And Manhattan D.A. Bragg's politically motivated and pathetically weak "case" against Donald Trump falls apart at the seams.

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COHEN is telling demoRats he was coerced by Trump that the letter was written under duress for fear of his life;

The AG in NY seems to feel that Cohen is now telling the truth, also with the release of Trumps taxes, clearly things don't match;

Like Al Capone, they got him on tax evasion not running the mob;

Get over it Trump will go J6 @ Rikers and enjoy the good life with a 500LB gorilla name Jerome;

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Doubt that very much

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More nonsense from Bilbo.

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No...No tax evasion. That's a tax write-off. They owe him money. This is all bull shit and it will be all over them, not him. They will stink forever more in the nostrils of God. Don't think these evil doers will get away with this!

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Thanks for always being up on the latest news.

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The reason for this witch hunt against Trump is to prevent him from running again in 2024. It's also the reason his supporters are in jail and DOJ continues relentlessly to search for more, using reasons that were already debunked by the newly released videos. WEF has said "Trump is the first step in depopulating white America. Trump's arrest is necessary for our Great Reset agenda."  Hence, why it's so easy to corrupt the corruptibles in Biden's federal agencies, FBI, and of course, Manhattan DA Bragg - Biden is neither the president nor the Commander-in-Chief.  The Deep State is running the show.  "Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country."

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Amen! Take out the mother WEFfers and do NOT go along with their cbdc. There is a gold backed money system called QFS Quantum Financial System backed by gold where you'll have everything and no one can steal your money. It's the takedown of the cabal who wants to kill everyone and steal everything they have.

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You've got that right, Linda! "Take out the mother WEFfers" - LOL - Yes!

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And by by July 2019, federal prosecutors determined no additional people would be charged alongside Cohen. “Now, you're attempting to ‘shoehorn’ the same case with identical facts into a new prosecution, resurrecting a so-called ‘zombie’ case against President Trump" said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan

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“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment directly or indirectly,” Cohen lawyer Stephen Ryan wrote on Feb. 8, 2018" THIS is where it should end! Anything Cohen says to cop a plea is irrelevant. Further proof that he lied to get and out-of-jail card is in the fact that Trump didn't sign it because he didn't know about it. Cohen, seeing the witch hunt against his President by 2018, became overly cautious, knowing that the fake media would make a false issue out of it. And the truth would get lost. And Don't forget the many times Daniels said she DID NOT have sex with Trump 12 years ago,until she changed her story when she was threatened or bribed with pressure to do so,by agents of the same agencies now trying to put Trump in jail until after 2024 ,without any cause or legal leg to stand on

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Which way is the restroom? I am going to be sick.

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We ARE going to break this lying cabal, and it is no Cohencidence, this lawyer is named Cohen. Their entire religion, is based upon a book, The Talmud, that encourages them to lie to Goyim, and to support only each other. At some point, you do not care what anyone labels you, even if it means your own death.

Hail victory. I have decided to vote for Trump a 3rd time. I hope he will use his next 4 years, to expose people like Kushner, and not have a cabinet that is 80% jewish, like Biden.

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What's the deal with TRUMP's "Beautiful mRNA Vax" for YOU, but a CHINA-VAX for OWS/Fast-Track staff?? Inquiring minds would like to know?


A moron might wonder if in fact that TRUMP&POMPEO's attack on CHINA was really an attack on Russia, perhaps even China didn't even develop their 'sinovac' maybe it was just another off the shelf things at MIC developed by J&J for COV19, back way prior to deployment; Maybe even the USA all along working with CHINA developed SINOVAC/J&J in joint??

Perhaps the USA&CHINA have been deploying the entire COVID war on humanity all along??

The onion must always be pulled back many layers; In this case the Russian Matryoshka Wooden Nesting Doll;

We know that TRUMP&BIDEN are deep in CHINA money, recall that Trumps first act as POTUS was Trump-Hotels in CHINA under IVANKA/KUSHNER label; HUNTER is CHINESE AGENT, and UKRAINE as well; Mossad runs deep in Biden&Trump klans; China says they're going to cut a peace deal in UKRAINE with Biden, ... but recall that during the 2014 to 2021 genocide in Ukraine, much of the CIA weapons to zelensky were signed off by uncle-trump;

If I were Russia I would be very leary of all this shiiiiiiite;

All we really know is what we saw; They said one thing, they do another, and they leave dead body's that say another thing;

Which all goes back to my premise from +2 years ago, that USA is being demolished and lands to be sold to CHINA&SAUDI, that the harelips aka de-Plorables must be removed prior to new owner occupation

Think about this premise, it sure sounds like their real intentions


Welcome your new owners, if you want to live the immediate, you don't want to be in the USA in the next 2-6 years, until this de-population and reset, and rebuilding has taken place; They have lots of black, browns, and white-trash that have to be taken to the garbage dump, aka unheard of genocide, given how the entire earth HATES the USA, well anybody on earth cry crocodile tears?? I think not.

