I'm sorry Paul, but Trump has proven he's not trustworthy enough to be president. Over and over, he's trusted people who have never earned his trust and who have proven themselves to be weasels and enemies of the US. So, either he's not very smart or he has a blind spot the size of Alaska when it comes to picking his advisors and staffers. He's shown no awareness of his catastrophic blunders in this regard and has actually doubled down over and again. Why in the world would you ever trust him again? Imagine how many MAGAs he's convinced to take the death shot with his inane sales pitches about the bioweapon he thinks he developed. He's a sitting duck for more CIA psyops.

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But I trust the RINO bastards far less. They are worse than vomit. They are almost as evil as every Democrat that could run.

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Do you even know what he had to choose from? The word had gone out in DC that if ANYBODY went to work for him without permission/orders from the swamp, they would never work in DC again. A political death sentence... And that was just for the campaign phase.

The transition team phase was another disaster, then the permanent staffing was another. Did you know that for all 4 years, McConnell kept the Senate in session continuously, so P. Trump couldn't fill any vacancies with recess appointments?. So he was operating at half staff, or less.

It was one nasty obstacle after another.

It would only have taken ONE SENATOR to have spoken up, to have broken that cabal up, to let Trump do what EVERY OTHER PREZZY HAD BEEN ALLLOWED TO DO... Appoint persons for certain positions as recess appointmes. So he could have the staff he chose.

JUST. ONE. SENATOR. Rang? Lee? Hawley? Cruz? ... Anybody?? COWARDS.


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Why on earth does and did Trump say he can clean the swamp-or drain it then???? If what you say is true, Trump has no power and never did!!! Stop acting like he will in the future then!

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But if no one else is vowing to do so ...? Where in the heck does one go then? He perceived the problem when no one was speaking about it. And he has not wavered in that respect. That it was bigger than his capacities allowed is not a mark against the man; it is simply a measure of how far down the outhouse hole we have slipped. It is illogical to fault the only man who has undertaken a herculean task and failed when no one else has even stepped to the plate. Heck, there isn't even anyone in the dugout. You need far better context.

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Astute observation, Mr. Di Frances. Thank you.

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No one else in the dugout???? Wake up! Ron DeSantis is and will be there I suspect. However, Trump, I predict will begin with his name-call8ng of other possible candidates in 3...2...1...oh wait! He's already started on DeSantis! What a pathetic little man.

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You're so naive... P. Trump assumed that the laws and rules that had applied to every other president would apply to him...Wrong. McConnell sabotaged almost every applicant that P. Trump put forth, for any post.

Look at the senior gov't honchos like Fauci, moved by O. st the last minute into SES (Senior Executive Service)...

untouchable. Can't be fired, questioned, investigates, etc. So ALL the key traitors were appointed or moved into the SES before Trump took office.

Look it up.

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No, I'm actually wide awake! Maybe his fans need to stop being naive and follow him like he's going to save America. There's only one Saviour, and it is NOT Trump.

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I asked you a question


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Yes, I guess that one error, so hurtful to us, wipes out EVERYTHING he did that did us so well! Let's just kick him to the curb, why don't we??

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Good idea. And Biden and Obama and Bush and the Clintons too.

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None of those you mention did anything for the country or the people. Trump did so much good in spite of the opposition to him in the Congress. Obama set this all in motion; he deserves your ire more than Trump.

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They are all equally in on the plan. I hate how trump continues to be able to dupe people the most.

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Your most faithful dupe-o-meter is your mirror.

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Except for not investigating the jabs like RFK told him he should, operation warp speed "safe & effective, and acceptong big pharma (pfizer) money for his innauguration, and still blabbering about "safe & effective." And before you go there, I'm not a liberal or democrat, or repub. I don't vote because I don't participate in fake games. Voting is not real, I wish people would wake up. Why have we only had a R, or a D since the civil war? Because thats all they'll let you have! And any time another party pops of, one of the ceiminal party's take them out. One thing I learned a loooong time ago is, whstever the government says, it's the opposite. Your vote counts=no ones vote counts. Safe & effective=very dangerous and not effective at all. See how that works?!

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When was he supposed to investigate the jabs? The release of the jabs was conveniently delayed until after the election, which he won by a landslide. He was fighting hard to prove that the 2020 election was stolen. Had he been able to do that (unlikely with the massive fraud machine of Rs, Ds, corporations, unions, media, foreign governments and IC), mandates and lockdowns would not have been imposed, our economy would not be tanking, there'd be no war in Ukraine, and he would have stopped Fauci and Big Pharma as soon as there were indications that something was not right. What is he, a civilian, supposed to do now? He is still being persecuted after all this time. Why? Because they are so afraid of him running again.

Yes, the elections have to be fixed. Citizens are trying, not giving up like you. You are part of the problem. Stay home, tune out, and enjoy being a slave.

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I see that sarcasm eludes you.

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You missed the sarcasm here. How does the old adage go? A man (or a woman) hears what he/she wants to hear.

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GENOCIDE!!!! how many millions need to die for u to stop supporting murderers?

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We need a 'perfect' president, just like brain ded bye den. He has his priorities straight. Ice cream cones win every time.

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We need to not trust ANY clown world politician. We need to stand together and fight against this evil tyranny.

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You are so impervious to points raised here, and not only by me. This is reading more and more like troll-work. It could be mere fanaticism, but from a formal standpoint there isn't any difference. Why can't you incorporate diverse offerings here, respond to them and refine your understanding, elevate your arguments? You know: Thesis>Antithesis>Synthesis. It's called learning.

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That's for sure. One reason I appreciate Dr. Alexander so much, he leads the fight.

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He must come clean, but it seems he won't.

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Yes. If he admitted he erred, was misled by his advisors, whatever, and declared the Covid jabs deadly and demanded they be pulled from the market, that would be huge. It would get a lot of media attention, even if it was negative, people would hear a call to get it off the market. It would show leadership on Trump’s part and courage.

I posted a message about it to him on TruthSocial. I don’t know if he saw it but I hope so.

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Because he’s in on the plan.

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Maybe there is something going on here behind the scenes that we don’t know about. Trump is not stupid.

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He did get pfizer money.

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He also got huge money from Google, Microsoft, Bank of America & other investment funds……so

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‘maga’ is the highest rank in the church of satan. not joking!!!!... of course he isn’t mocking us, it’s just another ‘coincidence’, just like the billion dollars he gave Hell Gates’ Gavi

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Yes. He even wears hats advertising that he is a MAGA.

