We have a 6-tier justice system:

1) A free pass no matter what for well-connected Demonrats like the Biden's

2) A revolving door for thugs in Soros-polluted deep blue cities/states

3) An almost anything goes for very rich people in general, unless they quixotically attack Wokism

4) A hit-or-miss real system if you don't fit any other category

5) Rough justice if you're poor and live an an area that likes law-and-order

6) Salemesque witch hunts and 4th rate legal representation if you are The Orange Man

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If ANY of us really wanted to fix this, we would drag our 4 z-score above the IQ norm asses to DC, and arrest the prick ourselves. ANYTHING less, is masturbatory nonsense.

Hail Victory.

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Check out Mike McCormick and the Marco Polo team for solid evidence regarding the facts of the matter.


Thanks to their investigations, the Hunter Laptop case was blown WIDE OPEN.


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"Caught 'em. Caught them all."

-President Donald J Trump

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THIS ALL needs to be fully exposed NOW! The depth of corruption is so vast - they know it will come out eventually - they just don’t care! As usual, their plan is SO OBVIOUS - lie to create division & confusion to hold it off as common knowledge - just long enough to steal another election, install the incompetent puppet Kamala, & send the American people into yet another rapid downward spiral of chaos - keeping us so busy trying to save our children while also literally fighting for basic survival (Meat, Safety, etc....) that once we catch our breaths - they’ll have completely taken over, but for good this time! It will be so bad - so devastating that are country WILL be lost. And for ANYONE who thinks this is just drama - check back in a few short weeks after the diabolical Left has taken ALL your cash & replaced it with FULLY SURVEILLABLE DIGITAL CURRENCY - your every move entirely under their view, and therefore, ultimately their control. Your freedom will be gone forever & we will never get it back. Make no mistake - that IS happening & VERY soon! Yet, almost no one is speaking out & demanding a stop to this CBDC takeover! OUTRAGE IS NEEDED NOW - TOR VERY SOON, IT WILL BE TOO LATE!! As long as we continue to let them take, they will just keep taking! Bully’s need to be stopped - with a clear message - NO MORE!!!

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Biden Crime Family and the salacious behavior and out and put lying from the dysfunctional Biden Crime Family. Everyone Hates you Joe Biden. You need to resign NOW!

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It’s not untrue it goes back to 2016 and we have evidence through congress of the Biden Crime Family and all the naked photos of Biden and Obama’s daughters.

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There is more than enough evidence to nail this criminal family to the wall. It's clear the DOJ is slow-walking it

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Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha hahahhahaha!!

That’s not a pretty picture you painted there, Dr. Paul.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm old school. If you change to transgender I expect you to get the Barbie pocket.

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Wow that's 🤣🤣🤣

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The magnitude of the corruption is staggering. The spies that lied knew. Jt explains why the Democrats are so desperate to have Trump replaced by DeSantis

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Impervious to any accountability.

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We have a six tier justice system. The filthy Biden Crime Family should be prosecuted and Impeached! Typical the Rules for Thee but not for ME. FJB !😡

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Biden Crime Family is going down . Mark my word they will all end up in prison .

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Biden crime family is as corrupt as hell . Biden is threatening Biden is aware of the money laundering

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