he must, for it came under him and were devastating; I never blamed him but he has to deal with the disaster it was and not praise any of it anymore! he was lied to, subverted from WITHIN the house
Did you know that only Biden’s vaccine had the MRNA?
Go on Truth Social and follow Tommymac171.
For the last 7 years ( behind the scenes) the USWhiteHats & The Global Military Alliance have been taking down the Deep State, the corruption, arresting people.
When Biden is impeached ( soon), then the worldwide EBS will start and we will see video testimonies of what has occurred.
This Military Operation has been massive. The Real Trump ( there are several doubles) has been in a secure military location.
I do believe some of what you say. But not sure about the Trump doubles. I'm sure that when he does rallies it is actually him. And I'm sure that was him speaking today in Anaheim CA.
Now, it has been conjectured that the Fetterman we have seen recently is a double or stand in, because the real one was too mentally damaged. They say his double has lost a tattoo, and that huge lump on his neck, and that is proof.
The information that I saw regarding President Trump was on Truth Social - Follow: the17thLetter. I don’t get to watch all of his rallies. You may be correct about tonight. I know that there has been several attempted assassinations on his life, so they are very careful. I know you don’t know me, but I wouldn’t intentionally mislead people or lie. I also wouldn’t put anyone’s life in danger.
Yes, you are correct about Fetterman. He is being played by an actor. the17thLetter mentioned which actor. I just can’t remember it off the top of my head.
Also on Truth Social follow the USGuardian Eagle.He posts a lot of information.
Selfishly, I would love Jesus to come back now. No one knows when He will. So, many people don’t know Him and I am really sad about that. So, I will shine His light until He does, or until I die.
Fifty Eight years ago on Christmas Eve 1963, ( after the assassination of President Kennedy), 77 US Generals came together and the plan to save the world was born. 22 Nations and 1600 Generals are now part of the WhiteHats.
I didn't say you lied, I said Q was a psyop. I was hoping that you would question the information they give out. Some is truth, but not all. They mix truth in it to make it believable if you hear it elsewhere. They feed you things about white hats and that things are under control, that is the psyop. Many have fallen for this, it is a ploy to get people to think that they don't have to do anything, that it is under control. The fact is, very few in the government are benevolent, most are on the take unfortunately. The REAL "white hat" is Jesus and America needs to turn back to Him before it is too late.
I also saw this on Truth Social ( LibertyVictoria) a minute ago. ‘ Pfizer openly rejected Operation Warp Speed. Their goal was a worldwide extinction event to take out billions of lives. It was foiled. World Wide Military Operation’.
Please educate me. I thought Trump is taking credit for Operation Warp Speed as the necessary rushed roll out of vaccines that were going to save the day because Covid would destroy us unless we could prevent infection with vaccines. The news told us that there was no cure, no treatment, we couldn't go to a hospital until our respiratory symptoms were so bad we couldn't breathe. But by that time, early medical treatment was ineffective because the virus had already caused a lot of debris to clog up the lungs and the final stage would be clots. They didn't give enough steroids to bring down the lung inflammation. Remdesivir had some ability to decrease viral load--but not after 6 or 7 days when typically the patients entered the hospital and got treatments that only made them worse and ended up killing a lot of people.
How would Pfizer generate a worldwide extinction event? According to mainstream news that extinction event would occur because Covid infection would be killing everybody unless vaccine mandates were imposed and people complied with them.
I will try my best. Full Disclosure: I am not American, I just like doing world wide research.
This all links to the New World Order, the WEF, UN, Ukraine, Russia, Deep State, Child Trafficking, CIA, money laundering, elections, etc.
A. The Georgia Guide Stones: - It states that they wanted to maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. In Oct 2023 the world’s population is 8 billion. This plan has been in effect long before President Trump. Rothschild said that Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order.
B: No one in the world has ever taken just a pure isolated virus particle with nothing else added & introduced it into a living organism via a natural mode of entry ( as the mouth or nose ) and caused the disease that the virus is suppose to cause.
C. In March 28,2014 - Trump had tweeted- ‘ Healthy young child goes to Dr. gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes - Autism, many such cases. He had stats with the increase of child vaccines and autism increases.
D. From my research, it appears that there have been many side effects from vaccines. ( I have taken all of them except the CJab).
E. Flu Season Cases in the US
2017-2018 - 45M cases
2018-2019- 36M cases
2019-2020- 38 M cases
2020-2021-1,822 cases ( not a typing error).
The flu cases dropped dramatically like this worldwide.
