Absolutely true. If he had said " no lockdowns" then Pence and the cabinet would have removed him under the 25th. People forget that at the time prominent Bush acolyte Republican governors like DeSantis were besties with Fauci and were screaming for lockdowns. They only changed their tune later to try to pin the blame on Trump.

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and we would have said hell yes, remove him...he is killing us...but we did not yet know that he too was screwed...

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Yabba, yabba, but sadly if TRUMP returns it will be exactly the same, they have him by the BALLS more now than say in 2016.

MUSK is the only one that gets it right, Trump is running to pardon himself and prevent the GOV from clawing backs the $10's of Billions his kids Trust-Funds got stashed with COVID-RELIEF just like everybody else that danced to the COVID music in 2020, $3 trillion of the $12 Trillion dispersed, thats enough cash to mint 3,000 Billionaires, and that's exactly what the did, and why the entire world 'waltzed to COVID music until now" the money is gone and they WANT more, ergo COVID-2025;

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Paul and all,

Old news…Trump had no idea the swamp was as deep and entrenched as it was. He was completely surrounded by globalist maniacal swamp creatures!


Is it because the lazy, pampered ass Americans (what Europeans think of us) allowed such evil to gain ground, NOT properly holding their public servants, yes PUBLIC SERVANTS accountable at the local level??? ALL politics is local, right??

So the million dollar question EVERYDAY is…When are you, Paul and your colleagues I thought it was settled long ago…. continued boosters are weakening the immunity of everyone, in particular those whose immune systems were already compromised!

Paul…Don’t you want to stop the 17 million continuing global vaccine MURDERS ASAP???

Paul…you sat in the middle of the globalist swamp in Trump’s Whitehouse…WHY? What did you accomplish there???

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(((THEY))) killed JFK in 1963 and got away with it, ever since they have had a license to kill;

Just like the first day of TRUMP as POTUS when CIA ordered him to appear at CIA HQ he could have said "FUCK YOU' he didnt', clearly the NSA-NSC has been running the USA since the 1950's, like Schumer said "The Deep-State has six ways from sunday to destroy your life"

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Schumer should know since he and his party run it.

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Schumer is the classic street-smart NYC jew

Trump is hated by the Jews in NYC because of what his mentor Roy Cohn did to the Rosenbergs;

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Schumer warned Trump many times "Don't fuck with deep-state they can fuck you six ways from sunday"

IMHO Schumer is still an elected official, the deep-state ( sodomite-State ) are life-long employee "Praetorians" with tenure;

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Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty!

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Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty!

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Hehehe, AND YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE TRUTH TM? Who cares what the Europeans think of us. They allowed in the Schuman Declaration in 1950 and that started their own demise. They thought they would be a greater power to be reckoned with if they unified. They are still envious of us. The EU has allowed the WEF to continue to gain power as a new kind of technological fascism is penetrating the continent. Why should we save them from themselves? They are dragging us into this by sending millions of the world’s rejects and criminals through our borders, thank you Mr, Soros. You have no right to call out Dr. Paul to do something as you have no idea what you are talking about!

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Thank you for comments!

Actually people all over the world think Americans are lazy and irresponsible for allowing America as the last, BEST HOPE OF EARTH to fall the far!

It took ONLY 8 men to begin our CHARTERS OF FREEDOM and now millions of Americans NOT defending them, right?

Only 2 actionable SOLUTIONS are critical right now in our dangerous country…

1. STOP THE VACCINES=stops the murder of humanity…for only the decent scientists and doctors to accomplish!


NO 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY=No more America!

P.S. I am involved in ELECTION INTEGRITY! Please tell us what actionable solution you are involved in?

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Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty!

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He doesn't have a magic wand.

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A magic wand? Please explain…

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TELLING if YOU all remember that on TRUMP first DAY as POTUS he WAS ordered to APPEAR at CIA Head-Quarters he came out with a leash around his neck held by Pompeo;

PUTIN said it well, there hasn't been a POTUS running the USA since BUSH-1, and that was only because BUSH-1 was a CIA director;


On this note I don't diss Trump I pity him, but his inability to admit failure and the CIA's ability to say "We will KILL your chidlren" made Trump their bitch

Just like they did with Ross-Perot back in the day when he ran, they threatened to KILL his children and he dropped out;

IN Trumps case the deep-state never thought Trump would win, but when he did win they ordered him to 'appear' showed the JFK video's like they do to every new POTUS;

Trump cannot fix the problem, nobody can fix the problem until the CIA/NSA and all the sodomite-state ZOG ass fuckery has been destroyed in USSA;

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The 2020 election was a fraud, there is no way biden got 81 million votes,

There were 168 million registered voters and the voter turnout was 67%.

