POTUS TRUMP is in the position he is in re the mRNA technology vaccines that killed so many because of Malone, Bancel, Bourla, Weissman, Sahin etc., their technology killed people & Trump was lied to
under OWS...these people, with the 55 Horsemen must be held to account. Do not be surprised if Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman et al. profess now to be Republicans backing Trump ha ha ha
These leftists freaks smell a Trump victory and I can wager, will say they are republicans too, and in typical Malone style, as he killed many with his mRNA technology with Bourla and Bancel, he will soon come out saying he is FOR TRUMP…ha ha ha…someone wish to wager me…???
But I will warn Malone and Bourla and Bancel et al., I know many in the Trump orbit and in government and will work hard, relentlessly, to have him Malone sitting under oath with Bourla, Bancel, Weissman etc. one day…all the questions DEL and EPOCH and CHD failed to ask you Bobby, will be asked in proper settings under oath. You and all those with you who brought death.
Trump should have been informed enough and sharp enough to realize he was being lied to.
Being a patsy for lies does not make him blameless.
Ignorance does not excuse being a party to millions of deaths, maimings, and ruined lives.
This is the kind of savvy he should have had before taking office and certainly before he took charge of a pandemic and a "warp speed" vaccine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnNm-x7M-gQ
Did the term, "I was just following orders" excuse work for anyone in the Nuremburg Trials?