F. The first Covid case in the US was May 3,20.
G. See the video below:
H. Read the UN Agenda 2020, 2030 and the Sustainable Goals.
I. March 21,20 - President Tweet - ‘ Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine. The FDA has moved mountains. Thank You! Hopefully they will BOTH ( H works better with A, International Journal of Antimicrobal Agents).
M. Hospitals Nationwide collected Covid Subsidies at $48,000 per Death.
N. Research Obama & Clinton’s 16 year plan for America.
O. The WEF is modelling after the Nazi Regime. Ukraine is headquarters for their modern day brown shirts - the Azov Brigade. They are also involved with bio-weapons labs, child trafficking, experimenting with children, adrenochrome harvesting and money laundering. Putin is taken that down. In 2023,- 2,852,395 Ukrainian refugees fled to Russia for Safety.
East Pro Russian Crimean citizens voted 90% in a referendum to Succeed to Russia in 2014.
Putin banned Rothchild Family from entering Russia in 2016.
Zelensky is a Neo Nazi and is related to Soros.
P. Ukraine is bankrupt. It is involved in child trafficking, etc.
R. I will stop. The Good News is that God is In Control.
I know that the first batch of vaccines was President Trump’s. Lynn E on the thread talks about this too and gives more information. I know more toxic vaccines were sent to the red states. I will try and find that for you.
Honestly, that’s all I know about the vaccine other then what I initially said and referenced where I found that information. I concur with what Lynn said too. During the WhiteHats EBS, we will be hearing testimonies of those who were arrested and also during the Military Tribunals.
Denis Rancourt stated that these same red states had higher levels of agriculture with higher levels of pesticide toxicity. Likely that the toxins in the pesticides would make the toxicity of the vaccines even more destructive. Sorry I don't have the link.
The evidence of toxic lots distributed to Red areas of our Nation is very disturbing. I am not able to go there with people except very quietly, and only with Republicans, of course.
It appears we are at war; 911, the "Patriot Act," Maui, Paradise Ca., abnormal fires all over, UN Agenda 2030, all together it proves this to me, personally. Not to mention Geoengineering, Child & human trafficking, genetic manipulation, and the rise of AI and the Bio-security state.
We must wake more "normies." I pray for Divine Assistance, and pledge myself to this effort.
You are so correct. We are in a war. I am also praying for the US and the world. God please protect us, give us your wisdom, peace, grace ,strength and in these hard times help us to shine Jesus’s Light towards others. We are thankful for you and how much you love us. Thank you for the Militaries around the world that are taking down the people who want to harm us, that are destroying the tunnels where children have been trafficked, for rescuing the children, etc. Please keep them save and strong as they deal with the terrible things they see. Help their families too. Bless them all and the Veterans. We will never forget.
As PANIC HITS CIA/ ROCKEFELLERS /NATO UN Regime, a powerful vaccine EXPOSURE begins as CONGRESS dives into EXPOSURE of FAUCI, CIA vaccines connections and start private behind the scenes investigations and publicly TRUMP COMES OUT AGAINST THE VACCINES AND LOCKDOWNS.
· The Military General's are well aware 2024 elections will not happen and EXPOSURE of the PLANDEMIC is COMING for 2024 and the death VACCINES and Trump is will testify and give all information in Military TRIBUNALS CONNECTED TO THE FIRST BATCHES OF FAKE VACCINES/ SALINE/ PLACEBOS/ that was released through his WARP SPEED. (One day after Trump released the vaccines, the Deep State Pfizer released their Death Vaccines).
If Trump wants to persuade voters to vote for him vs. RFK Jr. in the General Election, he needs to come clean and then correctly blame Fauci & Co. on the 2020 Covid/ Vax response.
Hope he listens to you this time. Last time it seems he threw you and Dr. Scott Atlas under the bus because Jerrod told him it was the only way to get reelected. Hope you have some influence over him. But right now his biggest worry is this NY trial. I think it's political.
I agree all of his trials are political. I agree with Trump that they are witch hunts! We are approaching totalitarianism in many ways. But it's an oligarchic tyranny of capitalistic elites. We are run by big business which isn't the same as Communism. Communism would nationalize health care instead of privatizing it. Communism would take over private farms. Instead we have big agriculture buying up private farms and using toxic chemicals. The result is pretty much the same. Total control and mistreatment of the vast majority to privilege those in control (see Animal Farm where the animals overthrow the dictatorship of the farmer--only to suffer under the dictatorship of the pigs.)
Speaking of Abraham Lincoln, I recently read that the Dems tried to keep him off the ballot, but he won anyway. I wonder if Trump will have to contend with that too.