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First off, as an outsider coming into a new environment, what does one do? Well,one listens to people one trusts, who one believes to have the best interests at heart. So initially all sorts of blunders will occur just out of the ignorance that is necessarily a part of the new job. Later, though, and this applies to all of us who are trying to assert that our hindsight of today is what we always knew all along (a flat out, self-deceiving lie), it is learned that the rot is broad across all the agencies of Government to a degree that only the most inside of insiders could have known -- an internal coup d'état has been in process for years. Your comment it seems reveals insufficient understanding of the immenseness of the task, perhaps its impossibility. And this is not to make excuses in the least.

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He was considering appointing RFK jr. Instead, he kept the same swamp big pharma criminals around him, and did their bidding.

Anyone going to be POTUS better understand the complications and life threatening risks of going off the reservation. Trump isn't man enough to do it. I want someone who is.

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You certainly have noted truisms regarding Trump and what he could have and should have seen. Now I ask you to review a football game on Tuesday. Pretty easy to call the plays, correct ? He is a brilliant man, and we are now unfortunately more aware of the Swamp’s Infestation. He knew Silk was going to reveal her thoughts on how Diamond died ~ and he still sat in the front row…. And Kevin McCarty is about to give me diabetes with his sudden sweetness !!

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Here's the problem. This isn't armchair quarterbacking. It didn't take much to see what was happening real time. Many of us (just regular folks) knew the history of drug company fraudulent "clinical trials," deep state actors who've shown no inclination to stop experimenting on unsuspecting citizens through the decades, the history of fauci and what he did to those poor aids victims who he poisoned with "cures," what Bill Gates has been up to for decades to reduce population, and the list goes on ad nauseum. We were awake in the first moments of the lockstep plan (early 2020). This collaboration to bring humanity to its knees was a very long time in the making. Extraordinary scientists and doctors tried to warn Trump but he insisted on following the pied pipers over the cliff. And he continues to be unapologetic even NOW that this is all in the open.

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I don’t know how obvious this has to get for the Trumpers to admit the truth. That Trump committed treason against our country by declaring a fake health emergency when he knew damn well it was fraud. Turned our country over to FEMA immediately. Threw us all in the trash.

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Yup. You are a troll, and you keep popping your head up from under that bridge. Not a bad side income, I suppose.

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That’s ridiculous. The DOD has been in charge of the Vax program before Trump ever came on the scene. Look up Sasha Latypova. She has a substack. I think it’s called Truth & Art. She has mountains of evidence.

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Well, give yourself a medal. And by the way, Trump did listen to some doctors who were opposed to the Swamp's faux-medical (aka bio-weapon) dictates. Oh, and as a minor addendum, He had roughly 32,361 items on his plate,(little things like a nuclear North Korea and an evermore belligerent China, as well as Russian clear nuclear superiority), economy, religious persecution world wide, a southern sponge border, NATO laziness , et al. Oh yes, and a press, Establishment and domestic GENUINE insurrection movements (pro-Chinese) that were working to destroy him from before the Inauguration with a ferocity and organization never before attained. Yes, if his sole job had been Czar over NIAD and the FDA, then sure, your words would ring more true.

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He has a huge pride problem. But don't we all, right? He has had multiple opportunities to say he was wrong. But he refuses STILL! Here's the problem, he has bragged so many times that he would put great people around him. So, that means he believed Fauci and Birx were great. The bigger problem...if this happens again and he was president...I have absolutely no doubt he would do it again. Warp speed something else detrimental through in record time.

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Good points ~ my Trump bubble is close to the middle. The only way he can move it forward would be to throw himself on the ‘C’ + ‘V’ swords. Would need detail into how he sees solving what is a huge health problem. His choice of VP will also be important. Again, we are now gifted with great hindsight. Let’s also remember our buddies at Pf didn’t unveil the V with Trump, but waited until after Biden was elected. Important timing with the real collusion.

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More excuses for Trump. There is no excuse for his treasonous behavior.

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You really are a one trick pony. But that, I suppose is your job.

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He is not guilty of any Treason. He loves this country. He just walk away & play golf. Why hasn’t he? Why is the left so afraid of him?

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I like that about McCarthy! But maybe it's completely logical. If a person cannot withstand contrary winds, then they will bend to whatever gusts come at them. Since they are now Republican, and more genuinely conservative ones at that, it is predictable that he'll go with them, and willingly, too. After all, he may have swamp paraphernalia about him, but he is not a leftist.

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Wow. I couldn't have said it better. Thank you for having eyes wide open because so many are blind.

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With all due respect, Trump had his chance to put people in jail & he failed. How do we know he’d do it this time? And his lack of respect for those dead & injured from the bioweapon, is more than concerning.

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this is why we are urging him, we are working behind the scenes, we need to find out why, note my language, I said it is concerning but can you name someone who can do what needs to be done?

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Agree, best of all known entities, but PERFECT, when he becomes closer to human and renounces the jab. He was totally played by the cabal. Fess up, get it over with. Do it quickly and take a stand against ALL things Wef, WHO, UN, NATO, etc.

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He already came out forcefully against all those 3 letter agencies. He is the only one with the guts to pull out of them. As for the clot shot he has his reasons & they will become apparent in time. As far as picking terrible people, now you know who the Traitors are. And more are being exposed every day.

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Remember when he unveiled his Playing Cards just before Christmas? I had hoped he was going to speak up then , not sell cards

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I know !!! I guess ALL IS in the Timing!!

At this point he is playing Cat and Mouse

With the Globalist.

Quite frankly I want more direct get it done

Asap now. But consider this this is an international sting he they want to bring in all the globalist not just the national ones.

As long as everyone in the press and globalist hate Trump he is the man

Who I pray is going to set this chaos

To order

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Interesting, but I'm so tired of "5D chess". DeSantis may have blindspots but he doesn't play the " What he REALLY meant" game. Denounce the dud, killer vaccines. Explain how you fell for it. Announce the new 100 Billion dollar vax comp fund run with full discretion by independent board of McCullough, Ten Penny, Dr Alexander et al

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Thanks,will watch it later.

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Hey, whatever Trump is, predictable is not part of it.

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Hey Rosalind 🙏

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Every day!( & for discernment and much gratitude)

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I am confused by Trump saying the vax saved millions of lives ?

I am still in his camp!!! But would like him to fully state what his stance is on the vaxxines. It confusing. It may all make sense later. I think trump already would dismiss the WHO

UN WTC he seems now to know who the enemies are.

He never started a war. Secure borders. Energy independence.

Nice to get election integrity.

Stop all globalist deep state

Traitors infested in swamp.

