Why isn't Fauci in prison?

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Why isn't our DOD and everyone connected with this rollout in jail?

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Well if that isn't the proof that the gene jabs are a method for intentional depopulation, I don't know what is.

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our medical community is in state of distress. Too many so called professionals that have been brainwashed into the left's agenda for years and have sold their souls to Satan! unethical research practices, money over people, politics over health ....... so infuriating! It must change starting in the schools

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Sounds a lot like HIV?

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They can burn in Hell for all this. But first--trials, verdicts, and sentences executed. Finally, a toasting all around...

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Just great. NOw they are injecting our beef, chickens and pigs with the damn sutff and are paying lobbyist in every state...Cattle start next month.


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If anyone gets a Nobel prize for the Covid shot then the prize will become even less meaningful.

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If they new!! Evil doesn’t call them properly

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The answer to Dr. Alexander is in the definition of Jesuitism.

All of them are, no question in my mind.

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Wow that is bad...but Denninger predicted this too quite sometime ago.

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The AP's hatchet job on RFK, Jr. is a new low for mainstream journalism.


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