Trump knows much more than what he is posting here. I know that because I know much more about what happened so he has to know but he's holding back, likely for a good reason. At least a half dozen Nation State actors were engaged in the 2020 election and it's all coming out slowly in courts around the country as we speak. Serbian Nationals, Canadians, Cubans, Venezuelans and participants from Spain, France and England were involved all through these damned machines that were initially installed for the express purpose of manipulating elections. When people find out what agencies of the Federal government were involved, if they don't get off their fat asses and get into the streets, then they deserve to lose their country. However, we can't let their apathy destroy America. WE will raise holly hell ourselves!!

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Unfortunately, I am finding that most Canadians are too comfortable. As long as it doesn't touch them, they are good with it. When it does, it will be too late.

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Unfortunately Maria, far too many Americans are in the same rut and it may cost both their liberty.

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I agree!! Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. If he got 81 Million Legal Votes, were are his Croqwds LOL?!

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Now now now Dr Alexander, enough of this! You know Biden campaigned “flawlessly” in 2020? Or don’t you?

He campaigned so incredibly well, he never left the confines of his “basement”! Could you do that? Could President Trump do that?

Nope and nope! Why is that?

It’s because our “election integrity” has been compromised by, primarily “comictrats”! They’re very, very good you know?

Imagine, never did you have to post an article? They simply appear? Now that’s amazing, yes?

It’s called “disenfranchisement” at its finest! Now you too, can win any election you want! Simply sell your soul to a corrupt “Satan” otherwise known as “Zuckerberg” amongst others and you too Dr Alexander can post articles or win any election, without leaving the confines of your “demented latent brain”!

Call “666-666-Satan today, for your “self-starter” kit. Our demonic Kit includes: not a damn thing! We assure you results with your “soul to hell” guarantee!

Supplies are limited so call today!

This is the insanity and how the same people, in the same cities, repeatedly win election after election! It’s called “lie, cheat and steal” your way to a win!

Then, they’re free to continue their “reign of evil” all across America! Transylvania not included!

Honestly Dr Alexander nobody can tell me “America” cannot have a “free & fair” election process! Nobody! The reality is, those in power want things just the way they are! They wouldn’t change a thing and they “hem holler piss and moan” when someone try’s to, fix such a broken and corrupted system!

Thank you Dr Alexander for allowing me to “vent”!

I needed that!


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