We hope we watch we pray

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He's badly informed, hence his "100 million lives saved" nonsense ... If the vaxx worked and wasn't injuring so many people we wouldn't be here discussing this ...

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Just watched thanks this is a reasonable

Response xplanation.

The real crime well there’s many

1. Mandated vaxxines

Trump never did

2. The whole censors of hydroxychloriquine

When Trump brought this up

Press crucified him

3. Censoring ivermectin

4. Collusion of social media dod nih

Regarding science and debate


5. Lockdowns

6. Small businesses closed

7. Social distancing

Blame warp speed and Trump but get over his ego and maybe he will get over his too


There’s blame get Obama biden the f out

And clean house

But make no mistake mandating vaxxines for pilots medical staff jobs is was the

Absolute cruelest.

You go track down those who mandated

Kids wear mask

You best kiss the ground you walk on bc people died for you to spit fire

And walk free

But you want the globalist who preach

War on carbon you go right ahead

You want no leaders you will get


I know people are dying kids babies

You best charge those that are running the

Show who stole an election

Who give billions to an Ill fated Nazi

Country where biolabs money laundering and human trafficking run amok

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He can’t. He’s part of the WEF and the deep state. It’s obvious by his continued actions to push the narrative and get people to commit suicide by jab.

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That’s ridiculous. https://rumble.com/vid86n-why-is-president-trump-pushing-the-vaccine.html

This was posted by Juan on this thread.

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Don't be stupid. You don't deserve him. Is that your one thing, the vax??

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No, I don’t have handy the list of accomplishments that he achieved while being tortured by the democrats for years. He was the first President to do anything about child & human trafficking. Unemployment was the lowest in minority groups in history. Crime was low. He strengthened the Military although he was against war. He got along with Putin, & Kim Jong Un. No rockets from N. Korea while he was in office. The Abraham Accords. He pulled out of the Paris Accords. He made NATO countries pay more. There is so much more…….

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Thank you. It is so important to keep our perspective, to remember the good, the amazing good accomplished, and all of it against incredible resistance. I mean, compared to the ersatz wife of Clinton... can there be a starker contrast?

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that’s like saying that the only thing ted bundy did was kill some co eds. why judge him for those few bodies

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No, that is, frankly, an ignorant parallel. I don't recall an enormous list of immense accomplishments attached to Bundy's name. The Trump list is very long.

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NO ... He was not "totally played by the Cabal". And he HAS ALREADY taken a stand against those other entities. Did you even read anything about how he dealt with NATO. the UN, the WHO

....Or are you just painfully ignorant, or lazy?

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And the two traits you conclude with always work together.

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Tic tock..

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DeSantis, Noem, Rand Paul, MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Kari Lake, Kennedy Jr, hell Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson for sh*ts and gigs. ANYONE speaking out against the death shots is fine by me. There is a clear battle line now and Trump is on the wrong side.

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But for all of this DoD operation's enormity, it is just part of a larger picture, and Trump still defends a sovereign America against global nation-devouring interests. He apparently does not understand all the subtle interconnections (neither does anyone, probably), but he is a patriot and steeped in our civilization's values.

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He has mob and CIA connections way before he got into office. Look at Resorts International. No one is perfect, but he is not the "outsider patriot" you think he is. He perfectly understands what he is doing and what it happening.

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He is part of the mafia for God’s sake. If you do the research it’s easy to find. Also a 33rd degree Scottish mason. MAGA is the highest degree in the church of satan. All the women who said he raped them. His own crude disgusting nature : Grab ‘‘em by the pussy”. Who could support this vile creature as a savior. The great delusion is in full force. And it includes death and depopulation by his warp speed bioweapon jab.

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I'm not looking to any man as a savior. But your consistent refusal to see all the good Trump did and speak in such a context-devoid vein, shows me a disassociation from reality, and a fanatical bent. And by the way, your having elevated a crude remark (the likes of which few men can say they never uttered) is your own personal issue, one I consider, given the issues hanging over us, irrelevant, when not positively irrational. More irrationality: "All the women who said he raped them". "Said." And that says it all. For you gossip and allegations are sufficient. We are at the edge of the disappearance of Western civilization and the onset of unimaginable horrors, and you stake it all on vulgar language and rumors. This is childish, and useless. You can think all those things, even believe them with your whole heart. That is fine. But if you cannot rise above personal squeamishness, then you have disqualified yourself from cogent policy perception and thought. Two historical precedents you may or may not be aware of: Gen. Patton had a foul mouth second to none. Gen. Grant was a drunk. Without them, perhaps, the United States does not reach our days. Great men often have very dark aspects.

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You keep repeating this 33rd degree Masonic charge without any proof. MAGA is the highest degree in the church of Satan? Where do you come up with this garbage?

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@Dr. Paul Alexander

I so wanted to believe he was the real deal. Many have stated truths about him and his actions despite he proclaimed many things we lived he said. After some time and researching, I began to suspect he is controlled opposition. Trump is a Freemason, I believe 33rd, I’d have to double check on him being a 33 Freemason. Find a browser besides Google and research. If it doesn’t come up even on there, let me know, and I will find info for you. I can be reached at Lgravel8@ suddenlink.net.

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Yes he is a 33rd degree Scottish mason. Everything you need to know is available if you just do the research. Trump is not stupid. Masons are very smart. He didn’t end up being the president by being elected. He was selected by the deep state to fool a lot of people who had no idea what he really is.

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However , I think we’re all looking for the truth and not just believing. All the best to you.

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Well said. My saviour is Christ but people really confuse Trump and Christ and it's...alarming...at this point I can only conclude it's a cult. This "behind the scenes 4D chess" is "Jesus talks in parables." False idol.

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I so understand how this is hard to believe or can’t be believed, I get you. Perhaps you would research, see what you find and think?

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These people don’t do research because they don’t want to know the truth about Trump. They think this psychopath is their god. It’s just like Jim Jones and the cyanide Kool aid, only this time it’s a bioweapon jab. They cannot admit the truth.

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You're giving me non-stop comic relief, so necessary in these days. Thank you.

So let's assert that he's also a member of the Knights Templar, the Illuminati and, what the heck, a secret Jesuit. Could also be a time-traveling member of the Hashishin. What do you think?

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😂 What’s a Hashishin?

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The Hashashin (“Hashashiyyin” and “Hashshāshīn.” are other valid spellings) was a sect of assassins (they're sometimes called the Order of Assassins). They operated in Persia and Syria (between the 11th and 13th century roughly).

