Besides the economy, how many have died because of these damn vaxxes, jabs, whatever you call

It, the rapes, the killings because we, him, Mayorkas leaving these Neanderthals across our borders. The deaths because of Fentynal! Biden has blood on his hands and all over his body! Just impeach the SOB!

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neanderthals, I love the word for that is them, beasts, medieval beasts, coming to prey on our women...be warned. these islamist beasts raped their way across Europe, go ask the Scandinavian girls how it worked out for them...

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Impeach and enjoy Kamala Harris' presidency??

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no, she is worse...and he was smart, his crew, she was put there as insurance, no way anyone in their right mind would 25th him or impeach...if she was POTUS for one hour she will wipe out the democrat party. she is hated by democrats.

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That was my warning to Marilyn R. Zeman's post - Impeach SOB... A trill or AI interference, whatever...

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I love this "I identify as non Bidenary" shirt 👇 🤣


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Paul, did you see that vid of John Mellencamp on stage, he asked the audience to vote for Biden, and got loudly BOOED, and ended the show. Crazy he is so unaware.

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I like his music but he is gone, like the boss, nutjobs now...but I can like their music but dislike their politics and views...these people like substack writers and doctors in COVID think get a little media and they are big things...

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ha ha ha

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"Together, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world," President Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸

President Biden The foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe & Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversation[s], 17 such recordings," Grassley said on June 12, 2023. "According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him & Hunter Biden [and] two audio recordings of phone calls between him & then-VP Biden

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Speaker Johnson said over live TV “ We have the complete file on the Biden Crime cartel”

So now let us see what the GOP Wusses do with that weapon”?

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boom Milton, Johnson IMO is a traitor, I need to see some action and for him to get back in good graces re failure on the FISA 702 and the lies about no foreign aid without border funding yet the bitch gave not one dollar to US border but 90 billion to other nations ...I agree, they talk good but only want wine and cheeses...republicans do not want to govern

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Here are some facts to prove Dr Paul knows what he's talking about:

Poverty rate under Trump: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2020/income-poverty.html

The official poverty rate in 2019 was 10.5%, a decrease of 1.3 percentage points from 11.8% in 2018. The 2019 poverty rate of 10.5% is the lowest rate observed since estimates were initially published for 1959. The number of people in poverty in 2019 was 34.0 million, 4.2 million fewer people than 2018.

Poverty rate under biden: https://www.povertycenter.columbia.edu/news-internal/monthly-poverty-february-2022

Monthly poverty remained elevated in February 2022, with a 14.4 percent poverty rate for the total US population. This is a slight decrease from

14.7 percent in January 2022, but a continuation of the spike from the December 2021 monthly poverty rate of 12.5 percent. Overall, 6 million more

individuals were in poverty in February relative to December. Child poverty saw a small decline (0.3 percentage points) from 17.0 percent in January

to 16.7 percent in February 2022. These levels also represent a continuation of the sharp increase in child poverty from December 2021, when the

monthly child poverty rate was 12.1 percent.

January 2022 marked the first month that the American Rescue Plan’s expanded Child Tax Credit monthly payments expired, and child poverty rates

increased sharply in response. Monthly child poverty is 4.6 percentage points (38 percent) higher in February 2022 than December 2021, representing

3.4 million additional children in poverty in February relative to December.

And those numbers are climbing!

Trump's magic wand: https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckdevore/2019/03/11/trumps-policy-magic-wand-boosts-manufacturing-jobs-399-in-first-26-months-over-obamas-last-26/

Trump minority unemployment: https://money.cnn.com/2018/06/01/news/economy/black-unemployment-rate-record-low/index.html

Wage growth under Trump: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/13/workers-at-lower-end-of-pay-scale-getting-most-benefit-from-rising-wages.html

The recent jump in paychecks has come with an unusual characteristic, as workers at the lower end of the pay scale are getting the greater benefit.

Average hourly earnings rose 3.4 percent in February from the same period a year ago, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report last week.

That’s the biggest gain since April 2009 and seventh month in a row that compensation has been 3 percent or better.

What has set this rise apart is that it’s the first time during an economic recovery that began in mid-2009 that the bottom half of earners are

benefiting more than the top half — in fact, about twice as much, according to calculations by Goldman Sachs. The trend began in 2018 and has

continued into this year, and could be signaling a stronger economy than many experts think.

People out of the labor force under obama:

https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS11300000 labor rate

Jan 2013 = 63.7 - Dec 2016 = 62.7 - Feb 2020 = 63.3 - Jan 2023 = 62.4


The November jobs report looked pretty good on the surface except for one number that popped off the page: 95 million.

That’s the number of Americans now counted as not in the labor force, a historic high that has confounded economists and policymakers.

The total — 95.06 million to be more exact — has been rising consistently but surged by a gaudy 446,000 last month.

The jump occurred as the U.S. economy added 178,000 jobs and the headline unemployment rate dropped sharply.

Explaining the consistent increase in those leaving the labor force is complicated, with factors divided between an aging and rapidly retiring

workforce, a skills gap that leaves job openings unfilled, and the nettlesome problem of too many people who find it’s just easier to collect

welfare and other transfer payments rather than go back to work.

Inflation and wage decreases under biden:


Want more inflation?

Here's how we get more inflation, according to TIPP, which found that Bidenflation went up yet again, dating from the day Joe Biden took office.

The dark reality of Bidenomics is 19.2% inflation under the President’s watch, which is 5.9% annually. When he took office, inflation was at just 1.4%.

Since March 2021, it has stayed above the Federal Reserve's 2% target (38 consecutive months.).

Under Biden, the federal debt has increased by $6.9 trillion. The Federal Reserve printed money out of nothing to finance his spending spree. The

increased money supply without a corresponding increase in goods and services reduced the value of each dollar, causing prices to rise quickly and leading

to high inflation, effectively acting as a hidden tax on everyone.

Prices have increased by 19.2%, while real wages have declined by 2.6%. Average hourly earnings for all employees dropped 2.6% to $11.09 in April 2024

from $11.39 in January 2021 when Biden took office.

Biden has tried to gaslight the public with raw lies, claiming that inflation was 9% when he took office. The easily debunked reality is that it was 1.4%

according to official data.

The gaslighting continued with his vice president, Kamala Harris, who claimed that Biden's out-of-control federal deficit spending was bringing inflation down.

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boom, thank you very much for sharing this with us and keeping us abreast of Trump's accomplishments

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A graph should exclude the value of one's home appreciating. Most people are not looking to flip out of their house, and housing has gone up to the detriment of all those trying to get a home. So my household 'net worth' may have gone up 200,000 because my home went up $150,000, but that is something I will not realize unless/until I sell. Housing skews to making people look wealthier than they are.

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Doesn’t fucking matter how much you prove to the imbeciles. They will never ever believe they may have been WRONG. That’s what makes them imbeciles.

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Same up here under turdo the babyaphobe, the liar, the criminal, the hoplophobe, a Christophobe, etc

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Turdo has a pie face and an ample ass. Half a days work would kill him. His appeal is dwarfed by a road killed skunk and his IQ is less than that of a bean bag. Human trash a la carte.

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deletedMay 19
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yes, thanks for this...thanks for being here.

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