Trump should have been informed enough and sharp enough to realize he was being lied to.

Being a patsy for lies does not make him blameless.

Ignorance does not excuse being a party to millions of deaths, maimings, and ruined lives.

This is the kind of savvy he should have had before taking office and certainly before he took charge of a pandemic and a "warp speed" vaccine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnNm-x7M-gQ

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Did the term, "I was just following orders" excuse work for anyone in the Nuremburg Trials?

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It shouldn't work for anyone, esp a president. He was president, he's responsible. It was ALL HIS FAULT.

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I believe Albert Speer was spared his hanging. His convincing defense of his job function apparently was enough to sway the judiciary. He served at least 10 years in the slammer and then was liberated, that time period being an approximation.

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Still doesn’t excuse the fact he is still promoting them. Like the man said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and his people would still support him. Idolatry of the highest level. The man was also against vaccines before entering the White House then magically changes his tune after receiving and accepting money from Pfizer. Let’s not forget the cares act he signed allowing 450 million to go to the Dems for mail in voting. This was after he said he wouldn’t sign any more pork bills. Til all trump supporters stop looking to him as their savior (a man who has never asked God for forgiveness while secretly converting to Judaism during his presidency) and follow the only true savior this predicament will get worse. He has already said he isn’t out for retribution (most likely it will expose his involvement) just like he did nothing to the criminal Hillary. The man also tries to cover for Jeffrey Epstein’s obvious murder saying he believes it was suicide. Add in trying to extradite Assange after praising Wikileaks his whole campaign, you have a wolf in sheep’s clothing that happens to be a lifelong democrat.

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I think it was his daughter who converted to Judaism. Had not seen or heard he had. But that s a good one hahaha!

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Not sure if you can post links here but search David Goldberg. He worked in the white and made a recording on bitchute about him secretly converting. How convenient he was found dead on vacation from massive head trauma. The story they came up with is he fell off a treadmill and caused such trauma to his head he bled to death, yet nobody was around and I’ve seen on jackass the movie the cast fly into walls besides other things with no head trauma. He isn’t the first president to visit the wailing wall for a reason. As a Christian I could care less to visit there. You know how obsessed he is with his daughter it’s not hard to see him following her. Jared was his closest advisor for a reason while he pardoned his criminal father. You sir have idol worship as so many trump supporters do. He isn’t even the first to use maga.

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I read your statement(s). And all I get from them is conjecture, accusation, ridicule, and opinion. Back your shit up.

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Mark Levin is considered “credible” and calls him the first Jewish president for a reason.

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All I get is idolatrous behavior from you. You clearly never ran on the dark side of things in life as I have. Your bullshit detector is weak, selling drugs will train one. Everyone has a sob story. David Goldbergs death is just like any of the bs suicides of people involved with the Clintons, who Trump just happened to beat friends with while attending their wedding. Get out of reading politics, you have no common sense. I’ll pray for the Holy Spirit to give you some insight and to break away from your idol worship.

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Scott, only Jesus can save me. Keep fighting the good fight. Be well friend. God is truth.

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Amen! The Bible tells us over and over again not to put our trust in man. Besides, elections aren't real anyway. If you are a good guy they won't let ypu succeed anyway. Only pedo. Blood drinking homosexuals are successful in politics.

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Sincerely asking,

Who should we vote for?

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We had our chance with Desantis. The man is not afraid of the left, just look at all he’s done Florida. He’s even releasing the grand jury testimony on Epstein’s original trial because people just want to forget these horrible things that went on. The only governor to do a grand jury investigation on the Covid shots which the preliminary findings if you go read are as we all suspected (a sham with a 7% injury rate, extremely high when old standards they would pull them if 50 people got seriously hurt). A man who’s happily married to his wife and would never have affair while she’s pregnant. Too many want the show, I’m a facts over feelings person. Trump signed executive orders, Ron passes legislation that will stay even when he’s gone. Just look up how they changed the law to give pedos the death penalty. That clearly goes along with what Jesus said to do. I hope Trump goes away and wake up. As for me I’ll find and independent person to vote because nobody gives me two shit options and expects me to not look for a third as I did last election when I voted for the libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen who is a woman of faith. I’ll vote for RFK before Trump at least he is a repentant sinner, that I can relate to, not some billionaire that is obsessed with his name and gold while unable to ask God for forgiveness. With all sincerity back at you, if you don’t vote with your faith we will never get out of this mess other then the second coming.