The etymology of the word "assassin" is unclear (some say it means "consumers of hashish" and that assassins were killing under its influence) but i personally believe it comes from the Hashashin sect :). They were ruthless, actually Edward I (King of England) was almost killed by an "Hashashin" by poisoning.

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Trump selected by the deep state ? lol

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You won’t be laughing much longer. Trump IS the deep state.

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Have you run out of your medication ?

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I can't help but sense a parallel between those who detected impure blood, be it Jewish in medieval Spain, or black in 19th Century America, or the suspicious hostility among so many religious sects. Like looking for that quarter you dropped down the outhouse hole.

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WE have to do it ourselves. No government official can be trusted. Trump has proven repeatedly that he CANNOT be trusted.

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There is a difference between fawning obeisance to any man and hard-headedly ascertaining who is best, based on all his/her characteristics, for the job. His campaign slogan, "Promises made, promises kept" still rings true. Did he make big mistakes? Yes. But he had great successes as well, and against an opposition no President in our lifetimes ever knew.

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there are plenty of honest people who can do what needs to be done. Stop being an apologist for genocide. It's not so difficult. Just start by telling the truth.

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I appreciate your work in exposing the truth and I want to believe we aren’t too late to change the corruption and the system that has led to do much corruption.

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100% agree it is genocide! Too bad there aren't enough honest people in the US Govt or election circles to let truth win.

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Everyone now is saying DeSantis? I’m heartbroken that Trump keeps supporting these shots too. It’s either too much stubborn pride or he’s secretly part of the cabal too I can’t figure it out. I’ve been one of his biggest supporters too. Constantly defending him when press would twist his words and I would argue with family to correct his record. No he didn’t say that, if you listened to the whole talk this is what he actually said I would inform them. Told the family to listen to Trump not the media talking points. Anyhow, his position on the shots is more than disappointing and I fear this is what will ultimately cost him a 2024 election.

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Trump is a false idol to many, and too many people spend too much time and energy defending him. He can defend himself and he chooses to push the shots. If we judge a tree by its fruits, he is complicit in mass murder. If he was unaware, he would be mentally unfit to serve. If is aware, he is a mass murderer. Yes, this will cost him the election even if there were no cheating.

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He's been informed many times that the shots are killing and injuring millions. Alex Jones asked him to come clean and admit it, yet he didn't want to hear it and he keeps saying that the shots are miraculous. Maybe he thinks that since so many people in the US were jabbed, they'll vote for him in 2024 ... But he knows they're not safe ... head in the sand never works too long.

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Well said and holy moly that is a dark take. I am sure Don Jr, RFK Jr and others have told him what is happening. Ultimately he is a coward. This was demonstrated with how he left the J6 guys out to dry, only thinking of himself. He could have issued a blanket pardon for anyone peaceful who was caught up in it but ran with his tail tucked between his legs. Instead he chose to pardon wealthy donors and rappers who portrayed themselves strangling Trump supporters in their videos. Yes, he was demonised, but he is free and enjoying a luxurious life surrounded by his family in Florida. Unfortunately, the problems of the US will only be solved by someone like Pinochet.

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Perfectly stated. You and me both.

Is he so obtuse on the subject? is hard to believe. Maybe the death of Ms Diamond will be a start. Idk.

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I was heartbroken when I heard about Ms. Diamond. It’s so hard to trust anything now even Trump which I never believed I would say. I’m cynical and skeptical about everything now. I hate it and I’m trying to turn my thoughts around for 2023.

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Even if Trump was everything you believed him to be there is no path to winning without PA, GA, and AZ which are the current centres of the fraud. Prepare yourself for President Newsom.

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That cannot happen. Newsom has destroyed California. Be prepared for some very interesting news out of California that will destroy his chances for ever being president.

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Ronnie D??

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RINO for me. Ron is great for lots of fanfare, eg fighting election fraud, but it continues unabated in many of the largest cities/counties and his administration is doing nothing (Appointing an Election Fraud Investigator who then dies and you don't replace him doesn't count), not cracking down on CRT and grooming (What? It's okay to groom AFTER the 3rd grade?), back peddling his anti-Disney stance (no consequences imposed yet after all the big talk). His background is pretty similar to any member of the Deep State, but he is being portrayed as America First. I am suspicious of such an easy victory in the midterms while America First candidates across the country struggled or lost. It resembles Georgia, where I live, where the most hated governor and SOS in the country won their primary and general elections by unbelievable margins. (And note that Kemp is now in Davos at WEF - not a very conservative thing to do.) With machines, our leaders are selected not elected. Ron is being heavily PROMOTED as a Trump alternative. You should question why and by whom? Don't underestimate the enemies of the people.

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Where is the promised Grand Jury on PHARMA companies?

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The Florida grand jury is happening right now. The death penalty is on the table. Hey, isn't Trump a Florida resident? Wow that's inconvenient...

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What Is a Grand Jury and How Does It Work? - ThoughtCo


I found this on Freespoke, a new search engine that doesn't censor viewpoints and respects privacy. Check it out: Freespoke.com

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Great commentary!

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Right. I can't think of anyone, and I would challenge those here to suggest names AND give evidence.

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Is DeSantis too inexperienced in all things swamp?

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So far he has shown me he doesn't cowtow to anyone. He is new, young blood which is what this country needs. Some swamp will always be there, we need to realize that.

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DeSantis is sure trying! That's who!

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He was spied on, his closest campaign allies were targeted and removed, his every beneficial action was thwarted by corrupt federal employees installed by Obama, and corrupt military leaders lied to him to keep their lucrative wars going. How was he supposed to get anyone arrested? I don't think Trump knew how broken the system was. He does now. and I trust him to fix it. Things can't get any worse than what we are facing now.

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He was attacked, every single day he was President. Unprecedented hate against him. I don’t think he was part of the “ narrative.” Remember the Hillary party that never was? That was confidence beyond comprehension. They never thought he would win. Then, they had to throw a Co-19 virus into 2020 re-election to guarantee a win. People do weird things when they’re afraid. Like not believe the obvious virus corruption.

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Agree completely ... He knew the CITY. STATE, $ COUNTY corruption, because he worked with it. But what he saw in DC, FROM FELLOW REPUBLICANS, took him by surprise. I don't think he could conceive how far they would go to kill our country.

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Trump just partnered with them to destroy our country. He’s the head destroyer.

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You are consumed with Hate, and it has marred your judgment. Not even reading your bizarre rants anymore.

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He's not a damn dictator! He had a horribly corrupt DOJ to deal with, the FBI, corrupt courts. SO ... You tell me. What should he have done??

