part of no OP), he bumped up against the REAL deepstate that not even he understood they would use a fake PCR manufactured non-pandemic with asymptomatic transmission lie
Many people do not understand what Trump did, and why he did it. The cabal had planned this in advance. Their plan was to make people believe in a very deadly pandemic, and institute worldwide lockdowns of society. They planned to lock us all down for ten years, while we were told they were "working on a vaccine".
They knew that a ten year lockdown would end society as we knew it, and they would have their "Great Reset".
"Operation Warp Speed" was the counter-move that took them by surprise, and they were forced to go along with it because of public pressure and optics. This prevented the cabal from killing hundreds of millions from the death of society - suicides, destruction of the economy and food and supply chains, chaos, etc.
We have been at war since 2016. This was inevitable, but was a better defense against the cabal. The war is ongoing, and we the people must be further awakened to the extent of the evil planned against us.
I do get all of what you are saying. What I did not expect was that I alone among all family, friends, coworkers knew enough not to take any jabs. I did not expect that my loved ones would be so tricked and misled into hating onto their fellow humans.
At this point.... assuming all that you say is true (and it might well be).... I just have to wonder: how much more of this lying do we have to take? I really don't think my loved ones have woken up -- many are still taking these jabs. The ones who aren't, who admit they aren't, do not want to talk about it at all. There is great division.
How is everyone going to "awaken?" Is there some kind of great, ugly reveal planned if Trump gets elected? Does he then come clean and explain how all this happened, and why he has continued to be deliberately vague about the vaccine harms? My brain is hurting from all of the lies!
What would happen (to the detriment of humanity) if Trump were to say something like it is now clear that the vaccines that were mass-produced were not the same ones developed and tested during Operation Warp Speed. And that we all need to look into this and since COVID is "no longer the threat it appeared to be initially" that, until we have some answers, all mRNA vaccines should be halted, for the safety of everyone, particularly our elderly and our children.
Yeah, I know that's not entirely true, either (not the whole truth), but it strikes me as a lot better than the coded messages that only those in the know can decode and understand what has been going on behind the scenes. My loved ones still believe the shots are safe and effective, and they are still taking them because "they can't hurt, and they probably help. Better safe than sorry." They are not getting the message!
It's not Trump's "brash manner" or whatever -- it's that the way he talks (on multiple levels at once) is very confusing to the brainwashed normies. So they turn away and don't listen more deeply. I don't care about an explanation or an apology; I just want truthful messaging NOW so that people have the info they need, easily grasped, to make fully informed choices for themselves and their children. It's been far too confusing for most people.
I'm coming from a place of great discouragement and fatigue, and heartbreak over the fact that my loved ones could not break through the chaotic messaging to understand that these jabs are bioweapons. They've done themselves in. I'm heartsick, and so done with the lies.
I believe this to be true, more or less. The fact that all the Five Eyes countries---US, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Australia---were also the same ones that locked down tyrannically hard, seems to buttress this. Whatever the plan, it's obvious that there was a lot of coordination and for a nefarious reason.
Absolutely Tori! There’s a video from the UK Parliamentary Assembly Speaker / voice, I forget his name but he explains how the military planned and executed exactly what you’ve described in your post. If I find the video, I’ll post it on my Substack page. Western Society’s are the main targets, simply by following all the protests within Western Countries you’ll see how choreographed all of them are. It is astonishing how well organized the “destructive forces” are! May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Chris, I found the video and I posted it to my Substack homepage but when I click the link from my homepage to view it says “retry” which might be happening because I don’t have a X account, I’m not sure but I’ll try getting it to you
you bitches best understand, if I get a go around again in Trump admin...its balls to the fucking prisoners...I going in with malice. you sit
Try clicking on my Substack profile page and you’ll see the article which was originally posted on substack August 2023 and the video from the Queensland Australia person is linked within that post, I do hope it works for you, I’ll have my son figure out why the link posted in the reply section didn’t work.
