The DNC should be brought up on elder abuse charges for allowing him to run in the first place. The liars know the truth about his health and have known for a very long time. You might recall that Biden has already had brain surgery, and maybe more than once. He has been sick for years and they ran him anyway for no other reason than to accelerate the decline of the United States. They’re all in on it including his family. No respect for “Dr” Jill Biden who with all of her purported education should have known better than to prop up her husband as capable for her own selfish interests. If they ever release the audio recording of his interview, the man will definitely be removed.

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yes agreed

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By the sounds of decent journalists- they may be ready to 25th him any moment

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I think they will do such and Speaker Johnson can initiate

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Obiden never took the jab. The real Joe had tattoos on his left arm, these fake Joe's do not. We have been watching one giant movie. These are all actors with masks and doubles. Joe has been dead for years. There are many multiple actors in this movie. Refer back to Trumps many speeches and rally's where he refers to "central casting and movies," and "Joe is shot" and I'm not talking shot as in brain dead. Trump said in his farewell speech at Andrews AFB, "I hope to see you all soon and enjoy the show." 😉👀

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Wonderful essay.

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Biden reminds me of my poor mom.

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Call me hard, I have no sympathy for those who enable the destruction of others out of their bondage for love of money.

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same...but there is a human side I know you have too...I read your white spaces

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I save the soft side I have primarily for abused women I know and others I have met. There are 8 now on my list and I see them from time to time whenever they want to go out to discuss problem scenarios in their existences. I have a tendency to hate injustice as 5 pigs, two JP's two bureaucraps and a few others will soon discover. (Marty, Sharon, Donna, Ruth, Ragone, and the late and not so great Clohosy and of course Mene the pig who thinks it is a god and that he is invincible the stupid legend in its own mind. These are their first names so they can be sure they are going to be investigated and exposed in their violation of the CCC and the Charter of Rights and the Bill of Rights and of their "Oaths" of office. "The devil gets his dues old Claxton said, for those now living will be surely dead." I have found filth and corruption in my preliminary investigations.

All is corrupt but none more so than the fools who think they run the show.

The damned CYSTem thinks it is safe for them to shelter in but it will throw them under the bus to save their own cowardly unholy skin. "He who knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin." Many will be and are damned as they realize the problems and that "evil triumphs when good men do nothing" and I have no use or respect for cowards and insecure sops who go along to get along.

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I love all you write and lots you cant share but it comes through...between the Canadian and US govn, I cannot differentiate anymore which is more corrupt

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I believe the lying, criminal hoplophobe turdo and his ASSministration to be far worse than the USA corruption. USA has the Second Amendment but we have hoplophobic twits sucking their DIEverSHITty nipples between their swollen lips that were made so not merely by sucking prunes My minister told me with my passionate views I am rough but still a diamond in the rough.

As to criticism it is as the buzzing of flies in my ears and I maintain there are only three ways of thinking and doing things here...the right way, the wrong way and the Canuckistani way. Every fool does things the last two ways which was how we got a fraud fool as slime minister though it seemed to happen in most western nations simultaneously.

I am predicting I will be the first one persecuted under Bill 21 but when that happens serious collateral damage will occur to several corrupt entities I will expose as I will get a platform to speak from.

You set an example for me that is a good example and I admire your grit. If you want a background on me just ask J.R. and he will fill you in. We live not far from each other.

Keep on Dr. P.

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Dr. Paul thank you for sharing your personal experience with this dreadful disease.

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Corrin Strong

Corrin’s Clarion Call

13 hrs ago

While I hate to see any person suffer it would be a certain poetic Justice if he is in fact vaccine injured after trying to force that poison on the entire country!

I would say Robert Frost level Poetic justice .

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Injected or not, there can be no sympathy for anyone that has killed or maimed people intentionally with vaccination when they were of sound mind. Biden and the rest of them need to be locked up in the deepest darkest dungeons, infested with rabid rodents to wallow in their own excrement, never to see the light of day again.

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If Trump is put back into the Black house, so much as a sniffle will qualify him for ejection from office.

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Most people believe he did not get the real Bioweapon.

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Thank you Doctor Paul for sharing The heartbreaking story of your father and his normal pressure hydrocephalus. It sounds as if your family managed it the best that could be managed and you gave your father safety and peace in his final years. I suspect that this condition might be more common than people realize. But thank you and I send a hug to your entire family. Joe Biden is not as lucky, having a family only looking for power apparently. It is shameful

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The best people suffer the worst outcomes and the worst people suffer the worst outcomes. But Biden’s legacy is one of the worst. He will leave a nasty stain on humanity IMO.

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I'd say "just get the man out of office"...... but - OMG! - Kamala ?!

Thank you, Dems ! We are eff'd.

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hhhmmm, I will always want you fighting alonside me

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As long as their is breathe in my body-I want to live long enough to see these misfits

hanging in Washington Square-

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me too...

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after legal hearings...we will hang them high

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Hate the sins, love the sinner.

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Me neither. About as much as I have for a damned pimp.

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you mean Hunter?

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