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not commit genocide

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Speak out when it was known to be killing people for sure like Bolsonaro. FFS!

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He did push hydroxychloroquine repeatedly and ordered that some 29 million doses be distributed to pharmacies for early treatment which would have STOPPED all those unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths. That Obama appointee Dr. Swamp-creature Bright (later BARDA director) scuttled the order and redirected those doses away from the public is just one more example of how deep the evil goes. But in principle, at least, this was a move to stop the fear/death porn and save lives. And while he still supports the existence of this injectable, perhaps out of stubbornness, perhaps for political calculations, perhaps for lack of understanding, he at least, unlike all the other Western leaders, never mandated it. Now one may think that doesn't let him off the hook. And you may be right. But in this age of surging totalitarianism we must distinguish between those who keep freedom alive in their hearts and those who want to see it squashed.

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Political calculation IMHO

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Way too glib, GM.

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How so

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He did so much to try to save this country. But see my comment below for his efforts toward early treatment which could have eliminated 95% of our deaths (per Dr. McCullough). And he listened to Dr. Zelenko as well.

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FIRE some people, goddammit! He did one good thing early on and fired Comey. They use it as a pretext to investigate him and he totally became politically paralyzed. It was just four years of him whining about Bill Barr and Sessions. And then, warp speed and the lockdowns... And the whining about the steal, but doing NOTHING. He failed.

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He was clearly told by McConnell that a replacement pick would never get Senate approval. AND... Mitch kept the Senate in artificial "session" every day for the whole term. So P. Trump couldn't make any recess appointments of his own! Remember Ric Grennel?

If you know what REALLY goes on behind the scenes, became a regular reader of Sundance at www.theconservativetreehouse.com.. You'll get a good education, pronto.

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And you are sure DeSantis will clean up Dodge ? Check his donors before you walk that walk… Grass always greener until you realize it’s AstroTurf

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Here are Trump's donors. Pfizer, Amgen, Dow, Microsoft...enjoy! https://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/286/201704180300150286/201704180300150286.pdf

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Yes. His lack of concern is very telling. And pathetic. Disgusting

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Ivanka Trump Admits In Tweet That The Trump Admin. Already Partnered With Moderna To Produce MRNA Vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed


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I am not protecting him, I have been hard on him and all of this will be investigated soon in the house and I will play a role however they need me to...we want answers and if he did wrong, he will answer and will be held accountable.

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His wrongdoing is aiding and abetting genocide by not speaking out about it.

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The government never does anything that will incriminate itself. They will not do any truthful investigation. They never have.

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The comment below Ivanka sums up perfectly.

Thanks Moderna thanks Pfizer.

Trump didn’t have a lab coat on.

Trump didn’t know he was signing a eugenics agreement.

I think he must come clean though.

He was lied to.

He let loose the death shots.

But he never forced them like Biden

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Agree!!! He did more for the people than any other President. Not perfect, but did alot of good. I think a lot of people lied to him and did things behind his back. Things were in the works before he ever got in.

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Yes! I doubt he had any idea how far and wide the swamp was.

How the CIA murdered Kennedy, start wars, destroy political opponents, on and on.

When Trump talked of the swamp, I reckoned it was mostly Democrats and the Rinos.

Now we know the whole system, top to bottom has to be dismantled and disinfected. It’s filthy and dangerous.

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He knows all of it. He is part of the plan. Part of the swamp. All he did is bring more swamp creatures into the swamp (even people from Goldman Sachs).

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You are starting to sound desperate and ridiculous now.

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You sound absolutely pathetic

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Also I don’t think anyone most people did not know how devastating the mRNA vaxxines were. Easy now hindsight.

He never did mandate shots

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The DoD knew. Pfizer knew. Their papers that they were forced to release by a judge prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that they purposely planned this depopulation agenda. I knew. I’m a pharmacist. It took very little research to see that this was illegal and poisonous from the start. Over 1000 doctors knew. The warnings went out from a lot of health professionals. It was very obvious to anyone who tried to research it.

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And yet money was more important than banding together and shouting the facts and dangers?

Funny how the professionals that claim to care about others health, actually don’t.

Thank god for the few that were willing to stand in integrity.

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Yes. I resigned immediately. I refused to inject anyone with the poison. I was the only employee in my hospital who stood against this. All the others gladly injected everyone they could. I told them it was poison. They didn’t care. Trust the Science they said. While they filled their pockets with the bribes from the government to kill


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How !!!!????


That is a mindset I’ll never fathom.

Although, I read in NY nurses and Dr were being paid insane amounts money.

Brava to you for having a soul and integrity.

I have a feeling their Science will catch up to them.

See if that money was worth having no health or worse…..

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It is a lesson in human nature - how easily the crowd, and that includes MD's, can be led.

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Anyone who wasn't busy being the leader of the free world, who rightly delegated that to federal officials who undeniably deceived him AND the American people. You must be able to see that. If you jabbed people in your job you must feel terrible, but how could you have known? Help those who still don't know.

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Also remember that he was dealing with investigation after investigation & trying to run the country.

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Relentless accusations

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But this is the power of controlling the airwaves. It is why propaganda is so dangerous. If thousands can be silenced, it doesn't matter who knows, who suspects. One is simply labeled an enemy and huge swaths of the population believe it and will treat one accordingly.

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As we witnessed. They are selling poisons.

Then project what they are doing accusing us of poisoning with dis mis information and people go along bc they heard it on TV

Now the vaxxed are dying paying the ultimate price.

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Who mandated the vaxxines?

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Biden. The Vax conveniently wasn’t announced until Trump was out of office. On purpose I believe, so he wouldn’t get credit for it.

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Trump was continually saying.

By choice only.

Remember all the Democrats, Kamala included, I’m not taking a shot Trumps involved with.

Then Biden was installed.

His promise of not forcing immediately disappeared.

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They literally took by choice and now look at pilots military college kids the mandates

Are the vilest … no mandates for congress

White House illegal aliens usps Moderna Pfizer employees

Yeah we will kill you by mandates yetwe are exempt.

The execution of mandating shots is the evil.

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What? A politician says one thing and then does another (and especially that one)? Well, I never!

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Fauci knew. No animals lived in the experiments.

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I knew. I had been following the technology for decades. I tried to warn people and my life was ruined.

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I’m skeptical of Juan.

I’ve listened to him a few times.

Something feels off to me.

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Well Juan didn’t make the video, he just posted it and it’s worth watching. Praying Medic is a well known alternative thinker.

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Ok. Thanks.

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He will explain when the time is right.

