Let me comment before Pfizer does: "We see no correlation."

CDC - "We see no correlation."

FDA - "We see no correlation."

Average Joe: "What the hell?!"

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At this point, there is no solid study or data that will sway this group of charlatans. It is a total free for all between pharma and govt. No amount of death or injury will make this stop. Just sayin.

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Jun 29, 2022
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...or it would have been much worse. 😂

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From one of the comments in the linked article: “ It worked. Out of 545,875,873 cases worldwide there have been only 6,343,924 Deaths.

If we had NOT done all the atrocious things we have done to reduce deaths ie. Vaccines, masks, isolation etc. We would be looking at a VASTLY higher death count.”

The willfully blind seer...

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Same logic when injected people still get covid, and later claim: "Thank God. Without the vaccine, it would have been SO MUCH worse!"

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I’m sure that tag line is in the Moderna patents: “Without the vaccine, it would have been SO MUCH worse!"®️

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They'd probably shorten it:

Moderna®️ — It could have been SO MUCH worse!™

...BTW, that line is verbatim what my mother told me when my double-jabbed + boosted father still got covid ( and promptly got over it, thanks to HCQ )!

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I used the horse dewormer. Apple flavoured paste!

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There’s a meme out there with the line as the epitaph on a tombstone...

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Yeah, for their bottom line

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Yo to 100 million will die from cv19 injection by 2028 says Dr David Martin!!


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Thanks for the link! A lot to unpack.

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Eugenics is unethical.

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Tell bill gates(of hell) that.

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And not how he likes it!

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Yeah, well they don’t want us, maybe we be more on our guard.

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As I understand it the Ontario government in Canada no longer tests or counts the number of Covid cases anymore. How will we know this is going on?

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Jun 29, 2022
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But if people don’t see it as real it won’t be real. Do you know what I mean?

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Harari recently said that science is no longer about truth, it is about power.

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Thank you again Dr Paul for your information!



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2 minutes of Geert. He can't get more coherent than this. Jabbed going to start going down like nine pins in the next month or two. He says he knows people think he is crazy but we will have to rewrite the book on immunology if he is wrong. Says that everything will collapse. The health care system, the financial world, the economy. Emma Thompson turns into a zombie and chases Wil Smith around a deserted New York.

(I made a bit up.)


Full interview. He talks about an avian or mink flu epidemic coming next with people jabbed for flu getting ill.


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On LinkedIn over the silly season I advised people to get immunology and vaccinology text books before they re write them, just as they are presently rewriting history. The definition of vaccine was recently changed on the NIH website to include mRNA gene therapy to accomodate the experimental “vaccine”.

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Hi Everyone, please take a break and pray for Dr Zev Zelenko Critical in the hospital tonight. Among the hero Doctors, like Dr. Alexander and so many more.

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Shouldn't we be done with this...once the Pfizer documents were released...their OWN documents....why are those documents not sticking and making these vaccines be stopped???? Why did anyone even bother making Pfizer show us the evidence...might as well have had it suppressed for 75 years as no one cares about the facts.....and no one is getting into any kind of trouble......why?

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You nailed it.

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This is terribly sad news.

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This is what Geert vanden Bossche said a month ago on The Highwire.


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In contrast, what is happening in Sweden? High vaxxination rate (71% vaxxed, 51% boosted according to ecdc), so not as high as Portugal (86% vaxxed/65% boosted), but still high. Yet infections in Sweden seem to be back to baseline. Did they simply stop testing? Or is it because they did very little of the lockdown- and mask nonsense and therefore didn't wreck the overall health of the people? Or is it just the eye of the storm until BA.4/5 take over? Maybe a combination of these factors?

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