67% of 168 million is 112 million.

There were 158 million votes counted, where did the extra 46 million votes come from?

Trump won in a massive landslide!!!

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I wasn't aware of these numbers. How is this discrepancy explained by our worthless "journalists" and the media talking heads?

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Any evidence is suppressed by our government run complicit media.

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The banks run this country, which is a CORPORATION, no longer a constitutional republic. Corporations are democracies, the shareholders vote. You are not a shareholder in this corporation.

President is a figurehead.

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A “figurehead” that is allowing us to be invaded through open borders.

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Are you writing this to convince us or yourself that Trump isn't responsible for this catastrophe? He may be all the good things you write about but undeniably this disaster was executed on his watch. However much you like him, until he comes clean, he is just another Covid enabler. We have to hold our side to the highest standards or we become like that which we hate. Even though I disagree with you on Trump's culpability and his need for contrition, you are very good man. Keep up the good work. I will continue to support you.

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a further thought, if Trump doesn't come clean and explain how he will avoid a similar fate in his next administration, it won't mater. Enough voters will go to Bobby and Trump will lose.

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I usually skim through the pro Trump posts and don't leave a like, but this one I liked specifically for pointing out that both D and R wings of the Uniparty have been known to cheat when they're sure they can get away with it.

my favorite previous case is exemplified by "Jeb ASSURES me we have Florida"

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Wow, I thought I had seen everything. Can we think ... money laundering, made easy. Someone needs a new lake front home or yacht or something special. Look at their bank accounts going in, then the hard working politicians bank accounts, not long after compliance to the bullies.

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Trump WILL return this year, with or without an election, because Biden will legally have to abdicate, and there WILL be tribunals and hangings, though not necessarily for Covid. A much worse virus is planned by 2025/6 with MANDATORY vax, but Trump will be removed by then, the CIA way. Some familiar, soothing face and voice will be put in as acting President (BHO, anyone?) to calm people down. Then we're on our way to the Pence/Haley administration to deliver the final coup-de-grace backstab to the Constitution. Under global trade embargo, US society descends into chaos and Russia/China military arrive by 2030.

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I make food. It doesn’t get much more actionable than that. What a troll!

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Why did obama ease restrictions on gain of function research 11 days before leaving office?


Nine days before President Trump took office……Did Fauci already have the PLANdemic in progress?



With people beginning to recognize that U.S. government officials and the intelligence community have been less than honest, and in some cases

downright lying, surrounding the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; and when we overlay the political motives in the background of mass narrative

deflection from media and other institutions; and when we consider the known lengths that people inside the U.S. government were willing to go in

their efforts to eliminate President Trump; discovering that President Obama’s administration technically authorized the restart of “gain of

function” research (biological weaponization of SARS virus) just days before President Trump took office… is way more than alarming. My hunch is

this link might even disappear.

An even larger backstory. Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological

weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of

weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014. The media reporting on this is misleading, if not downright false.

In the original pdf guidance for the 2014 research pause of into weaponization of SARS viruses there was a footnote that everyone seems to have

missed: https://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/gain-of-function.pdf Page 2...


JANUARY 9, 2017 AT 9:06 AM ET BY .

Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is releasing “Recommended Policy Guidance for Departmental

Development of Review Mechanisms for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO).” Adoption of these recommendations will

satisfy the requirements for lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research that could enhance a pathogen’s

virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).

Issuance of this policy guidance concludes the deliberative process launched in October 2014 by OSTP and the Department of Health

and Human Services (HHS). At that time, OSTP and HHS asked the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB), as informed

by feedback from the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, to provide recommendations to help shape the

development and adoption of a new United States Government policy governing the funding and conduct of this category of research.

While NSABB deliberated, such projects were placed on pause.

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Sheesh! I get disgusted with and sick & tired of someone saying (or writing) “(So and so) is a good person.” Oh well. Everyone is entitled to a pet peeve, eh?

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By this Fall, the Biden's corruption in office will be undeniable, the proof of the stolen election will be undeniable, Congress and the Supreme Court will evict the Soros pawns hiding within their ranks, and finally grow a pair. Bobby cannot win, Trump has to win, but Bobby and Trump just might form a third "patriot" party to do it. The Rino party must be abandoned.

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