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Yes. When people are all dead. So was he in on the Pfizer request for 75 years of secrecy which exposes that this is a purposeful democide? I’ll bet he was.

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When the time is right? People are dying!!

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Right, when there'll be more quarantine camps than Taco Bell restaurants ...

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It's over Leslie. You have been conned.

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We will see.

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Genuine question. What exactly are you waiting for? What piece of evidence will convince you? I knew Trump was a con in 2016 when he said, upon entering office "I have no intention of locking Hillary up." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJLUz0eZE-g&t=1s There is also video of him saying it himself "That plays great before the election...now we don't care." Before you get triggered about the source, I couldn't directly link the Twitter post here. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-clinton-lock-her-up_n_584b5b53e4b04c8e2bb01274

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Do you also remember him saying in his inaugural address that “ This is not just a transfer of power from one administration to another but it’s a transfer of power BACK to YOU, the American people?” Because I distinctly remember that. I will never forget it.

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No. Too smart to take the blame. Instead he signed our country over to FEMA and bribed the governors and his corporate buddies to enforce the mandates.

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I don’t think so. Then why were the red states in different policy procedures regarding the vaxxines vs blue states

Look there nothing wrong with making money

I think Joe Biden hunter look pretty dirty

In Ukraine

Money laundering

Trump bribing red states not to mandate vaxxines


Of course show me the Trump hatred is always bit too much

Bc the press has made up made up every lie

While the team globalist WEF Dems lie

So at this point

I stop believing most things

Back to basic ? Who mandated vaxxines


I look at blue states red states Canada England Australia

Every country followed locked downs

Devastating people

Then mandating vaxxines

Trump idk jury out biden Obama crew

Get ropes

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If you remember they held back the Vax announcement & distribution until President Trump was out of office. So he had no ability to mandate Vax. Remember how angry he was? I think it was like 2 days after Resident took ‘office.’

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Yep I remember I do think Trump was played and he wanted credit and glory

There are all sorts of political back door

Gigs going

I look at the difference of blue red states

Each different

Blue states California NY Michigan

Petty tyrants

Murdering older people

The purist want to blame Trump

But take no measure of what Biden

Dems did in their blue state

Nursing homes


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I am in California and Newsom is a dictator. His policies are horrible. Did you know that the democrat legislature here in California passed a law that doctors are not allowed to speak to their patients against the government narrative about the vaxxes? In other words they are not allowed to give exemptions or tell them with real informed consent that the Vax is not recommended for them. They can lose their licenses. And there is talk about this monster being President!

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That’s ridiculous he always said they should NEVER BE MANDATED.

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He HDMI’s nothing to do with the mandates. That was after he left office.

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No excuses. Trump is not stupid.

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Did you know how deadly these vaxxines were

And who’s to say if trump was in he would of stopped them after results started coming in

I vent my rage to your current Mr Joe Obama on the vaxx

Trumps needs to get over his warp speed bravado

But you have no country in about 3 years without an asshole fixing holes

That is something you may want to consider

You may not like living under China rules


Just saying

War is on

We don’t know whole picture

You only know what you read from a press corps that is 100% behind this Covid scam

It’s still America but it’s being cut up by the


The whole system needs scorched earth

Medicine legal education

I like heat I like houses streets free speech

We need argue good we can

In the future hope this is all settled

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The only one with the cajones to do it is Trump.

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100% agree

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Those mRNA have been in the works quite a while.

They were actually being researched.

So no big.

Gotcha Trump there.

What he has to do is come clean about them.

Admit they were not great and explain how he was misled

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He was not misled. He is not that stupid. He was in on the whole plan. What will it take for this creature to prove to you that he is evil to the core? It is so obvious now. Just like all the people dying from his warp speed death jab.

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You are becoming repetitive and frantic. You are wrong. You need to educate yourself. Please do it soon.

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Seek help.

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mRNA research has been funded by Govts for decades, there is nothing novel in this.

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These injectables were being developed and patented decades before Trump came around. They are not new in any respect. Their being unleashed internationally is new.

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That tweet was in January 2020 before anything was known about this pandemic and we were all scared to death. Ivanka made a statement, not an admission. She was trying to reassure us all that help was forthcoming, The ones who knew differently were the ones who planned this, the deep state politicians (current and former) and bureaucrats. Trump wanted what everyone of us wanted - a cure and a vaccine. He and his administration tried to provide HCQ but they were blocked by Fauci and the CDC. How many thousands of deaths could have been avoided had they not lied about it all. Put the blame where it belongs, and be glad that you were so smart you avoided the shot.

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Trump knew. His worshipers will never admit the truth. Never. They need someone to save them. The only people who can save us are ourselves. No criminal politician gives a damn about the citizens. How can people not see this by now??

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everyone needs to read that. Thanks for posting.

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Oh please, Trump was misled? How come I and others knew right away what this was, but the president didn't? Oh come on, please. Trump is just one of the cast of characters that are part of the theatrical performance we know as politics. This is going to be hard for a lot of people to fathom but they bait us, we are fodder to them. And anyway, it's about time we grew up - we don't need anyone to make life decisions for us, let alone those freaks.

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agreed, and I ask you go back and re-read my statements to understand the balance. Understand my words. I am not giving him a pass. I/we are giving him space to fix this. I feel same. Yet would you not want him to get back there to right the wrongs? Trump is like them, he is best positioned to get back and enact his vengeance, we need that, he has the stones, if any, to fix this...its about fixing, not who I like and dont like, I want the person best able to fix...that all. its about engaging him to step up to the plate. I agree, no amnesty for him. yet again, who is best able at this time to take on DC? Who? I love Ron, I help them anytime asked, I love Joe etc. Yet you would think Ron can deal with Xi better than Trump?

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You love Joe?

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I know you mean well but these are the people who brought this all on. We don't need them at all, not at all anymore. They do more damage than if there was no one. The fixing is not in more politics, we have to change everything, absolutely everything because our entire culture is built on blackmail. Trump is a billionaire. Do you really think he cares about America? A chimpanzee could do less damage. The entire political stage is just that.

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Yes, he cares. Your solution is no solution.

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No I'm not wrong, you've been snookered. Anyone who believed that covid was real, that the "vaccine" was a vaccine or that viruses have been proven, have been totally deceived. Watch this - the Final Refual of Virology: https://rumble.com/vhx3l1-the-final-refutal-of-virology.html?fbclid=IwAR1qO0XAtUSnyLK29RgXb_NlN2lOqyZIJwx97QDjI1p8GpmnvXKISF8fKOA

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This is up for discussion. Many very knowledgeable virologists disagree with this. This information is just coming out & I think it’s an important one. But it doesn’t have anything to do with the subject of President Trump.

