If he just admitted he was wrong with warp speed.........

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

Hard as it may be, we need to let go of this mewly fussing about warp speed. This man has known how to fix this nation since he was in his 30's. Having done all his research and consultation, he has a vision - one that we cannot comprehend from our cozy barcaloungers, or even from a standpoint of good knowledge and activity. He sees what we cannot see, and, yes, he is taking the slings and arrows for us. His four years as president were blunted by everything the haters threw at him, but still he made great gains. And, then, along came the nationwreckers.

As DJT said in 2016, he didn't have to do this because he already had a great life and family and did not need anything more. Seriously, who in their 70's needs this unrelenting shnizit coming their way? Not to mention the peril to himself and his family. Clearly he is truly and deeply driven to Make America Great Again and this is his Great Reset. Let us be cheerleaders and prayer warriors. Our prayers are the arrows in his quiver.

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You're not getting it. Trump fractured his over the vaxx...thwt issue ain't going away and will get worse as the 2024 election gets closer. He will have to do something about or the Democrats will blame him for it regardless of how hypocritical that might seem. Oh and please spare me the mandate argument. That's going to be irrelevant by then.

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Correct, he locked us down and became a vaccine salesman, there is no going back without remorse.

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I strongly disagree.

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Really? Why?

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What specifically are you asking? Elaborate.

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The Dems want this election to be about the jabs. They want to take credit/blame for warp speed. They want DeSoros to be the GOP nominee because they can paint him as anti warp speed and anti-vaxx and their polling tells the Dems that the Dems would win in a landslide if DeSoros is their opponent.

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He knows that this must be addressed and when the time is right he will do it.

At the present time so many doctors, "experts" and commentators who appear to be a part of the freedom movement and know that the virus does not exist still insist on supporting that falsehood by arguing the lab leak theory and the gain of function discussions. These are distractions and never ending circular discussions that will never resolve anything, and, they hide the fact that there is absolutely no scientific evidence that any virus actually exists, which negates the need for any type of vaccine and most pharmaceutical interventions for humans and animals.

Once people begin to understand that which, is already happening, they will also begin to understand the huge harm the food industry is deliberately causing, both to us and the environment, and they will also begin to understand that fake foods like corn syrup, palm oil, the vast majority of plant based oils are toxic to us, and all the chemicals used in food production have long lasting toxicity that harm us and the environment are completely unnecessary to produce sufficient high quality nutritious food to feed us all and keep us healthy.

So there is a lot at stake for very powerful business interests, and until more doctors, scientists and commentators break ranks and start telling the truth openly and clearly, and that is starting to happen, anything truthful Trump says in mitigation will not be supported and he will be overwhelmed by law suits that he cannot defend.

The truth is being revealed.

They all need your support.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

That's a laughable CIA twist

First CIA deploys COVID aka cov-sars-19 on the world in 2019, and then when busted they say it doesn't exist, an that the 1,000's of patents for the research on creating variants must have their patents cancelled because none of it ever existed.

Ergo CIA can't be held liable for something that doesn't exist;

Wait there is more mRNA doesn't exist either it was all placebo and people just faked their negative reactions.

Move along

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When I hear the virus deniers peddling their propaganda narrative that there is no virus and therefore there was no narrative I always ask myself who benefits from this narrative. Like Goebbells said, the bigger the lie and the more often it is repeated the more the sheep will believe it. Not hard to work out who the virus deniers are.

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Exactly, and you seem to be proof that is works, and until recently I was in the same boat.

About 140 years ago the fledgling pharmaceutical industry backed by some very wealthy players started a lie that there was something so tiny that even the most powerful microscope of the time could not see it. They said these tiny things that nobody could see were viruses and that each and every ailment known to man and animals was caused by it's own particular virus. They have never been able to prove these statements, and even today with the most powerful scanning electron microscope in the world and the most up to date scientific processes they have not been able to identify a particle as a virus or is like the description of a virus that causes an illness.

This lie was repeated over and over again and is still being repeated. The people behind this lie were and still are wealthy enough to control what the media say, and what politicians do. They set up medical boards controlled by doctors in their pay and schools to train doctors and the medical boards controlled the curriculum, and the politicians ensured that these were the lawful bodies that controlled the medical industry. So, for a century every MD has been trained with this lie, and to question the lie for whatever reason could mean the end of a hard earned career.

