. Try researching how many countries have bioweapons labs and how many are associated with the US.
OK, now consider that in China NOTHING like this happens without CCP agreement, yet, the US was working with them in Wuhan on this same project.
What I am trying to get across is that this was not just a US project or a sole CCP project. There was obvious cross border coordination.
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
When you realise the zoonotic theory is rubbish, you have to naturally question if the release was an accident or not. When you look at Omicron and realise that this was a variant from the original wild type, and not the delta, and has clearly been through a mouse model, then you have to ask yourself if Omicron was in fact a white hat release. Putting those together and all the strangely perfect co-ordination between the 5 eyes countries, combined with all the billionaires that were just so accidentally perfectly positioned in their portfolios to take advantage, and the Moderna CEO being the architect behind the wuhan lab, the money washed through an MI6 front company, with DoD contracts for a COVID19 vaccine in October 2019, and their original funding of Ralph Baric back to 2001 after the (obviously) fake anthrax scare....then it would take quite an imagination to believe that this was not a DoD, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ biowarfare attack on their greatest military and economic threat.
It's worth noting that the USG had the extra advantage of reducing some of its elderly Social Security recipients and welfare cases in the process. After all the SS "Trust Fund" was long ago spent with the general budget on failed foreign wars and other boondoggles. Obvious bankruptcy was approaching. It was an attack on China, not the first, but also had side-benefits to please the bean-crunchers and eugenicists.
Yeah, okay. But when you say "the USG" do you mean this effected the purposes of some Washington bureaucrats? Who are the parties that don't get "paid back" when national debts can't be made good on? Who are the parties with the "most to lose" when the current economic system collapses? Who are the parties with the means and motivation to take control of "the situation" and effect a different outcome to preserve (or increase) their circumstances?
The evidence for any meaningful "lab leak" is less than zero it is actually preposterous.
The "lab leak" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a viral event and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.
The evidence is crystal clear on this and voluminous.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the Covid merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all facets of it. There was no "pandemic" and there was no "lab leak."
The Wuhan lab leak theory is used to reinforce viral fear porn. Even if the "bioweapon theory" were true we should then be relieved as it was only effective against 80+ year olds with 4+ comorbidities and assorted sickly people crammed into hospitals/nursing homes who were neglected and had loads of toxic crap jammed into their bodies and vents forced on them which blew up their lungs.
The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. This "virus" is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" scam that is steamrolling people's lives.
it’s not where the virus came from. It is only relevant and important if it’s our governments that created it. And for what purpose. However!!!!!!! It’s the vaccines that followed which is what there should be a huge uprising of anger and retribution. Won’t happen. If you bought the shot you have decided to continue to believe the vaccine religion. The wonderful quality of humans to follow experts and leaders, the wonderful quality of humans to be easily panicked was and is being used to cull humans. Hardwired and educated to believe our betters.
That commenter might be from the UK, where they administered about 3x the normal amount of midazolam to the elderly in care homes and hospitals in 2020.
Midazolam is a drug you give to 'send someone off gently'. The Health Sec ordered and distributed massive amounts of it at the start of the pandemic, and it seems to have been liberally used.
This has never been publicly addressed. We know it happened, but not *why* it happened, at whose order etc?
Here in the USA - the Dept of Homeland Security and CIA deep state actors calling the shots-as this is a global concerted effort your countrys" dept equivilant imho
I think part of the attack was planned to get rid of global middle class aspirations and populations, as the elites view world resources as exclusively theirs to use. The highest death toll as a % of population is in the US; more than 1 million of the 6 million global deaths.
China is killing westerners as they believe China should be the exclusive hegemon; western elites are killing everyone: those who use resources, and the useless eaters, the global poor. They both view technocracy as the future, but differ as to who will be on top.
That theory doesn't hold water when you look at who was actually killed in the US during the Covid Era. That 1 million death total is comprised of almost exclusively the poor and disabled.
None of these people died from "Covid" as "Covid" is pure fiction- they all died from policies and protocols- lockdowns, deadly hospital protocols, nursing home neglect, mandatory injections of experimental neurotoxin and so forth.
I have for a long time considered the Wuhan lab to be possible second level patsy and I do think it was a deliberate release, too many convenient coincidences with the timing.
If you paint the picture that the intelligence services do more work for robber barons than they do for the people or even the Govt. ( which is very easy to do historically ) it becomes an attack on The West by the oligarchs. A thesis which is 100% borne out by the planned and managed self destructive responses.
Omicron does remain a curious chapter, who were the people travelling on diplomatic passports that brought Omicron into Sth Africa? Why was no one interested in finding out?
I can understand your theory. And some of my research would suggest you are into something.
For me, if it is an attack of the oligarchs (national and/or international/global) who are the masterminds?
Here’s the was this planned and who are the ones with the levers to make it happen?
I get that once the wheels are in motion the gravy train follows for many in this ilk. But there have to be a handful of those in the know that are key actors. Would you agree?
So my question is....who?
They bank on the layers of influence and the pawns in their employ to keep them untouchable and often hidden from view. There needs to be some shedding of light in the recesses of collaborations, communications, business plans, etc.
Just as the Sceptic is analyzing and taking apart what media and government officials were saying and doing....
Perhaps people should be looking more closely at the oligarchs and what they were saying and doing when?
At the very least, such inquiries will have those convinced that it is us against the Chinese will soon realize that those pulling the levers (and their Chinese counterparts) get away with much by pitting people against people (Americans against Chinese, vice versa).
Where have we seen or experienced this fine tuned tactic used recently? in the US, funded with our tax dollars and brought to us by our own government--whereby the way to coerce people into the shots (among other things) was to weaponize citizens against one another, family members against each other, virtue signaling vs reasoned thought, claiming moral high ground over reasoned and moderates debate?
This has become the hallmark of American politics in recent years. COVID took it to a whole new level. I have family and former friends (neighbors, also) who will no longer talk to me because I did not comply and asked questions. And then there are now those who have come to see the merit of my position but still disassociate from me because of the labels slapped on me in the beginning. Groupthink is one way to paralyze and immobilize people, to make them hesitant and unsure of both stage one and stage two.
So yes, I think we are seeing a whole new type of warfare being waged. And I suspect that whoever is behind the curtain is congratulating him or herself about how effective and humane the methods are (technology and all) because no blood is shed. Meanwhile, they excuse the collateral damage of COVID deaths due to protocols as eliminating the weak, elderly and immunocompromised (probably tell themselves it is the humane way to deal with them) and are further advancing their biotech which they hope through the merger of man and machine will guarantee them immortality. Sick bastards.
Anyhow, never would have thought at the outset that life would become stranger than fiction....but here we are.
Yes, let me give you a few of my current thoughts and ramblings.
I tend to build from the bottom up, with what I can see, that way I know I am on the right trail, what I would say is that the protagonists understand that if you can unleash fear and anxiety on a population ( and it's politicians* ) then you open up the whole battleground to manipulation with only a few key bad actors.
First a little group psychology.
Within a 'normal' corporate environment only a small % of senior people ( <10%? )would have the courage to risk telling the CEO that his direction of travel was heading for the rocks. A view I first heard from the late Sir John Harvey Jones ( ex chair of ICI.. who owned Zeneca amongst many others at the time ), this is a view borne out 100% by my own experience. If a CEO were to actively behave negatively to receiving good advice which is also bad news, this will drop to <1% instantly, and would also result in an AUTOMATIC adherence to this 'no bad news' model all the way down the chain to the floor cleaners. No supervisor, manager, senior manager , director wants to be sat on bad news that he cannot send up the chain, sitting on it is a future risk, so they adopt the very same behaviour and hey presto, the 'bad news' doesn't exist.
