Let me be clear the lockdowns did EXACTLY what they were supposed to do, no mistakes were made, they were to get the herd ready for THE NEEDLECRAFT, and as with all agendas they are always multi pronged so disabling peoples from running their own businesses and having their little bit of independence was on the menu as well it seems, this is all just my point of view, just a viewpoint, always multi pronged destruction, but above all the horrendous cutting of the often frail human ties, the clan structure was decimated for many, hence the uptick in suicides, ah yes ofcourse all for your health, let me not forget to regurgitate WHY they had to do this as they could not help themselves the poor lot, it's crystal clear, t'was crystal clear, no mistakes were made, except maybe a more horrendous lockdown to herd 100 percent into the needle, so in that way there is no control group anymore, I'm sure they'll try to get 'round to that bunch as well, truth matters, real eyes realize real lies, Grüß Gott!!!

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You are right. The lockdowns were done to ruin the small businesses and to get people ready to be compliant.

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Wow, that's a lot of info.

I don't like political speeches. I do on occasion watch a Trump rally and all I've heard him say is that he'll cut funding to universities that mandate vaccines or masks.

Trump was lied to by the scientific community about covid. He agreed to close for 2 weeks to slow the spread and an additional 4 weeks all based on pure politically motivated bullshit.

Once he realized the scam and handed covid responses to the states. Red states opened, blue states did not. Absent a vaccine blue states would have stayed locked down for years. As it turns out our economic recovery after may of 2020 was miraculous. 11.9 million jobs were recovered and the 3rd quarter gap was 35.3%.

Without OWS, millions would have died from depression, suicide, and drug overdose.

I understand why some people don't yet understand the forces Trump was up against.

This covid scam was created during the Obama Administration along with other nefarious operations meant to destroy Trump's presidency.

I could list dozens of instances where Obama and Biden put things in place to destroy Trump. Covid is just one of them.

The Russia hoax, Obama approving the sale of 130 tons of uranium to Iran from Russia just before leaving office and many other insane things only traitors would do.

Please try to unify us against the evil instead of casting doubt on the one man who has a fighting chance to fix it all.

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True. Trump understands. Let him get reelected full 100% support and then watch those who have perpetrated DEMOCIDE panic as most are already. He will deal with them once he's in. Ignore the constant rhetoric coming from who ever else that continually bring it up. Just ignore it. Don't buy into: Trump must this or Trump must that.....Nothing; absolutely nothing can stop what is coming 🦅

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I think Trump’s ego is in the way.

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Without OWS we should have given the masses Vit D. This would have calmed the masses and improved disease outcome. Also should have given IVERMECTIN like they did in India. Should have done alot more preventative measures which were suppressed on purpose. We are fighting evil. I am disgusted. Please read “The Indoctrinated Brain” by Michael Nehls MD, PhD. He lays it all out in his book how this was created.

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All that us true and in fact all that was needed to fight covid was nothing. It's a cold virus.

The entire operation was a coup to remove Trump from office.

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fyi: checkout on yt Bill Ryan - China will catch a cold 2010

event 201 - sparsdemic - lockstep document. Grüß Gott!

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Even if Trump was lied to back then, it does not let him off the hook today. You can't keep using that excuse, he sure as hell knows today, we all do but he refuses to admit he was wrong and he is still wrong. I don't know if he's being blackmailed or he's just that dumb where he keeps pumping out the bullshit. Im so sick and tired of this and the longer he pushes the lie, the worse it gets for him. If he does a debate and he's asked about the jabs, will he stick to his stupid talking points, they saved millions or will he finally admit the truth.

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no one is off the hook

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as it appears that the majority, who stay within the "two" Party voting system, will favor Mr. Trump this year (cheating notwithstanding,) I do hope he listens to you and other intelligent folks regarding the various aspects of the konvid debacle. without a good cabinet he's not going to have any better luck on a second term than the first.

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Wake up Dr Alexander. If Trump still thinks the Covid 'vaccines' are good, and lockdowns worked, he will not be holding any Covid cretin to account. Hold them to account for what, doing 'good'?

In late 2015 Trump entertained a proposal by RFK Jnr to instigate a major inquiry into vaccines and the health of Americans. In early 2016 he walked away from the health of Americans because Pfizer gave him $1.2M for his inauguration celebrations. His adherence to the 'vaccines good' mantra strongly suggests Trump is not the guy that's going to lead Americans to safety? Not from Big Pharma for sure.

