these are news stories today; 'Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter Ella Emhoff is promoting an $8M Gaza fundraising campaign'; what do we make of this? Gal Gadot plans Hollywood screening of HAMAS killings
Not my people, not my fight. Pity for the innocents on both sides who will die in this, but why, exactly, is world focus on this and not the genocide of the Armenians that occurred a month earlier?
I agree that the US should stay out, and not give one more penny to Israel for defense. Though, I suspect that won't happen. But, if it were to happen, then I suspect that Israel would be attacked and defeated by Hezbollah and Iran, which I don't necessarily think would be a bad thing having Israel revert back to being called Palestine and have the Jewish Supremist Zionist regime replaced with either a secular government or Islamic goverment. If Israel were to become an Islamic state, I suspect that the Jews would have a better quality of life living there than the Palestinians currently living under Israeli occupation.
Satire, right? Dear gawd in heaven, to even suggest that Jews would have batter quality of life under an Islamic regime. Please name one Islamic country that even welcomes Jews, let along providing a better quality of life.
True, but it seems that they are usually lying when they are warmongering, which is not necessarily the case when they are not. Here's an Israeli news outlet, which is obviously biased, but the worst thing they can point to is that Iran reportedly forced Jews to take part in the anti-Israel parade.
Israel has not controlled Gaza since 2007. At first it was under the Palestinian Authority, then Hamas ruled it til now. Facts! Please stop twisting them.
Have you actually been to Gaza?
How about blaming the P.A. and Hamas for the living conditions of the Gazans?
Somehow I dont think you and your family would fare too well under Islamist Jihad. Nor would ANY Jews or anyone who doesn't immediately acquiesce to Muslim domination.
They would classify you as an Infidel and murder you. You need to inform yourself concerning this before you just repeat what you've heard.
Its a very complicated situation on multiple levels.
What would be the consequences for Jews speaking out against the Islamist Regime in Iran? I repeat, what would be the repercussions for refusing to participate in an anti Israel demonstration??
definitely not you.I didnt mean to give you that impression, Kathleen! The situation in the Middle East is very complex, from the macrocosm of what God is working in Judgement there to wake people up to His sovereignty, and how HE is the answer to peace in the area; down through the evil and chaos that is worked by people trying to go their own way and that it will somehow lead them out of the mess they have made worse.....It is spiritual warfare
I'm not saying that Iran has a perfect system, or that they treat Jews living in Iran perfectly. I'm saying that Jews in Iran have a better quality of life than Muslims living in the West Bank and Gaza. So, it would be an improvement over the current state of affairs.
I agree. Globalists manipulating the situation. They have installed their water carriers as heads of state in just about every major playing country, to do their bidding and achieve their goals for 2030 and 2050. Thats what this is all about.
They think they will be able to control the brownshirt Jihadis to do their dirty work, but will they?
Globalist puppets will betray and destroy their own citizens. Very evil. Genocide on all sides to reduce the global population. Globalist leaders encourage hatred, bloodshed and mayhem of the opposition..
Reduce everything to rubble, scrape it up to BUILD BACK BETTER and create 15 minute cities Remember Lahaina in Hawaii.
We look no different than Nazi Germany right now with the massive DC protests, many chanting death to Israel and Jewish people!
Again, why is there a MASSIVE group of our terrorist enemies protesting at the White House in and around DC that began October 7 instantly after the Israel attack?
Why is it obvious we are going to have war on America’s soil…to only those who are NOT heavily indoctrinated?
Why wasn’t FREEDOM everyone’s top priority along with defending it since we have been attacked on a 1000 fronts everyday since the OBIDEN Regime took over?
Looks all contrived doesn’t it? Open borders = no country. They are chanting against current administration, the one’s who brought them here. Hmmm.....🤔
In answer to Dr. A's question "What do we make of this?"-- Here is a general statement not directed at anyone personally:
I don't comprehend how a thinking person can remain "neutral" and claim to "love everyone" in the current Middle East war. This is not complicated. Do we want our own nation (whichever the reader's may be) to refrain from overwhelming retaliation (with the help of our allies) in the event of a future terrorist attack because the on-cue chaos agent "protesters" of the world don't "approve"?
Of course there are bad actors on both sides of the conflict initiated by a Hamas terrorist attack. But a nation has the right to retaliate and protect itself from future terrorist attacks. And, if nothing else inspires your support, choose the lesser of two evils. Supporting Hamas/Gaza/Fundamentalist Islam is suicide.
Very strange that over the 75+ year history of Israel, the Israeli's have managed to always be the innocent party while they just 'happen' to end up with almost all the land and killing more people who are in their way than any of the losses they ever suffer. Strange that.
