POTUS Biden: neurological, motor, memory decline, incontinence: is it Parkinson's? Is it Alzheimer's? Both due to age? McCullough says maybe mRNA vaccine injury? Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)?
McCullough gives great scholarship here arguing for COVID mRNA in the debate of why Biden has declined this way & his symptoms; AwakeNotWoke (ANW) reminded me of NPH (my dad suffered with NPH)
I think POTUS Biden is likely suffering with NPH. If it is, I feel sorry for him as a human being, my heart hurts and is pained for him as a human being, even while I disdain fully his leftism and politics and the harm the US now faces because as he is sick at the wheel, bad malevolent people are hallowing out US by flooding it with deadly illegals…who have now begun to rape and kill…as we knew they would…but in reality, he Biden has no clue now what is happening to his mind and body, my father had no idea what was happening and was ‘lost’…it is out of his hands…for it is a difficult neurological based condition to manage especially if the person was prior a very strong willed independent person. They are confused as to what just happened all of a sudden, and they are angry for cannot understand it, hell the family often REFUSE to accept it and they the afflicted person, lashes out.
I write this now after deep thought and a clue in by AWN and it was right in my own family…and he Biden is identical to my father as to what happened and what will happen and how fast. The key is all activities involving memory and responsible decisions had to stop and have to stop. The doctors, surgeons explain how the brain is now not well and declining, and one has to accept and move on.
I share my own experience with my father and NPH and to share that it is difficult and it is downhill…it cannot be fixed, just moderated…it is a triad of 3 core symptoms, comprised gait disturbance, incontinence, and memory loss…you can slow the decline and re-engineer the environment to manage but it is downhill…can be beautiful once family understands the scope of the condition and accepts and helps the afflicted person…it is irreversible…decline can be managed with some surgery (programmable shunt or spinal tap etc.) but that too has limits…we tried all for my father…key is that once it began (as in Biden) the world changed for him for all he did had to stop…and changed and modified so that he could live as ‘normal’ as possible with dignity and grace and love for he could not control his bladder (defecation or urine), and it was clear talking to him that his memory was going and then the gait (walk) and imbalance…once people understand the scope of the diagnosis and then do not ridicule the person for it can happen to anyone (sometimes even young persons, infants can be afflicted by hydrocephalus but this NPH is distinct as more the elderly over 75 and has 3 classic defining symptoms)…family and loved ones get confused and the person afflicted for a long time for they even push the person to act and do normal actions, normal living and they try but they cannot…the nerve centers in the brain are compressed by excess spinal fluid often and it damages behavior and living…but sometimes family can be devastating for they refuse to accept the diagnosis and refuse to let the person live normal and accept the issue…why? for some it is shame, some it is now they have to work as the newly dependent person now is getting increasingly dependent…just going in the car becomes a huge deal but this is life…often one needs to get a personal assistant or two…often the person falls a lot in the bathroom (my dad did) and it is very difficult lifting them…
I understand what Biden is going through, like him or not, and I don’t appreciate his politics for what happened with the border and the leftist policies etc. for he, they the democrats have harmed America, but I have argued he does not know what is happening and who is running America and bad people are running America…POTUS Biden if my understanding here with NPH combined as in my dad, with elements of aging caused dementia, senility, Parkinsons or Alzheimer’s, then he is confused, and angry that this happened…my father was very angry, depressed…he wanted to move, he wanted to walk but could not…he could not understand how he could not remember things and we did what we could to protect him from the outside for people can be cruel…he messed himself in public and urinated on himself and my mother would call me overseas (as they were in the islands) and cry and bitch and I would get on a plane and head there and it was rough for the family and all refused to understand he could not help himself and he just needed care, support, and understanding…so that is the part of Biden I do understand…and it is crushing on the person afflicted for they are confused, depressed, angry…
IMO, the first step is accepting NPH and what stage one is at and that it is irreversible, yet manageable, and one can live decent and happy if there is cooperation and respect for the afflicted person. Life has to change no doubt. Responsibilities must be stopped as the person cannot function as before. Understanding that they are angry and there will be mood issues too as they struggle to accept their illness. It just happens one day…often due to a viral illness they had, may even be due to as a child that manifests later in life.
Let us unpack this and AWN (thank you AWN, a brilliant substacker) clued me in, and I had not focused on this, but it is very interesting and important. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH), put a pin in it for a moment.
McCullough is saying the unsafe and deadly Malone Bourla Bancel Sahin Weissman et al. COVID mRNA technology injection may have well contributed (at least in part) to his (Biden’s) neurological decline. This is maybe true and I would place it on the table as we set the table, and close to the center. Experts are saying and these are Parkinsons experts etc. that it is clear Biden has some level of Parkinsons or Alzheimer’s. In my opinion, I think due to the consequence of aging, that he has elements of both of these. So, I think that the mRNA vaccine is likely to have accelerated his neurological decline such that he may have started on the Parkinsons or Alzheimer’s train (which is ok and part of life and look, we all have elements of dementia as we age and it begins even at 50, we all have some loss as brain function, cells decline, it is LIFE, you cannot stop it so stop clutching your pearls and getting the vapors, we just work around it as we re-engineer our life and environment) yet the vaccine exploded its pace or emergence.