The natural extension to this unhealthy environment is that the 1% who do possess the courage and/or circumstances to speak up will leave over time.( or be removed )
This is pretty much the model of MSM over the last decade+, and why they are the shambles that we see today.
So given that EVERYTHING depends on propagating fear and anxiety, it's easy to see that control of the MSM and the intelligence services have been essential in driving this agenda.
A model that was confirmed and exposed through the Trump/Russia nonsense, and to a lesser extent, 'project fear' before the Brexit referendum in the UK.
Control of science is the third arm of this fear movement, and the current battleground.
Control of money through Govt. controlled CBDC's is the ultimate weapon. It's over if it gets to that point, the good guys lost.
MSM has lost already, they just don't like to admit it.
Controlled science will lose also, but this will be on the back of dead bodies, and will take time
Controlled Intelligence services can only lose if non-controlled heads of state are elected AND they are hard as nails AND the public gets to hear revelations about an atrocity by the intelligence services on their own people. 9/11 or covid would both fit that requirement.
I think we are in a race against time for these things to happen BEFORE controlled digital currency is rolled out and is the only payment alternative.
I doubt very much that the majority of those invited to Davos are thinking anything other than 'wow, I'm at Davos with the worlds richest people, I really made it'. I'm not completely clear on the psychological mechanism's of self-satisfaction but I have seen it, it's addictive and easily leads to delusional thinking in anyone not grounded ( by others often... which is why ridicule works remarkable well as a very visible reset jolt )
I'd point to this delusional 'elite' thinking as the real enemy, a mind virus which can be traced back to H.G.Wells, Huxley, eugenics societies and beyond. It is both very dangerous and borne from fear, they actually fear the people, never forget that.
I'll finish with a quote from William Casey ( as reported by Barbara Honegger in a meeting, allegedly ), former director of the CIA, upon being asked what the goal of the agency was (in 1981).
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
*The important thing about the politicians is that the leaders of Govts MUST be controllable, likely through coercion in most cases. Trump in the USA and Corbyn in the UK are examples of what happens if someone not 'owned' gets close to power.
And I wholeheartedly agree that the CBDC is the line in the sand we MUST not cross. Blockchain, CBDC and Digital ID will be marketed and sold to us on efficiency, economy and security. But it is a Trojan Horse. It can equally be used for assessing, tracking, tracing and quantifying—-which is the plan. The social impact markets are what thy envision the technocracy running on with the fin/tech elite bidding and betting on who can do the best job programming and managing the world (including us-think human capital). They will reap riches and live with privileges being able to buy carbon offsets for their outrageous footprints as they pontificate about us needing yo do our collective part in saving the world/Earth. And society’s values/needs will be established by them. None of this democracy nonsense or individual liberty. They will maintain that truth can be found in data. We would do well to remember that figures lie and liars figure. And of course, the old adage that absolute power corrupts absolutely has stood the test of time for a reason.
People often refer to the Matrix in speaking of the challenges we face. I believe The Terminator is instructive as well.
And not to get too dystopian or sci fi, but the other aspects most are totally unaware of is the tech sector’s pursuit of “the singularity” and also their obsession with immortality through tech or biotech. Google especially has things in the pipeline. Look up Calico Labs. And have you ever heard of Ray Kurzweil? Worth a look. Thanks again.
I tend to make my arguments around 'the robber barons' since they are a fairly definable bunch with a well documented history which includes the concepts of monopoly, 'philanthropy' have tentacles influencing science, Govt and media, enjoy extracting tax payer cash and they are a part of the problem. It's a manageable and documented reality leap for people who are just waking up.
But yes, the bigger picture is much bigger and darker, I'll look up Ray Kurzweil, thanks.
I agree with everything you have written here. And I too have seen it at play. And it only requires one or two bad actors to set the agenda and the minions fall in line out of fear and in hopes of pleasing the bad actors (more often than not those doing the dirty work have no idea).
I can see that at play. Also the group think of those at Davos tends to let those individuals who are chasing fame and fortune ignore any bad side. Why? It is like everyone watching the rape or robbery and excusing their failure to call the cops or intervene because surely if it were that bad, somebody would have already taken steps to stop or rectify the wrong.
And of course, with technology we are also crippled as individuals and as a society with the bad actors ability to make everything look new and shiny....all technology is viewed as “progress”, there is never an open debate about the downsides or what is lost to humanity through certain aspects of technology. Technology in my mind is like a may not be inherently evil as an can be used for good or bad. Much depends on the person or persons wielding the gun.
I then come back to the fact that many of these billionaires and powerful people did not get to where they are with a corporate culture of generosity and fairness. How many people know that right before 9/11 hit, the US DOJ had found Gates liable/guilty of monopolizing the markets. Thing was, after 9/11 happened the DOJ had bigger fish to fry, so they went easy on Gates to be able to move along. Then Gates went over to his Foundation.....harder to tag a guy for not being so fair and nice in business when he says he is doing it for the hood of mankind/philanthropy.
How many remember what the US Congress was doing right before the pandemic hit? I do. Why? Because I was up to my eyeballs in researching what Gates and the tech sector had done to my state’s education system (was not good). And I was following the hearings on big tech’s influence....
But hey, then a pandemic hits and WHOA now our government is courting big tech to help them keep the citizenry in line. Seriously, but people are so in their silos or self absorbed they forget the big picture. I try to go back and forth between the big picture and what is happening in my state (which by my assessment figures prominently in whatever the bigger agenda is). It has served me very very well and I have found too many connections and intersections to believe it is all coincidence. Feel like you have to pan a lot of streambeds before you find the gold, but when you do....there is no mistaking it.
Thank you for your thoughts. We appear to approach this stuff in similar fashion.
"How many people know that right before 9/11 hit, the US DOJ had found Gates liable/guilty of monopolizing the markets."
You may have seen this already, this is the default clip that I start with as I explain to people that Gates is an unbalanced, petulant, single minded monopolist.
I think it has to be considered that all these entities, if they were ever formed and functioned originally in the nationalistic manner that we are supposed to believe (along with many other fairly tales) then they have long since been infiltrated, corrupted, and commandeered (take your pick) by the international criminal cabal that serves an "elite" minority (the international criminally psychopathic cabal, bloodlines, or whatever they are) whom the security/intelligence structures have always served. Some say that "the nation state" is an obsolete concept at this point in history (I don't wish to believe this) but it has to be considered that much of what we are lead to believe are the actions of nations competing in what is considered "geopolitics" is actually some form of Kabuki dance being "called", as it were, by the hidden parties (the Cabal) to achieve their goals while concealing their means and methods from the rest of mankind.
They were aligned with the robber barons from the outset. Back in WW1 the only USA 'spy' in the middle east whom Lawrence of Arabia crossed paths with was called William Yale ( descendant of Yale Uni founder ) who was an employee of Standard Oil. These were the building blocks maintained to this day.
These three including Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News together have exposed the entire in detail information necessary to wake up the comfortably asleep. They need a wider audience that only a high profile person can offer.
Another “engineering” project to kill off as many people as possible. Of course this is a made in US pandemic leading to a US vaccine. And many more mRNA vaccines to make sure the job is done. Remember there were 40 bio labs in Ukraine too.
A couple of thoughts come to mind upon reading this....
Remember Dr. Malone says his CIA/Harvard buddy called him from China about him needing to get his people together to look at re-purposed drugs and treatment options. When was that in this time line?
I had a neighbor (largely kept to himself and was known in the neighborhood as being somewhat odd--people would joke about whether he was CIA) who early on was suspicious about everything. He just shook his head when I talked to him and also I recall him mentioning an “outbreak” at Fort Detrick. I believe this was early spring 2020 when we talked-he came by to see if I needed help plowing/rototilling my garden space.
