Feb 12·edited Feb 13

P-ALEX you have made 'some' progress you now admit that TRUMP signed off a secret EO in 2019 ( Deploy COVID at Wuhan Games Oct-2019 ) that put the USA under military dictatorship and the hospitals were all commandeered by the US-MIL in Spring 2020; ( OP FAST-TRACK)

Carefully read this MD report I posted, I was so impressed with this guy I made it, its own post; Essentially he details how the US-MIL entered the USA hospitals and early 2020 and made them sign secrecy documents to never divulge the fact that US-MIL was calling the shots: PCR-TEST, Ventilators, and MD's to kill their patients; He says that those MD's that refused to sign immediately had their MD license terminated on the spot; Most MD's weren't willing to destroy their career;

Read this report very carefully P-ALEX it is a JEWEL;


The doctor makes it clear that MD's such as himself cannot FIGHT the AMA, because they don't have their own MD-UNION, that's why on this post I put "MD-UNION" this was written by one MD that wants the system 'reset', they need an MD-UNION; This thing MUST be done to save health-care in USA

Today the USA medical system has joined MIC military industrial complex, they're both the same; US-MED kills USA citizens, and USA-MIL kills people abroad;

Going back to a health-care system whose mission is NOT murder requires and national outrage, where the citizens must storm the hospitals and remove the MIL, as in the biblical the money-lenders must be removed from the temples;

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Don’t buy these LIES! Trump did not want to hurt one single American. How do you fight the inevitable designed to take you out and sink America? None of us were in that position as POTUS.... no one knows not even Dr. Paul what Trunp knew and the decisions he had to make. Sometimes there is NO perfect decision, only a best decision. As Americans that’s all we should ever expect! At this point there is still more we don’t know that what we know. I just know no sane man would want to sink his own presidency by locking down the economy in an election year assuring their loss and bringing America to her knees -- esp for the LONG term. Then to run again against the prospect of 1000 years in prison from the bad guys and possibly lose all you worked for all your life and family?? No I’m not buying it for so many reasons! Stop joining the real enemies and evil that has no respect for life and try to make Trump the scapegoat. I’m not so sure he has anything to apologize for.. perhaps many of us will owe him an apology sometime in the next few years... yes, I think that is coming.

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you are 100% correct, 45 is and was never a bad man, read what I wrote and he should be POTUS again...but he needs to address the lockdowns and vaccine...call them out, hang all who did wrong...I love him

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Dr Paul -- Understood you are a big supporter of Trump and I like you a lot! I’m just not convinced there isn’t more to this and his perhaps courageous and tough but correct decisions he had to make that he cannot say yet. If you think through all the scenarios of him speaking out, HCQ & early treatment -- and THEY blocked HCQ after Trump had channel set up for getting a stockpile from India, said Trump was pushing HCQ that would kill people -- THEY put in Remdisiver, paying premiums for hospital deaths, etc at the time!!! He got all the blowback, criticism, and vicious words from the media, underhanded CDC, NIH, etc at every turn.

The supposedly mounting deaths were blamed directly on him for not being a good example not wearing masks, not pushing the lockdown (stated he wanted everything including churches open for Easter April 13), not backing Fauci, etc!! And that the US had the worst stats and handling due to TRUMP.. even though they were the medical pros leading the response!!

My question is this: Had he pushed harder, tried to fire Fauci etc. demanded all states open up... would the end result be better or worse given this was a PLAN long long in the making and being implemented at that time to literally bring him down (as I know you agree from reading your book) would the end result be better or worse??

On Vax ... I still remember how opposed Fauci was to bringing out the Vax quickly (in 6 months) when Trump suggested it and pushed for it? Perhaps the last thing they wanted was the Vax to come out snd end the lockdowns and fear???? They weren’t done with the fake CRISIS YET!!!

Did they really want America to fall economically, stay locked down from snatch 2020 to ?? 2021, 2022 or longer? Biden to release the “miracle cure” everyone would want by then to open up the country after Trump “failed to listen to science and killed so many”and turn in Trump and exile him?? Not that we’d take the shot willingly but how many more would and how many more would have been deceived and NEVER HAD A CHANCE of learning the truth and important lessons and wanting TRUMP BACK AS MUCH AS THEY DO NOW??