I think I previously read on your substack that he couldn't say anything now otherwise he would lose the 'protection' of the PREP act and thus be open for criminal charges
Dear Doctor, thank you so much for writing that. I hope President Trump listens and swallows his pride. If he does win the Presidency, he must hire new NIH, CDC, FDA heads such as yourself, McCullough, Kennedy, etc. And spend money on healing everyone who has been hurt. What hood is anything if we are dead? Thank you again.
I failed to mention that, Trump better, as this post states, rebuke the “POISON DARTS” which are killing people! Trump also better explain that, he DID NOT SAVE 100 million lives! God No! If anything, that 100 million number may be in fact the amount of people MURDERED by these “FRANKENSHOTS”! I understand that Trump cannot speak out against the JABS, at this time, but when the situation changes regarding what Trump is bound to, IE the Prep Act, etc and once legally speaking he’s released from legal action because of these shots, he better start TWEETING LOUDLY and FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN!! If he continues to say he “saved 100’s of millions lives” because of WARP SPEED, and doesn’t come clean, HE AIN’T GETTING MY VOTE!! I want TRUTH! PERIOD! I do believe Trump was duped and lied to etc and he’s legally bound to not speak badly about these killing shots, but he better when he’s released from legal action!
That’s great to know and as everything else that’s happened, we’ve been lied to over and over so it’s no surprise to me that only the Biden’s SHOT has mRNA. My problem with Trump is this, regardless of whether or not there’s mRNA in what he keeps touting as “WARP SPEED” and how he saved 100 million lives is a whole lot of BULL! I say this because Trump has to know these SHOTS ARE KILLING PEOPLE! Not saving people! So if in fact there’s NO mRNA the SHOTS while he was President then all the more reason he should COME CLEAR AND NOTIFY THE WORLD HOW DANGEROUS THESE SHOULD ARE!!! if he’s not worried about lawsuits being filed against him then SAY SOMETHING!!! That’s why he hasn’t come out against the shots for fear of lawsuits!! I voted for Trump and I will again if nominated, but unless he STANDS UP FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and LET US KNOW THE DANGERS, I’ll have a difficult time supporting him! Thanks again for informing me about the two different mRNA SHOTS!
President Trump has stood up for the American People and actually the world.
What you aren’t aware of is that he was asked to run for President by the Military.
For the last 7 years ( behind the scenes), the US WhiteHats and the Global Military Alliance have been taken down the Deep State, and all this corruption. He actually won the 2020 election and has been in a secure military base for most of the time. Yes, he has doubles because of the threat of so many assassinations. He gave command to the Military. If you read all of his Executive Orders, The Law of War Manual, downloaded a Military Flight App, read how much GITO was expanded, you would know how extensive this Military Operation is.
As for Covid: Read President Trump’s tweet on March 21,20. He tweeted about Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin.
He told you what he took when he had Covid.
We were told that Covid had a 95% Recovery Rate.
He never made any vaccine mandatory.
In fact in his tweet of March 28,2014- he spoke about childhood vaccines and autism. I also believe ( not 100% sure) that one of his family members had a vaccine injury ( not a Covid one).
Why aren’t you blaming Biden? The Dr’s? the Media? The Hospitals who were paid $48K for each Covid death. The WEF, the WHO?
We are in a war.
You are crucifying the one man that has been fighting for us.