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Sorry, none of these people are going to "fix anything." Rons part of the cabal. Wgich is why he's helping push the fake measles pandemic. And the last 4 years he talked out of both sides of his mouth. Take the shot, dont take it, take monocolonal antibodies."

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Since you ask, please vote for President Donald Trump if you value your freedom, if you want to end the Democrat warmongering, if you want iron-clad borders and highly selective immigration policies, and if you want to put the anti-American, treasonous, empty shell of an influence-peddler named Joe Biden out to pasture.

Consider that Biden & Co. think they can order us to inject poison into our and our children's healthy bodies, tell us what kind of automobiles we can purchase, and whether we can celebrate the holidays with our extended families.

Democrats must be defeated at all levels of government.

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My freedom? He locked the country down, I’m so sick of the idolators and paid online team of this joke of a candidate. You have the memory of a flea. The federal government is never our solution to freedom, you don’t even understand the country. It’s the United States that gave us freedom not the United Federal Government. How’s that wall we were promised when he had all three branches on his side? I love how he faucci a medal as well for killing so many people. South Park did this episode years ago when the vote was between a bloody tampon and a turd sandwich. I don’t know about you but neither are appealing at all.

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Dear Scott:

Apparently you cannot differentiate between the Trump and Biden administrations. But you go right ahead and rant and pout and squander your precious vote.

P.S. I was responding to "Keep America Free's" sincere question with my own sincere answer. I was not addressing you personally. What's the point in insulting me? It only makes you look childish and uninformed.

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I can because I don’t have fish bowl memory. Trump talked so much trash on DeSantis for opening Florida when he wanted a month long lockdown in all states. His whole campaign this time was about how terrible of a job Ron did in Florida, yet that deceiver moved to Florida. Ron was the first governor to question the vaccines when he and his attorney noticed the data was corrupt. It’s a one party system where if one side gains more of a voice against things they put their party in charge so they go back to sleep. Like most republicans did and still do under Trump. The progressive left is even against Biden and Trump. They are borderline insane but they stick to their principles. Keep ignoring the fact trump increased the national debt by 8 trillion. If you want to bury your head by all means, we all answer to our maker for our choices.

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No one. It's all fake. Just another hollow, deceitful slogan by the government. "HOPE," Make America great again," "Build back better," "your vote counts," and the most recent, and heinous, "safe and effective."

Remember, when the government says something, it's ALWAYS the opposite.


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It looks like it's coming down to Trump and...who knows but we know they will pull a fast one towards the end just to make it interesting!

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Dr. Deborah Birx, aka, scarf lady, "I knew the vaccines wouldn't protect against infection." The esteemed doctorr, lied to Trump and to the American people.


As for Paxlovid: https://covid19criticalcare.com/tools-and-guides/paxlovid-vs-ivermectin/

Another noticeable difference in this new Paxlovid campaign is the honest-to-goodness warning at the end of the 1:30 spot, which accounts for more than half the script.

PAXLOVID may strengthen or weaken other medicines. Taking it with certain medicines may cause life-threatening side effects or affect how PAXLOVID works. So, it’s critical to tell your doctor about all medicines you take, including herbal supplements because lab tests or changing the dose of your medicines may be needed.

Tell your doctor if you have any serious illnesses, allergies, liver or kidney disease, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, are breastfeeding, or use birth control. PAXLOVID may affect how your birth control works.

Don’t take PAXLOVID if you’re allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients.

Serious side effects can include allergic reactions, liver problems, and issues with HIV medicines.

Other side effects include altered taste, diarrhea, high blood pressure, muscle aches, abdominal pain, nausea, and feeling unwell.

Worthy to note such disclaimers are absent from all COVID-19 vaccines. Is Big Pharma serving up its new and improved early treatment option with a side of risk management and damage control?

