Trudeau is a soulless puppet. There is not an ounce of authenticity in his being.....a habitual liar of the highest order. Could care less for the people he claims to represent. He's concerned with one thing: The WEF Agenda. Needs to be locked up in the same room with a horny bull moose.

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Canadians have voted for an empty suit; except for Monsieur Singh, Trudeau would not be there. Canadian friends say migrants and refugees have voted for him not the critically thinking folk.

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That goes for all vaccines.!! When Big Pharma went to the Reagan Administration and said that they needed full immunity or they would have to stop making vaccines. Ronald Reagan asked, “why can’t you make vaccines safe and effective?” Impossible to do therefore the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCIVA) of 1986 was created.

Zero liability allows for corners to be cut and profit becomes the driving force. Screw humanity only profit matters. I do not know how these satanic creatures look themselves in the mirror?

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No reflection.

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Exactly! And why can’t they disclose all ingredients in the shots before administering them? All other medicinal & pharmaceutical products include a list of ingredients. Maybe they have something to hide?

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same with the US government.

if they truly believe it's safe, nevermind effective, liability protection should be a non-issue.

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Why didn’t people stop and ask about ingredients before rushing to get the first shot, second shot, first booster, second booster…?

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When the worm finally turns, you can tell one end from the other by placing the worm on a plate of flour and wait for it to fart, all their laws and regulations won't amount to a pinch of coon shit...that its for bathroom humor from me for awhile.

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It makes them more safe if you are ineffective

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They always protect themselves and each other!

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Dr Alexander, Trudeau is implementing the globalist agenda of the WHO/WEF which is the Great Reset, no secret. He and Freeland bribed with promise of a seat at the elitist table along with Mr Schwab, Prince Charles, the bankers, et al. as they dine on fine foods whilst the rest of us eat powdered cricket protein developed by companies given huge grants by the Canadian govt.

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