Is he going to tell everyone they have NANOTECHNOLOGY in their bodies connected to the cloud? Doubtful

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Good one Stephanie... but the one who has to answer that question is Dr. Faux Fauci & his band of white coat traitors. It’s the “ Doctors Without A Conscience” group that will have to explain that at Nuremberg 2.0🇺🇸

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He's not doing enough! Our kid's excess death is now sky-high. He promoted this filth. He must make a declarative statement such as "I, Donald J. Trump, urge all Americans to refuse all Covid-19 injections. As your former and future president, I'm urging all parents to avoid giving their children Vaccines; if you are diabetic, I encourage you not to take COVID-19 injections, and if you are Type 2, there is reason to believe the Insulin supply from Lantus and Novolog is also tainted; work with your doctor to explore a healthy alternative. If you are pregnant risks are substantial to the mother and Child. If he continues to be lukewarm about this issue, more people and kids will die.

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More pressure needs to be put on the corrupt medical community.

VA still offering covid shots to veterans.

Is there any doctor in the US who is an independent thinker?

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Amen to that

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"and if you are Type 2..." you have a chance to strike a blow against Big Pharma and Big Farma by adopting a diet and lifestyle that will put diabetes into remission and reverse many other chronic conditions that Big Pharma profits from.

See many of the podcasts where Dr. David Unwin is interviewed, e.g. https://www.dietdoctor.com/authors/dr-david-unwin.

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Thanks. I will look into this.

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Thanks for this news Dr. Paul. The Big Pharma companies need to be shut down and ALL their assets confiscated, ALL the stocks liquidated, and taken from ALL investors. This money should be used to fund payments to the injured.

Abolish Big Pharma. And abolish the CDC too.

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Hi Paul,

You cannot unilaterally alter the terms of a contract post-facto.

It's impossible without all parties having consensus.

So what you are saying is a great election ploy perhaps but, in the land of non Aesop's Fables, it ain't gonna happen.

I know you love him and your loyalty knows no bounds but, come on Paul, get back into thr real world.

Best to you.


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Big Pharma colluded to commit mass murder. Contract null and void.

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Colluded? They are currently leading the charge in murdering humanity with their poison drugs, vaccines and mRNA substances.

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Been through this circular debate before with many good people on this bulletin board.

Intention will never be proven.

End of story.

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Unless Big Pharma all agree to throw Fauci under the bus and blame it on him.

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I believe this was all a fraud, & there is no immunity from fraud. That’s the only way I see this getting walked back.

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Been through this circular debate before with many good people on this bulletin board.

Intention will never be proven.

End of story.

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If one party is deemed fraudulent, yes, it can be altered.

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Been through this circular debate before with many good people on this bulletin board.

Intention will never be proven.

End of story.

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Crimes Against Humanity is not a blessed CONtract. It is a CRIME.

And to hell with the defense-EXCUSE of ‘contracted’ murder$ !!!

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Hi Ralph,

My heart is with you.

So is my soul.

But, in the cold light of day, the courts are simply not with us.

Best to you.


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A contract and the PREP Act are two different things.

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I am talking about the federal contract.

However, even if legislation gets revoked:

1. It will not affect a contract.

2. It is never retroactive.

So what are you saying exactly?

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If everyone had a single person who loved them and believed in them the way that you love and believe in this man, we would live in such a much better world ~

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Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI for President 2024


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lol, like that is even a possibility. At one time I liked Shiva, and admired his work. No longer. He's an egotistical arrogant man, who doesn't support the real President

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Keep on getting jabbed then.

That is what Trump is still telling people to do.

He is the father of his precious "vaccine" after all.

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It was Pedo Joe Biden who forced people to take the covid death shot.

More anger needs to be directed against Biden...and SecDef Lloyd Austin.

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You'd take Trump's advice on getting jabbed Jackie. Wow! You're welcome to have all mine that I didn't take.

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Do you not recognise British sarcasm?

Clearly not.

I was being sarcastic. 🙄

The word vaccine written as "vaccine" should have been the clue.

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I use Brandon's word, vactine, when talking about the mRNA jabs.

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Ever meet a leader without an ego ?

They’re WEAK.

Shiva is COMPETENT, honest and strong in his accuracy about demanding Truths !

You seem rather a follower.

Unlike Trump, Dr. Shiva is a REAL LEADER who cares about HUMANITY through TruthFreedomHealth.com

He’s NOT a puppet led by fake sound bites FOR building more vile swamp creature$.

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This is hopeful and comforting news. I believe I heard Dr. Alexander's good influence in President Trump's recent inspiring Twitter video statement opposing masking, lockdowns, covid shot mandates, and election tampering.