Their narrative said every ailment was caused by a virus and had certain symptoms that could only be cured by a certain range of prescribed drugs.

Who benefits from this narrative? Could it be the pharmaceutical, medical industries, food and chemical industries who have made many trillions of dollars in profit at the expense of our health and the environment, and have significant and corrupt control of populations around the world?

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It looks like the Dems have taken a leaf out of the playbook of former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.

He specialized in having his opponents locked up on sodomy and corruption charge.

It looks like the Dems want to get Trump on child molestation charges. They reportedly have records of him flying on the Lolita Express to Epstein's island six times.In prison he will be sodomized daily.

His best bet if he values his liberty would probalby have been to go into self-imposed exile in a non-extradition country and to contest the election from abroad.

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Never Apologize for Anything period - Trump

How come Trump EO 13818 keeps coming to mind? There was another Executive order as well, but surprisingly enough It's hard to locate on google.


The subpoenas may have something to do with Ghislaine Maxwell's black book as well. Lol..we never got to see that did we?

The distraction of look here, Trump's indictment, and not there, the subpoenas of these billionaires

is a common distraction technique used by MSM.

Not suprising, these media congloms just happen to be owned by the people getting subpoenaed.

Does anyone know if these EO's bear any weight, or are grandfathered in now that he is out of office? Biden probably nixed them as soon as he came to office.

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Will he continue pushing his Operation Warp Speed DEATHVAX™ though?

Or maybe the deflationary mortality from these slow kill bioweapons will soon solve the money printing inflation problem?

Can you really back this guy doc?

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The Federal Reserve Note depends on continuous inflation to create liquidity to pay the interest on the entire Fed system.

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"Page not found"

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works for me.

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“Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild

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It worked the second time, but we both are already aware of this.

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I copied and pasted what you posted and it made it to your substack to fail to find it.

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I found it...what are you talking about??

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Dr. Paul has already written extensively on this, go back and read them.

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Sadly, I do not agree with his opinion on this.

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What do you agree with him regarding?

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Where has Dr. RON Paul written about it extensively?

Dr. Rand Paul is too busy becoming the new Dr. No to bother.

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OK good one, but I'm sure you know Linden meant Dr Paul Alexander but should've used Alexander instead of Paul with their being two actual Dr. Paul's, and sadly one I wish Trump would've consulted with or even put in his cabinet. I was heavily involved here in MN in both runs and the Campaign for Liberty event, and a delegate to both conventions during his run.

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Don't forget that a lot of cabinet positions require Senate approval:


I did a lot of reading over at conservativetreehouse, and "Sundance" who operates the site made it clear that Mitch McConnell was in control over who Trump could appoint, which is why he was surrounded by swamp rats. So, even if Trump wanted to appoint Dr. Ron Paul as Secretary of Defense, Mitch McConnell could and would simply say "i can't get him approved, but here is a list of people I can get approved (deep state snakes)"

I'm a big fan of Dr. Ron Paul--supported him for both runs, learned about the Federal Reserve from him, and get updates from his Campaign for Liberty. He spent his whole career warning about the Federal Reserve and nobody listened and now we're in an epic mess!!!

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Very True, traitor McCunnell and his swamp rats in arms held sway over way too much, and we didn't know how bad he was until Trump helped expose him. I think even his endorsement before the 2020 election had a purpose.

Trump could've given him an untitled position like Bannon, Ivanka, and Jared out of the reach of the Senate but the least talked to him in an advisory aspect like he did many others considering all of Ron's history and knowledge of the swamp and it's creatures.

Always nice to meet a fellow Paulite, we make some noise and I believe set the stage for Trump's run because most of the establishment GOP leaders weren't happy to see us come on board, but many in the party whose voices weren't being heard welcomed us with open arms being happy to younger people coming into the party to help it grow, and sided with us in holding the leaders accountable. The first convention we had already garnered about a third of the State delegates in Rochester MN and they laughed at us, ridiculed us, and did everything in their power to prevent us from achieving one National delegate. By the time we got to St. Cloud Mn we had many key leadership positions across the State, had well over half of the State delegates taking every National delegate spot, but when the last one was announced He gave a heart felt speech and relinquished it to Congresswoman Michelle Bachman, and extend a hand across the aisle to all of those who were in disbelief of what they'd just witnessed to help mend the party to start working together for a better future. He received a standing ovation, except from some of the younger soured Paulite's sadly who wanted to stick it in their eyes after how we were treated in the first convention.