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We now know they all lied! I just wish Trump would talk about the mistake, get it out into the open, explain himself because silence on this issue is not golden.

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We all (now) know they lied. You state that they all lied, then mention his mistake. Must be nice to know when your local doctor is blatantly lying to you, not to mention, the supposed, conventional, cremes de la cremes. Birx has now openly admitted that she didn't think the vaccine would protect against infection.

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He’s too arrogant to admit fault. The man who doesn’t God for forgiveness, he just tries to do better…

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If you a Trump hater, then you're a Trump hater. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

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I don’t hate anyone, I hate their sins as well as my own. That man is an unrepentant liar, a sin God certainly is no fan of. He puts the hypocrite up there with the murderer in case you haven’t seen that passage.

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At this point I’d only take ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine since they are the only two they don’t want you to. I’ll pass on antibiotics, they have many natural herbs that get rid of an infection. Xinfx is a good product for that.

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My Mother-In-Law is still in the Trump Cult, making excuses as to why he would promote the Death Vax , which is that the economy would have been shut down for years.

Trump is a very poor judge of character and tapped a lot of swamp creatures for his administration that ultimately back stabbed him.

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Yea let’s make the first attorney general under him the man that gave Epstein a sweetheart deal and allowed the charge to be filed as solicitation of a minor. In my world that’s being a pedo and should be dealt with severely.

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We know they timed this perfectly during the Trump administration to keep him from being successful and from running again. Don't call those who support him a cult, that is not nice or fair. Ur right he did unfortunately have swamp creatures in his admin but if he knew who they really were you know he would not have chosen them. Remember, the left is extremely devious and they will do ANYTHING to make Trump and his supporters look like low intelligence, low class deplorables.

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Trump did not choose the swamp creatures in his administration. They were chosen for him by nefarious Deep Staters who obviously had more influence that did Trump. What could be more obvious?

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Sure, just another " not my fault, I didn't really know what I was doing"

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Just stop you are sad. He made Bill Barr chief prosecutor, a man whose father hired Epstein to be a teacher with no teaching degree at the college he was dean of. Mike Pompeo another one he tried to sell us on.

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Do you think that Jared Kushner was a tried- and - true, DJT Ally, or a Trojan horse making his own way in the Trump Adm?

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They won't escape judgement. Either in this life or the one to come. God Yeshua Hamashia doesn't forget and he won't forgive except they repent and make restitution and turn from their wicked ways.

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Don’t misunderstand me, I like Trump, have followed him since 2016 and voted for him. But I’m confused about fact he’s in Q movement and White Hats who claim they “ know everything, have known it all” over a decade. They also claim they have the old patents info on the viruses, PCR test, et al. Rockefeller’s documents spoke on the future pandemicIt’s hard to believe Trump didn’t know this was coming being he’s part of Q and WHs. There must be another explanation.

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Your common sense is ringing like a bell. The q movement is people following and Ai bot. I never realized it til I heard Dr Chuck Missler talk about the first computer being the q model. The first quantum computer was the q70, as usual they love to mock Gods use of the number 7 and numbers divisible by 7.

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Dont agree, he’s part of White Hats and the Q movement that was started by JFK before his assassination or

assassination attempt. They’ve been collecting Cabal’s/CIA Intel since then and would have known pandemic was planned yrs before it was actually implemented.

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Yea he collected so much they shot him in the head and then his brother for good measure

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You forget Trump received a bankruptcy bailout from the Rockefeller family in the 90s. They don’t help you without some form of repayment.

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Yes, but he should have known better!

- Luc



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Please tell me how he should have known better? This CV thing happened, he had people advising him that he did not know were all about eugenics. I don't blame Trump for dealing with the situation the only way he knew how. Maybe I would feel differently if I had gotten the jab and was vax injured, but I didn't get it so I'm not. What we need to worry about now are the aerosol versions they plan to spray us with from the sky to be sure they get everybody!

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Read Dr Atlas’ book

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He was the one that acted like he knew all about the deep state when running then when he gets there he acts like he had no clue. Maybe that’s because he doesn’t do any work like he said, he wings things and goes by his touch, his feel. We don’t need a man who follows instincts without doing research to support that feeling. Nor do we need a 3/4 brain dead Biden. He will be a lame duck president especially when he has nothing to be accountable for or needs to accomplish anything since he won’t be running again.