Tori, as I said to Chris, I found the video and I apologize because I misspoke when I said the person was from the UK Parliament. The speaker is from Queensland Australia, reply back if you can’t view it, the link I sent take you to X, which I don’t have access but I was able to watch the video
I think this guy nailed it, and seems to suggest that there is, in fact, a rogue shadow government that was operating parallel to the elected governments. Our own Congress should be very aggressive about investigating...but...too busy slow walking a Biden and Mayorkas impeachment
Exactly Tori, not to mention I believe they’ve all been compromised, our entire government! when I watched that it made perfect sense why everything was happening in unison. It’s so much more important today to share information with as many people as we can, I’m not waiting on government and it will become more dire as more and more people enter illegally so share it and it point people to it, however you doesn’t matter to me, I simply have one beautiful and amazingly brilliant little grandson I’m battling for and all kids for that matter who deserve a chance! Stay safe and Gd
Islamophile Mike Pence who propagandized for "moderate" Islam envisaged the US as a future islamic nation under sharia law. He was also the architect of the jabs.
US Vice President Visits Indonesia, Praises Nation’s Islamic Tradition
I have not been supportive of Operation Warp Speed. Now, your perspective has opened another train of thought- hopefully a true one, to de- rail the evil agenda of lock downs, etc.
Meetings in Davos will soon play out. The monsters are in it, thick as thieves! They shall soon reveal more UGLY!!!
Should we assume that Pfizer informed Trump that the "vaccines" are experimental-gene therapies, which carry high risk of "side effects" as myocarditis or death?
For God’s sake the problem isn’t that Trump (insert reasons here) made mistakes with Covid. You’re making it sound all past tense. The problem is Trump is CONTINUING to make the same mistakes TO THIS DAY. That’s THE problem. Many might forgive the past but for all the ranting and raving against mRNA, Malone and the rest that goes on here and the rest of Substack Trump has not shown even an inkling of doing anything about the scamdemic if elected president. Biden is terrible but America is desperate and as such is Trump blind
Few really understand the gravity of the situation. They are too involved with the distraction issues like the personalities of the candidates instead of the actual unseen monsters who are destroying America and the free world order. 45 took them on when he was president. They will do anything and everything to stop him again.
STOP IT !!! "Trump was MISLED" Yeah, right. What about today? Why doesn't Trump express any regrets? Why doesn't Trump make any accusations and promises to go after the criminals. Instead, Trump is doing the opposite. So I say again, STOP IT - stop defending Trump. To be blunt, if you persist in doing that then *YOU* begin to look like a part of the crime, since you're trying to justify it.
Jorge, read the pieces properly, you must learn to have a balanced nuanced finessed discussion...I did not say that, no one is saying that...we are calling him to the stump to fess up and unravel the issue...please read
Thank you but I read just fine. I began to uncover Trump before his inauguration in January 2017. It only took a few months before I was certain that Trump had bamboozled us in multiple ways. It must be noticed that in spite of all evidence and all requests for him to 'fess up and actually DO something, Trump has yet to do so a single time. How much more do you need before you realize that Trump isn't what you wish to believe he is? BTW, I voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020 - I'm not a Trump-hater. I follow facts and reason, not wishful thinking.
Trump’s appointees and closest counsel WERE the swamp. There was no draining- John Bolton? I mean, really? If I knew right away what was afoot with the whole Covid roll out and scam, why didn’t Trump? Was he not aware of the agenda planned by the deep state for so long? He’s a lot of bluster but he doesn’t seem to listen much. Is he tone deaf as well? & Operation Warp Speed? He continues to crow about it. Why? His tweets are embarrassing. He acts like a child when he’s not acting like a bully- Bobby K would be a much better president in my opinion. Level headed and smart as a whip. Articulate. Knowledgeable. Sophisticated.. Presidential. But I’m sure the Dems will find a way to steal the election again so this whole conversation is moot. Then what?
I watched closely, the entire time, from many angles. I had very strong "lie-dar" and could tell at the time (proven in retrospect) who the malfeasants were/are. My understanding at the time was that Trump was keeping the enemies close. I could tell you were a good guy. But putting Pence in charge of the COVID response, and then Birx/Fauci, etc..... was that not obvious at the time that Trump was smoking them out???? And that we should, in fact, believe the opposite of what they were saying and telling us about this "novel virus?" So much seemed so theatrical and bizarre. Even the name, "Operation Warp Speed." That sure sounded Space Forceian (and dangerously experimental -- uh-uhn, NOT gonna take that shot! No way...)