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Trump is IMpure B.S.

Irredeemable !

He won’t change from what HE’s demonstrated what he is NOT ... a truth finder & deliverer.

I hoped for him b4. But now, after HIS failures and the damages DONE to American’s health and economies have been ACCOMPLISHED there’s no way ever I’d support a sElected LOSER like him. Never Again !

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I wholeheartedly disagree, Mr. Lewis.

But I recognize that you are extremely upset. Rather than ignore your scolding me, it occurred to me you may have taken a covid shot and that may be the source of your anger and lashing out. If so, please follow one of the trustworthy spike detox routines from The Wellness Company, Dr. Kory, or Dr. McCullough.

If that's not the reason for your severe reaction toward my comment, all I can say is I'm glad you had the opportunity to get that off your chest but please don't take your anger out at me.

If you have lost someone to the covid shot, please accept my sincere condolences.

I still believe President Trump is the only candidate with the personality, strength, experience, and commitment to lead us going forward.

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Election “tampering” ?!?!? What a milquetoast.

How about using the CORRECT WORDS : CRIMINAL, SYSTEMIC, Traitorous, poly-trick-all FRAUDS by the military’s ELECTRONIC sElections of ‘leaders’ to keep the budgets for propagandas-for-War$$$ all-ways increasing.

Trump & Biden AGREE on THIS nonsen$e.

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Thanks Dr Paul! I’m confident Trump will do all the right things going forward because he CARES deeply about Americans and Humanity unlike the monsters that have infected DC! He would never have knowingly let any of this happen had he known & understood how truly evil and/or ignorant all these experts really were!

Blaming Trump for what evil came out of the bowels of the “experts” at the CDC, FDA, NAID, AMA, WHO (that he dropped us out of), etc, etc...is TOTALLY WRONG!!

It means not remembering and understanding how very hard the entire global elites & and their media came after him so viciously as he tried to save lives with securing HCQ, encouraging fresh air and sunlight, demanding the opening of Churches, Schools, telling us not to be in FEAR of it etc. But the truth is one man (even POTUS) could not have defeated this esp with the whole world media & political globalist against him, pushing fear, trying to destroy him, calling him a killer, bad role model not wearing his mask, etc etc Come on! To think he could have fired the entire government and kept the shots from coming out from all over the world just isn’t realistic and quite unfair!

Even had he been an epidemiologist he couldn’t have stopped the entire GLOBAL PLAN!! No way no how!

Trump can and will deal with this issue going way back and threatening to keep going forever-- like he has done and will do with everything else. At the time majority of the people wanted these deadly shots due to their FEAR. Now I’d a new time and I know Trump is our best hope for unraveling this mess going back to the 1980s!! I trust him more than anyone else who is running for President. Because he cares!

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Trump is PRIMARILY an ACTOR who will ALL WAYS fall to big money.

His beautiful-words RHETORIC did not match his actions. He kept or BROUGHT IN more swamp creatures like “FaUci-&-BigPharma-Fiend$ and BILL BARR for Attny General !!! ? !!! ... a flaming swamp creature brought out of retirement FROM the Bushes’ Deeeeep State Swamp$. ( and absolutely LIED to American that he “looked into” sElection frauds. )

And there was all DJTrumpet’s rank BS of NOT locking up Hellary for OBVIOUS crimeS.

Never Again !

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He's spoken about this. His mistake was in listening to DeSantis who was a fanboy for Fauci. He wanted to sack Fauci but didn't because, in Trump's own words, DeSanctimonious "loved him." And as for Barr, you have a point but Barr saved him from Mueller.

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Bart’s wife and Muller’s wife been close friends for years. Go to Bible Study TOGETHER every week. Another piece for your puzzle

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The main issue with Trump is his narcissism and his choice of advisors. He is making the same mistake again. He is praising Ramaswamy and attacking DeSantis. Who is the real patriot out of these two? Look at what DeSantis did in FL. The best conservative state in the country. He is not a smooth talker like Ramaswamy is but his policies speak for themselves.

Ramaswamy is fake. He was pushing masking and when asked about it later, he lied. He received a grant from Soros and he lied about that too. He is not trustworthy!

What Trump should do is stop attacking DeSantis finally and stop endorsing people who pretend that they are conservatives !!


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Trump's mistake was in listening to DeSantis who was a fanboy for Fauci. He wanted to sack Fauci but didn't because, in Trump's own words, DeSanctimonious "loved him." Trump is a far, far better man than DeSantis. Trump has more integrity in his little finger than DeSantis has in his whole being. Fortunately for the US, DeSantis' support is cratering so Trump has been able to remain gentle with DeSantis but if the Fauci fanboy shows any signs of regaining momentum Trump needs to stop playing nice with DeSantis.