His next Administration will be supportive of mRNA and warp speed, unaccountable pharmaceuticals. Americans will continue to suffer exploding illnesses. But, at least Trump's 2025 inauguration celebrations will be something special!

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Dr Alexander I highly suggest you read “The Indoctrinated Brain” by Michael Nehls, MD, PhD.

This plandemic was planned by many in our gov. No mistakes. No OW. Patents were made years ago for this virus which was created in Lab. We all know WHO is behind this and the globalist agenda is to manipulate our brains and sadly no one will be held accountable as too much at $take. More MRnA concoctions are currently being developed and will be dispersed to the masses for HIV, RVS, Malaria, CANcer and more. This toxic sludge is destroying life (and many Dr$ are staying silent). We need more people to stand up, unify, speak out and say NO.

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Bill Gates reportedly made more money off the vaccines than he did off creating Windows. Yet, after he made serious bank he openly stated the vaccines were “a disappointment.”

Yet despite this admission and lots more glaring indicators such as the dearth of any actual studies people are mesmerized. They don’t hear. They desperately want something to believe in.

Those that think just because booster uptake has fizzled that it’s an indication that people have awakened are sorely mistaken.

People just believe Covid has fizzled. But they still at this late date are meh over the shots, masks, and lockdowns.

If the grand poobah’s of health declared another scamdemic tomorrow the vast majority are ripe to fall for everything all over again.

Nobody learned ‘nuthin.

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Absolutely correct. There are more mRNA jabs in the works for more “diseases”. This is only the beginning. Gates and his WHO and UN cronies are in this for life and have big plans for the world. It is not a secret but the masses are happily indoctrinated via the tel-lie-vision, drugs, alcohol, and sabotaging their health a million ways to Sunday :(

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That’s why I think we need to bifurcate the conversation to observational behaviors/outcomes from the science. The science is easily challenged, manipulated and swirled into confusion. However, we can through the lens of hindsight see the contradicting behaviors of our saviors and the damages caused by their solutions which they clearly did not follow. The list is long starting with Dr Ferguson literally being caught with his pants down to the bait and switch of injections to the economic wreckage we are still dealing with, and more. It’s all out there. It all proves Covid was a crime story.

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The lie goes back much further. There is no proof that Sars-Cov-2 actually exists. So whether you were ill from "Covid," the flu, a bad cold or whatever you want to call it, you need to come up with another reason for why you got sick. The pathogenic virus was the ruse to get you to take the vaccine.

THE SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY. A man reluctantly takes the jab in order to see his mother in a nursing home. Share Turfseer’s new song if you can. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-summer-of-died-suddenly

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Clearly, he does not take your calls anymore or advice on this matter otherwise you wouldn't have pleaded with him via this substack. OR He has heard you and decided to stand by his decisions, even in light of being "deceived" during the height of the covid crisis, distracted during a press conference for 10 seconds ala zapruder film breakdown and/or reviewing the carnage done via VAERS post OWS. Critical thinking is warranted if we never want this to happen again and get justice for the injured and those who died.

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Is he really still stating lockdowns and shots work?? If so, I am really really struggling with voting for him. He needs to sit down with someone & have a deep conversation about it. He was duped! They played him like a fiddle. All he has to do is say that. They lied and obfuscated the truth.

How he can't see the reality today about lockdowns and shots is hard to justify. That's where I get stuck. I don't know that I can vote for a man who will not correct this situation so it NEVER happens again. I'm really struggling!

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It doesn't matter how much you like or trust a person, that person can still be misled, lied to or persuaded to do something you do not agree with. Get this article to President Trump. He's intelligent and if you show him the facts and help him get past his ego (yes, we know), there's a good chance he can admit he was wrong, apologize and improve everything.

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If he is really a person with a good heart then that would be the case, I still don’t know because he may be hulk hogan just a character paid to entertain. (That isn’t what I want to be true, but I see that he failed on the most important issue of our times.)

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That's also possible. He sure flashes the Masonic signs and attended a Jesuit school, after all. However, The Creator is here. People are being given chances by Him, over and over in a last ditch attempt to save them.

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Well said, and I couldn't agree more.

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I said long ago that Trump should admit he got dumped by Fraudci and Birx.

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If he insists these interventions work, he’d do it all over again. He absolutely would, and had he been in office, he would have mandated covid jabs.

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Rather than trusting Trump to admit his mistake and fix this, vote for RFK Jr. who has a strong position on this and plan of action.

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Voted for Trump twice. Leaning to RFK Jr. now because of Trump not deprecating lockdowns and OWS. Sucks that his 2nd term was stolen.

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