But no one I know in real life saw Trump the same way I did -- as a very brilliant man grappling with a very wily and dangerous enemy, surrounded on all sides. It was, and still is, horrifying to see my loved ones so taken in by obvious evil.
Nonetheless -- here we are, Paul. And how much longer and how many more people have to die or become injured for lack of true information, because there is so much chaos (on the battlefield) with the information. Clearly, the majority of people has trouble separating lies from truth -- they become confused and then cling to their captors' mesmerizing reinforcement of the brainwashing (stockholm syndrome). Clearly, many are too trusting of the wrong people and can't tell the good guys from the predators who have invaded our government and taken over our media, schools, medical systems and other institutions on all levels.
Trouble is, we don't have 20 years to solve the Gordian knot conundrum. More and more political minds are saying we won't have a '24 election due to a massive and roiled storm that tears us asunder. Agreed, Paul's call to arms is genuine, thoughtful, and it speaks to the question of "can we as a society muster enough joint effort to stanch the bleeding and start the healing process?".Constant chaos does not provide us with the proper quality time to ponder the great issues that confront and bedevil us. If we try to keep up with the horrendous science being constantly uncovered by the likes of Ana Mihalcea and other great minds, we know that it appears we will be euthanized in a large number of ways, all complex in scope and not remedially solved in one's spare time. The killing technologies appear so advanced we wonder if they are totally alien to this civilization in the first place. These modes of murder seem far too advanced for mere Earthlings to take credit for their conception and manufacture.
Who? RFKJR. That’s who. The country has serious problems decades in the making. Trump does not even understand them, let alone solutions. Bobby Kennedy does. You yourself need a clearer picture.
rfk jr cannot win the election. The numbers don't add up. Across all polls he is way behind both biden and Trump. The only option is Trump.
rfk jr is a liberal through and through. You're throwing your support on a single issue that does not resonate with voters at the moment. rfk jr is a pro abortion liberal.
Liberals are anti capitalists. Under Trump we had a stunning economy, nearly full employment with the most full time employees on record, lowest poverty rate on record, highest wage growth above inflation in decades and most importantly world peace.
Trump has also stated they he will cut funding to anyone who mandates masks or vaccines.
We could put in King Kong as POTUS and Deep State will control him and turn him into a small howler monkey. The notion that we need and will get an honest, deep thinking POTUS is sheer fantasy. Never gonna happen, never. Dream on.
While I voted for him both times, serious question:
If he were a deep state plant to distract us into believing he really was anti-swamp, while never building the wall, firing Flynn, not pardoning the J-6ers, etc., how would he act any differently than he has?
wow, that was some rant. good for you. i don’t gaf what you suggest. okay? i say, get RFKJr on the ballot by registering for We The People Party. then, vote for Trump if you want. but let’s get in his grill about this demicide. we don’t have to be perfect to call out nuremberg 2. hey, you have such forgiveness for Trump but none for Malone? why?
Dr. Alexander, I do not follow politics but Trumps last post bragging about the 9 month approval of “vaccines” just tells me he is just as unstable as the “Ice- cream walking with the deadman”. Thoughts?
Many people do not understand what Trump did, and why he did it. The cabal had planned this in advance. Their plan was to make people believe in a very deadly pandemic, and institute worldwide lockdowns of society. They planned to lock us all down for ten years, while we were told they were "working on a vaccine".
They knew that a ten year lockdown would end society as we knew it, and they would have their "Great Reset".
"Operation Warp Speed" was the counter-move that took them by surprise, and they were forced to go along with it because of public pressure and optics. This prevented the cabal from killing hundreds of millions from the death of society - suicides, destruction of the economy and food and supply chains, chaos, etc.
We have been at war since 2016. This was inevitable, but was a better defense against the cabal. The war is ongoing, and we the people must be further awakened to the extent of the evil planned against us.
I do get all of what you are saying. What I did not expect was that I alone among all family, friends, coworkers knew enough not to take any jabs. I did not expect that my loved ones would be so tricked and misled into hating onto their fellow humans.