Trump certainly provided America a really simple solution which was, “a rising tide lifts all boats”! When you look at the government numbers, unmistakably Trumps simple solution empowered more people, in all demographics than any one President ever has done in the history of America! Simply put, when Americans have more disposable income, when more Americans are working, when more Americans feel positive about the direction America is heading, America grows! When America grows, we’re able to lift more people OUT OF POVERTY! It ain’t complicated! When a tax cut is implemented across the board for the working stiffs like me, the upside / return on investment is staggering and the results are amazing! Certainly, it’s that simple. Fast forward to, “Obiden’s plan” and we all know how that’s going! On average, Americans are paying I believe now, $700 more/ month thanks to the “Obiden plan” than Trump’s last year in office! The border was being secured, with great difficulty and resistance. Now look at the border, the cartels are literally in control and thousands of migrants have been killed in the process! Not to mention the overwhelming influx of irradiated disease due to the overwhelming flow and WIDE OPEN COME ONE COME ALL BORDER POLICY! And then there’s the fentanyl crisis which has killed thousands of American citizens and has DESTROYED FAMILIES! I believe 100,000 Americans DEAD last year alone due to the fentanyl crisis! Are you F....KING ME? ENOUGH ALREADY! Thank you OBIDEN both of you HATE THIS COUNTRY! Both of you are destroying this country! BOTH OF YOU BELOVED IN JAIL and I’M BEING KIND!!Thank you for absolutely destroying America! Oh sorry Obama, I believe you said, “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA”, if I’m not mistaken? Oh you’re doing a wonderful job you lying sack of fecal matter! What you’re doing is EVIL and quit frankly you look like the DEVIL!!! I never judge a book by its cover either!!! The facts are clear, your motivation spoken and your actions implemented! By God there’s one and only one place you’re going!Yes I am angry as are millions of Americans! When one President Trump lifts all people and the other President Obiden destroys all people,WHY SHOULD’NT I BE? One has to be an absolute moron to think America is better off today than 3 years ago or those believing America is better today than when Trump was in command, obviously are one of two things. 1) Their Rich or 2) They’re on the government dime! That’s it. Working Americans are being eliminated, by design in order for these communist ideologues to usher in, yes, communism! By the way, Obama’s mentor at a young age was the “COMMUNIST PARTY USA President” if I’m not mistaken. Call it socialism or fascism or any “ISM” you want to call it, what you can’t call it is “PATRIOTISM”! In fact, Patriotism is under attack, on every front across America and around the world! In order for the “Great Reset” to happen, patriotism MUST BE DESTROYED! All you have to do is listen to those people in control, they’ll tell you! They’ve been telling us! For that matter, Obamas own wife spoke eloquently about how “SHE HATES THIS COUNTRY”! or should I say, “NEVER FELT GOOD ABOUT AMERICA”! I’m paraphrasing so I do apologize if I’m not exact. They’re not hiding it anymore, they are in your face, violently screaming at you or shouting you down, because they believe their, “UTOPIAN C.H.O.P Society”, is the only way the world can survive! Obviously these people are dangerous and certainly they’re completely indoctrinated. Not to mention, mentally unstable and mentally disturbed! If anyone believes the incredible amount of, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME” things happening in America today are paths to “UTOPIA” MUST be mentally disturbed! There isn’t one single policy or action taken since Trumps stolen election and this installed government has signed off on via Executive Order! We need not kid ourselves anymore, our election system is and has been rigged, technically speaking, IMO, Americas being lead to slaughter via an “ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT”! I’m positive, I am not the only person who believes this, the evidence and the covering up of evidence is overwhelmingly obvious! Additionally, each and every government agency is or has been infiltrated by the, “USEFUL IDIOTS”! And these “WACKADOS” thinks it’s great! They’re obviously very sick and mentally unstable, disturbing people, who are in charge of these agencies! Starting with the destruction of the most competent and honorably respectable military, to the complete destruction of our education systems and all the way through each part of this “MONSTROUS DYSFUNCTIONAL EXUBERANTLY COSTLY GOVERNMENT” which must be dismantled, reduced and replaced, with fundamental, common sense policies and most importantly, people / employee’s! About 10-20% of our government employees have been replaced with “WACKADOS”, sadly they’re the ones pushing this nonsensical nonsense! Let me be clear, not all government employees are bad and I feel for them who simply wanted to serve our country. I commend their efforts and dedication to serving US! They’re in a difficult and honestly dangerous position! The end game for these nutjobs is 100% annihilation and completely implementing a “ONE WORLD ORDER”!
I agree, but what are the chances that Trump admits that he was duped by Fauci and made a mistake with operation warp speed?
Did you know that only Biden’s vaccine had the MRNA?
Go on Truth Social and follow Tommymac171.
For the last 7 years ( behind the scenes) the USWhiteHats & The Global Military Alliance have been taking down the Deep State, the corruption, arresting people.
When Biden is impeached ( soon), then the worldwide EBS will start and we will see video testimonies of what has occurred.
This Military Operation has been massive. The Real Trump ( there are several doubles) has been in a secure military location.
Be safe and take care!
I do believe some of what you say. But not sure about the Trump doubles. I'm sure that when he does rallies it is actually him. And I'm sure that was him speaking today in Anaheim CA.
Now, it has been conjectured that the Fetterman we have seen recently is a double or stand in, because the real one was too mentally damaged. They say his double has lost a tattoo, and that huge lump on his neck, and that is proof.
Hi Dave
Thank you for replying.
The information that I saw regarding President Trump was on Truth Social - Follow: the17thLetter. I don’t get to watch all of his rallies. You may be correct about tonight. I know that there has been several attempted assassinations on his life, so they are very careful. I know you don’t know me, but I wouldn’t intentionally mislead people or lie. I also wouldn’t put anyone’s life in danger.