What also makes me scratch my light of this info.....if this is the US Intelligence Community at work, taking a swing at China.....why then has it seemed that the 5 eye countries have also had leadership looking to break it’s own populations and impose protocols/etc. that ultimately undermine our society as we knew it pre-pandemic?
In other words, are we dealing with a combination of rogue elements that are so heavily vested in the NWO and they have the contacts and power to collapse/attack all the standing nations thereby positioning themselves to introduce their own designs.
My recent research shows some pretty powerful financial people making tracks to set up shop in China post pandemic. Which has me asking....why are they so confident those markers will be wide open for plunder and capitalizing on the carbon markers, and biomedical fields. And then there are the telltale signs that many have vested in a change to the financial system that would accompany the central bank digital currency introduction.
Begins to feel very much like a what came first....chicken or egg situation?!!
And isn’t that what the Daily Sceptic has actually described....the age old, define/create the problem so you can sell the solution....and the solutions will further consolidate the power, influence and control that arguably landed us in hot water to begin with.
And if the question was or is....was it by design or purpose? The best way to test that would be to reject the solutions. That is, stop the fear, get back to living and tell the predatory philanthropists, experts for hire, captured institutions that they do not have any answers we wish to partake in.
The fly in the ointment as best I can tell is that too many (among the masses, societal institutions and individually) have grown accustomed to living beyond their mean. The past decade or two (and even before-but has intensified with technological “advances”) has been spent courting those with money and prostituting public interests to efficiency and economy under the guise of “progress.” In short, many are far and happy and self absorbed. They do not even look at or consider community values/connections as they once were....a structure requiring responsibility as much as rights. Now we are flooded with talk of rights and no accountability. And much of the propaganda and brainwashing flows from the entities that want us dependent upon them and their machines. Politicians have just become brokers. And along the way they have earned themselves commissions ( public servants with million dollar portfolios) by way of doing business “for the people.”
I’d recommend that people have a look at and read Dr. Tess Lawrie’s substack today. It is fascinating when one stops to consider the way THEY are manipulating language now....and realize, just how long language has been manipulated and perhaps many of us were born into and indoctrinated into a system that is only now revealing itself for what it truly for thought.
But for part, the bright (the government) do not get to use fear to abrogate my free will when it comes to what I put in my body or that of my children. And when coercion and weaponization are used by the powers that be or government to insist on compliance or lose out on life and community....something is seriously amiss.
So yeah, I asked questions....held the line....glad I did, and find myself floored by how many did not.
I'm a reader, not a writer but thanks! If I were a good storyteller I'd probably be a decent writer. I think the tech is the key and that they have some backdoors. I'm not technologically astute so I'm relying on intuition with a bit of logic. Something's off, right?
Thank you. I am struck by how many see what has happened and is unfolding through certain biases or lens. I try hard to check myself on that having learned the hard way relative to investigations I did around Gates’ funded education “reform” in my state.
I now subscribe almost completely to “follow the money.” And these days that means not only the trail behind, but the direction of where certain individuals are looking to “invest” and why. We have always known that our government is susceptible to the influence of those with money. Think Rockefeller. I maintain, however, that advances in technology (where the private sector outpaces in all respects any governing body or attempt to police that sector) have serious implications for these relationships as well as who has “the power.” And given that technology has invaded and in large part grown to be the driving force behind every sector it means those who own the tech will eventually own us.
Anyhow, people are trying so hard to make sense of the COVID narrative through paradigms like US vs. China, left vs. right, bureaucrats vs. the people, etc.
In the end, follow the money. One thing that has become abundantly clear is those pulling the levers have no use for national boundaries at this point in the game (which leads me to feel like all the war mongering is misleading) and they are trying to consolidate their power in a very small group who hold all the cards by virtue of $$$, influence and control. I honestly don’t care if they think they are doing it for good or not. Bottom line, state of nature is a state of war. See John Locke. We enter into a social contract to find peace for ourselves by giving up rights to take advantage by might, and power. I will not kill you for the guarantee you will not kill me.
We are at a point where certain individuals feel they are outside the social contract in many many ways. Rules for thee but not for me. And our government(s) are inept when it comes to policing or maintaining pace with this crew. And quite frankly, a fair number within our government and among our politicians are in bed with them.
I think many people hope (hopey changey thing--Dems) that the brainwashing around things like DEI are for real and not a Trojan Horse. Can we afford to take that chance? I don’t think so when we look at what the past three years have been like. They will use means to control if they fail to manipulate or convince you. And God help us, because we are naive if we do not think they already have and use the tech in that way.
Second, they know that the very industry they are vested in is one of the ones destroying the earth (not to mention their lifestyles). But again, rules for thee and not for me. As they jet off to debate how much of a carbon footprint each person should be allowed. Meanwhile, they pike up their riches which will be used to by carbon credits as they see fit. Think Hunger Games.
They want us to continue to believe in the social contract (they have morphed it from individual liberty to communitarianism--which is dangerous because it allows the wielding of a cloaked power against the individual with no recourse, while also encouraging no accountability individually over decision makers).
My feeling is the social contract is dead on many levels. We may still have some basic protections, but recent events beg the question....for how long?
Remember they have said, by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy. Is that a promise or a threat?
Yep, Congress seems to want to outsource controversial tasks so to focus on reelection. Ie outsource health responses to international non elected bureaucracy like the WHO.
Considering the fact that the CDC, DARPA and CIA have worked in concert ever since World War II to develop bio warfare entities, it is not beyond my comprehension that they were the engine and big Pharma became the defender of public health for their own interest. 
We know for a fact that Dr. Drasak and his Chinese lab partner were working on covid sars here in UNC, Chapel Hill, N.C., we also know that the United States banned gain of function here. Dr. Drasak and partner went to Wuhan with Dr. Fauci's blessings and his financial support to continue their work. what happened after that is still up in the air, a leak on purpose or not???
You are all missing some very important data points:
-Who were sniping and killing US troops in Iraq just for the recording of an anti-Islam clip. Snipers were caught according to US Marines and a US Colonel but apparently they had so much pull that they were released by Zapata engineering? Hear the US Colonel:
-Who were caught on 9/11 with van full of explosives but released, and also blew up a van on Kings street? Who has that kind of pull, who is the master over the slave the US? NYPD radio transmissions exposes them:
-Who are the the ones who have for years lobbied for preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia and China? Former deputy of treasury under Reagan and the brain behind "Reaganomics" names them here:
Might explain why 99.99999999% of all Non-Jews and perhaps most ordinary Jewish folks don't
know what Judaism really teaches.
The Jewish humanist, Israeli human rights activist Prof. Israel Shahak blew the whistle on Judaism of which organized Jewry have succeed to keep the Non-Jew in the dark about.
In chapter 2, the professor describes the techniques used to deceive the Non-Jew about the nature of Judaism,
in chapter 5, Prof. Shahak describes the laws against Non-Jews.
These two chapters will blow your mind. A poets who goes by the name Snordster has done a reading of some sections of chapter 5, it will hit you like a ton of bricks
Check these Jewish survivors of Auschwitz and ask yourself if their testimonies in any shape or form square with the testimonies we've been allowed to hear:
My point is that Jewish elites own the US and own Israel and their engine is the unmitigated, orthodox version of Judaism. It does not matter if they are atheists and not wear black robes, because religion influences secular culture.
