Last night a middle age gp sitting next to me at dinner, announced Jair Bolnasaro was guilty of murder because “he didn’t believe covid was real”. Now, here we have a gp, who with her colleagues, went into hiding when covid struck, and are now treating and witnessing hundreds and hundreds of vaxx injured patients. But she will not let go of her belief that covid killed millions, despite the evidence that early treatments saved millions and the covid vaxxes are killing people! What exactly will it take?

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It may be impossible to undo societally- approved insanity.

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I'm Brazilian and our president never said that covid didn't exist, what he always said was that for new people it would be like the flu, he said to protect the elderly who were the most vulnerable

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He was pretty much spot on. Brave man too. I think he knew the evil he's dealing with.

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yes, he is very brave, and to this day he defends that no one is obliged to take the vaccines, here anyone can take whoever they want, and no place asks for the vaccination book, except inside hospitals

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How were you able to swallow your food, without choking, whilst sitting next to this gp?

"You're a better man than I Gunga Din."

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Not sure what it will take, but this is pretty much my understanding of what it TOOK to pull this off!


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I read Sage’s article today. It’s awesome!

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There is so much proof that planned parent hood was selling body parts and DNA to China, yet the left keeps insisting they are saints doing good works. What would it take to open their minds?

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Nosso presidente Bolsonaro não disse isso ,ele disse q em jovens seria igual uma gripe e q os idosos q são mais vulneráveis, disse q os mais novos fossem para o trabalho e tínhamos q nós preocupar com o vírus e com a economia do país , e não obrigou ng a tomar a vacina pq ele sabia q as vacinas ainda não tinham passado por todas as fases , entao não e obrigatório a vacina no Brasil,tanto que ele ( Bolsonaro) não tomou pq ele já tinha pego o covid e tinha a imunidade natural, aqui ele nunca pediu que fechasse nada ,mas o STF deu aos governadores e prefeitos que fizessem o Lockdown,o Bolsonaro sempre foi contra o Lockdown e a obrigatoriedade da vacina

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Could you - or did you, still manage to eat your dinner?

I'm starting to be convinced that the real plan is to drive us remnant people completely insane.


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LOL. They think all you need is some Kabuki “Theater of the Oppressed” to see the vaxx light.

These people are nuts.

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And I wish they'd drop the ridiculous "vaccine hesitancy" shit. They're not vaccines. They are potentially lethal injections.


I'm vaccine horrified not hesitant.

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Candace has it all. She absolutely gives me hope.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

OMG. I got on my knees and prayed with All One Million of them. Thank you so much for sharing this Dr. A. President Bolsanaro is awesome! Also, everyone Lifesite has a donation site up for Dr A. Please contribute if you can. He is one of OUR TRUTH SPEAKING "HIPPOCRATIC OATH HERO'S!" Amen. honk honk ; )

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I have Brazilian friends. They LOVE Balsonaro. Of course we are like minded and Christians, the reason why we are friends in the 1st place. God Bless President Bolsanaro! We are on our knees praying with him. God help those who don't wake up.

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Sim amamos nosso presidente Bolsonaro,sou do Brasil e aqui e 100% Bolsonaro, mas estão fazendo de tudo para derrota lo porque ele acabou com a roubalheira, dia 07 fomos todos para as ruas em prol de Bolsonaro

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In Canada - September 4 ... One of the worst mass killings in Canadian history -- mass stabbings in 13 locations on the James Smith Cree Nation and in Weldon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

12 people died and 18 others were injured.

Myles Sanderson was wanted for being unlawfully at large before the stabbings, according to Crime Stoppers. However ... the Parole Board of Canada found in February that Myles would not “present an undue risk,” and freeing him would “contribute to the protection of society” by facilitating his reintegration. He had a lengthy criminal history.

My two cents ... the Parole Board of Canada should be charged with Accessory to Murder.

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Going back to God or going to God is a real good start.It is actually our only hope,Jesus is very real and He's not a God detached, He's close and all you need do is turn to Him,humble yourself, His ways are not your ways.Their higher,so forsake your way you already know they don't work,give your life,your heart to God and you can't lose.He holds peace and contentment even in the mist of the storm.

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"their job is to disrupt the security of civilization and make it easier to steal. The criminals give money to the corrupt elected and non elected govt workers by $$$$. It has nothing to do with compassion.

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We pray with President Bolsonaro. AMEN !!

Love Stew Peters Show. Candace nails it every time. She is incredibly intelligent, beautiful and courageous. Mental illness is why our country is in dire straights. The democrats are the way they are because they are mentally ill. Mentally ill people destroy everything & everyone in their path when they are allowed to get away with it. We adopted 2 kids because they had a mentally ill drug addict that brought them into the world and caused massive destruction to many along the way. By the grace of God the kids are doing well. But democrat policies are what led to ALL of that. Republicans (some of them) are the people who end up cleaning up the mess.

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Click on source.. Takes you to Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens.. Not Stew Peters, am I missing something?

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his was taken down, so looking for it again, but this is the world we live in...same with substack, was taken down recently under attack...we save your emails if in case it is destroyed for they are trying daily to take this down...if so we will find another way to reach out.

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I was afraid of that. The left is working overtime to silence all of us and completely squash the 1st amendment. Keep up the great work you do and sharing the information that we might otherwise miss in our busy lives. Thankful for you for that and many other reasons.

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Might be able to find on Rumble?

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Not on Rumble

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Maybe Gab. Thank you for clariifying. Bless you.

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Thank you for the clarification💕

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Cannot/do not speak Portugese.

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Could not get Stew Peters either.

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Loved the millions praying. Thank you!

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I agree with you.

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