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Of course it does - if he doesn't know about this, why is he president? Shouldn't a president know what is going on? Why do you even want someone to make decisions for your life? Someone who you could never speak to and who doesn't give a flying fig about you? The vaccine scam will come out, there will be trials. There are people who are working on this and it's about to blow up because we're sick of this farce and so many people getting sucked in. It is dangerous to believe liars about your health. The quackcine is a bioweapon and people are going to be very regretful for listening to those bozos. But it's everyone's responsibility to know what is going into their body. That's why it's criminal to force someone to put anything into their body, that's penetration and the consequences are coming out.

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"giving him space" while millions are dropping dead? Sounds like there may be a directorship of the CDC in it for you doc if he is allowed to win. Come clean.

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Were you the leader of the free world at the time? All of you turncoats and naysayers act like Trump had nothing better to do than babysit Fauci, Birx and Pence (Oh yeah! Did you forget that traitor Pence was appointed the COVID Czar?) while dealing with the economy, providing PPE and ventilators to needy hospitals, and managing complex world affairs all while dealing with the likes of Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and a herd of RINOs. You also forget that this was a plandemic war-gamed out by the globalists, Deep State and Big Pharma. These vaccines were not created by a Warp Speed program of any sort. They, like the "virus" were researched and developed by the DOD and NIH years ago, waiting to be deployed upon the unsuspecting world population. Trump could NOT have known any of this because he was/is not a swamp rat like most of DC. Yes , Trump was misled, and those who misled him should face the harshest of penalties. But he did not force anyone to get the vaccine; that was all Biden, his woke generals, Fauci and corporations.

(Do you really think any of them took the real vaccine? I don't.) Enough of us knew better than to trust the government, and did our research.

I hope that President Trump will come to understand what was perpetrated on us all and stop taking credit/blame for the vaccine. But like Dr. Alexander says, Trump is the only conservative candidate who can expose and exterminate the rot that exists in our country. We are in a war against good and evil, and Trump is still the good. Imagine if Hillary had won.

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He also knows that most of his followers didn’t take the Vax. He also knows that more than half the country did, either willingly or forced. He is trying not to have a Civil War. Can you just imagine the reaction of all those people when they find out? This has to be done very carefully. He is walking a tightrope.

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Trump will just get fooled again. goodbye

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Look up Trump being a Freemason. If you don’t find it, email me Lgravel8@suddenlink.net and I will find and send to you. It’s late here, so I can’t go looking now, exhausted.

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That’s misinformation.

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How convenient. Make a nasty comment and then be too tired to prove it.

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We need a strong presence in America or you will lose everything

You will be eating bugs

In an electric car that can’t go anywhere

To say all politicians are bad that is just giving the enemy what they want

I get the one party Dems rhinos play

And if we do not change this system

After all the destruction currently going on

There will be no Country or Constitution

You will be canon fodder

I get that Trump needs to come clean on

Vaxxines warp asap.

But you allow an attitude of WEF gates Soros who are at this moment taking this country to pieces and have been since

Before we were born you will not have

A voice nor a home nor a right to live

As we have lived

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Trump is a Freemason, research it.

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No he isn’t.

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Stop with the conspiracy theories! Really. Get your head out of the Freemason research and do something productive for society.

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He has Jewish roots. It's all in the family! This is a great website - I learned a lot about famous people whom I hardly care about but it was interesting to see

that Mel Gibson is also from Jewish lines: http://mileswmathis.com/trump.pdf

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Your sources are suspect and your anti-Semitism is showing. This is not productive to the discussion.

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And it’s irrelevant. Thank you for speaking out.

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Thank YOU for your steadfast support for our president. Like you, I'm sick about what is happening to our country. Our hope is with Trump. May God strengthen him for this battle.

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What does that have to do with anything? And who says this is a legitimate website? Not that I would mind if he had Jewish roots. But Mel Gibson….now there’s an anti-Semite if there ever was one.

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No you're falling for the trickery! Nothing is as it looks. Anything you see on commercial media is staged and scripted. Doctors who know the truth are speaking out but many of them have had to watch for their lives and get no airtime and have been deregistered. Here's Dr Sam Bailey explaining the hoaxie poxie: https://odysee.com/@MaajidNawaz:d/38RadicalFull:f?fbclid=IwAR25WCwiFzzd0TO-o79fJFM71ZV8oELNkFOea9Ux37pYqfF7-b7iuBR8Os0

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There is far too much we don't know to judge Trump on the vax.

What we do know is that Trump IS a constitutionalist not a one world Govt communist. Something you can't say with any certainty about ANY other candidate.

No one has ever run on the back of handing power and liberty to outside forces, but that's what they all did when in office, except Trump.

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In a way I agree. He knows swamp. He plays in their pond and knows intimately how they do it. He is likely in the best position to take them down BUT as a human without all the ego Ron DeSantis would be my pick. Is he strong enough to fix the swamp? I’m afraid one must be dirty to fight dirty. That fact that Trump still won’t back off his pride for quickly producing the death shots is extremely disturbing. He needs to get over himself or he will not see the White House again. He is losing the support of his base. I watched Kash Patel gets booed yesterday in Nashville for defending Trump’s “vaccine” rollout and that was in front of Clay Clark’s freedom loving, fighting audience. This issue could rightfully sink him.

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I'm in the UK, I can't tell you how many consecutive frauds have got to be PM and betrayed the people once they got there, Boris being the last one. DeSantis is a risk in Washington, a very different proposition to what you can do as Governor. I don't think the USA can afford to be wrong, Trump is the best option in my view, and this time he does not have to play defensive.

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To a degree I think Trump was all in for the money created off the shots and that he likely profited. Those profits came off the lives of innocents. That cannot be forgotten. If he would back off his crap that these saved lives which is so insulting, perhaps people would forgive and forget enough to re-elect him. I think more will be dying as a result of these shots due to long term heart damage, autoimmune disease, cancer and the destruction of innate immunity. A smart man would not keep bragging that he rushed the thing that is responsible for this.

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You have no proof that Trump profited in any way from the vaccines. He didn't take a salary or become obscenely wealthy from insider trading like many greedy DC politicians. Why aren't you blaming them for continuing to push the mandates? You're hurt and angry over this. Put it into action and stand up to the Biden administration and corporations. Speak up to others and tell them how dangerous the shots are. If you think there would be a target on YOUR back, think of the consequences for Trump. Arrest? Assassination? (Yes, they've tried many, many times). He is one man and he is willing to go back into the lion's den for us. I cry when I think what he has risked for us and this country. He doesn't deserve this enmity.