They know that the Talmudic way is the way their ancestors dealt with the Non-Jew, it is their heritage, and these laws applied against the Non-Jew is a recipe, an algorithm for world domination. The algorithm also worked 2000 years ago, see
1. The background noise in their head which is the thought virus which comes from celebrating Purim and Pesach from childhood and which says to them even if they confess atheism:
"The Non-Jew hates us for no reason because we are the chosen people. We have been persecuted for no reason at all, we must therefore stick together and help each other".
For sure the Non-Jew have kicked Jews out, but I tend to explain this with the kind of behavior Judaism demands from the Jew against the Non-Jew. See expulsions:
Their endgame is to fulfill the prophesies of Judaism/the dreams of their forefathers, which is world government from Jerusalem by the Messaiha, and this is only just because they can and because they have nothing else to do to having so much money:
Bakunin who was a anarchist wrote about their tactics. He sounds antisemitic, but I think, what he really means is the Jewish elites and their brainwashed "useful idiots".
Such "useful idiots" have pushed through legislation in Europe which is censoring/sacking/jailing scientists who are Holocaust revisionists. I argue that the idea that you actually could censor scientific discourse was an idea rammed through by organized Jewry's useful idiots.
We accepted because we were convinced that the Holocaust revisionists were "evil deniers", because these "smart" useful idiots thought it was fun to fool the world with statements such as "Also I saw my family being gassed and made to soap", see
Ai Theory has the R-I-N-G of Truth somehow. It's actually suspiciously both Ai and Bio united and involved.
No doubt; a genius invention of DARPA and all the most evil units of the country and world. Have no doubt it is an ATTACK upon the world's PERSONS. However, it is NOT THE CONVENTIONAL ATTACK.
Have no doubt the endless crises, attacks upon the traditional family/traditionally moral women/children/caucasian men, ATTACKS WITH PERVERSION AGAINST Judeo-Christian Tradition, has created INSECURITY AMONG THE STRONG THROUGH DEGRADATION and NECESSARY PREOCCUPATION among the most intelligent and observant with research, investigations, origins and all kinds of ancillary tiny concerns as a GOAL. ENDLESS DISCUSSION, DEBATE FURTHER DISTRACTS FROM ACTION TO STOP THIS INSANE OCCUPATION BY THE ENEMY and allow them to speak about it online where all is measurable data used for covert action.
THIS IS THE REAL THREAT AND THE UNELECTED FASCIST LEADERS OF ALL NORTH AMERICA ARE ALLOWING IT FOR THE ENSLAVEMENT OF THE NORTH AMERICAN PERSONS AND RESOURCES...For the personal gain of the Oligarchical Elite Ruling Classes of the World like the Clintons who sold U.S. Uranium to Russia for their own personal gain with the permission of the rest of the OBiden Mob installed into Govt. at that time...The WANNA-BE TYRANT Kings and Queens.
Interesting....your comment about all the states along the Canadian US border. Will need to look more closely at that. I have concerns about what I see in my state as being forced behind the curtain and what direction they point. Are you in one of these states?
Dr. Alexander the head of the Chinese CDC said on camera China had not isolated Covid-19. So why do we believe it is Covid when no one on Earth isolated this virus? Is it not reasonable that COVID too is fake, a red herring, for other biological agents since it only exists in a lab image? And vaccine contents are not showing mRNA either. Graphene Oxide is found. Nothing of this narrative is true.
I suspected as much from the get go .Lots more information set to be exposed .We were told that the world would be shocked and I'm very much afraid that they were correct.
I have long suspected this was a limited hangout (what I call a "coverdown" story) redirecting us from US bioweapons labs in the US and Ukraine.
And the hypotheses of a release in China a distraction from investigating earlier US release perhaps?
bingo Fort Belvoir
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
It’s imperative that people stop ceding ground to fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic. This only fortifies the narrative by implying that any extra-ordinary response was ever necessary, that a single one of their “public health” diktats was legitimate. This has never had anything to do with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen.
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.
Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.
Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.
There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.
It is a bio weapon
Absolutely. Both the "virus" and the vaccine (so called). I'm not sure Allen above has accounted for that. Although the psy-op does include much of what he suggests, there is no reason whatsoever to conclude that there was no pathogen involved in the first place. In fact, that's not how the "virus-vaccine game" is played. Although "Covid" was (IMO) a new and enormously expanded version of the usual "game" with tremendous (stupendous) world-wide goals ("Novel" indeed) it was still an extension/elaboration of previous "plandemics" that were, in hindsight, practice runs for the current situation. I may not be interpreting Allen's (above) position correctly but if he is stating that "the Covid" was conducted w/o any pathogen--call it a "virus" (it doesn't have to be one) or whatever you like, there needs to be a physical correlate to the unique symptoms found by the doctors (the honest ones that are truly trying to help people and find out "what is ailing them") and the factor that killed off 100+ Iranian high officials. Any theory that does not account for these issues is, at best, incomplete.
Absolutely! So why can no viral particles ever be found?
Essentially, the virologists have offered multiple hypothetical pathogenetic
mechanisms for a particle hypothesised to exist in an organism such as a
human. And again, even if these speculative mechanisms were at play, it
would require enormous numbers of cells to be affected to produce
symptoms. But enormous numbers of cells would result in astronomical
amounts of viral particles coming out of them — so why can no viral particles
ever be found? Virology has a habit of diverting attention away from such
aspects that raise doubts about its phantasmal model. (Page 27), who has deconstructed virology itself in a 2022 paper called “A Farewell to Virology.” This paper dismantles the absurd methods that are used to prove the claims of virologists.
the "virus" served as an excuse for the “Covid-19 vaccines” , which are biowarfare agents, legally not medicines, not pharmaceuticals, and not regulated as such -
100%!! Most astute comment yet. And the vaccine is a bio-weapon designed to maim, kill, and sterilize a large portion of the population.
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
Crap. Wait till you get COVID then tell me it does not exist. It is nothing like the flu or like a cold. The 'vaccine' is the original cause of the COVID, and that synthetic bioweapon sheds, and infects others to produce the same symptoms as those seen in the 'vaccinated', babies born with half their faces missing do not occur with the flu or the common cold. Your comment is typical of those with some ulterior motive, pseudo-intellectuals with no actual experience, or perhaps you are one of the 110.000 employees of Klaus Schwab hired to sow confusion on the internet.
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
Yes, it was created in the US Biological Weapons Labs in the Ukraine under a Military Program. Then the US Team for the World Military Games released it at the Games in October 2019.
Is the US acting in concert with China?
Or will China seek revenge for being scapegoated by US?
Which individuals are aware of, and thus will escape the genocide?
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
The Bioweapon was created in the US Biological Weapons Lab in the Ukraine, and that Nuland admitted to. She said they work on "Countermeasures to Biological Weapons of our Adversaries" (Russia and China). The US Team at the World Military in October 2019 released it and blamed China. It was reported in the Jaxen Report on The Highwire last week:
The Jaxen Report on show this week has a shocking section that reported on Paul Eherlich who wrote "The Population Bomb''.
Eherlich wrote a second book after "Population Bomb"
with the guy who became oBOMBa's Science Advisor, and they said in the book that: "WE COULD MAKE A BIOLOGICAL WEAPON THAT COULD REDUCE THE POPULATION''!!!!!!!!!
At the 30:00 mark they get into what happened with Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, who together have a bigger audience than all the Networks put together. Things are way worse than we thought, Watch that whole section from 14:00to 51:40, it is incredible. They actually WANT to Kill us. See this from Pepe the Great Escobar's Telegram Channel:
Mao, in 1971:
"In another 50 years China will be very strong, and by that time the Chinese Communist Party will be a hundred years old. Amerika will most likely be very envious and restless, but it doesn’t dare attack China, not even with a single bullet. It will research germ contamination instead. That is very unconscionable. After it finishes with this unconscionable deed, it will self-destruct."
