A few months ago I probably would have disagreed with you. Trump is beyond polarizing. Realizing that the current installed POTUS and his associated cronies will do ANYTHING to take him out tells me they are shitting bricks. Ok then....if Trump gets in let's have no more lame ass excuses like (regarding Fauci): "I didn’t know I could fire him." It’s time to clean fucking house!

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Damn strait!

At this point, it is 45 or nothing! He is the only person with the spine, integrity, recognition, world respect and determination. He is BY FAR, the only one who is even close to battle hardened enough for this next term! If we don't help DJT get over the next hill, we are ALL going the way of Venezuela! We will have FULL BLOWN nazi and KGB style DOJ and you better RUN, RUN, RUN.....

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I agree 100%. Trump is the only one to do the job!! It seems like everyone else seems to get bought by something . The only damning thing he did was warp speed. So so wrong he believed Fauci and I still can’t figure why he didn’t skid him!

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I hope we will be able to have an election in 2024. The Evil Democrats and whoever else is running things probably have a plan to divert the elections like martial law caused by maybe another pandemic or maybe even WWIII. I don't put it past them. They will do anything so Trump does not get elected again. I'm surprised they haven't tried to kill him.

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The Dems and RINOs are desperate to have Biden face DeSantis rather than Trump. National polls show that, despite his big victory with Trump's endorsement over a weak, useless Dem opponent in Florida, and despite Bud Light sales cratering due to Dylan Mulvaney, Mulvaney would win the 2024 election in a landslide if he was the Dem nominee and DeSantis was the GOP nominee. Biden is panicking about Cornel West seeking the Green nomination, and about Joe Manchin and RFK Jr potentially also running 3rd party, but if DeSantis, 30Pence or any of the other RINOs are the GOP nominee then Biden will win easily. The nominee needs to be Trump. If it's not then Trump needs to run 3rd party.

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Even when he wins the nomination, can he win the election, given the level of fraud by the Democratic Socialists to "save Democracy."

And then, if he wins the election and pardons himself, I still give him at best 1 chance in three to save the country.

“They say you can vote your way into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out.”

I guess 1 chance in three is better than 0 chances in three.

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Cleaner than most???

I'd say cleaner than most ALL in congress, senate, and the entire administrative state for that matter.

Has he made mistakes?

Sure, like any business man who relies on their accountants and lawyers to inform them of the rules to play by, and why people like Warren Buffett says he's still paying lower tax rate than his secretary, and IMO to brag about even though he claims to want to pay more. Well nobodies stopping him from paying more.

Some can claim all the unsubstaniated lawfare filed against him in the phony justice system too.


I am re-posting this seminal article from "Four Winds" for all those who need to know the

nature and status of the "Department of Justice" --- and the fact that it's an Executive Branch

entity not connected with the Judicial Branch of government at all.

This makes the "Department of Justice" an instrumentality of political policy and executive power and divorces it (from inception no less) from any actual role vaguely related to ensuring any kind of justice for anyone, including the President of the United States.

This is why you are continuing to see the DOJ Witchhunt in the national media: it is a political organ,

and always has been. Ironically, as you will see, DOJ is also meant to be a creature under the thumb

and forefinger of the President, and a means for him to exercise Executive power.

Always remember that your actual land jurisdiction government, The United States of America,

[Unincorporated] has never been at war, never been bankrupt, and is not subject to any form of martial law. And when you reclaim your birthright, neither are you affected by any of this drama.

All this "reconstruction" --- is within and a function of the Federal Government operating under

Delegated Powers. And now that the Delegated Powers have

reverted by Operation of Law to the Delegators of those "Powers" it is time for us to settle this hash

once and for all.

continued in pdf

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2024 belongs to Donald Trump. He made America First policies that benefited all. He can enjoy the rest of his life in luxury but is putting up with so much abuse from all angles just for us. We need to let the haters know how wrong they are about him because most of them are deceived by the evil mainstream media... the enemy of the people.

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Very true!

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Are you part of the SOC, Dr. Alexander? I think you are :-) You ask the perfect questions to get a lot

of feedback from readers. What do you do with all this feedback? I bet I know :-)

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Thanks for taking the time to write this.