What would one courageous person & truly caring President like Trump do if faced with such a horrible situation not of his making or approval & agonizing decision?? Maybe it’s what he did to save us from quickly becoming a third world country and millions dying, losing their homes, lifetime of work and wealth, and allowing a longer and sustained invasion... it would be over. I see that their plan failed and though the Vax is deadly it perhaps did save many more than it killed. Think on that. Would we even have a chance to bring him back to fix what has been so damaged??? What would the American psyche have left if those monsters had been 100% successful??

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Paul over reacts and tends to forget stuff that he knows. I requested that he read his book to refresh memory.

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It always puzzles me that some people think Trump could have simply made different decisions (Fauci, lockdowns, masks, vaccines etc) and covid would have just disappeared and not harmed anyone.. no Vax would have come out ever if he said NO?? He would have been a hero and easily re-elected!?? Nope. He would have still been taken out (and for real and not stolen election that’s still to be shown). Biden & co would have continued lockdowns and hospital killing and brought out the shot later after more economic disaster ... and still forced it .. in fact even more would have taken it after another year or more of lockdown. All this would be seen as Trumps fault with Biden bringing the “cure” ... Trump would have zero chance of coming back or exposing all that he already has. We simply cannot treat covid in isolation of all the other issues and the overall end goals of the evil and American destruction and depopulation of the world ultimately. It may come to light that IF Trump had done what we thought he should have done, things would be even much worse today, far less would be awake, with no hope to beat it in the future. Elections essentially gone forever.

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Yes, BUT, and this is important, WARP roll out was stalled until AFTER the election. Right there we knew deep state's immediate target was our Trump. If WARP rolled out BEFORE the election, digital hack would NOT have worked, and Pedo would not have the ability to work through the series of fake mRNAs. The election was rigged digitally, Leonardo Defense, Italy, DoD asset, and Nunes Report, 20,000 mules and the Blinken 51 ass CIA rogues, plus more. Trilaterals worked overtime to rig 2020. And, look at Jan 6 flag waver, rogue FBI, rogue DOJ, Pedo's Vatican border invasion of over 50,000,000, Pedo's sept 2021 attack upon Americans, Maui DE attack, E. Palestine odd mess, Drag Queens in Pentagon, chiild trans mutilations, not protecting RFK or the Sup. Judges, on and on: all PART of Trilateral plan targeting American Core values. Constant fake court cases upon our Trump while ignoring Pedo extortion, bribe taking, so on, ALL PLANNED. I can go on, but if you can read, you already know the above adds up to political planning to take down our USA values and handed a new Imperial fake NWO face. Been in the works for decades.

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true., all was done to take him out

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Exactly! All true. No way Trump the target could have just said NO to covid hoax, hospital protocols, lockdowns, masks etc. and halted all they had planned for decades .. no one man could have defeated that no matter how much they knew & wanted! They were desperate to get him out as they tried 5 years already in 2020 and already failed in each and every attempt. Besides Fauci said in 2016 he’d be faced with a pandemic! Remember that? Also Fauci pushed back HARD on the Vax when Trump pushed for it to be done quickly. I filed that in my brain though at the time it didn’t make full sense but it does now! Wow! And Harris & Cuomo, etc. saying they didn’t trust the Trump Vax and wouldn’t be taking it or allowing it in NY until it was independently tested!! Yes they said that! Then in Dec after they “won” the election they were first in line on TV getting jabbed and literally criticizing Trump for not doing the same!!! After the fake inauguration it changed from a choice or “trust in the Biden Vax” to .. just get Vaxxed.. then to ... you MUST be Vaxxed if you want to participate in civil society .. and if you care about other people and not only yourself. Pandemic was one of the “unvaccinated” .. that was straight from Joe. Remember too Trump saying at announcement of Vax coming you would NEVER be compelled to get it.. your choice .. your freedom! At the time I thought OMG Biden will force it.. it’s like Trump knew and was telling us before the 2020 election! A shame many didn’t listen closer to what Trump actually signaled ... and thought a bit for themselves as to the logical implications.