Now we know why China had the insane Zero COVID Policy and why the entire Scamdemic was a Military Operation. It was about WAR WITH RUSSIA AND CHINA AT THE SAME TIME which in effect, the Wolfowitz Doctrine says: "If two Superpowers like Russia and China Control Eurasia at the same time, we must go to War against them".
They couldn't win a Shooting War against both at the same time, so they went to War with a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON.
The Biological Weapons Convention Bans Biological Weapons so the Nuremberg Code gets them. They must be Charged and Tried for Crimes Against Humanity and
they conveniently left a Paper Trail for us to use to Convict them.
You must understand that everything the US accuses Russia of is Projection.
Funny how everyone is fixated on Ukraine bioweapons labs. Try researching how many countries have bioweapons labs and how many are associated with the US.
OK, now consider that in China NOTHING like this happens without CCP agreement, yet, the US was working with them in Wuhan on this same project.
What I am trying to get across is that this was not just a US project or a sole CCP project. There was obvious cross border coordination.
14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
When you realise the zoonotic theory is rubbish, you have to naturally question if the release was an accident or not. When you look at Omicron and realise that this was a variant from the original wild type, and not the delta, and has clearly been through a mouse model, then you have to ask yourself if Omicron was in fact a white hat release. Putting those together and all the strangely perfect co-ordination between the 5 eyes countries, combined with all the billionaires that were just so accidentally perfectly positioned in their portfolios to take advantage, and the Moderna CEO being the architect behind the wuhan lab, the money washed through an MI6 front company, with DoD contracts for a COVID19 vaccine in October 2019, and their original funding of Ralph Baric back to 2001 after the (obviously) fake anthrax scare....then it would take quite an imagination to believe that this was not a DoD, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ biowarfare attack on their greatest military and economic threat.
It's worth noting that the USG had the extra advantage of reducing some of its elderly Social Security recipients and welfare cases in the process. After all the SS "Trust Fund" was long ago spent with the general budget on failed foreign wars and other boondoggles. Obvious bankruptcy was approaching. It was an attack on China, not the first, but also had side-benefits to please the bean-crunchers and eugenicists.
I say the government of the U.S. has become THE most evil on the face of this earth.
A board game in the making.
Yeah, okay. But when you say "the USG" do you mean this effected the purposes of some Washington bureaucrats? Who are the parties that don't get "paid back" when national debts can't be made good on? Who are the parties with the "most to lose" when the current economic system collapses? Who are the parties with the means and motivation to take control of "the situation" and effect a different outcome to preserve (or increase) their circumstances?
It's all rubbish.
The evidence for any meaningful "lab leak" is less than zero it is actually preposterous.
The "lab leak" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a viral event and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.
The evidence is crystal clear on this and voluminous.
Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the Covid merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all facets of it. There was no "pandemic" and there was no "lab leak."
The Wuhan lab leak theory is used to reinforce viral fear porn. Even if the "bioweapon theory" were true we should then be relieved as it was only effective against 80+ year olds with 4+ comorbidities and assorted sickly people crammed into hospitals/nursing homes who were neglected and had loads of toxic crap jammed into their bodies and vents forced on them which blew up their lungs.
The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative. This "virus" is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" scam that is steamrolling people's lives.
it’s not where the virus came from. It is only relevant and important if it’s our governments that created it. And for what purpose. However!!!!!!! It’s the vaccines that followed which is what there should be a huge uprising of anger and retribution. Won’t happen. If you bought the shot you have decided to continue to believe the vaccine religion. The wonderful quality of humans to follow experts and leaders, the wonderful quality of humans to be easily panicked was and is being used to cull humans. Hardwired and educated to believe our betters.
Yep, there was no pandemic until the gene therapy was released.
Say what? Nursing homes and hospitals were powdered and then sprayed from the skies? Is this a cartoon fantasy?
Midazolam and Morphine were used to treat patients with "Covid" along with Ventilators.
Midazolam is a respiratory suppressant, and has been used during lethal injection executions.
Now put someone on a Ventilator, who's had their respiratory system suppressed, and guess what.
"Covid" is not a dental visit.
That commenter might be from the UK, where they administered about 3x the normal amount of midazolam to the elderly in care homes and hospitals in 2020.
Midazolam is a drug you give to 'send someone off gently'. The Health Sec ordered and distributed massive amounts of it at the start of the pandemic, and it seems to have been liberally used.
This has never been publicly addressed. We know it happened, but not *why* it happened, at whose order etc?
Here in the USA - the Dept of Homeland Security and CIA deep state actors calling the shots-as this is a global concerted effort your countrys" dept equivilant imho
Canada. MAID. Killing with compassion…….
I think part of the attack was planned to get rid of global middle class aspirations and populations, as the elites view world resources as exclusively theirs to use. The highest death toll as a % of population is in the US; more than 1 million of the 6 million global deaths.
China is killing westerners as they believe China should be the exclusive hegemon; western elites are killing everyone: those who use resources, and the useless eaters, the global poor. They both view technocracy as the future, but differ as to who will be on top.
That theory doesn't hold water when you look at who was actually killed in the US during the Covid Era. That 1 million death total is comprised of almost exclusively the poor and disabled.
None of these people died from "Covid" as "Covid" is pure fiction- they all died from policies and protocols- lockdowns, deadly hospital protocols, nursing home neglect, mandatory injections of experimental neurotoxin and so forth.
So, in Iran also?
Dead poor and feebled humans cost our planners nothing, there is no use for these individuals going forward
I have for a long time considered the Wuhan lab to be possible second level patsy and I do think it was a deliberate release, too many convenient coincidences with the timing.
If you paint the picture that the intelligence services do more work for robber barons than they do for the people or even the Govt. ( which is very easy to do historically ) it becomes an attack on The West by the oligarchs. A thesis which is 100% borne out by the planned and managed self destructive responses.
Omicron does remain a curious chapter, who were the people travelling on diplomatic passports that brought Omicron into Sth Africa? Why was no one interested in finding out?
I can understand your theory. And some of my research would suggest you are into something.
For me, if it is an attack of the oligarchs (national and/or international/global) who are the masterminds?
Here’s the was this planned and who are the ones with the levers to make it happen?
I get that once the wheels are in motion the gravy train follows for many in this ilk. But there have to be a handful of those in the know that are key actors. Would you agree?
So my question is....who?
They bank on the layers of influence and the pawns in their employ to keep them untouchable and often hidden from view. There needs to be some shedding of light in the recesses of collaborations, communications, business plans, etc.
Just as the Sceptic is analyzing and taking apart what media and government officials were saying and doing....
Perhaps people should be looking more closely at the oligarchs and what they were saying and doing when?
At the very least, such inquiries will have those convinced that it is us against the Chinese will soon realize that those pulling the levers (and their Chinese counterparts) get away with much by pitting people against people (Americans against Chinese, vice versa).
Where have we seen or experienced this fine tuned tactic used recently? in the US, funded with our tax dollars and brought to us by our own government--whereby the way to coerce people into the shots (among other things) was to weaponize citizens against one another, family members against each other, virtue signaling vs reasoned thought, claiming moral high ground over reasoned and moderates debate?
This has become the hallmark of American politics in recent years. COVID took it to a whole new level. I have family and former friends (neighbors, also) who will no longer talk to me because I did not comply and asked questions. And then there are now those who have come to see the merit of my position but still disassociate from me because of the labels slapped on me in the beginning. Groupthink is one way to paralyze and immobilize people, to make them hesitant and unsure of both stage one and stage two.
