Ok, so now I listened to his little speech.

He is right that our freedom is what is most important.

However, we should not be getting our freedoms returned because (1) omicron is milder or (2) most people are vaccinated or (3) everyone has sacrificed and now it’s time to return to normal.

No, we should be getting our freedoms back *because they should never have been taken away in the first place!”

These people need to admit they were *wrong.*. They need to come clean and say that taking freedoms away was wrong and ineffective. They need to apologize.

He makes it sound like the good citizens have earned their freedoms back with their compliance. And that the vaccination is allowing return of freedoms. He is wrong. I hope people see through his saving-of-face.

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These evil pawns can't be trusted. Why no one is talking about Halting the biopweapon mRNA Injections and holding every single person criminally responsible for the Nazi Style forced medical experiment on millions of people? Now Evil Pfizer wants to inarticulate infants..

The Real Face Of Evil: 17-Year-Old Sean Hartman Was Killed By The Pfizer Jab. Twitter Removed His Dad's Account For Speaking The Truth

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.- Matthew 24:12


The information they have in their own documents is enough for criminal convictions, but the vaxx genocide continues

Dr. Michael Yeadon: THIS MUST STOP! Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


The Truth About Safety of mRNA Vaccines Found in The European Medicines Agency's Document Titled "Comirnaty (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine) Risk Management Plan"

Welcome to the Medical Inquisition


mRNA "Vaccines" Are Gene Therapy. May cause Undesirable Side Effects That Could Delay Or Prevent Their Regulatory Approval According To BioNTech SEC Filing


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Love that Ephesians quote. Absolute truth.

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its a start but half of what he said was out right wrong they still believe this jab will help, it wont!

still nothing from the racist black face coward

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Amen! This absolutely is a spiritual battle between good and evil. I literally was thinking about that just before I saw your post.

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Except no, it isn’t over yet. The dominoes may be starting to fall. But by no means whatsoever have they all fallen.

We need zero mandates. Zero ongoing injections because it is obvious they are killing people. We need full disclosure of the lies and deceit that have been perpetrated and of the killing that has taken place and that is yet to come because of the long-term effects of these injections. We need accountability at the highest levels.

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I live in Manitoba and was so excited when I saw Saskatchewan’s announcement. I knew that the liars would attack the truth-telling Scott Moe so I sent him a message on Twitter to stay strong. Even though I saw it coming, I was still shocked at the blatant lies and rubbish in this CBC article. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/covid-19-transmission-scott-moe-1.6336479

So disgusted with our Canadian government and mainstream media, except for Scott Moe! Go Moe and go truckers!

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Amen! Perfect scripture for these times.

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Ephesians 6:10-11 " Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."

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Not good enough.


Not later.

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He will postpone any lifting until after the truckers have gone home.

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"The province’s top public health official says that it might be time “to reassess the value” of Ontario’s so-called vaccine passport system."


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It's OVER!!!

See Israel ... hmmm... remember they mass vaxxed first:


I'm thinking ... we have 4B people with damaged immune systems .. and Reverse AIDS is now kicking in https://worldedge.substack.com/p/reverse-aids-part-ii-the-toll-of

Drink that Champagne fast.

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Don't bet on it. Elites are all in on enslaving humanity.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

"Premier Kenney [Alberta] says COVID cabinet will approve a plan early next week for the careful lifting of health measures, beginning with vaccine passport program."



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A fabulous battle-win in an ongoing War. Positive news always welcome, and gives powerful energy to all citizens in this battle against the dark actors across this world!!

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