Yes, you are correct about Fetterman. He is being played by an actor. the17thLetter mentioned which actor. I just can’t remember it off the top of my head.
Also on Truth Social follow the USGuardian Eagle.He posts a lot of information.
You take care, be safe.
God Bless you and your family.
Tell me more on Fetterman. He's nothing but a Communist.
He’s gone ( arrested), replaced by an actor as more people are arrested behind the scenes.
That is a Q PSYOP, sorry.
Selfishly, I would love Jesus to come back now. No one knows when He will. So, many people don’t know Him and I am really sad about that. So, I will shine His light until He does, or until I die.
Take care.
Fifty Eight years ago on Christmas Eve 1963, ( after the assassination of President Kennedy), 77 US Generals came together and the plan to save the world was born. 22 Nations and 1600 Generals are now part of the WhiteHats.
Respectfully, I told you where I found that information. Why don’t you go there and do some research? Instead you choose to criticize me. I don’t lie.
Have a nice day.
I didn't say you lied, I said Q was a psyop. I was hoping that you would question the information they give out. Some is truth, but not all. They mix truth in it to make it believable if you hear it elsewhere. They feed you things about white hats and that things are under control, that is the psyop. Many have fallen for this, it is a ploy to get people to think that they don't have to do anything, that it is under control. The fact is, very few in the government are benevolent, most are on the take unfortunately. The REAL "white hat" is Jesus and America needs to turn back to Him before it is too late.
I am a Christian. I agree with your last line 200%.
Could you clarify? I thought Pfizer and Moderna were both built on the mRNA platform. Who DIDN'T get vaccinated with a non MRNA vaccine?
I also saw this on Truth Social ( LibertyVictoria) a minute ago. ‘ Pfizer openly rejected Operation Warp Speed. Their goal was a worldwide extinction event to take out billions of lives. It was foiled. World Wide Military Operation’.
Please educate me. I thought Trump is taking credit for Operation Warp Speed as the necessary rushed roll out of vaccines that were going to save the day because Covid would destroy us unless we could prevent infection with vaccines. The news told us that there was no cure, no treatment, we couldn't go to a hospital until our respiratory symptoms were so bad we couldn't breathe. But by that time, early medical treatment was ineffective because the virus had already caused a lot of debris to clog up the lungs and the final stage would be clots. They didn't give enough steroids to bring down the lung inflammation. Remdesivir had some ability to decrease viral load--but not after 6 or 7 days when typically the patients entered the hospital and got treatments that only made them worse and ended up killing a lot of people.
How would Pfizer generate a worldwide extinction event? According to mainstream news that extinction event would occur because Covid infection would be killing everybody unless vaccine mandates were imposed and people complied with them.
How did we foil this extinction event?
Hi Diane:
I will try my best. Full Disclosure: I am not American, I just like doing world wide research.
This all links to the New World Order, the WEF, UN, Ukraine, Russia, Deep State, Child Trafficking, CIA, money laundering, elections, etc.
A. The Georgia Guide Stones: - It states that they wanted to maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. In Oct 2023 the world’s population is 8 billion. This plan has been in effect long before President Trump. Rothschild said that Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order.
B: No one in the world has ever taken just a pure isolated virus particle with nothing else added & introduced it into a living organism via a natural mode of entry ( as the mouth or nose ) and caused the disease that the virus is suppose to cause.
C. In March 28,2014 - Trump had tweeted- ‘ Healthy young child goes to Dr. gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes - Autism, many such cases. He had stats with the increase of child vaccines and autism increases.
D. From my research, it appears that there have been many side effects from vaccines. ( I have taken all of them except the CJab).
E. Flu Season Cases in the US
2017-2018 - 45M cases
2018-2019- 36M cases
2019-2020- 38 M cases
2020-2021-1,822 cases ( not a typing error).
The flu cases dropped dramatically like this worldwide.
F. The first Covid case in the US was May 3,20.
G. See the video below:
H. Read the UN Agenda 2020, 2030 and the Sustainable Goals.
I. March 21,20 - President Tweet - ‘ Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine. The FDA has moved mountains. Thank You! Hopefully they will BOTH ( H works better with A, International Journal of Antimicrobal Agents).
J. When he had Covid - look at what he talked about.
K. Trump’s vaccine had in it: Ivermectin, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin. - Truth Social - TommyMac171. Biden’s vaccine had the MRNA.