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Google, Microsoft, Bank of America and other banking & investment firms also donated huge sums. So……so what?

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You are so right.

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Many millions more would have died if he didn’t open up the country. The WEF plan was to keep it closed for years & completely wreck the country beyond recognition.

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Lets be clear about any reasonable analysis of covid. It was deliberately released on the world precisely to destroy Trumps Presidency. Why? Because the constitution remains the single most important document protecting liberty and individual rights IN THE WORLD.

It's not Trump they are after, it IS the constitution, it would be almost dead now had Trump not won in 2016.

I can say with confidence that as bad as this whole episode is, you have seen nothing yet if the delusional freaks at the WEF get their way. As we speak the Biden Admin is trying to amend the WHO treaty to give legal authority to the WHO for future pandemics AND ALL NATIONAL RESPONSES. Get the next injection, it's a legal obligation, no point protesting Govt. it's not their decision.

Ask yourself who has the balls to stop this, and you can't afford to get it wrong, there will be no third chance.

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Think this is the whole point.

Trump is not perfect

But WEF gets america and that’s what Biden admin is busy doing we won’t be talking on substack

There will be no more rights.

Agreed Trump has the balls

Like it or not he’s a brash capitalist.

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Target 🎯

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Well Julie. Why don't YOU go and negotiate these thing with the cutthroat pharma people. I'm sure you'll be far superior.

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We need DeSantis in Florida a little longer.

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He is in training for big stage

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He will reveal all. You trusted him with everything else ... Trust him on this. He gave his life, his family, his hard-earned wealth. Put himself in great danger, to save the country

He has provened himself in so many ways, so gonna trust him on this.

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Yeah, not seen Preying Medic talk about this, thanks. My view was that we are only now starting to see what we, and Trump, are up against. Judgement should be reserved.

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He was fooled maybe at the beginning. He is currently wholeheartedly endorsing genocide which is undeniable. You should come to your senses rather quick.

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One great thing about Trump, is that he owns the downside, admits his mistakes, and moves on. He did through all 4 of his bankruptcies.

In fact, the reason that billionare Wilbur Ross agreed to be Sec. Of Commerce was because he was a counterparty to Trump in one BK, and Trump earned his trust by doing everything with honor.

I read the court papers on each BK. and so I know the details... HE OWNS/TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS ERRORS. So I am troubled by his apparent obtuseness in the vax matter... This is, even with his huge ego, OUT OF CHARACTER FOR HIM. He is a bombastic, but compassionate, fair, humble man who loves what is right, and loves the American people...

So ... SOMETHING ELSE IS GOING ON. I trusted him on trade deals, the economy, the border, the vets, and many other things.

So ... For a while longer, I WILL TRUST HIM WITH THIS. Something else is going on. In the meantime, I am praying for God to speak clearly to him. Give him exactly the right plan, the right time, the right way

Please pray diligently for him. He carries the weight of the world on those shoulders. And HE DOES IT FOR US.

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Trump’s Problematic Continued Endorsement of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and the Compartmentalization of Culpability for a “Pandemic” of Enterprise Fraud



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He writes a great blog..

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You mean Political Moonshine?

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I'm out of here. Your Fetish For Trump is pathetic.

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I'm staying to watch the show. Watch with me!

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Every time he opens his mouth in support of the carnage that was caused, he erodes more and more of his credibility. And still the Trumpettes scream, “but but but, he said no mandates”. Yeah, great. He needs to say, “I was misled. I messed up “. It will never happen because of ego, bad advice and money received for his campaign by big pharma. Move on.

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Not buying it. As David Martin said, all he' needed to do was arrest Fauci and Birx on live TV and it would have been over.

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Ok. Don’t buy it. If he would have done that all hell would broken loose & he would have been impeached for being a dictator. I like Dr. David Martin but he’s wrong on this one.

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He’s a Freemason, research it

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Here’s a question do you want someone like kamala Harris

Or a globalist in charge

Trump may be the only non globalist president we’ve had since Reagan

Trump haters hate all you want

But who’s going to stand up for you

You want the trend now to continue

A man must be held to what he does

Not what you say he is

You offer a better candidate that’s pure

Innocent and I’ll consider

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Prove it. You just keep repeating it.

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Here are his millions in campaign contributions from Pfizer, Amgen, Dow Chemical and others. Have fun! https://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/286/201704180300150286/201704180300150286.pdf

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Good grief, blah, blah, blah. Where in the hell is your proof?

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It is true that he has failed in 'reading' people. Comey, Azar, Wray, Birx, Fauci, et al. The greater aspect for me is his almost congenital refusal to admit mistakes. That is huge. That especially applies to Warp Speed. Yet, and I say yet. Part of our struggle is that of blocks against individuals, whether it is individual people or individual countries. And Trump will never be part of a group that he sees is hostile to America. Granted, his vision of hostile is impaired. But when it comes to courage, the rarest and most essential of qualities, he's still there. What is most difficult to understand is how miserable our choices are and how strong the enemy is ... and how hydra-headed the enemy is.

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Respectfully, Dr. I suggest you read the attached.

I also respect you very much.

Pray for the Global Military Operation. Pray for President Trump.

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thanks, as long as we can respect we each have an opinion and we are all here working to fix things...so lets not hate or disparage.

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Absolutely Dr. I don’t hate or disparage anyone.

Take care.

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Good luck with that Dr. Alex is time to stop making excuses. He said he was the father of the vaccine so DADDY vaxx is responsible. #NO Amnesty

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What is Trump to do with the reality that silk just forced down his throat at the funeral of Diamond? RIP Diamond!

What will he say about safe and effective now that the sudden and unexpected was explained right in front of him on the national stage!

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From what I saw at the funeral, Trump rambled about pocahontas. Absolutely shameful display of narcissism.

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Trump was a great President. For a man who had never been in politics, and was hounded everyday by MSM and the political and security establishments, his accomplishments were extraordinary. He is not a scientist. He has become a seasoned politician and knows A LOT. His adversaries have tried to weaken him by signing the praises of Gov. DeSantis who is young and able and will get his chance. The present belongs to Trump, and he will not be around for ever.

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He's had a window to pivot on the death poison shots that billions were strongarmed into on his watch. He's had time to meet with Kirsch, McCullough, Bahkti, P. Kory, Edward Dowd etc.

Windows closing and millions know it.

Listening to experts is forgivable. Willful blindness will NOT be, and this is from a huge fan.

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