Yes that is what I think - only Trump can save America IMO and not just America but the whole world. I am in the UK but I want Trump back in the White House. The globalists have seized control of my country and the US and many more. Trump is not one of them. He is a billionaire, he was loved by the media, a TV personality and so you have to ask why not just enjoy that lavish life? Why would he be prepared to go through absolute hell? - villified and lied about on a daily basis, constantly being unjustly sued, never ending mockery by the global media. IMO only someone who loves his country and is willing to sacrifice his life for it would do what he did and continues to do. He could have stopped after one term and said 'at least I tried' but he didn't. Anyone who believes the MSM propaganda is a tool of the globalist elites must surely see they hate Trump more than anyone else on earth, except maybe Putin who they also misrepresent.

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I totally agree with you Patricia. I live in Canada.

Merry Christmas

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Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too

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That's what happens when you allow royalty dictate to you while disarming you.

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Apparently Americans, but especially Republicans, are begging to be led by a useless Indian:

Nikki Haley surges in poll to within four points of Republican leader Trump


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I do not agree with this. This is what the media wants you to believe because they would be ok with this globalist winning office. I don’t know anyone that would vote for her. I know democrats that are willing to vote for Trump because of their economic situation.

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Past actions are a guide for future performance. Trump a Positive force in his whole life like a bull strong never backs down. Biden a negative adverse force the type who says demeaning words and then hides behind the curtains. Trump is a Patriot, Biden is a traitor he is a man with no principles.

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I hope you are right. Americans are not sheep. Uhmm.

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Nikki Haley is WEF globalist (puppet) who is running because she "owes them" a favor. She will be in lockstep with them to usher in the NWO global enslavement.

She lies to people and never keeps her word. She is captured by satan.

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The globalist rag Guardian is clutching at straws. One outlier poll does not a vice-president make. Trump is not considering Haley for anything other than prison for lobbying which President Trump will make illegal for 10 years after serving as an officer of the government or military.

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Nikki got rid of the Confederate flag. I'm sure she has plans for a new national anthem. How do you like this one?

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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Bullshit. No one in their right mind wants a globalist funded traitor in the Whitehouse.

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Trump or nothing, and the end of America.

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Trump did NOT push for lockdowns.

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True, but he was far too weak in opposing them. We must not accept that. He could have prevented most of the terrible things that happened by being very outspoken against all the terribly destructive US mandates that harmed not just the US, but also the world that always follows US direction. Trump was shockingly weak in opposing the mandates that violated fundamental rights and freedoms and were not based on anything but fraud. He lost a lot of crucial votes because of that. Many felt betrayed by him.

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What nationality are you? We are Hungarian. My husband was born in Budapest, Hungary.

Came with his Mother years ago and became US Citizens. His Family lost their business and

everything to the Communists. His Mother was a Medical Doctor. She had to start all over

in the US. Through her grit and determination she made it to become a Medical Doctor in

the US.

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Trump was NOT for mandates. Go and call out the Leftists like Pelosi who pushed the

Mandates and shutdowns. Trump had to put up with a lot. He can't control everybody.

C-H-I-N-A and our own Government unleashed the bioweapon upon the US. Like

Victoria Nuland. That wretched WITCH from the State Department. The Leftists

held 2 hoax trials on Trump. Why don't you see, if you can do better that him.

Fauci and Birx are enjoying the fruits of their labor now. They don't care, if people

are dying suddenly. It happened to my Brother, age 65, on 9/5/23. Called off work

on Labor Day and Tuesday. Tuesday he told his son that his was going to take a

nap in the afternoon. He heard his Father make a gurgling sound and couldn't

revive him and neither could the paramedics. His oldest son wouldn't let him

see his grandson, if he didn't get the JAB. Also, go and look at who was in all

the high offices at the (CDC) Communist Disease Control. They were almost

all JEWS.

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That's correct but DeSantard did:



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I remember we went to Ponce Inlet and is was closed. They wouldn't allow anybody to fish from the pier there. The whole thing was ridiculous!

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Had the fish not been jabbed or issued with masks?

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I guess not. Too much trouble. So, the alternative was to close

Ponce Inlet Park :-)

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Florida, where woke goes to not fish. And some people think your turkey of a governor should be the GOP nominee!!

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NOT....ME......It's Trump all the way. Always has been right from the start.

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Not true, he absolutely did with Federal guidelines. Then he criticized Kemp a ton for opening up. Stop with the revisionist history. Trump still won’t admit that his administration’s response was a disaster, especially warp speed.

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I don't care what you say. I know what I saw. I have my own view and you have yours.

He didn't MANDATE anything. Really, no wonder, look who he was forced to take

Fauci and Birx. Traitor Pence played along, too.

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Trump must accept responsibility, he was POTUS, not Fauci and Birx. He put Pence and Kushner in charge, they had no idea what they were doing. But Trump can’t take responsibility for all of the wins and shirk it for the losses. All of it is laid at his feet.