L. Remember Trump telling us that the Media lie.
They all did. Look at the same messaging for Covid- worldwide.
( The video I forgot to post ).
M. Hospitals Nationwide collected Covid Subsidies at $48,000 per Death.
N. Research Obama & Clinton’s 16 year plan for America.
O. The WEF is modelling after the Nazi Regime. Ukraine is headquarters for their modern day brown shirts - the Azov Brigade. They are also involved with bio-weapons labs, child trafficking, experimenting with children, adrenochrome harvesting and money laundering. Putin is taken that down. In 2023,- 2,852,395 Ukrainian refugees fled to Russia for Safety.
East Pro Russian Crimean citizens voted 90% in a referendum to Succeed to Russia in 2014.
Putin banned Rothchild Family from entering Russia in 2016.
Zelensky is a Neo Nazi and is related to Soros.
P. Ukraine is bankrupt. It is involved in child trafficking, etc.
R. I will stop. The Good News is that God is In Control.
Hi Diana:
I know that the first batch of vaccines was President Trump’s. Lynn E on the thread talks about this too and gives more information. I know more toxic vaccines were sent to the red states. I will try and find that for you.
Honestly, that’s all I know about the vaccine other then what I initially said and referenced where I found that information. I concur with what Lynn said too. During the WhiteHats EBS, we will be hearing testimonies of those who were arrested and also during the Military Tribunals.
You take care.
Denis Rancourt stated that these same red states had higher levels of agriculture with higher levels of pesticide toxicity. Likely that the toxins in the pesticides would make the toxicity of the vaccines even more destructive. Sorry I don't have the link.
The evidence of toxic lots distributed to Red areas of our Nation is very disturbing. I am not able to go there with people except very quietly, and only with Republicans, of course.
It appears we are at war; 911, the "Patriot Act," Maui, Paradise Ca., abnormal fires all over, UN Agenda 2030, all together it proves this to me, personally. Not to mention Geoengineering, Child & human trafficking, genetic manipulation, and the rise of AI and the Bio-security state.
We must wake more "normies." I pray for Divine Assistance, and pledge myself to this effort.
God give me Strength!
Hi Katherine
You are so correct. We are in a war. I am also praying for the US and the world. God please protect us, give us your wisdom, peace, grace ,strength and in these hard times help us to shine Jesus’s Light towards others. We are thankful for you and how much you love us. Thank you for the Militaries around the world that are taking down the people who want to harm us, that are destroying the tunnels where children have been trafficked, for rescuing the children, etc. Please keep them save and strong as they deal with the terrible things they see. Help their families too. Bless them all and the Veterans. We will never forget.
Unfortunately, the US Senate with voter fraud Dem control won't fly. Impeachment of
Corrupt China JOE will go nowhere.
As PANIC HITS CIA/ ROCKEFELLERS /NATO UN Regime, a powerful vaccine EXPOSURE begins as CONGRESS dives into EXPOSURE of FAUCI, CIA vaccines connections and start private behind the scenes investigations and publicly TRUMP COMES OUT AGAINST THE VACCINES AND LOCKDOWNS.
· The Military General's are well aware 2024 elections will not happen and EXPOSURE of the PLANDEMIC is COMING for 2024 and the death VACCINES and Trump is will testify and give all information in Military TRIBUNALS CONNECTED TO THE FIRST BATCHES OF FAKE VACCINES/ SALINE/ PLACEBOS/ that was released through his WARP SPEED. (One day after Trump released the vaccines, the Deep State Pfizer released their Death Vaccines).
If Trump wants to persuade voters to vote for him vs. RFK Jr. in the General Election, he needs to come clean and then correctly blame Fauci & Co. on the 2020 Covid/ Vax response.
Read Catherine Watts and Kyle Young on Substack. Plus Sasha Latypova.
Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts.
Trump was in on it. There is no other reasonable explanation.
Little more reading of history required me thinks
He can't do that, he would be hung with them.
Hope he listens to you this time. Last time it seems he threw you and Dr. Scott Atlas under the bus because Jerrod told him it was the only way to get reelected. Hope you have some influence over him. But right now his biggest worry is this NY trial. I think it's political.
All of his trials are political. It's what Communists do to their opponent.
I agree all of his trials are political. I agree with Trump that they are witch hunts! We are approaching totalitarianism in many ways. But it's an oligarchic tyranny of capitalistic elites. We are run by big business which isn't the same as Communism. Communism would nationalize health care instead of privatizing it. Communism would take over private farms. Instead we have big agriculture buying up private farms and using toxic chemicals. The result is pretty much the same. Total control and mistreatment of the vast majority to privilege those in control (see Animal Farm where the animals overthrow the dictatorship of the farmer--only to suffer under the dictatorship of the pigs.)