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You can leave the USA if you don't like it....

Your outlook is that of a loser...I vehemently disagree.

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The arrest was always bullshit, like MUSK said, if they did it Trump would win a landslide

Me thinks they really do this to attempt to frame Trump as a J6 victim, all the while never stepping into a DC gorilla cell ( recall DC jails are planet of the apes ) sodomy 24/7 on white cucks & the weak;

There was never going to be an arrest, Team-Trump wants to say Look "Biden" put us all in jail (j6) that Trump is now one of them (NOT)

100% uni-party fairy-tale bullshit.

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You seem to make it your business to misinterpret everything, Bilbo. I'm losing patience with your nonsense.

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I find her quite entertaining and some of what she says makes sense. She obviously has an IQ above the 99.9th percentile but she has a bad case of TDS. If not Trump, who, realistically? It's irrational that she can't see that Trump is the lesser evil out of all the realistic choices available. I'm sure she's right about what is happening to the J6 political prisoners. And I don't think.she's far wrong on the virus and the jabs.

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I respectfully disagree, ANW.

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And you're free to and thanks for doing so respectfully. I don't see how anyone could disagree that she has a bad case of TDS but that is your perogative.

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A troublemaker says whatever it needs to say to stir up trouble. I have no interest in the troublemaker's motives.

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She's a bit too far to the right for most of the people on this substack both politically and in her position on the bell curve of the IQ distribution. She's so far right that she makes most of the people here look like commies and in a sense she's not wrong and she's so bright that most people are not going to be able to understand her and are just going to write her off as crazy. The only real area of disagreement I've got with her is that she's an idealist rather than an advocate of realpolitik and she's anti-Trump and if Trump doesn't get back in it will be someone even more left wing than him or a neocon like Pompeo and there is nobody better than Trump to take on and take down the establishment who are taking the US down the toilet.

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What?? A comedy of errors!

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Did nobody notice the key party to the filing?

"Common Cause and Paul S. Ryan"

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Looks like Paul Ryan brought the complaint. hummm….

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I view the reason as they "think" they can tell a bunch of lies and make it so he can't run in 2024, then they'll put their satanic witch clone Hillary out there to completely destroy America.


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Yes, Linda. I agree the intention is to prevent Trump's re-election.

But miserable Hillary is too old and off her game at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if the enemy tries to run that lowest-class hag Mrs. Obama in 2024.

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Yes, she-him too.

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Looking backward on the Arrest of Trump and his murder while in Jail;

My history teacher in the year 2082 taught us about this time period in US history. The average American was a mostly fat fast food eater who watched endless hours of petty sports and something called reality tv. Madness and lunacy spread throughout society from a religious cult called "Wokeness." This cult of mentally ill Americans believed there were 72 or more genders and it was their mission to manifest their perversions on the youth of the nation. Our history class was shocked at the American economic system that started to collapse in the year 2023. Very few Americans worked together or respected each other as fellow citizens and their daily economic activity was scamming, cheating, and suing other Americans. A traitorous marxist government allied with the Chinese CCP, nullified the US Constitution and fired the first shots that started The Second US Civil War. Around 60 million Americans were killed by the US govt and many Americans became victims of organ harvesting and gruesome medical experiments such as genetic bioweapons in the form of hypodermic needles and GMO foods. 10 million illegal immigrant invaders killed many Americans and took their land. A combination of ground and air burst nuclear weapons helped the patriot forces win the Second US Civil War against the govt and illegal immigrants. After the patriot forces won the civil conflict they pushed out the Chinese communist forces after a 10 year war.

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IF you had any truth in you and actually listen to what you say, you would have eyes open and shut your mouth. You are clueless.

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She even seems clairvoyant. Her IQ is off rge scale. It's lonely at the far right extreme of the bell curve distributiin. Thete's not a lot of people there and to the left hardly anyone is capable of understanding what she is saying. She must be extremely pretty to have an IQ that high.

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