So yes, I think we are seeing a whole new type of warfare being waged. And I suspect that whoever is behind the curtain is congratulating him or herself about how effective and humane the methods are (technology and all) because no blood is shed. Meanwhile, they excuse the collateral damage of COVID deaths due to protocols as eliminating the weak, elderly and immunocompromised (probably tell themselves it is the humane way to deal with them) and are further advancing their biotech which they hope through the merger of man and machine will guarantee them immortality. Sick bastards.
Anyhow, never would have thought at the outset that life would become stranger than fiction....but here we are.
Yes, let me give you a few of my current thoughts and ramblings.
I tend to build from the bottom up, with what I can see, that way I know I am on the right trail, what I would say is that the protagonists understand that if you can unleash fear and anxiety on a population ( and it's politicians* ) then you open up the whole battleground to manipulation with only a few key bad actors.
First a little group psychology.
Within a 'normal' corporate environment only a small % of senior people ( <10%? )would have the courage to risk telling the CEO that his direction of travel was heading for the rocks. A view I first heard from the late Sir John Harvey Jones ( ex chair of ICI.. who owned Zeneca amongst many others at the time ), this is a view borne out 100% by my own experience. If a CEO were to actively behave negatively to receiving good advice which is also bad news, this will drop to <1% instantly, and would also result in an AUTOMATIC adherence to this 'no bad news' model all the way down the chain to the floor cleaners. No supervisor, manager, senior manager , director wants to be sat on bad news that he cannot send up the chain, sitting on it is a future risk, so they adopt the very same behaviour and hey presto, the 'bad news' doesn't exist.
The natural extension to this unhealthy environment is that the 1% who do possess the courage and/or circumstances to speak up will leave over time.( or be removed )
This is pretty much the model of MSM over the last decade+, and why they are the shambles that we see today.
So given that EVERYTHING depends on propagating fear and anxiety, it's easy to see that control of the MSM and the intelligence services have been essential in driving this agenda.
A model that was confirmed and exposed through the Trump/Russia nonsense, and to a lesser extent, 'project fear' before the Brexit referendum in the UK.
Control of science is the third arm of this fear movement, and the current battleground.
Control of money through Govt. controlled CBDC's is the ultimate weapon. It's over if it gets to that point, the good guys lost.
MSM has lost already, they just don't like to admit it.
Controlled science will lose also, but this will be on the back of dead bodies, and will take time
Controlled Intelligence services can only lose if non-controlled heads of state are elected AND they are hard as nails AND the public gets to hear revelations about an atrocity by the intelligence services on their own people. 9/11 or covid would both fit that requirement.
I think we are in a race against time for these things to happen BEFORE controlled digital currency is rolled out and is the only payment alternative.
I doubt very much that the majority of those invited to Davos are thinking anything other than 'wow, I'm at Davos with the worlds richest people, I really made it'. I'm not completely clear on the psychological mechanism's of self-satisfaction but I have seen it, it's addictive and easily leads to delusional thinking in anyone not grounded ( by others often... which is why ridicule works remarkable well as a very visible reset jolt )
I'd point to this delusional 'elite' thinking as the real enemy, a mind virus which can be traced back to H.G.Wells, Huxley, eugenics societies and beyond. It is both very dangerous and borne from fear, they actually fear the people, never forget that.
I'll finish with a quote from William Casey ( as reported by Barbara Honegger in a meeting, allegedly ), former director of the CIA, upon being asked what the goal of the agency was (in 1981).
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
*The important thing about the politicians is that the leaders of Govts MUST be controllable, likely through coercion in most cases. Trump in the USA and Corbyn in the UK are examples of what happens if someone not 'owned' gets close to power.
And I wholeheartedly agree that the CBDC is the line in the sand we MUST not cross. Blockchain, CBDC and Digital ID will be marketed and sold to us on efficiency, economy and security. But it is a Trojan Horse. It can equally be used for assessing, tracking, tracing and quantifying—-which is the plan. The social impact markets are what thy envision the technocracy running on with the fin/tech elite bidding and betting on who can do the best job programming and managing the world (including us-think human capital). They will reap riches and live with privileges being able to buy carbon offsets for their outrageous footprints as they pontificate about us needing yo do our collective part in saving the world/Earth. And society’s values/needs will be established by them. None of this democracy nonsense or individual liberty. They will maintain that truth can be found in data. We would do well to remember that figures lie and liars figure. And of course, the old adage that absolute power corrupts absolutely has stood the test of time for a reason.
People often refer to the Matrix in speaking of the challenges we face. I believe The Terminator is instructive as well.
And not to get too dystopian or sci fi, but the other aspects most are totally unaware of is the tech sector’s pursuit of “the singularity” and also their obsession with immortality through tech or biotech. Google especially has things in the pipeline. Look up Calico Labs. And have you ever heard of Ray Kurzweil? Worth a look. Thanks again.
I tend to make my arguments around 'the robber barons' since they are a fairly definable bunch with a well documented history which includes the concepts of monopoly, 'philanthropy' have tentacles influencing science, Govt and media, enjoy extracting tax payer cash and they are a part of the problem. It's a manageable and documented reality leap for people who are just waking up.
But yes, the bigger picture is much bigger and darker, I'll look up Ray Kurzweil, thanks.
I agree with everything you have written here. And I too have seen it at play. And it only requires one or two bad actors to set the agenda and the minions fall in line out of fear and in hopes of pleasing the bad actors (more often than not those doing the dirty work have no idea).
I can see that at play. Also the group think of those at Davos tends to let those individuals who are chasing fame and fortune ignore any bad side. Why? It is like everyone watching the rape or robbery and excusing their failure to call the cops or intervene because surely if it were that bad, somebody would have already taken steps to stop or rectify the wrong.
And of course, with technology we are also crippled as individuals and as a society with the bad actors ability to make everything look new and shiny....all technology is viewed as “progress”, there is never an open debate about the downsides or what is lost to humanity through certain aspects of technology. Technology in my mind is like a may not be inherently evil as an can be used for good or bad. Much depends on the person or persons wielding the gun.
I then come back to the fact that many of these billionaires and powerful people did not get to where they are with a corporate culture of generosity and fairness. How many people know that right before 9/11 hit, the US DOJ had found Gates liable/guilty of monopolizing the markets. Thing was, after 9/11 happened the DOJ had bigger fish to fry, so they went easy on Gates to be able to move along. Then Gates went over to his Foundation.....harder to tag a guy for not being so fair and nice in business when he says he is doing it for the hood of mankind/philanthropy.
How many remember what the US Congress was doing right before the pandemic hit? I do. Why? Because I was up to my eyeballs in researching what Gates and the tech sector had done to my state’s education system (was not good). And I was following the hearings on big tech’s influence....
But hey, then a pandemic hits and WHOA now our government is courting big tech to help them keep the citizenry in line. Seriously, but people are so in their silos or self absorbed they forget the big picture. I try to go back and forth between the big picture and what is happening in my state (which by my assessment figures prominently in whatever the bigger agenda is). It has served me very very well and I have found too many connections and intersections to believe it is all coincidence. Feel like you have to pan a lot of streambeds before you find the gold, but when you do....there is no mistaking it.
Thank you for your thoughts. We appear to approach this stuff in similar fashion.
"How many people know that right before 9/11 hit, the US DOJ had found Gates liable/guilty of monopolizing the markets."
You may have seen this already, this is the default clip that I start with as I explain to people that Gates is an unbalanced, petulant, single minded monopolist.
Bill gates didn't seem happy about omicron, he knew that messed up the plan.
yes indeed, he called it a natural vaccine. As in natural immunity is the key.