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Blah blah blah .. talking through your bum hole

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Obviously you haven’t done all your homework on DeSanctus yet... where is his money coming from and 400% increase of his personal net worth since last November. Nor his association with CCP backed capital and hedge funds... bad dudes & big money backing Ron.. Now, his 50M Never Back Down donor fund backed down on failing Ron yesterday. Do you not know of his teaming up with top Dominion Lawyers trying to make it easier to sue for defamation in Fl? Lots of shady stuff. It’s actually Ron’s narcissism (AND GREED $$$$) that got to him to abandon his job as governor to grift .. NOT his love of country! Ron is easily charmed and misled.

And on the topic at hand... Have you seen Ron’s videos praising Fauci, his advice on masking etc, and touting how many seniors in FL he got vaxed??? Incl a TV spot with a 100 year old man getting injected -- saying this shot will help him to live even longer!! -- that died a few months later???

Ron is a robot and disappeared in the clown debate. Had to look around at all the establishment Trump hating clowns to decide if he would raise his hand to a Yes/No question?!? Ron thinks 2020 was the correct result and the Justice system is being fair with Trump & J6 protestors etc. If that’s not a tell I’m not sure what is?!

So Ron is a total scam under pressure and temptation .. now we know. Vivek needs a lot of vetting to be sure as Don Jr has said. Trump isn’t committing to Vivek. At least Vivek says a lot of the right things (none of the others do) and is willing to condemn all these political weaponized indictments of Trump. If the Soros money and other things are proven out so be it.. he’ll be exposed too! Trump is less narcissistic than any of these alternate fools!

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My very great thanks for all that you do, Dr. Alexander. This news is quite welcome to hear. It is the very minimum of which we owe those who have been harmed by these toxic shots. Please keep up the good work and be well.

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Trump will “consider” reversal of PREP liability--that IS NOT ENOUGH.

I will “consider” voting for him....I BET THAT works for him as much as an EMPTY PROMISE to “consider” PREP ACT reversal HELPS THE MULTITUDES of DEAD & INJURED FROM THE COVID VAXXES.

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Not being dismissive, a promise to “consider” doing anything, is NOT A CONCRETE PROMISE OF ANY ACTION

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This is huge. The buck has to stop with Trump. This is the missing link. Call to shut down all mRNA shots, repeal immunity for vax racketeers and you've got my vote.

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Trump, despite his LYING RHETORIC, essentially works FOR the LIARS in Big pHARM-US-see$ and the IMproper-Ganda leaders at the ‘top’ in the PentaGONE !

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What about those who were shedding victims?

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They are still jabbing people.

People are never going to stop shedding until the fucking morons stop getting jabbed.

Excuse my French.

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VA still offering covid shots to US veterans.

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I’m glad to hear the DADDY VAXX care so much for the injured ?! How much he donated so far ??? 💰

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You need to stop idolising Donald Trump.

I used to love him till he started pushing the death jabs and he still praises them.

If you love him, if you hate him, you need to watch the latest Dr Shiva Ayyadurai 52minute video.

It will show you exactly who Trump supports and it isn't you.


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For those wondering why President Trump pushed so hard for the jabs, we may now have an explanation.

There was NO way, Trump haters would listen to him, and there was every way that the person on the street would follow the 'trusted' establishment.

Trump was never going to stop anyone from taking or not taking it.

But what NO ONE has thought of was this!

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“May ...”

- Another EXCUSE for failure$ as staged, sElected actor$ playing scripted bit-parts in the DeepState’s leadership game shows !

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Trump is further from stupid than any other President before him. He began to catch on and stated unequivocally that it is OUR CHOICE whether to take the vaccine or not. Full exposure of the lies told by CDC, FDA, Fauci, Gates, et al. and his "advisors" hadn't yet been fully exposed.

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The dangers of these jabs on all Americans and the rest of humanity have been known for years (at least 2 out on the open stage, many more years behind the scenes) and Donald Trump has not said a thing!!!


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Stop beating a dead horse. Trump is still the best, and the only chance, we have of dealing with even more pressing matters - like our sovereignty as a Republic nation, and our freedom and rights as a people. Every other candidate is either a democrat or a RINO - all "selected." If you haven't protested on behalf of Trump, then you shouldn't complain when he doesn't meet your expectations. He certainly meets the expectation of over half of the American voters. I repeat "Teump stated unequivocally that it is OUR CHOICE whether to take the vaccine or not" Let that sink in.

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Many Americans have taken his advice and are now dead because of it.


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LOL - glad to help with your disability.

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And third win!!!

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