I agree.
Speaking of Abraham Lincoln, I recently read that the Dems tried to keep him off the ballot, but he won anyway. I wonder if Trump will have to contend with that too.
If any state removes Trump's name from the ballot, I think the people can write in his name.
The injections of death have murdered 36 million people
I think I previously read on your substack that he couldn't say anything now otherwise he would lose the 'protection' of the PREP act and thus be open for criminal charges
Thank you!
Dear Doctor, thank you so much for writing that. I hope President Trump listens and swallows his pride. If he does win the Presidency, he must hire new NIH, CDC, FDA heads such as yourself, McCullough, Kennedy, etc. And spend money on healing everyone who has been hurt. What hood is anything if we are dead? Thank you again.
I failed to mention that, Trump better, as this post states, rebuke the “POISON DARTS” which are killing people! Trump also better explain that, he DID NOT SAVE 100 million lives! God No! If anything, that 100 million number may be in fact the amount of people MURDERED by these “FRANKENSHOTS”! I understand that Trump cannot speak out against the JABS, at this time, but when the situation changes regarding what Trump is bound to, IE the Prep Act, etc and once legally speaking he’s released from legal action because of these shots, he better start TWEETING LOUDLY and FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN!! If he continues to say he “saved 100’s of millions lives” because of WARP SPEED, and doesn’t come clean, HE AIN’T GETTING MY VOTE!! I want TRUTH! PERIOD! I do believe Trump was duped and lied to etc and he’s legally bound to not speak badly about these killing shots, but he better when he’s released from legal action!
1. Only Biden’s vaccine had the MRNA.
You can find out that information on Truth Social - TommyMac171.
Their plan was to kill billions of us.
You also can read all the information I posted previously on this thread.
Have a wonderful day.
That’s great to know and as everything else that’s happened, we’ve been lied to over and over so it’s no surprise to me that only the Biden’s SHOT has mRNA. My problem with Trump is this, regardless of whether or not there’s mRNA in what he keeps touting as “WARP SPEED” and how he saved 100 million lives is a whole lot of BULL! I say this because Trump has to know these SHOTS ARE KILLING PEOPLE! Not saving people! So if in fact there’s NO mRNA the SHOTS while he was President then all the more reason he should COME CLEAR AND NOTIFY THE WORLD HOW DANGEROUS THESE SHOULD ARE!!! if he’s not worried about lawsuits being filed against him then SAY SOMETHING!!! That’s why he hasn’t come out against the shots for fear of lawsuits!! I voted for Trump and I will again if nominated, but unless he STANDS UP FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and LET US KNOW THE DANGERS, I’ll have a difficult time supporting him! Thanks again for informing me about the two different mRNA SHOTS!
One more:
Trump’s vaccine does not have MRNA.
His had Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Zinc, Hydroxchlorquine.
One More.
You are welcome.
I am also not American and I am grateful for all of the Militaries, the Veterans and President Trump.
Take care.
You are welcome.
President Trump has stood up for the American People and actually the world.
What you aren’t aware of is that he was asked to run for President by the Military.
For the last 7 years ( behind the scenes), the US WhiteHats and the Global Military Alliance have been taken down the Deep State, and all this corruption. He actually won the 2020 election and has been in a secure military base for most of the time. Yes, he has doubles because of the threat of so many assassinations. He gave command to the Military. If you read all of his Executive Orders, The Law of War Manual, downloaded a Military Flight App, read how much GITO was expanded, you would know how extensive this Military Operation is.
As for Covid: Read President Trump’s tweet on March 21,20. He tweeted about Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin.
He told you what he took when he had Covid.
We were told that Covid had a 95% Recovery Rate.
He never made any vaccine mandatory.
In fact in his tweet of March 28,2014- he spoke about childhood vaccines and autism. I also believe ( not 100% sure) that one of his family members had a vaccine injury ( not a Covid one).
Why aren’t you blaming Biden? The Dr’s? the Media? The Hospitals who were paid $48K for each Covid death. The WEF, the WHO?
We are in a war.
You are crucifying the one man that has been fighting for us.
Listen to the attached.