But one factor is that T left operations to the states, the governors. He never had forced vaccine mandates plus the brainwashing from the media and censorship from FB of front line doctors immediately all played a part. The power in those forces was, is enormous.

I believe we need some explanation but you can’t blame this on only Trump. It makes no sense at all. Not to me. I was in NYS and watched Cuomo mass murder the elderly. This was not T. And Cuomo was applauded by msm who wanted him as the next president.

There are many variables.

T told us to use other medicines but then because he said so we were told by msm how poisonous these other medicines were. I made my decisions based on years of research. I never trust a politician. If we want individual rights we must take individual responsibility. Those who were brainwashed are still brainwashed. This has nothing to do with T. I am not excusing him entirely but there are many factors and variables. He is one man and this plandemic was bigger than he. Way bigger. It was planned decades ago with people way more powerful.

Also we are in an intergalactic war. Many races from other planets involved. Many satanists.

I know T can lead us forward better than anyone

Do you listen to Nino, Juan, AG Annon. Kerry Cassidy.

Michelle Fielding. David Icke. So many. There is so much going on beneath the surface.

And Operation Warp speed was not only the vaccine which T never mandated. Governors did. Biden did. It was about how fast he could mobilize companies and get respirators and hospitals on ships.

He is the man to lead forward. Again infinite variables. Infinite.

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Yes, why not a vaxxx criminal? A man who let the ruling class grind him into dirt with Plandemic and Holy vaxxx!

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I give President Donald Trump full marks, 100%, on his handling of our Economy, Trade, and Foreign Relations--- the three places where a President can have an effect, as well as huge applause for working to seal the southern border and stop human trafficking.

His environmental record however was poor, and his unpleasant personality and divisiveness truly harmful to our Nation.

But personally my feeling was that his strengths so vastly outweighed his weaknesses that I could overlook them.

He brought peace, a roaring economy, respect for the working men and women of this nation, was working towards a balanced budget and honored our men and women in uniform.

The catastrophes of Afghanistan and Ukraine would not have happened on his watch, inflation would not be eating us alive, and the nightmare on the southern border would be non-existent.

So in any normal world, despite his unpleasant mouth, he would be an exceptional, actually a great President.

The problem comes in with Covid. He fumbled the ball, completely, and set us up for the greatest destruction of our American Way of Life since the Civil War.

Covid was pre-planned. An operation to take down our Nation. Remove Property Rights, Freedom of Speech, Travel, & Bodily Autonomy and to force a toxic gene therapy which could eventually be developed into a race specific bio-weapon, a track and trace device, or even a human/wi-fi connection. It certainly was a form of Eugenics.

And President Trump was the person who decided to make it happen and implemented the plan!

So, all that good on the one hand was completely obliterated by his handling of Covid-19. And turned tremendous gains into the greatest assault on human health, freedom, and Constitutional Rights we in the USA have ever seen.

DJT COULD have chosen the path of supporting our Constitutional Rights, Early Treatment, and Open Scientific Discussions.

He did not. He jumped in bed with Big Pharma, Anthony Fouci, their errand boy, and the developer of SARS-COV-2, Moderna. So, despite his earlier successes, he turned the page on the worst assaults on civilians ever. I cannot reconcile the "Two Trumps."

For me he is out. He was either guilty of being in on it, or he was stunningly incompetent and complacent with the evil that is Big Pharma.

Either way he failed the test. He should become an elder in the Republican Party and teach his best ideas to the new generations of leaders.

But given the catastrophe he created with Operation Warp Speed, he should hang his head in shame over his bungling of the challenge his Administration faced. It really wasn't even that tough.

Keep the young & healthy out working to protect our society, scour the Medical Class for successful early treatments, protect the vulnerable, and spread calm, not fear, to the population at large.

Since he doesn't admit his catastrophic choices, the price we are all paying for them, and the terrible damage the ModRNA shots have created, I can only see him as one more lying snake in the Garden of U.S. Politics.

Sadly. Very, very sadly.

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