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Are you aware of the Noahide Laws? All Presidents signed up for them since the Laws were enacted in 1991. This is the real agenda, hidden in plain sight.

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Trump has begun the ‘play game’, blaming Fauci for following Trump&Pompeo’s “CIA GAME” with COVID, Fauci will be Blamed for running CIA ( Pompeo&Trumps War Games), doesn’t really matter the way its being handled is ‘fauci’ will mysteriously die like Epstein, and just be blamed and ‘go away’.

Still doesn’t matter, all partys should have their heads placed in cages and and be eaten alive by sand-fleas, like Fauci’s “Beagles”


Look today P-alex is bashing GATES, ok this is good, but even if Gates was put into a Fauci-Beagle cage tomorrow not fuck all with COVID would change

Because until US-MIL is removed from the hospitals, until US-MIL is removed from big-pharma, not fuck all is fixed in the USA;

We are way beyond the 'blame game' here that doesn't solve anything, we need a NEW POTUS with BALLS that NULLS&VOID's all of TRUMP secret EO's that enabled US-MIL to run the COV19 War and the mRNA "fast-track" program and take over USA hospitals; Otherwise they will do it it, again, and again and again

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RemovedFeb 12
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I love this, you try to a real INFO on COVID Bullshit, and immediately the team-hasbara trolls show up with their normal mis-direction;

My apologizes for my frankness to this bot, but it seriously does need to terminate itself and quit shedding mRNA big-pharma zog-shit;

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mRNA is in your anus too;

You are shedding mRNA and passing it out to your community; Kill yourself now, quit being a shedder, self immolate

Do the right thing;

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You want Trump to admit guilt! These mini articles cause confusion and only tell a small part of the story. They are causing confusion and division. This might help clear some things up:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aQXoKIRdQc VIDEO: President Trump posts message after leaving Walter Reed Medical Center...

He tried to tell us not to be afraid of the virus. He did what he thought he had to do to stop the commies from locking us down for 20 years!


When I was in Trump administration at HHS, we had data coming to us showing little kids across America were hanging themselves, media refused to

cover (see Vegas as one example) else would give Trump traction as he was begging CDC & HHS and school unions to open, he begged states to re-open,

he was begging Fauci, Brix the 2 criminals, many children hung themselves; Scott Atlas begged them to open.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1MVBB3EuV4 TRUMP blasts Democrats for efforts to bring back COVID mandates ahead of 2024


To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

Dr Paul, you were there, you in part saw what our own government was trying to do to get Trump out of office. Our only hope as a country is to get biden out of office. Only Trump can accomplish this.

If you throw confusion into the mix, some people will turn away. Telling only part of the story influences people in the wrong direction.

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TY petzanpz for sharing this info. I referenced one of your posts to a doctor that was blaming PDJT as the sole person for the lockdowns. Your message in that post was clear and concise. as a nurse, I appreciate truth and honesty.

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Listen to TRUMP's own words


Trump learned this from his mentor Roy Cohn back in the early 1960's when Roy Cohn was at his top of his act as MOB Lawyer boss of NYC, & NJ most feared mob lawyer boss in USA;

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Spare me..

Trump 4 years of peace and posterity.

Biden/Obama years of high inflation, poverty and war. Spare me the left wing rhetoric.

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Thank you!!!!! For laying this all out do well! I agree!! I for one won’t believe the LIES and Trump smears!!

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What Russia found in the 38 bio-weapon labs in UKRAINE that TRUMP had built from 2017-2020


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Nothing here at all .. not at all convincing.. a bunch more lies and horse crap! No proof. Stop spreading lies about Trump .. doesn’t he have enough demons after him already? All for -- LOVING America and caring about Americans and being willing to sacrifice himself, put himself in danger of loss of life, limb, freedom, and fortunes?? No one else has done more! Crawl back into a cave somewhere and stop dreaming up dirt on the one guy who puts his money & life where his mouth is! Trying to divide our movement won’t work .. unity is coming with Trump .. stop promoting hate & division and a feeling of helplessness. Not gonna work!