Surprisingly I learned about the Fed from when researching tax info in 2004, and came across an interview by G. Edward Griffin interviewing Norman Dodd about the Reese committee which brought me to the Creature from Jekyll Island and still hadn't heard about Ron Paul surprisingly. It wasn't long until I'd heard about him and started seeing all the videos of him questioning Greenspan in Congress, and mad at myself for not looking closer at him having voted third party since Reagan. He got me to look at the political spectrum a lot differently, and I believe the Precinct Strategy Dan Schultz is using is the same we were following.

Ron was the voice of reason calling from the wilderness that didn't resonate with the military industrial complex crowd, but after many saw how Trump handled the nointerventionist strategy and it worked (maybe different than how Ron would've done it) many have seen the light. I still watch his Liberty report on Rumble.

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I only know what I'm told. I have no psychic abilities.

Trump put his political enemies in most of his cabinet positions and let them do as they pleased.

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I din't read Linden said "RON" in their Dr. Paul statement, or Rand for that matter......

It could've been anyone of these Doctors going by Dr. Paul


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Will he continue pushing his Operation Warp Speed DEATHVAX™ though?

There's talk that Trump will be hit with child molestation charges related to Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein Island.

Whether or not that's true, it looks like the biased RINO NeverTrump judge is going to hit Trump with a gag order and may jail him if he speaks out.

Even if there's reason to believe the judge has accepted a bribe Trump will be unable to speak out.

He's the US Opposition Leader and it's how the ruling US regime that sees itself as the World Police treats opponents of the ruling regime.

Obviously the regime wants DeSoros to be rhe GOP nominee and will run a rigged election centred around claims DeSoros has denounced the jabs because the Dems' polling tells them that taking credit/blame for warp speed will win the election for Biden

They believe that Trump won't be able to complywith a gag order and when he violates it they will put him in prison.

He'll be in no position to campaign on either the Biden banking crisis or the jabs.

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I stopped reading when you went juvenile with DeSoros.

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I stopped reading vonu when I realized it was a bot, like 10k posts ago;

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I stopped reading you when I found out you were too stupid to be a female dog.

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Keep up the good work, the denial is strong with the orange-cult;

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Reassuring words from President Trump. He did an excellent job in all aspects of the economy during his 1st term. Joe Biden & co. deliberately destroyed our economy and our national well-being.

Americans have to decide whether they want to live happily and peacefully in a flourishing economy. If they do, they must vote for Trump.

If they don't, they will spend another 4 years complaining while their assets dwindle to nothing and their moral values and traditions disappear into the gutter. Unfortunately, too many people prefer to complain rather than seek the solution being handed to them on a silver platter.

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Trump is going to be hit with a gag order and imprisoned.

Biden will then campaign on the claim that Biden is responsible for the Operation Warp Speed roll out and that Biden saved 100 million lives through Biden's jabs.

The Dems' polling tells them they can win in a landslide by taking "credit" for the jabs.

Biden wants 100% of the "credit" for Biden's jabs.

He wants DeSoros to be his opponent so he can campain against DeSoros withbclaims that DeSoros has denounced the jabs and therefore is an anti-vax, anti-science nut job who wouls put Americans' lives at risk.

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Let Biden have the "credit" for all the death and destruction. He deserves it.

I doubt his decrepit body will last him until summer. (His mind, such as it was, is already gone.) The Dems will need a new empty vessel to read their teleprompters.

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You make a good point about anti--mRNA rather than anti-vax Bilbo.

But the AVV or DNA jabs also are not great. They're better than the mRNA jabs but not great.

I considered Novavax but it has a higher rate of myocarditis than the other jabs and does something weird to CD 8 and CD 4 t cells.

I opted for ivermectin and some other Steve Kirsch trialled products insteas. I hope you didn't take the J&J or Novavax.

If i had to take any of them I'd take Sinovac.

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NOPE the COVID bio-weapon was deployed by TRUMP/POMPEO in 2019, BIDEN just inherited the War on Anglo homo-erectus ZOG colonys ( USA, CAN AUS ... )


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They will simply replace him with someone who campaigns on Biden's legacy of being pro-jab.