Now to Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH). The key is that NPH symptoms resemble Parkinson’s etc. so bear that in mind.
My father suffered with it for a decade and he passed away. I will not get into it just that after ANW mentioned it, I thought hard about it and it is very likely Biden does have NPH that is intertwined with Parkinsons or Alzheimer’s, all made worse by the Malone Bourla Bancel et al. deadly COVID mRNA technology vaccine. The mRNA vaccine lit a match.
A vicious soup that he as a human being, is at the mercy of. We cannot reverse the effect of the mRNA vaccine, as this technology is deadly. To think that these scientists and inventors are impacting the POTUS elections is staggering but McCullough may be right. It may well have a synergistic or amplification effect due to the mRNA vaccine. Biden’s neurodegeneration may be due to the COVID mRNA vaccine, or at the least made worse by it.
Yet I am bringing NPH back into the debate for I think the Malone Bourla Bancel et al. Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech mRNA vaccine has taken Biden’s NPH and amplified it and crashing it and hurrying him to death. Biden will likely die much earlier due to the COVID mRNA vaccine exacerbating NORMAL consequences of aging when we get elements of dementia, senility, Parkinsons or Alzheimer’s and NPH. I think the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine has poured gasoline into a bubbling fire and lit the pyre. I think sadly not only for Biden, but for many of our precious elderly, our loved ones. In other words, the Malone Bourla Bacel et al. mRNA vaccine has blown up the aging process and made it faster and more brutal and wrenching and retching. Sufferation.
Yes, Biden is well suffering with COVID mRNA neurodegenerative vaccine injury and NPH that happens due to age, some prior viral illness or insult that affected your brain’s ability to balance the cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain. Our brain has ventricles (compartment) filled with shock absorbing fluid and this fluid baths the spinal cord etc. I dealt with this for a long time with my dad and Biden is IMO now, thinking of this, watching him, looks just like my father and is declining like him. There is a triad (3) symptoms of NPH which is the typical gait Biden shows, loss of balance, the memory deficits, and the incontinence. We must not laugh at people with NPH, it is sad for they cannot control themselves. Biden cannot control his continence now and his gait or memory. Balance. The core issue without getting into the neuro-biochemistry, is that the cells and mechanism that normally works in us (our brains and spinal column) where the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is kept at a routing volume and pressure, somehow is over-produced or cannot be re-absorbed such that the pressure in the brain ventricles with the fluid exists, builds up. The ‘excess’ fluid now presses on brain centers that regulate these 3 key functions of motor, gait, balance, memory, continence. I think more short-term memory impact but I saw long term too in my dad affected. My dad could not recall things he said 15 seconds ago. So, there is memory deficits fast.
With a bit more technical terms, NPH happens because of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) buildup in your brain. CSF is a fluid that provides nutrients to and removes waste products from your brain. Adults typically only have about 5 fluid ounces (150 milliliters) of CSF, less than half the volume of liquid in a standard beverage can. Your body constantly creates, circulates and reabsorbs CSF to keep that amount of fluid constant.
While it might not seem like that much fluid, it still has a big effect. That small amount of CSF surrounds your brain and spinal cord, and your brain actually floats in it. The CSF also cushions your brain and spinal cord from outside forces. When your body can’t circulate or reabsorb CSF correctly, that can cause too much of this fluid to accumulate inside your skull.
With NPH, this fluid buildup usually happens gradually enough that the pressure inside your skull (intracranial pressure) increases but stays within the normal range (hence the name, “normal pressure hydrocephalus”). That’s partly because there are fluid-filled spaces inside your brain known as ventricles, which can hold some fluid buildup.
However, if CSF keeps accumulating, the fluid has nowhere else to go. When that happens, your brain starts to compress and give way, causing this condition’s symptoms. If the compression of your brain lasts too long, the pressure can permanently damage or destroy brain tissue (Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH): Symptoms & Treatment (clevelandclinic.org).
The three main symptoms of NPH are known as Hakim’s triad. Between 50% and 75% of people with NPH show all three symptoms at the same time. Hakim’s triad includes three types of symptoms (with more information about each symptom type immediately below):
Gait issues with clear balance issue and often feet get glued to the floor.
Urinary incontinence.
Cognitive difficulties.