I think it has to be considered that all these entities, if they were ever formed and functioned originally in the nationalistic manner that we are supposed to believe (along with many other fairly tales) then they have long since been infiltrated, corrupted, and commandeered (take your pick) by the international criminal cabal that serves an "elite" minority (the international criminally psychopathic cabal, bloodlines, or whatever they are) whom the security/intelligence structures have always served. Some say that "the nation state" is an obsolete concept at this point in history (I don't wish to believe this) but it has to be considered that much of what we are lead to believe are the actions of nations competing in what is considered "geopolitics" is actually some form of Kabuki dance being "called", as it were, by the hidden parties (the Cabal) to achieve their goals while concealing their means and methods from the rest of mankind.
They were aligned with the robber barons from the outset. Back in WW1 the only USA 'spy' in the middle east whom Lawrence of Arabia crossed paths with was called William Yale ( descendant of Yale Uni founder ) who was an employee of Standard Oil. These were the building blocks maintained to this day.
Thank you for conveying this most people are not aware of DARPA and especially Stephane Bancel's history
It would be really helpful now to combine your analysis here with Sasha Latypova's analysis of the DoD documents. Could you consider interviewing her?
And Karen Kingston. She's got all the patent info.
Come together people, if you really want justice and freedom restored.
Dr. David Martin also.
Yes !
These three including Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News together have exposed the entire in detail information necessary to wake up the comfortably asleep. They need a wider audience that only a high profile person can offer.
Another “engineering” project to kill off as many people as possible. Of course this is a made in US pandemic leading to a US vaccine. And many more mRNA vaccines to make sure the job is done. Remember there were 40 bio labs in Ukraine too.
Yet, we know Little Mengele farmed out GOF research to Wuhan. Was it all a cover for a US bio attack?
There is a commentator on OANN (One America News Network) who this am referred to Faucchh as Mengele. 👏
A couple of thoughts come to mind upon reading this....
Remember Dr. Malone says his CIA/Harvard buddy called him from China about him needing to get his people together to look at re-purposed drugs and treatment options. When was that in this time line?
I had a neighbor (largely kept to himself and was known in the neighborhood as being somewhat odd--people would joke about whether he was CIA) who early on was suspicious about everything. He just shook his head when I talked to him and also I recall him mentioning an “outbreak” at Fort Detrick. I believe this was early spring 2020 when we talked-he came by to see if I needed help plowing/rototilling my garden space.
What also makes me scratch my light of this info.....if this is the US Intelligence Community at work, taking a swing at China.....why then has it seemed that the 5 eye countries have also had leadership looking to break it’s own populations and impose protocols/etc. that ultimately undermine our society as we knew it pre-pandemic?
In other words, are we dealing with a combination of rogue elements that are so heavily vested in the NWO and they have the contacts and power to collapse/attack all the standing nations thereby positioning themselves to introduce their own designs.
My recent research shows some pretty powerful financial people making tracks to set up shop in China post pandemic. Which has me asking....why are they so confident those markers will be wide open for plunder and capitalizing on the carbon markers, and biomedical fields. And then there are the telltale signs that many have vested in a change to the financial system that would accompany the central bank digital currency introduction.
Begins to feel very much like a what came first....chicken or egg situation?!!
And isn’t that what the Daily Sceptic has actually described....the age old, define/create the problem so you can sell the solution....and the solutions will further consolidate the power, influence and control that arguably landed us in hot water to begin with.
And if the question was or is....was it by design or purpose? The best way to test that would be to reject the solutions. That is, stop the fear, get back to living and tell the predatory philanthropists, experts for hire, captured institutions that they do not have any answers we wish to partake in.
The fly in the ointment as best I can tell is that too many (among the masses, societal institutions and individually) have grown accustomed to living beyond their mean. The past decade or two (and even before-but has intensified with technological “advances”) has been spent courting those with money and prostituting public interests to efficiency and economy under the guise of “progress.” In short, many are far and happy and self absorbed. They do not even look at or consider community values/connections as they once were....a structure requiring responsibility as much as rights. Now we are flooded with talk of rights and no accountability. And much of the propaganda and brainwashing flows from the entities that want us dependent upon them and their machines. Politicians have just become brokers. And along the way they have earned themselves commissions ( public servants with million dollar portfolios) by way of doing business “for the people.”
I’d recommend that people have a look at and read Dr. Tess Lawrie’s substack today. It is fascinating when one stops to consider the way THEY are manipulating language now....and realize, just how long language has been manipulated and perhaps many of us were born into and indoctrinated into a system that is only now revealing itself for what it truly for thought.
But for part, the bright (the government) do not get to use fear to abrogate my free will when it comes to what I put in my body or that of my children. And when coercion and weaponization are used by the powers that be or government to insist on compliance or lose out on life and community....something is seriously amiss.
So yeah, I asked questions....held the line....glad I did, and find myself floored by how many did not.
Love the comment. I’m 56 & feel like I thought I grew up in a free country but actually didn’t.
Assassination of Kennedy demonstrated the lawlessness of USA.
I’d read a substack from you! Very astute
I'm a reader, not a writer but thanks! If I were a good storyteller I'd probably be a decent writer. I think the tech is the key and that they have some backdoors. I'm not technologically astute so I'm relying on intuition with a bit of logic. Something's off, right?
Very insightful analysis!
Thank you. I am struck by how many see what has happened and is unfolding through certain biases or lens. I try hard to check myself on that having learned the hard way relative to investigations I did around Gates’ funded education “reform” in my state.
I now subscribe almost completely to “follow the money.” And these days that means not only the trail behind, but the direction of where certain individuals are looking to “invest” and why. We have always known that our government is susceptible to the influence of those with money. Think Rockefeller. I maintain, however, that advances in technology (where the private sector outpaces in all respects any governing body or attempt to police that sector) have serious implications for these relationships as well as who has “the power.” And given that technology has invaded and in large part grown to be the driving force behind every sector it means those who own the tech will eventually own us.
Anyhow, people are trying so hard to make sense of the COVID narrative through paradigms like US vs. China, left vs. right, bureaucrats vs. the people, etc.
In the end, follow the money. One thing that has become abundantly clear is those pulling the levers have no use for national boundaries at this point in the game (which leads me to feel like all the war mongering is misleading) and they are trying to consolidate their power in a very small group who hold all the cards by virtue of $$$, influence and control. I honestly don’t care if they think they are doing it for good or not. Bottom line, state of nature is a state of war. See John Locke. We enter into a social contract to find peace for ourselves by giving up rights to take advantage by might, and power. I will not kill you for the guarantee you will not kill me.
We are at a point where certain individuals feel they are outside the social contract in many many ways. Rules for thee but not for me. And our government(s) are inept when it comes to policing or maintaining pace with this crew. And quite frankly, a fair number within our government and among our politicians are in bed with them.
I think many people hope (hopey changey thing--Dems) that the brainwashing around things like DEI are for real and not a Trojan Horse. Can we afford to take that chance? I don’t think so when we look at what the past three years have been like. They will use means to control if they fail to manipulate or convince you. And God help us, because we are naive if we do not think they already have and use the tech in that way.
Second, they know that the very industry they are vested in is one of the ones destroying the earth (not to mention their lifestyles). But again, rules for thee and not for me. As they jet off to debate how much of a carbon footprint each person should be allowed. Meanwhile, they pike up their riches which will be used to by carbon credits as they see fit. Think Hunger Games.
They want us to continue to believe in the social contract (they have morphed it from individual liberty to communitarianism--which is dangerous because it allows the wielding of a cloaked power against the individual with no recourse, while also encouraging no accountability individually over decision makers).
My feeling is the social contract is dead on many levels. We may still have some basic protections, but recent events beg the question....for how long?
Remember they have said, by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy. Is that a promise or a threat?
