Much appreciated, Dr Paul. You are a true Canadian patriot warrior!

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Looks what Vietnam is discovering in their Leadership! Fraud. Minister of Health (I think, but someone up there) making profits off of COVID-19 test kits! Go figure! Hmmm. And like test kits were going to do anything to prevent COVID in the 1st place.

You can be absolutely sure that in addition to the Union boss who is in trouble regarding COVID test kits here, we will learn, if we LOOK, that government and other officials made lots of money from big pharma, including the vax manufacturers, pill makers (same folks more or less), test kit makers, mask makers etc.! A reckoning is overdue!

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In Quebec, Leg0 was allowed by law to renew an emergency mandate every 2 weeks for 2 years, giving him full authority. No one from the opposition could go against his decisions because of this. He had complete control. He managed to give millions in contracts to whoever he pleased without any tender as required by the law. He spent like crazy on futilities, fake companies, etc... it's going to be very difficult to make any investigations. Heck, they're putting the C0v!D CHSLD hecatomb under the carpet.

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It's outrageous what they did with Bill 28. They gave themselves immunity from lawsuits for any future measures they impose in 'good faith'. How incredibly cynical. Legault is by far the most dictatorial of the Premiers and he doesn't get enough scrutiny. Quebec had the most restrictions and the worst outcomes. He even cancelled NYE on the 30th! Unforgivable in my view. Unfortunately, like Ford, he will get re-elected in October.

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You are so right... and he will be elected. He will bring forth his plan to put us all on a QR code with the "Ministère de la cybersécurité et du numérique". Oh and we have this new public transportation thing for July 1st to cut Montreal into "zones", so it will change your transportation pass. Good control to come for the next plandemic, but hey, I'm the only one thinking of that, I should cheer the coming QR on my phone, it's super technology, ain't it? ;-)

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I thought they were behind on that? I could be wrong. I remember reading an article in the winter where they couldn't find enough staff to work on their Digital plan. I don't know if that's been worked out but it wouldn't surprise me if it falters. Quebec can't even put up a bridge without there being corruption and cost overruns. It's Quebec. Maybe I'm being too naive and hopeful. I wouldn't trust a single thing Legault says or does. None of it is for the benefit of citizens. He's your run-of-the-mill Quebec demagogue. For some reason, Quebecers love their benign dictators.

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Maybe it was put on hold before elections? Anyway, seems like we're saving time, like the WHO that decided to re-submit a new document in November for their big takeover because some countries nixxed the proposal in May. We're in a real mess in the province for sure. The French medias are the worst ever. It they decide to scare people big time with the m0nkyp0x, we will all gladly line up for testing with a banana way up our nose. So sad.

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Well, they are slowly ramping up the monkeypox volume in both the USA and here.

They will try again and repeat what they did with Covid. Why not? People fell for it hook, line and sinker. Hopefully, this time around the old adage 'fool me once' will apply and there will be more attentive people. They failed every single acid test. From 'flatten the curve' to masks to lockdowns to passports. They blindly consented to each giving authoritarians the cue to keep going. If they want this to stop they must be prepared to be courageous and perhaps sacrifice their damn dinner outings for a bit. The more of us who stand up, the more the psychopaths will back off. A simple stand. That's all that's needed and we can quell this medical tyranny unfolding before our eyes.

The first step in accomplishing this is to IGNORE mass media and the TV dinner fear-mongering flunkies. Stop listening to them. They have an agenda. And it ain't protecting your health at this point. It's so obvious neo-feudalism is being attempted.

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I just like your neo-feudalism term! spot on! I don't listen to "lamestream media", my husband does. I just pass by the living room and hear one sentence and I start fuming. LOL! The thing is about this monkey business is: if it is the African strand we know it's not easily transmittable, but I beleive this new orang-newtang version (!) is lab-made so we should expect it to skip to branches differently. :-) Let's take a stand for sure!

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These dictators need accountability. The same rules for all. And we need to discourage lying.

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I suggest hand writing. Remember, tech companies keep all your digital data for 5 YEARS. And ANYTHING can be used against you.

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I’m not a Canadian citizen and don’t understand your election rules. Can you explain how Trudeau won with only getting 17% of the vote?

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

In Canadastan, New Zealand, Australia, UK, and in all countries where the Queen of England is the Head of State, you do NOT vote for a Crime Minister (e.g Castrudeau), you vote for a Member of Parliament (your representative). That's all. The leader of the party that has more elected MPs becomes Crime Minister.

That's the trick that allows unpopular crooks and Clown Schwab's cultists to become Crime Minister in their country. The popular vote is useless in this system.

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100% Dr. Alexander. We won't let this fade and forget. They must face consequences for their actions. Same with the 'experts'. The important thing is not to let this become the primary response to pandemics. Mandatory masks must be purged from the response. Fearless Canada has been in this fight from the onset. And we're now on Substack. Proud allies. FYI: I'm Alex P. Keaton.


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Mandatory/forced vaccination must also be banned!

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This 'pandemic' was the thing (and there are probably others) that they had long planned and hoped for. We need for each decision to be evalueated in light of how many deaths it allowed, and how many deaths it prevented. Of course, that accountability will be resisted. This accountability is the only thing we have to prevent the same thing (or worse) happening next time. Clearly, large amounts of people would have been saved, if they had let doctors be doctors. The 'vaccine' (which they had to change definition of vaccine, in order to call it a vaccine) killed and disabled many others.

This pandemic, and it's response, can either be a PRELUDE to something worse next time, or this disaster can be learned from. The is a LOT of potential going either way. The globalists have come out of the woodwork for this thing, and we the people, at least right now (until they change it) have the power to minimize their influence. Of course they will bribe anybody and everybody, but there are some that want this wholesale corruption to end, and it is certainly in mankind's best interest that the same mistakes aren't made the next time (or worse)

It is also clear that there is a LARGE group of people are intent on creating biological nightmares, obviously with the hope to financially profit, and to increase their power. They use excuses of national defense (when they are doing everything else to break the borders and increase globalist power) and medical necessity (when the 'studies' STARTED the pandemic, and they so clearly lied to us). These are so clearly tactics to manipulate that we would be better off to remove the emergency powers, which merely made things worse, while also lowering the amount of freedom

We could shove this sociopaths back into the holes that they slunk out of, IF we can use our democracy. However, politicians are so vulnerable- that is the weak point that was used to create the path to tyranny. We also had large swaths of bureaucracy get corrupted and do things that are obviously not to mankind's (and womanskind) benefit.

But first, we have to realize that we have a problem, and to do that, we need a non compliant press or the means to truthful reporting.

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