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MY MISSION Statement I wrote on substack some two years ago after I joined

NOTHING has changed, I don't give a rats ass about Trump or any other parasitic grifters


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This is not about TRUMP I don't give a flying fuck about Trump

I love America, I want our country restored

Don't any of you for a second think that I care about Trump, or Biden or any un-party, or sodomite pedophile politics in wash-dc, its been a sewer since 1776

What I care about is that we remove the US-MIL from our health-care system;


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Trump is the one who mandated that everyone get the shot! Are you kidding me! He is Evil and you still support him?? He doesn't care a out you he demanded that you stand in line to go kill yourself! That's ridículas..

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Let’s review Trumps first term, did he lock her up ? No, did he build a wall, no it has holes in it, was Wilbur Ross (a Rothschild banker, secretary of commerce under Trump) at his side at all times, yes … why does this matter because Ross bailed Trump out over his failing casinos, what did this Rothschild banker demand in return? Probably a president that will be compromised.Fast forward to the end of the term and he takes full responsibility for the roll out of the vax says he is the father of the vaccine… that’s quite a title. He also serves Israel his son in law is the honeypot, there is an agenda over there that needs to be fulfilled….

Israel never got attacked by Palestine. This is all a setup to set the precedent for the building of the temple satan will rule from and they have to make it happen. They just got tired of waiting, Al Aqusa has to go. Everyone says "the dome of the rock" has to go but "the dome of the rock" is nothing, the real spot the temple will be is a large and very boring looking mosque (totally unremarkable other than that it is large) called Al Aqusa that is within a stone's throw of the dome. Chances are the dome will still be there when the temple is built, catching the unaware off guard, expecting the temple satan will rule from to still be built.

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OK, which one is it?? Anybody know??

1.) Gentle idiot? senile grandpa who loves you

2.) mass murderer who sees the USA public as ant's


TRUMP's 2019 COVID Deployment -Choose one of two possible explanations: First Degree Murder, or Incompetence at the CIA? Pompeo Running Trump

This post is a TEST, you tell us which is it in the comments; Was COVID-19 a planned MURDER of the first degree??? or COVID just a US-MIL accident that went wrong? WEF, CDC, WHO, & US-MIL ran circus

IMHO OCCAM's RAZOR say's that Nut-Cases like Nuland, Blinken, Pompeo and their lapdog Trump should have never been running the US-MIL and US-GOV

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Paul, Trump did EXACTLY what he was forced to do not knowing all facts. Redfield, Collins, Birx and your Caputo, and a few other players, were his advisors. As you know, Redfield folded afterwards, Birx was upgraded with a pharma job and Collins was upgrade working for Pedo freak show. WARP did NOT roll out until AFTER the rigged election, and the roll out was rigged for that timed release to cover for the digital DoD hack. YOU WERE THERE, and you nicely discussed the entire event reporting the total game play by play. Re-read your book, Paul.

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Dr Alexander, if anything can get through to Trump and convince him to come clean about the lockdowns, the Bioweapon, everything wrong with America today, due to the “Fundamentally Transform America” Bull-Crap put forth, by one of the most despicable human beings alive, BHO! I believe you’re that one person who could motivate Trump to speak the truth! If in fact what you’ve been saying happened to Trump and I will say, I agree with you, Trump was used as a pawn, in the powerbrokers scheme to depopulate and take further control of America and essentially the world! I believe Trump would gain far greater support, much more respect and IMO, he would solidify the Presidency hands down, simply by speaking the truth! Americans have had it with being LIED to over and over and at every level and turn! I believe I speak for most patriotic Americans! “WE THE PEOPLE” must have a STRONG, EMPATHETIC LEADER, whose single goal is to yes, “MAKE AMERICA GREAT THROUGH TRUTH ONCE AGAIN”! I do hope you hear me loud and clear Dr Alexander! You speak with passion, with truth and without sugar coating one iota of what you believe to be true and honest! Thank you Dr once again for all you do! Thank you! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Trump did everything perfectly; the perfection is the history showing the complete corruption of Trilateral controlled bureaucrat deep state. Trump was NOT a pawn, the fake pandemic was planned BEFORE 2016 to roll out during Hillary's second term. The plan was moved up to incorporate cover using WARP to release AFTER 2020 election. Trump was the immediate target, the mRNA nanos were used to test as many billions as possible.