Trump certainly provided America a really simple solution which was, “a rising tide lifts all boats”! When you look at the government numbers, unmistakably Trumps simple solution empowered more people, in all demographics than any one President ever has done in the history of America! Simply put, when Americans have more disposable income, when more Americans are working, when more Americans feel positive about the direction America is heading, America grows! When America grows, we’re able to lift more people OUT OF POVERTY! It ain’t complicated! When a tax cut is implemented across the board for the working stiffs like me, the upside / return on investment is staggering and the results are amazing! Certainly, it’s that simple. Fast forward to, “Obiden’s plan” and we all know how that’s going! On average, Americans are paying I believe now, $700 more/ month thanks to the “Obiden plan” than Trump’s last year in office! The border was being secured, with great difficulty and resistance. Now look at the border, the cartels are literally in control and thousands of migrants have been killed in the process! Not to mention the overwhelming influx of irradiated disease due to the overwhelming flow and WIDE OPEN COME ONE COME ALL BORDER POLICY! And then there’s the fentanyl crisis which has killed thousands of American citizens and has DESTROYED FAMILIES! I believe 100,000 Americans DEAD last year alone due to the fentanyl crisis! Are you F....KING ME? ENOUGH ALREADY! Thank you OBIDEN both of you HATE THIS COUNTRY! Both of you are destroying this country! BOTH OF YOU BELOVED IN JAIL and I’M BEING KIND!!Thank you for absolutely destroying America! Oh sorry Obama, I believe you said, “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA”, if I’m not mistaken? Oh you’re doing a wonderful job you lying sack of fecal matter! What you’re doing is EVIL and quit frankly you look like the DEVIL!!! I never judge a book by its cover either!!! The facts are clear, your motivation spoken and your actions implemented! By God there’s one and only one place you’re going!Yes I am angry as are millions of Americans! When one President Trump lifts all people and the other President Obiden destroys all people,WHY SHOULD’NT I BE? One has to be an absolute moron to think America is better off today than 3 years ago or those believing America is better today than when Trump was in command, obviously are one of two things. 1) Their Rich or 2) They’re on the government dime! That’s it. Working Americans are being eliminated, by design in order for these communist ideologues to usher in, yes, communism! By the way, Obama’s mentor at a young age was the “COMMUNIST PARTY USA President” if I’m not mistaken. Call it socialism or fascism or any “ISM” you want to call it, what you can’t call it is “PATRIOTISM”! In fact, Patriotism is under attack, on every front across America and around the world! In order for the “Great Reset” to happen, patriotism MUST BE DESTROYED! All you have to do is listen to those people in control, they’ll tell you! They’ve been telling us! For that matter, Obamas own wife spoke eloquently about how “SHE HATES THIS COUNTRY”! or should I say, “NEVER FELT GOOD ABOUT AMERICA”! I’m paraphrasing so I do apologize if I’m not exact. They’re not hiding it anymore, they are in your face, violently screaming at you or shouting you down, because they believe their, “UTOPIAN C.H.O.P Society”, is the only way the world can survive! Obviously these people are dangerous and certainly they’re completely indoctrinated. Not to mention, mentally unstable and mentally disturbed! If anyone believes the incredible amount of, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME” things happening in America today are paths to “UTOPIA” MUST be mentally disturbed! There isn’t one single policy or action taken since Trumps stolen election and this installed government has signed off on via Executive Order! We need not kid ourselves anymore, our election system is and has been rigged, technically speaking, IMO, Americas being lead to slaughter via an “ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT”! I’m positive, I am not the only person who believes this, the evidence and the covering up of evidence is overwhelmingly obvious! Additionally, each and every government agency is or has been infiltrated by the, “USEFUL IDIOTS”! And these “WACKADOS” thinks it’s great! They’re obviously very sick and mentally unstable, disturbing people, who are in charge of these agencies! Starting with the destruction of the most competent and honorably respectable military, to the complete destruction of our education systems and all the way through each part of this “MONSTROUS DYSFUNCTIONAL EXUBERANTLY COSTLY GOVERNMENT” which must be dismantled, reduced and replaced, with fundamental, common sense policies and most importantly, people / employee’s! About 10-20% of our government employees have been replaced with “WACKADOS”, sadly they’re the ones pushing this nonsensical nonsense! Let me be clear, not all government employees are bad and I feel for them who simply wanted to serve our country. I commend their efforts and dedication to serving US! They’re in a difficult and honestly dangerous position! The end game for these nutjobs is 100% annihilation and completely implementing a “ONE WORLD ORDER”!
Paul, Donald fed our Nation to the DOD. Please read Sasha Latypova, Catherine Watts & Kyle Young on Substack.
He was in on it. Even Catherine Austin Fitts came to that conclusion...
And admit the deaths and serious side effects & stop all the vaccines are great crap 💩