Yep, Congress seems to want to outsource controversial tasks so to focus on reelection. Ie outsource health responses to international non elected bureaucracy like the WHO.
Very insightful analysis!
Considering the fact that the CDC, DARPA and CIA have worked in concert ever since World War II to develop bio warfare entities, it is not beyond my comprehension that they were the engine and big Pharma became the defender of public health for their own interest. 
If we could all remember & teach our loved ones NOT to trust anything produced by the current Pharmass vaxxx (industry) for the DOD, etc
We have to teach our family, and ourselves, never to trust any doctor or politician. They lie. They lie for a purpose.
Why isn't Fauci subject to a lie detector test?....he knows the answers to these questions!
Or water boarding, for that matter?
People like him without a conscious can lie their way through that.
We know for a fact that Dr. Drasak and his Chinese lab partner were working on covid sars here in UNC, Chapel Hill, N.C., we also know that the United States banned gain of function here. Dr. Drasak and partner went to Wuhan with Dr. Fauci's blessings and his financial support to continue their work. what happened after that is still up in the air, a leak on purpose or not???
thanks for the correction but I do not care how I spell a traitors name!
We should just call him Dr. Death Dazsak.
that I agree with, thank you!
You are all missing some very important data points:
-Who were sniping and killing US troops in Iraq just for the recording of an anti-Islam clip. Snipers were caught according to US Marines and a US Colonel but apparently they had so much pull that they were released by Zapata engineering? Hear the US Colonel:
-Who were caught on 9/11 with van full of explosives but released, and also blew up a van on Kings street? Who has that kind of pull, who is the master over the slave the US? NYPD radio transmissions exposes them:
-Who has so much pull that no senator no congressman dares to meet and acknowledge the survivors ot the USS Liberty?
-Who are the the ones who have for years lobbied for preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia and China? Former deputy of treasury under Reagan and the brain behind "Reaganomics" names them here:
-Who are driving US wars according to former CIA-station chief Phliip Giraldi?
-Who own US Foreign Policy and public opinion according to Jeff Gates?
-Who was responsible for Modernas patented sequence on the Furin cleavage site of the Wuhan variant? The head scientist of Moderna is from where?
-Who owns the US?
-Who has false flagged and murdered their own people?
Israel and the zionists.
This one is a scary read:
Might explain why 99.99999999% of all Non-Jews and perhaps most ordinary Jewish folks don't
know what Judaism really teaches.
The Jewish humanist, Israeli human rights activist Prof. Israel Shahak blew the whistle on Judaism of which organized Jewry have succeed to keep the Non-Jew in the dark about.
In chapter 2, the professor describes the techniques used to deceive the Non-Jew about the nature of Judaism,
in chapter 5, Prof. Shahak describes the laws against Non-Jews.
These two chapters will blow your mind. A poets who goes by the name Snordster has done a reading of some sections of chapter 5, it will hit you like a ton of bricks
Check these Jewish survivors of Auschwitz and ask yourself if their testimonies in any shape or form square with the testimonies we've been allowed to hear:
What is going on here?
So Israel is lassos' who?
My point is that Jewish elites own the US and own Israel and their engine is the unmitigated, orthodox version of Judaism. It does not matter if they are atheists and not wear black robes, because religion influences secular culture.
They know that the Talmudic way is the way their ancestors dealt with the Non-Jew, it is their heritage, and these laws applied against the Non-Jew is a recipe, an algorithm for world domination. The algorithm also worked 2000 years ago, see
Two components in this algorithm/recipe
1. The background noise in their head which is the thought virus which comes from celebrating Purim and Pesach from childhood and which says to them even if they confess atheism:
"The Non-Jew hates us for no reason because we are the chosen people. We have been persecuted for no reason at all, we must therefore stick together and help each other".
For sure the Non-Jew have kicked Jews out, but I tend to explain this with the kind of behavior Judaism demands from the Jew against the Non-Jew. See expulsions:
2. Their heritage teach that
-Compassion with the Non-Jew is a sin against God - a violation of mitzvah "Lo Sichoanym",5081,5140
-Stealing from the Non-Jew is not necessarily wrong, read rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg crying over such teachings, p. 112, 118
-Robbery of the Non-Jew is allowed if the Non-Jew "is under our rule" i.e. powerless but ot otherwise, see Prof. Israel Shahak chapter 5.
-Stealing is not allowed but stealing with deception is allowed, p. 109
Their endgame is to fulfill the prophesies of Judaism/the dreams of their forefathers, which is world government from Jerusalem by the Messaiha, and this is only just because they can and because they have nothing else to do to having so much money:
Bakunin who was a anarchist wrote about their tactics. He sounds antisemitic, but I think, what he really means is the Jewish elites and their brainwashed "useful idiots".
Such "useful idiots" have pushed through legislation in Europe which is censoring/sacking/jailing scientists who are Holocaust revisionists. I argue that the idea that you actually could censor scientific discourse was an idea rammed through by organized Jewry's useful idiots.
We accepted because we were convinced that the Holocaust revisionists were "evil deniers", because these "smart" useful idiots thought it was fun to fool the world with statements such as "Also I saw my family being gassed and made to soap", see
and now we pay for agreeing on that censoring scientists was a good idea.
Now we the old idiots who became wise are accused by new idiots of being vaxx-DENIERS, climate change deniers.
History repeats.
Ai Theory has the R-I-N-G of Truth somehow. It's actually suspiciously both Ai and Bio united and involved.
No doubt; a genius invention of DARPA and all the most evil units of the country and world. Have no doubt it is an ATTACK upon the world's PERSONS. However, it is NOT THE CONVENTIONAL ATTACK.
Have no doubt the endless crises, attacks upon the traditional family/traditionally moral women/children/caucasian men, ATTACKS WITH PERVERSION AGAINST Judeo-Christian Tradition, has created INSECURITY AMONG THE STRONG THROUGH DEGRADATION and NECESSARY PREOCCUPATION among the most intelligent and observant with research, investigations, origins and all kinds of ancillary tiny concerns as a GOAL. ENDLESS DISCUSSION, DEBATE FURTHER DISTRACTS FROM ACTION TO STOP THIS INSANE OCCUPATION BY THE ENEMY and allow them to speak about it online where all is measurable data used for covert action.
THIS IS THE REAL THREAT AND THE UNELECTED FASCIST LEADERS OF ALL NORTH AMERICA ARE ALLOWING IT FOR THE ENSLAVEMENT OF THE NORTH AMERICAN PERSONS AND RESOURCES...For the personal gain of the Oligarchical Elite Ruling Classes of the World like the Clintons who sold U.S. Uranium to Russia for their own personal gain with the permission of the rest of the OBiden Mob installed into Govt. at that time...The WANNA-BE TYRANT Kings and Queens.
Also, like you....I can’t shake the feeling that there is a definite AI and bio medical element or invention that is the motivator...
Just sayin’.....
Interesting....your comment about all the states along the Canadian US border. Will need to look more closely at that. I have concerns about what I see in my state as being forced behind the curtain and what direction they point. Are you in one of these states?
Galveston University of Texas bioweapons lab also played a part.
Dr. Alexander the head of the Chinese CDC said on camera China had not isolated Covid-19. So why do we believe it is Covid when no one on Earth isolated this virus? Is it not reasonable that COVID too is fake, a red herring, for other biological agents since it only exists in a lab image? And vaccine contents are not showing mRNA either. Graphene Oxide is found. Nothing of this narrative is true.
I suspected as much from the get go .Lots more information set to be exposed .We were told that the world would be shocked and I'm very much afraid that they were correct.
DoD operation.
What's the bet the WEF released it? Which is really all of them anyway, including and in particular, the British royals.