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I agree with most of what you’ve said Scout and I said “Trump was a pawn” because he is in no way a scientist or doctor and IMO, they used him! Used him in the sense that he wouldn’t be getting any credit for anything good, which we all know there wasn’t a damn thing good about covid! It was all a military operation I have said from the beginning. The fact that Trump took credit for OWS and how he made numerous statements about how he “saved millions of lives”, is a complete lie! He didn’t save any lives and why in Gods name would he want to connect his presidency with a “murderous group” of evil bastards! This is why I say he was a pawn! They told him and feed his ego with what he felt he could hang his hat on, and he did, if you remember correctly? As far as everything else you’ve said I agree 100% with you. Either they threatened Trump and his family to make the claim that “HE SAVED MILLIONS OF LIVES” or he was blindsided by what the truth actually was. Either way, he was used and if I’m wrong then I now have NO FAITH in Trumps credibility! Thanks for your post Scout.


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true too

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Why does Trump continue to deny the obvious reality that the vaccine is both unsafe and ineffective?

Makes me wonder if Pfizer is still giving him money, like they did for his inauguration party.

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No, Trump must hold his line. The problem is that we yet have a huge critical mass of ignorant Americans that trust the Trilateral Domestic Terrorist Establishment. I am NOT joking.

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Barbarian following barbarian on the banks of the Potomac. One well organized Neo Communist USSA. Elections fail and no government wants you alive. Astonishingly corrupt people are the State. And you roll with them. Sad.

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Truth does matter!!!!

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With 'ya Paul!

Trump's a good man

Cares for people

Loves the Country!

He will stop the shots, lockdowns and MURDER & get the country rockin' again! OR ELSE!

MAGA. He was elected President after all!!

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His acknowledgment and deep sorrow for those he harmed physically and financially by his stances on vaccines and lockdowns are essential for me to consider him again. As sad as I am to say it, I will vote for RFK Jr if Trump is the nominee and does not speak truthfully soon! I’m beginning to wonder if they slipped him the vax when he was ill with C himself!

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this is what I mean

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Paul and all,

Sorry, but Trump may NOT get elected because you are sitting silently NOT doing the right things to guarantee 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY!

Get off your bottom and here is your chance to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the next election!!!

Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



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If I have time over the next couple months, I'll write a draft of a fantasy speech for Trump where he claims that he's known that CV-19 vaxxes were killing hundreds of thousands for half a year now, but in order to keep the opposition guessing, and in order to not scare the establishment too starkly and get them all moving against him at once, he held off saying so until now.

Not that I believe the truth is likely anywhere close to that, but if the only way Trump backs out of this insane corner he's in on his Warp Speed ballyhoo is to pretend he's playing some 3-D chess on it, I'll take it.

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People like you with this attitude are part of the problem! Stop obsessing now. Let’s get him back into office in one piece first .. get the borders closed, get the economy to a better place, stop these demons from election interference and third world lawfare.. then he can discuss lockdowns from 5 years previous etc etc etc. and how he did save the world from more than we know yet!

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Paul, Trump would have to admit he is a mass killer, a pbig art of this mass genocide. He will never do that. He is and always was a con man from NYC. He will not stick his neck in a noose and jump off the hangman's platform. He has the blood and suffering of millions on his hands and you expect him to come clean. Not a chance Paul.

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ban this ass, Paul. One of Jack's twitter FBK rogue scum bots

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No. We have to face the fact that this is where Trump could wind up on this. We must do everything we can to make Trump not wind up in the place Rich is all-too-confident about, but we've gotta prepare.

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Karen Kingston has shown Pfizer never had protection from being sued, they were supposed to make a safe and effective "vaccine" they did not, they made a killing bioweapon shot and they knew it.

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Karen is correct legally. But we will NOT see one court ruling against Pharmas at this point. DoD will pull national security act, and that is why no court case winners. At this point, we're up against the entire corrupted bureaucrat deep state, led by CFR/Trilaterals

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