The truly dumb and people with no integrity and left wing RINO nut jobs like the JonesySmarts of this world who are the Dems' controlled opposition wanted Trump to denounce the jabs before the right time to do so because that would be immensely beneficial to the Dems.

Anti-vaxxers are still seen as fringe lunatics who are a menace to society.

Trump needed top bureaucrats to change sides on the jabs to change sides before it would be politically astute to do so.

Much, but not all, of the anti-vax community or Freedom Movement exists in an echo chamber that has produced such polarized and delusional extremist beliefs that they imagine the mainstream thinks the same way.

It does not.

Much of the anti-vax or Freedom Movement is personality disordered and Joe Public sees it.

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OMG are you fucking kidding?? The booster uptake rate is shit. The majority of people do not believe that they effective. Safe is a different matter.

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I callDeSantis DeSoros because I see him as ok as a governor but likely to morph into a neocon/neolib left wing facist hawk who is essentially HRC in a suit and will do her "We came, we saw, they died" foreign policy and will spur the growth of Islamic and LGBTP extremism.

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I would not trust DeSoros, or Pence, around children, especially small boys.

As regards your observations about AOC, I agree with you.

Many Swedish, Danish and Norwegian males, who consider blonde and blue eyed women unappealing, swoon over her but I don't think they are her type.

I would think that when she was a bartender she would have used them up for free drinks at the end of her shifts and would then have gone home with exactly who you have described.

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I agree all are woke homo cucks, like Texas 'Cruz'

All have the homo ass like McConnel & Trump, too much child's blood ( parabiosys )

DeSantis says the right things and I guess he has made Florida, ok compared to say Calif,

DeSantis like Trump would get his ass kicked in DC

The only people who survive in DC are crimes familys, clintons, Obama (CIA)

As seen today there is only uni-party, the CIA party, all 100% homo&pedo, all compromised, there is no solution, besides DC is owned by London, the first step would be nuking London&DC and then maybe talk about reconstruction

The only logical choice is secession as seen in Idaho

I don't see a secession in Florida, its always been ZOG country, just a vacation beach for NYC;

Let's be honest deSantis just created an environment in Florida where the demoRats like AOC could flee to during COVID and take off their mask, and find a BIG black cock & suck hard and swallow.

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Stop saying anti-vax all of you, its like your all controlled opposition owned by BIG-PHARMA


Vaccines are GOOD, mRNA is NOT A VAX, its a bio-weapon since 1980's engineered by Pfizer;

Only mRNA is the clot-shot, and mRNA was ONLY deployed in ZOG colonys

The mRNA patents are now owned by CHINA, which means going forward they can continue to boost and control formulation at their factorys that they control the patents.


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Please when TRUMP was push his 'beautiful vaccine" (mRNA) the demoRats were 100% opposed, only after demoRats won, did they flip to a pro-mRNA position;

Big-Pharama owns UNI-PARTY what other result could there be?

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That doesn't make sense. The lack of uptake on the boosters doesn't support that position at all.

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I think the sheep believe that they got permanent immunity from the primary series of jabs and are "protected" from covid so therefore don't need boosters. They still think the jabs are great. In reality, any protection from the jabs wears off in about 3 weeks and the jabs are superspreaders.

The jabbed, worldwide, have the blood of millions on their hands and worse is to come.

The evidence is accumulating that "covid" is merely the prodrome of an oncogenic, airborne version of HIV with an unknown incubation that wil eventually cause AIDS and will kill all who have ever been infected with if they don't die first from the jabs or something else.

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No, the prodrome is so mild that most of the time they are asymptomatic and din't even know they have it.

If they do get it and know they've got it, they notice how chickenshit the prodrome is and they say: "It would have been a lot worse if I wasn't jabbed. I am grateful fir the protection the jabs provided. The jabs protected me from severe covid, hospitalizatiin, ICU admission and death. Now I have hybrid immunity from the combination of natural immunity and the jabs and don't need a booster."

They have no idea they are going to get AIDS.