At this point.... assuming all that you say is true (and it might well be).... I just have to wonder: how much more of this lying do we have to take? I really don't think my loved ones have woken up -- many are still taking these jabs. The ones who aren't, who admit they aren't, do not want to talk about it at all. There is great division.
How is everyone going to "awaken?" Is there some kind of great, ugly reveal planned if Trump gets elected? Does he then come clean and explain how all this happened, and why he has continued to be deliberately vague about the vaccine harms? My brain is hurting from all of the lies!
What would happen (to the detriment of humanity) if Trump were to say something like it is now clear that the vaccines that were mass-produced were not the same ones developed and tested during Operation Warp Speed. And that we all need to look into this and since COVID is "no longer the threat it appeared to be initially" that, until we have some answers, all mRNA vaccines should be halted, for the safety of everyone, particularly our elderly and our children.
Yeah, I know that's not entirely true, either (not the whole truth), but it strikes me as a lot better than the coded messages that only those in the know can decode and understand what has been going on behind the scenes. My loved ones still believe the shots are safe and effective, and they are still taking them because "they can't hurt, and they probably help. Better safe than sorry." They are not getting the message!
It's not Trump's "brash manner" or whatever -- it's that the way he talks (on multiple levels at once) is very confusing to the brainwashed normies. So they turn away and don't listen more deeply. I don't care about an explanation or an apology; I just want truthful messaging NOW so that people have the info they need, easily grasped, to make fully informed choices for themselves and their children. It's been far too confusing for most people.
I'm coming from a place of great discouragement and fatigue, and heartbreak over the fact that my loved ones could not break through the chaotic messaging to understand that these jabs are bioweapons. They've done themselves in. I'm heartsick, and so done with the lies.
Thank you for this Dani - it is a beautiful statement in its sad truth.
I believe this to be true, more or less. The fact that all the Five Eyes countries---US, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Australia---were also the same ones that locked down tyrannically hard, seems to buttress this. Whatever the plan, it's obvious that there was a lot of coordination and for a nefarious reason.
more or less, Dave is on point...with some tweak.
Absolutely Tori! There’s a video from the UK Parliamentary Assembly Speaker / voice, I forget his name but he explains how the military planned and executed exactly what you’ve described in your post. If I find the video, I’ll post it on my Substack page. Western Society’s are the main targets, simply by following all the protests within Western Countries you’ll see how choreographed all of them are. It is astonishing how well organized the “destructive forces” are! May God Bless America and The Entire World!
love this
Please post it here.
Chris, I found the video and I posted it to my Substack homepage but when I click the link from my homepage to view it says “retry” which might be happening because I don’t have a X account, I’m not sure but I’ll try getting it to you
saying page dont exist...they spying on us...ha ha ha for we have them scared
Right, the first link I posted did that as well, then I thought I got it right and when I opened it, it worked
still dont work for me
Not even the post in my profile page Dr?
you bitches best understand, if I get a go around again in Trump admin...its balls to the fucking prisoners...I going in with malice. you sit
I''l keep an eye out for the like if you find it...thanks for the heads-up
Try clicking on my Substack profile page and you’ll see the article which was originally posted on substack August 2023 and the video from the Queensland Australia person is linked within that post, I do hope it works for you, I’ll have my son figure out why the link posted in the reply section didn’t work.
Thank you! I got it!
Tori, as I said to Chris, I found the video and I apologize because I misspoke when I said the person was from the UK Parliament. The speaker is from Queensland Australia, reply back if you can’t view it, the link I sent take you to X, which I don’t have access but I was able to watch the video
When I get to X, it says 'this page doesn't exist'. Link definitely goes to X, but the post itself is missing. I appreciate your effort, though!
I know Tori, the link doesn’t work but on my Substack homepage it should work for you
You’re welcome Tori
When you click on the link on my profile page it works now
I think this guy nailed it, and seems to suggest that there is, in fact, a rogue shadow government that was operating parallel to the elected governments. Our own Congress should be very aggressive about investigating...but...too busy slow walking a Biden and Mayorkas impeachment
Exactly Tori, not to mention I believe they’ve all been compromised, our entire government! when I watched that it made perfect sense why everything was happening in unison. It’s so much more important today to share information with as many people as we can, I’m not waiting on government and it will become more dire as more and more people enter illegally so share it and it point people to it, however you doesn’t matter to me, I simply have one beautiful and amazingly brilliant little grandson I’m battling for and all kids for that matter who deserve a chance! Stay safe and Gd
bless you and your family Tori’
Your family is blessed.