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Trump is a willing accomplice in vax genocide, at worst, or just a gullible dupe, at best.

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I hope you do if given the chance. He needs to be grilled about his role and all the money he’s made from his part in the death jab.

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Hi Dr. Alexander, I know you really can't stand Malone, I understand why, but I heard him say probably 2 years ago that he would never vote Democrat again.

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Do CIA operatives even vote?

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A question for you Dr Alexander from a fellow Canadian: Why is there no discussion of the snake and cobra venom contained in the shots? See UIMedianetwork.com and the documentary titled Death by Deception. There seems to be a pretty good case to be made for that scenario. If indeed venom was used, that would seem to nullify a lot of the chatter about what the heck was going on and why. It would also surely bring an end to covid shots. It’s worth noting that Ivermectin and hydroxychloquine “neutralize” venom. Occam’s razor—the simplest explanation is probably the right one.”

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Because vaccines and medications already come from some type of venom. You want to learn about medicine listen to Dr Judy Mikovits. She’s the real deal. Worked for the cdc when they developed the mRNA delivery system in the 80s. She was jailed for no reason but exposing the dangerous things the pharmaceutical companies were doing. Speaking out against them gets you jail while releasing a toxic mixture gets you immunity. Common sense tells one who is the honest player there.

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I love Trump. I do. I really do. I voted for him in 2020 because he won me over. I will vote for him again in 2024 for many reasons. He is a kind man...but he is just that--a man...and as a man, he needs to admit his mistakes. I understand why he wouldn't, and I speculate that one of the reasons is that the left would hit him with lawsuit after lawsuit, so he doesn't want to open himself up to more of that. I do have to say that he NEVER mandated the vaxx and NEVER suggested mandating the vaxx. He closed up shop for 2 weeks and then pleaded with everyone to open up shop again, shifting the decisions to state governors. I think he panicked. He saw things crumbling before his eyes, and maybe he was in utter disbelief that these people could be so evil they would ruin people's lives to keep him from winning the election. They did everything they could to steal it, and they succeeded. One of his faults is that he trusts too easily. I hope for all our sake he learned his lessons.

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Seek help, you don’t even know him. I doubt you love God that much. Just stop, he knew them quite well, like he said, he used to buy many of them off. He was on TV touting how wonderful Johnson and Johnson was, the first one to be removed. How soon we forget about them giving people cancerous talcum powder for 50+ years. He also didn’t have to give them complete immunity on something experimental. He pushed it as warp speed when we’ve known since the late 1960s that viruses in the lungs replicate too fast for any type of vaccine to be made. Go read Dr. Atlas‘s book. The man was there and Trump blew him off. This surprise illness magically had a cure in six months when we can’t even come up with a medicine for cancer and they have been taking funds for it since the 70s. He did his part and just got a $4 billion deal from truth social. The app doesn’t have the support to pay someone that much who could die at any moment given his age. He has bankrupted the Republican party while taking all the donations to pay lawyers and fines. He basically appointed all the judges that Mitch McConnell wanted. I learned my lesson supporting Bernie when I was younger and had no clue about politics, what’s his excuse for following the party that gave us the kkk and a civil war? I’m a conservative independent because both parties are corrupt mob like run corporations that cater to their rich donors.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

You are responding in this manner to someone you do not know at all, and you are advising me to seek help? LOL.

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Your words suggest someone looking to the wrong savior in the wrong realm

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Last paragraph is quite amazing 🤩

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I keep an eye on Malone's substack. Over quite a few weeks, if not longer, he has already posted numerous Trump-supportive statements and "funnies." Considering Malone's large, adoring audience, I was pleased to see that.

What will be interesting to watch is whether he tries to cozy up to Donald Trump personally, (if he hasn't already done so).

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Historically, whenever a nation canonizes its leader as the end all be all answer to the world’s problems it hasn’t gone well. In fact it has been dangerous in the extreme. It’s ok to like Trump. It’s not ok to Loooooove Trump. Be critical. Show discretion. Be wary.

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