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That is only the true believers which is why the booster rate is so low.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

I agree your mother should have aborted her pregnancy; Retroactive abortion is on the table you know?

mRNA is NOT a vaccine;

Russia&China deployed dual-vector traditional vax to combat USA/CIA COVID, even Mexico used the Chinese non mRNA vax, only ZOG white colonys got the mRNA, and of course Japan&Taiwan where Chinese want a culling;

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That comment wasn't a response to you ASSHOLE.

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You can try.

Are you an attractive woman?

If so and if you play your cards right you could get lucky.

But there are no guarantees.

I'm not promising anything.

I'm not an easy lay.

If you are a male, allow me to palm you off on to Bilbo.

You may have some luck there.

I don't do guys.

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I suspect you and Bilbo are one and the same.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023

What's the point of saying 'desoros'? You really think that deSantis is a SOROS agent?

You cannot say anti-vax, you must say anti-mRNA

The problem here is that Trump 'fast-tracked' the OWS bio-weapon mRNA; Biden inherited the football, both have ran with the same ball;

I'm sure uni-party would prefer if COVID talk just went away; Most politics in USA is always about the economy

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David Stockman on Trump’s economic performance: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/04/david-stockman/lock-him-out/

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Karl Denninger cited this article as well.

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After watching the video I'll say this: I need 5 minutes sitting at a table with Trump. I'd pay money for those 5 minutes. While it's undeniably true that we presently have a criminally monstrous regime, Trump hasn't sold me on his worthiness. BTW, I voted for Trump twice (2016 and 2020), so don't think I'm one of 'them'. If the election were today, Trump would NOT get my vote - I would sit out the election.

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You're such a fool. Sit it out and accomplish what ?

Faster communism??

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I dont know...maybe Trump getting fooled again on the bird flu and then another round of mrna jabs he claims are beautiful and saved 100m lives.

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That's just it - I do not believe he was "fooled". The evidence indicates that he wasn't. And even if he was fooled, what about NOW? Why no retractions? Why does he continue pushing forward?

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I am asking the exact same questions.

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"Fool"? Hardly. How do you know with certainty that Trump isn't part of accomplishing Globalist agenda? Do you even know the facts?

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I don't. He may well be.

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I truly wish Trump were the real deal - one of us, fighting for us. But we cannot ignore reality. Trump did many, many things that helped the Globalists, and hurt us. We cannot ignore those facts. All I ask is that people not have fanatical worship towards Trump.

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We are in agreement there.

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If we don’t stop them now we’ll suffer from a complete banking theft system. initiating cbdcs will be the death of freedom.


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Dr. Alexander (Paul), it looks like you've acquired some serious trolls here in the comments as of late. You might want to clean house.

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"Of late" ? If you are referring to me, I've been here for awhile now. Or are you referring to you?

I notice you have a bad case of TDS and appear to be a RINO. That would explain your pro-censorship ideology. I've not noticed you around.

How long have you been here?

Let's talk science. Offer some statistical or methodological criticisms of the pro-vax data or studiesor analysis of the public health bureaucrats.

Or, as Trump would say, "I challenge you to an IQ test." I acquired this subscription when I signed up to the substacks with the higher IQ and less personality disordered readership like Igor Chudov's and Steve Kirsch's substacks.

Although Dr. Alexander's posts are good, I can't say the same for the readership.

If you're new, wait until you meet Glass, JonesySmart, margie and Sita, who may be one and the same.

You're in for a real treat.

"Glass" threatened to murder me and my family. When I exposed the vile comments she'd written, JonesySmart never condemned them.

All she cared about was the vulgarity, or so she pretended, and said it would be her task ( aka mission/jihad) to get me banned from Substack.

JonesySmart is a control freak with empathy and perspective taking deficits, not unlike Hitler and Walensky.

She thinks in polarized terms, rarely makes any useful contibution and prefers to take offence at things and to judge and to faultfind.

Welcome to the echochamber. Dissenting voices are not tolerated here.

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I'm one the early subs here and I've made my disagreement on Trump well known. Definitely not TDS either albeit I am willing to see the reality of what he failed to do and where it lead. His position on the covid jab is UNTENABLE. The window for him to renounce it is closing fast now and likely too late to renounce frankly.