Thank you kindly Tori.
I like it...I could tweak it but love it.
Islamophile Mike Pence who propagandized for "moderate" Islam envisaged the US as a future islamic nation under sharia law. He was also the architect of the jabs.
US Vice President Visits Indonesia, Praises Nation’s Islamic Tradition
boom, I love you more today AwakeNotWoke
never will USA become sharia! ever!
I have not been supportive of Operation Warp Speed. Now, your perspective has opened another train of thought- hopefully a true one, to de- rail the evil agenda of lock downs, etc.
Meetings in Davos will soon play out. The monsters are in it, thick as thieves! They shall soon reveal more UGLY!!!
If this is why, why doesn't Trump simply say it? "Listen, you hate the vaxx, but this is what would've happened if I hadn't fastttacked it..."
working on it
save for a few who were my bosses, most appointees were fucking him...
Just too hard to excuse the COVID ignorance of someone wanting to, and claiming to be able to lead the world.
Being misled does not fly either.
Many knew the fraud early on and they should have been part of his counsel.
Instead, he put in place pharma, big med, and deep state shills and did as they directed.
Millions have been killed and maimed as a result.
Meanwhile, he brags about his warp speed cause of this.
I've been saying the same as you do here since 2020. Trump is exposed.
Should we assume that Pfizer informed Trump that the "vaccines" are experimental-gene therapies, which carry high risk of "side effects" as myocarditis or death?
For God’s sake the problem isn’t that Trump (insert reasons here) made mistakes with Covid. You’re making it sound all past tense. The problem is Trump is CONTINUING to make the same mistakes TO THIS DAY. That’s THE problem. Many might forgive the past but for all the ranting and raving against mRNA, Malone and the rest that goes on here and the rest of Substack Trump has not shown even an inkling of doing anything about the scamdemic if elected president. Biden is terrible but America is desperate and as such is Trump blind
Few really understand the gravity of the situation. They are too involved with the distraction issues like the personalities of the candidates instead of the actual unseen monsters who are destroying America and the free world order. 45 took them on when he was president. They will do anything and everything to stop him again.
STOP IT !!! "Trump was MISLED" Yeah, right. What about today? Why doesn't Trump express any regrets? Why doesn't Trump make any accusations and promises to go after the criminals. Instead, Trump is doing the opposite. So I say again, STOP IT - stop defending Trump. To be blunt, if you persist in doing that then *YOU* begin to look like a part of the crime, since you're trying to justify it.
Jorge, read the pieces properly, you must learn to have a balanced nuanced finessed discussion...I did not say that, no one is saying that...we are calling him to the stump to fess up and unravel the issue...please read
Thank you but I read just fine. I began to uncover Trump before his inauguration in January 2017. It only took a few months before I was certain that Trump had bamboozled us in multiple ways. It must be noticed that in spite of all evidence and all requests for him to 'fess up and actually DO something, Trump has yet to do so a single time. How much more do you need before you realize that Trump isn't what you wish to believe he is? BTW, I voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020 - I'm not a Trump-hater. I follow facts and reason, not wishful thinking.
Trump’s appointees and closest counsel WERE the swamp. There was no draining- John Bolton? I mean, really? If I knew right away what was afoot with the whole Covid roll out and scam, why didn’t Trump? Was he not aware of the agenda planned by the deep state for so long? He’s a lot of bluster but he doesn’t seem to listen much. Is he tone deaf as well? & Operation Warp Speed? He continues to crow about it. Why? His tweets are embarrassing. He acts like a child when he’s not acting like a bully- Bobby K would be a much better president in my opinion. Level headed and smart as a whip. Articulate. Knowledgeable. Sophisticated.. Presidential. But I’m sure the Dems will find a way to steal the election again so this whole conversation is moot. Then what?
boom again, he was hollowed out from inside...I was there
Did p👀zer donate to trumps campaign ?
