No one will be able to "beat" Turdeau. He was installed by the WEF globalists, with rigged elections. The Canadian people have no say in the matter. Canada is an occupied nation, just as the USA, under illegitimate corrupt global regimes. Overthrown by our enemies.

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I want Pierre to destroy all the bioweapon injections, not give us a choice, they are death in a syringe.

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My support for Pierre came to an abrupt end this past winter when he denigrated Christine Anderson while she was visiting Canada. He is a smooth talking politicians, but his actions show his true colors.

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"Consider Saruman. If any of the Wise should with this Ring overthrow the Lord of Mordor, using his own arts, he would then set himself on Sauron's throne, and yet another Dark Lord would appear."

-- Elrond Halfelven

In the unlikely event Justin doesn't get his rigged majority, Pierre I fear will just be Justin V.2.0...

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Clearly the Conservatives should win, as Liberals and NDP have conspired and committed TREASON against all freedom living people . But the corruption inside the Conservatives is long and should be obvious .

They as CONSERVATIVES were for forced toxic jabs and Otoole even forced them onto al CDN l military.

That was TREASON and against the Charter .

The Conservatives have many many sins and corruption scandals litered in their past .

In essence, we have THREE uni-party corrupt political agents running.

Will they EXIT the WHO?

Will they EXIT and condemn the WEF intrusion into Canada's sovereign rights ?

Will they REFIRM the Canadian Charter of RIGHTS as SUPREME as it was meant and STOP politicians from using EMERGENCIES to break laws and international laws such as the NUREMBERG code?

Will they exit corrupt UN and World bank?

Will they STOP the toxic jab genocide and forbid all health authorities from coercion and lack of informed consent , endorsing bodily autonomy?

Will they exit NATO and tell the truth of how corrupt NATO has become?

Will they rebuild and properly fund the Canadian Forces?

Will they STOP the mutilation of children, gender brainwashing and put education back to what it should be?

Will they STOP the illegal import of illegal immigrants coming to Canada under the guise of refugees and do proper due diligence.

Will they protect the Rule of law from corruption and political influence ?

Will they apologize REHIRE and compensate all those discriminated against in the medical community , who lost their jobs and carerrs whom spoke out and STOP all forced vaccines for ALL Canadians.

Will they prevent political corruption by allowing minority parties like NDP and LIBERALS from aligning to prevent the fall of their power and leaders?

Will the PRIME MINISTER acknowledge that his NUMBER ONE job above all else is to PROTECT the freedoms and democracy and sovereignty of CANADA , including keeping Canada free from all associations of one world government ?

Will the Conservatives BAN and STOP all political lies about CARBON tax, and climate change lies and malfeasance and admit that there is only a tiny fraction (0.04) of Carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere and it is miraculous because it is used by all plant life to keep our planet GREEN giving us Oxygen for survival?

Will it STOP lying and taking petro chemicals at the pump and stop promoting electric cars which are equally harmful and are actually meant to CONTROL people and populations.? (Totalitarianism)

Are you kidding me?

The Conservatives are for sure a short term better choice . But the Canadian Federal politicians ha e become SO CORRUPT it is systemic.

What CANADA needs to realize IF THERE is any chance of returning the definition of CIVIL SERVANT serving we the people , is to TEAR DOWN ALL CURRENT POLITICAL PARTIES and give birth to an era of true Canadians .

That party is headed by Max Bernier and the PPC.

The Conservatives , the NDP and especially Liberals have all committed TREASON during the last few years .

And you want more?


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Just be aware that PP is on the list of WEF alumni. He scrubbed all his links, tweets etc praising WEF right before his election. He is not a good news. No one is. All 100% the same. Smooth talkers before they get in the office. I do not trust him at all.

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Duh ... You Morons ! ... Nobody the “DUMB-ass masses” want to elect will win while the Globalists are getting physical ballots, or just electronic machine-selected versions, which are then converted to digital-info or imaged and ELECTRONICALLY ‘counted’, with corrupted Software, which are ALL connected to the Internet. 🤣

The “We HAVE TO TRUST” what’s REEEEALLY going on by our “they’re all-honest” sElection Official$ is NUTS. Last step is the ballot images are deleted before that’s legal and the election officials suffer NO CONsequences !!!

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Well if the election is legal, YES. Check to make sure this guy is not part of the WEF, or some other organization. Check where his money is coming from, and who talks for him and who talks against him.. Who is his running mate?? What is his platform?? Is he running for something or just against something trying to get elected???

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Pray for Canada. Pray this man is elected.

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Uh oh....spider sense tingling....I predict some "Trumped” up charges in the near future.

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PPC Max is the ONLY person that knows what Canadians want and he respects us as people and country!!

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Dr Alexander please speak to him regarding the legislation of natural health products that could see our rights to use these stripped away.

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Pollievre is not to be trusted. He threw MPs (including Leslyn Lewis) who met Christine Anderson under the bus when the German MEP visited Canada. The Conservative Party of Canada is just the Uniparty.

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The Conservatives ( Mulroney & Harper) signed Agenda 2020 & 2030. Pierre had his name wiped off the WEF before he ran as leader. He said he didn’t know about Sustainable Goals. He lied. He pushed these CJabs. He used the Freedom Rally to appear he was for Canadians. None of our politicians defended our Charter.

He voted & clapped for Zelensky. They all lied about Ukraine, Russia & NATO. We have one Canada in Canada ( all corrupt).

They all should be charged with Treason & Crimes Against Humanity.

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We should be free Canadians that can decide what we put in our bodies...

Er, not if it involves putting in a lethal genetic concoction. No one should be given that 'choice' - even if they are suicidal.

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I don’t trust this opportunistic career politician. Mad Max is the only one with courage to speak truthfully. Trust a liar, get a liar. Fuck polievre and his corrupt party.

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