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A RINO judge is going to lock him up, probably for violating a gag order to stop him speaking out about being stitched up on kiddie fucking charges among 30+ other charges. The Dems stole his jabs policy. They were desperate for him to denounce the jabs because they wanted a clip of him doing it alongside a doctored one saying "inject bleach." We're way past that now. Anything Trump says from hereon in will be lost in the furore over Trump flying repeatedly to Epstein's island on the Lolita Express. The Dems' gameplan is to accuse anyone whoever voted for Trump of being a kiddie fucker. Dem's strategy is to always accuse the opponent of what the Dems are themselves. Plus, they will get all the pro-jab sheep votes. Any window to denounce jabs is alreay gone. Biden will win and new mandates are coming.

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That is some High Octane speculation. I'll wait to see whats in the indictments.

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I hope you are right. I'd luke to see Trump beat this but the Dems and RINOs are ruthless. I think Biden planned this before the election and Pence was in on it. Pence knew that after he betrayed Trump the Dems would come after him with crooked prosecutors and judges.

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Trump can't fix what is unfixable. The fiat dollar, thanks to mismanagement by the Fed and uncontrolled spending by the government (Trump included), is on its way to collapse. Many countries no longer want to use the US dollar. The US government has destroyed the dollar. Trump cannot revive the comatose money system.

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Have you heard how Dr Breggin is doing today? Also, how is Ginger Breggin doing?

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Don't worry. As heaps of commentators have pointed out, Ginger can't possibly have covid because the virus doesn't exist. Look to terrain theory. Any illness is all in her head or due to her lifestyle choices, or some such. And anyway, even if SARS-CoV-2 exists, it just causes a mild respiratory illness, no worse than a cold. It has a > 99% survival rate so she'll be fine. She's been receiving early treatment from the best anti-vax doctors in the business. There's no way any harm can come to her. It's actually a good thing that she has caught covid, if it exists, because that's what everybody needs to do. It will give her natural immunity. If she does pass, which I very much hope she doesn't, and if the virus is real, it won't be because of covid that she passes. She will pass because of comorbidities. She will die "with covid", not "from covid" or it would have happened anyway, given her age. Covid will have had nothing to do with it. It will just be a coincidence it would be a lot worse if she'd been jabbed. This applies to Dr. Breggin as well as to Ginger.

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This is nonsense... Trump Biden Obama Clinton Bush ... all politicians

Are puppets.

And the banking crisis can be understood by reading this

The Everything Crisis

Posted on March 13, 2023



Even the most cursory glance at economic and financial history will reveal a litany of bubbles and booms, crashes and crises. We’ve seen numerous instances of speculative manias, real estate bubbles, market collapses and banking crises. Even the dot-com bubble of 1995-2000 wasn’t really ‘a first’, since there’s at least one previous instance – the Railway Mania of the 1840s – of the public being blinded to reality by the glittering allure of the latest vogue in technology.

You’d be wrong, though, if you concluded that “there’s nothing new under the Sun” about what we’re experiencing now. The coming crunch – for which the best shorthand term might be ‘the everything crisis’ – sets new precedents in at least two ways.

First, it’s unusual for all of the various forms of financial crises to happen at the same time. Even the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008-09 wasn’t an ‘everything crisis’. Now, though, it’s quite possible that we’re experiencing the start of a combined stock, property, banking, financial, economic and technological crisis, with ‘everything happening at once’.

Second, all previous crises have occurred at times when secular (non-cyclical) economic growth remained feasible. This enabled us to ‘grow out of’ these crises, much as youngsters ‘grow out of’ childhood ailments.

No such possibility now exists.

The true story of modern economic and financial history involves, on the one hand, the ending and reversal of centuries of economic expansion and, on the other, an absolute refusal to come to terms with this reality.

What follows is an attempt to tell that story as briefly as possible.

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deletedApr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023
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With other crashes particularly GFC.... they were able to kick the can...

But now they have run out of road - raise rates -- banks collapse - lower rates >>> hyperinflation

Here is why

The Everything Crisis

Posted on March 13, 2023



Even the most cursory glance at economic and financial history will reveal a litany of bubbles and booms, crashes and crises. We’ve seen numerous instances of speculative manias, real estate bubbles, market collapses and banking crises. Even the dot-com bubble of 1995-2000 wasn’t really ‘a first’, since there’s at least one previous instance – the Railway Mania of the 1840s – of the public being blinded to reality by the glittering allure of the latest vogue in technology.