I watched closely, the entire time, from many angles. I had very strong "lie-dar" and could tell at the time (proven in retrospect) who the malfeasants were/are. My understanding at the time was that Trump was keeping the enemies close. I could tell you were a good guy. But putting Pence in charge of the COVID response, and then Birx/Fauci, etc..... was that not obvious at the time that Trump was smoking them out???? And that we should, in fact, believe the opposite of what they were saying and telling us about this "novel virus?" So much seemed so theatrical and bizarre. Even the name, "Operation Warp Speed." That sure sounded Space Forceian (and dangerously experimental -- uh-uhn, NOT gonna take that shot! No way...)
But no one I know in real life saw Trump the same way I did -- as a very brilliant man grappling with a very wily and dangerous enemy, surrounded on all sides. It was, and still is, horrifying to see my loved ones so taken in by obvious evil.
Nonetheless -- here we are, Paul. And how much longer and how many more people have to die or become injured for lack of true information, because there is so much chaos (on the battlefield) with the information. Clearly, the majority of people has trouble separating lies from truth -- they become confused and then cling to their captors' mesmerizing reinforcement of the brainwashing (stockholm syndrome). Clearly, many are too trusting of the wrong people and can't tell the good guys from the predators who have invaded our government and taken over our media, schools, medical systems and other institutions on all levels.
Trouble is, we don't have 20 years to solve the Gordian knot conundrum. More and more political minds are saying we won't have a '24 election due to a massive and roiled storm that tears us asunder. Agreed, Paul's call to arms is genuine, thoughtful, and it speaks to the question of "can we as a society muster enough joint effort to stanch the bleeding and start the healing process?".Constant chaos does not provide us with the proper quality time to ponder the great issues that confront and bedevil us. If we try to keep up with the horrendous science being constantly uncovered by the likes of Ana Mihalcea and other great minds, we know that it appears we will be euthanized in a large number of ways, all complex in scope and not remedially solved in one's spare time. The killing technologies appear so advanced we wonder if they are totally alien to this civilization in the first place. These modes of murder seem far too advanced for mere Earthlings to take credit for their conception and manufacture.
I agree.Modes of murder not of this world.
Who? RFKJR. That’s who. The country has serious problems decades in the making. Trump does not even understand them, let alone solutions. Bobby Kennedy does. You yourself need a clearer picture.
rfk jr cannot win the election. The numbers don't add up. Across all polls he is way behind both biden and Trump. The only option is Trump.
rfk jr is a liberal through and through. You're throwing your support on a single issue that does not resonate with voters at the moment. rfk jr is a pro abortion liberal.
Liberals are anti capitalists. Under Trump we had a stunning economy, nearly full employment with the most full time employees on record, lowest poverty rate on record, highest wage growth above inflation in decades and most importantly world peace.
Trump has also stated they he will cut funding to anyone who mandates masks or vaccines.
agree fully
We could put in King Kong as POTUS and Deep State will control him and turn him into a small howler monkey. The notion that we need and will get an honest, deep thinking POTUS is sheer fantasy. Never gonna happen, never. Dream on.
I don’t accept pronouncements.
That’s nice.
While I voted for him both times, serious question:
If he were a deep state plant to distract us into believing he really was anti-swamp, while never building the wall, firing Flynn, not pardoning the J-6ers, etc., how would he act any differently than he has?
Come on Dr. Alexander!! Misled?? What happens if you are misled when treating a patient--you would not let that happen. Neither should POTUS.
Also, was he 'mislead' when he cancelled the vaccine safety commission before he was president? No, he was bought off.
HE had his chance and catestrophically blew it. And, he continues to double down on his disaster.
Trump for POTUS in 2024? He blew that.
Yes, and Kennedy makes it particularly apparent that Trump is intellectually lacking.
Agree too!
wow, that was some rant. good for you. i don’t gaf what you suggest. okay? i say, get RFKJr on the ballot by registering for We The People Party. then, vote for Trump if you want. but let’s get in his grill about this demicide. we don’t have to be perfect to call out nuremberg 2. hey, you have such forgiveness for Trump but none for Malone? why?
Dr. Alexander, I do not follow politics but Trumps last post bragging about the 9 month approval of “vaccines” just tells me he is just as unstable as the “Ice- cream walking with the deadman”. Thoughts?
RFK is the only way out of this madness.