This, NPH, is usually dealt with via
1) a hands off approach, leave the person and they will decline and rapidly and you just need take care of them for they will need to basically stop life or high responsibility issues…decline can be slow if hands-off yet again, my father could not operate a car and any of the prior things as NPH progressed. Nothing that involved the need for memory…Key is the pressure in the brain cavities (ventricles) caused decline and impact
2) a spinal tap like an epidural, as needed to take spinal fluid out to reduce the pressure in the brain ventricles and pressing on the brain nerve centers, nerve cells or
3)a mechanical shunt whereby a shunt is implanted in the brain ventricles that drains to the stomach and the shunt drains away the excess cerebrospinal fluid and thus mitigates/reduces the pressure on the brain centers and there should be relief of symptoms. I am explaining these very simply. With my dad, the shunt gave night and day relief, he went onto the operating table a near vegetable, and came out that night and one week later almost maybe 60-70% back. It was remarkable.
But there are risks and one is that there must be meticulous care in terms of the drainage where you could over-drain (or under-drain) and cause nerve cells (architecture) to collapse or under-drain and the surgeon has to be skilled with post-op to balance the draining and this the subsequent pressure of the fluid in the cavities until they get it right. Often it does not work. Often it does. There is also the risk of stroke post surgery and hematoma and the like. Any blows to the head, falling etc. is prohibited for could be catastrophic. This person must never suffer a blow to the head or sudden head movements etc. Brain bleeds if one falls etc. and with elderly this is problematic for they are at risk of falls all the time. My dad’s shunt after a time failed and the surgeons told me they could go back in and replace etc. but many risks as he would not do well with another brain surgery. On coming out the car one day he fell on his butt, not bad, but it caused brain bleed and we needed emergency surgery that night….he near died…they fixed it to drain the pooling blood but they the surgeons said we should just manage him for he will decline and switch off the shunt as it was not functional. Needless to say, there was decline and it was difficult, and a lot depends on how much the family does to help the person with NPH. To go through the decline with them and if done with grace and respect and support and regard, and NO blame, then it can be magical. How fast the diagnosis is made to then do what needs to be done. Is critical. Do not vacillate and pretend.
I will talk now a bit more as I (and my family) dealt with my father and watched his decline and lived it. I do think it is likely Biden has NPH with elements of dementia and Parkinsons and all of this is more than likely set on fire by the deadly COVID mRNA vaccine.
I think the COVID vaccine is exploding Biden’s normal aging dementia and Parkinsons, and in this case, the triad of reported (and visual) symptoms suggest NPH that is being exploded. Blown up.
It starts, the triad of symptoms (his, my father, started with the abnormal gait and no balance and at a time soon Biden will not be able to initiate any walk, his feet will get stuck to the floor and he will have to go to wheelchair complete) and the doctors all over, US, Canada, Caribbean could not figure it out until a neurologist in Canada Dr. Michael Tymianski, brilliant neurosurgeon, made the diagnosis and treated my dad for over a decade.
He did good, really good for my father and I know what happens and is happening. To Biden. One can manage yet one cannot function normally and cannot conduct life as normal. Normal life is over in terms of ne has to retire, and cannot drive or operate normally if the NPH is advanced. Once it is affecting gait as it is for Biden and memory et al., it is like my dad, advanced, but you can live a nice life but with family and care for you cannot manage on your own as memory is going fast and motor skills and continence is gone. It is a long goodbye so to speak (painful for loved ones for you cannot do anything about it) but it can be enjoyable with family etc. if people recognize the reality and engineer the environment. I write this as ANW said something that this, NPH, I think now, may well be the core illness Biden has, sprinkled on top with normal consequence of aging dementia, senility, Parkinsons or Alzheimer’s, and the COVID mRNA vaccine just entered the mix and exploded everything. Speeds up decline and many of us lost our loved ones due to the ravages of the mRNA vaccine. It sped death, robbed our loved ones.
This is why I say many involved in the fraud PCR created non-pandemic and the mRNA vaccine, must be properly investigated and if shown they caused the deaths, must be hung…executed.
Great stack by McCullough below, please go to it, support, and excellent by ANW, my subscriber…huge hugs and love….
McCullough’s seminal scholarship stack here:
Biden's Neurodegenerative Syndrome Consistent with COVID-19 Vaccine Injury (substack.com)
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Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (with antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
The DNC should be brought up on elder abuse charges for allowing him to run in the first place. The liars know the truth about his health and have known for a very long time. You might recall that Biden has already had brain surgery, and maybe more than once. He has been sick for years and they ran him anyway for no other reason than to accelerate the decline of the United States. They’re all in on it including his family. No respect for “Dr” Jill Biden who with all of her purported education should have known better than to prop up her husband as capable for her own selfish interests. If they ever release the audio recording of his interview, the man will definitely be removed.
Obiden never took the jab. The real Joe had tattoos on his left arm, these fake Joe's do not. We have been watching one giant movie. These are all actors with masks and doubles. Joe has been dead for years. There are many multiple actors in this movie. Refer back to Trumps many speeches and rally's where he refers to "central casting and movies," and "Joe is shot" and I'm not talking shot as in brain dead. Trump said in his farewell speech at Andrews AFB, "I hope to see you all soon and enjoy the show." 😉👀