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You aren't going to stop. So, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024.

Don't forget to vote for TRUMP!

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Regardless of your opinion the truth remains that Trump didn't MANDATE mRNA poison jabs on ANYONE. That was ALL traitor joe and companies.

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Hi Dr. Paul; when TRUMP gets back in the white house, I hope and pray he will hire you to be his health advisor----MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

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Niki Haley is a WEF globalist and she is running by force as she owes a favor. Nikki Haley is dishonest and her words mean nothing....in other words, she is a liar.

DeSantis is secret society member St. Elmo's Fire and is connected to the Bushes. Jeb Bush was backing him with the stolen money of his father George H.W. Bush/Scherrf. Bush is skull and bones, cia, and nazi. Mother Barbara is daughter of satanist Aleister Crowley.

Christie won't make it...neither will Ramaswamy.

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I would say Robert F Kennedy Jr is far wiser than Trump.

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On some critical issues RFK is far better and clearly more knowledgeable than Trump. He is therefore going to take crucial votes away from Trump,

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It’s very advantageous as well as fortunate for America, Trump has both an high IQ and EQ. He’s a smart businessman and loves God and his country.

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Sorry, NO way. Read about Trump's life.

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as I mentioned long ago. Trump should have called out the medical community criminals who pulled the wool over his eyes. No doubt that obama fraudci hid records that prove they commissioned the creation of C19 in Biolabs across the world a couple of years before Trump took office. Barry o and fraudci must be tried for Crimes Against Humanity.

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Trump, yes! But he has to find the right people for his administration, not the traitors he had before.

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I have not noticed Ron DeSantis as cowering before the media, or Democrats. And he was smarter than Trump, and maybe more courageous, on COVID. And he is less wavering on abortion than Trump. You asked me to name one. I think I just did.

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I disagree, DeSantis has proven to be much more effective in every metric than Trump. He truly does not care what the media or anyone says about him, unlike Trump, who yearns for the approval of liberals and wants nothing more than to be liked.

Trump pushed for amnesty, lockdowns, was big pharmas best bud, and got steamrolled his entire term. I guarantee you he would have pushed for vaccine mandates had he been in office when they rolled out because he went along with everything else they told him to do. DeSantis empaneled a grand jury to investigate pharma. He admits he made mistakes early on.

Trump demands loyalty when he himself is not loyal.

Now he’s out there, just like Biden, trying to pick a VP based on skin color and gender.

The MAGA crowd will get sold out in a second if Trump ever actually is able to win without them. Take that to the bank.

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I agree, but all of us still have to be blunt with Trump and urge him to do and say the right things on his huge failings. The problem with most Trump super fans is that they just accept he is the best that we have and don't do him a favour by keeping silent about those issues.

Trump is his own worst enemy with his inability to admit he was wrong and he has been spectacularly wrong on a number of crucial issues. Many people are dead because of his inability to do that. Of course we can't expect any candidate to be perfect. Still, when there is overwhelming evidence that his policies and statements on the jabs, on the all the Covid mandates, on criminally corrupt Netanyahu and his very dangerous war policies using the US, on "gay marriage" and the totally corrupt Supreme Court decision on that, and more, which all impact not just the US but the entire world, we MUST repeatedly urge him to admit and correct his errors.

Trump does listen to critics who support him but TOO FEW are doing this. Every time he publicly praises the jabs he should be booed, especially during his rallies that are full of supporters. No one who loves him should let him get away with that. He should be booed when he only says that he did not support jab mandates. That is not good enough. He should express sorrow for all those who have unnecessarily died and for the criminal pro-jab conspiracy that has greatly harmed not only the US, but also all nations around the world.

There should not be silence or applause when he violates his no more new wars policy when he speaks in support of the Zionist disproportionate reaction to the killing of now acknowledged 1,000 (not 1400) Israelis by Hamas on Oct.6, and also acknowledged in some Israeli media that hundreds were killed by wild firing by their own IDF. Many Jews strongly oppose Zionism and what has been done to the Palestinians. They fear that the current reaction is leading to a much worse war and endangering not only Israel more than ever in the past, but also endangering all the US troops and aircraft carriers in the region and will lead to a massive terrorist response in the US as well.

Trump should be booed for violating his strong pro-family policies with his harmful support for the LGBT movement. He needs to be told that support harms those involved in that activity but is also harmful to the social foundation of America. That should be obvious to anyone who sees what has been happening in our schools, libraries, media, all institutions, gay pride week, month, season that keeps forcing that destructive, Communist-inspired, family and marriage destroying movement onto the US.

Trump has a huge lead but that could evaporate overnight with skilful reaction from opponents.. Much of his base shares my views noted above. He needs to correct them in order to weather what will likely still come. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain by correcting his errors and stop listening to his liberal family members on those issues. The only people that really matter are the grassroots populace and they are the conservatives that made America great.

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