You’d be wrong, though, if you concluded that “there’s nothing new under the Sun” about what we’re experiencing now. The coming crunch – for which the best shorthand term might be ‘the everything crisis’ – sets new precedents in at least two ways.

First, it’s unusual for all of the various forms of financial crises to happen at the same time. Even the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008-09 wasn’t an ‘everything crisis’. Now, though, it’s quite possible that we’re experiencing the start of a combined stock, property, banking, financial, economic and technological crisis, with ‘everything happening at once’.

Second, all previous crises have occurred at times when secular (non-cyclical) economic growth remained feasible. This enabled us to ‘grow out of’ these crises, much as youngsters ‘grow out of’ childhood ailments.

No such possibility now exists.

The true story of modern economic and financial history involves, on the one hand, the ending and reversal of centuries of economic expansion and, on the other, an absolute refusal to come to terms with this reality.

What follows is an attempt to tell that story as briefly as possible.



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If we don’t stop them now we’ll suffer from a complete banking theft system. initiating cbdcs will be the death of freedom.


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What killed the Chinese banks in SV & NYC, easy the Chinese;

1.) Government hostility toward crypto

2.) Total collape in commercial real estate in NYC, assets on books, insolvency in mind of FDIC

3.) Government DA's owned by SOROS have made NYC a no-go for business, and ergo flight to FLorida

4.) Assets owned by banks, e.g. long term Treasury bonds lost 20%, but assets on books as purchase value not real value, ergo bank is insolvent

5.) Exodus from NYC because of SOROS DA's make personal real-estate loan collateral drop in value

Like the dominoes, once the stuff start dropping all other weak links follow, until a new state of entropy is found

Me think that Signature very much has common with SVB, both were owned by elite wealth insiders; Both had massive Chinese investors, where remember some 90% of Bitcoin mined on earth is done by Chinese, and all Bitcoin mining machines are built by Chinese; SVB was bank of crypto west coast, and Sig-Bank was crypto east-coast mostly chinese money; Chinese got the word months ago to liquidate these banks, to get your money out; They know the USD is going down; Its scheduled demoltion

They moved all the money into GOLD, during the time all these banks have failed GOLD is up 10%

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Well, it would be foolish to make ypur assessment on P. Trump based on one mistake.

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America's banks have been in a progressing crisis since the Fed was created in 1913.

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Paul and all,

Says all you need to know today if you are an American!


P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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WARP SPEED: Trump was doing this in hopes to help our nation as quickly as possible. Once again, he fell into a trap. He was the Pawn. Speaking of TRAPS my loved ones/friends did. I begged them something is wrong. It does not add up. Don't get the shot. Now they are gone. Evil was too anxious to hurry this. RED FLAG. When I saw the line up on stage with Scarf Lady and all the rest it was as if I could see their souls right through their eyes. By the way, notice you don't see them anymore? They recoiled to their holes as snakes do. Fauci the king of it is doomed. It is just a matter of time. Trump had no clue Evil would poison the world. Do not lean on man lean on God.

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Biden will seek to distract from the banking crisis by putting Trump in prison and by taking credit for Trump's Operation Warp Speed roll out.

Trump has been too clever to fall into the trap of denouncing the jabs that the trolls and bots and low IQ people have been urging him to do.

Biden is counting on a violation of the gag order by Trump to provide him with a pretext for imprisoning and silencing Trump.

Biden wants an anti-vax opponent and although DeSoros is not genuinely anti-vax Biden can paint him as anti-vax and a destroyer of lives to help Biden win the election.

The Dems' polling tells them that anti-vaxxers are still seen as a fringe nut job group and that there are enough people in the right demographics who believe the jabs saved millions of lives to make taking the credit/blame for the jabs and denouncing anti-vaxxers a winning strategy for Biden.

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Too many people are damaged or dead from these shots. Anti vaxxers are being made daily.

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I don't disagree with you on that Cheeky. You are correct. The evidence is overwhelming.

Unfortunately people believe the health bureaucrats who are failing to acknowledge it rather than scientists and instead think anti-vaxxers are all dangerous nut jobs and flat earthers who are anti-science when the truth is that only some, rather than all, of us are dangerous anti-science nut jobs.

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Uhhh that's not gonna work anymore. Too much evidence to the contrary.

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