Educate yourself in an unbiased way concerning Israel's history of the Wars it has been involved in and it will become clear to you..
In the 6 day war in 1967 Israeli was totally surrounded by the Arab nations ready to attack and the UN had pulled out their peacekeeping forces. The arabs attacked on many fronts simultaneously and Israel pushed outwards from their pre 1967 borders so that the fighting was done mostly on arab territory. Israel did not initiate the fighting, but it was certainly not going to lie down and not defend itself. The Arab countries' goal was to utterly Annihilate and genocide Israel's people. So in self defense Israel pushed into Sinai, Gaza, the Golan Heights and the West Bank, etc., and all that came with that like the Old City of Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem. It was necessary to do in order to survive. No other choice. The Arabs started it but Israel, ridiculously outnumbered by the Arab nations massed against it in manpower and all types of war equipment, finished it, with the help of God, the Creator and Sustainer. It was literally a miracle from God, because there can be no other explanation.
Israel dropped 6000+ bombs weekly on Gaza.. more than USA did over any YEAR in Afghanistan.. bombing babies and children literally fenced in... caged in an open air concentration camp... this is genocide in broad daylight, there is no defense in this slaughter & ethnic cleansing!
Richard Medhurst is fluent in Arabic & brilliant journalist!
You are just regurgitating what you've heard that suits your particular confirmation bias. Where did you get your figures from?? But you're fine with the Hamas terrorist attack of Israel along the border with Gaza?
Gaza an "open air concentration camp" but why have you been silent all this time if its been that horrific, Pamela? Israel hasnt been in charge of Gaza since the mid 2000's. Where have you been since that timeDirect your complaints to the Palestinian Authority and then Hamas, they have been the ones in Charge.
Bombing figures come from IDF via Wall Street Journal.. presumably you trust Israel Defense Minister to share truthful information with America's legacy media.
" Israel hasnt been in charge of Gaza since the mid 2000's. Where have you been since that timeDirect your complaints to the Palestinian Authority and then Hamas, they have been the ones in Charge."
Palestinians are refugees living behind fences guarded by Israeli forces. Israel limits everything from water and food to fuel & medical supplies that enters Gaza which has been starved and suffering for generations.. That some form of governing body exists within the occupied territory does not absolve Israel of armed occupation and does not empower Palestinians to have basic human rights.
Hamas was supported by US and Israel in hopes of fueling internal conflict with PLO.. get some history that isn't newly minted propaganda from war mongering Colonial powers.
Read Times of Israel for an objective assessment.. get a flippin clue!!
Oct 8, 2023 — The premier's policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood.. Netanyahu faces reckoning over Hamas disaster.
You've never been over there. Gaza was like a modern city! Probably in better shape than some towns here in the states: With shops , office buildings, paved streets, restaurants, schools, sidewalks, parks, apartments, hospitals, You are just repeating lies that you have been told.
Israel has not had an ARMED OCCUPATION in Gaza since 2007. You know how I know? Because if it was truly inhabited by Israeli
occupation troops since then, it is highly unlikely that Gaza could have constructed that labyrinth of 300 miles of tunnels underneath the city or gather all that equipment and transport plus rehearsals necessary to carry out the October 7th invasion without BEING OBSERVED........riddle me that
That's not to say that there is not a lot that is extremely sketchy about how the Netanyahu Government comported itself throughout its reign, but that is a lengthy discussion for another time.
Surprising that you would link to an ISRAELI NEWSPAPER and then ELSEWHERE QUOTE the ADF since you apparently dont trust their information since you consider them the "enemy?"
You obviously don't know the difference between individuals and their government. By your reasoning every dip stick politician speaks for all its citizens. Your definitions for good and evil fall on ethnic lines. The newspaper source is NOT an individual but a Nationality as if all American news speaks for all.. absurd and insipid position especially when countries are rules by war mongering psychopaths. The most distorted vi8ew is this..
"That's not to say that there is not a lot that is extremely sketchy about how the Netanyahu Government comported itself throughout its reign, but that is a lengthy discussion for another time."
Genocide against unarmed civilians described a sketchy comportment is almost good enough spin for a job at the State Department. Evil is a personality not a nationality, ethnicity, gender or other human trait and the worst of all are in the top tiers of power. Lose your racist prejudice and open your eyes to the killers dropping the bombs & making fortunes on weapons of mass destruction. It's always wrong to stand w the executioners & oppressors!!
And armed by and funded quite nicely by the USA to the tune of $8M/day. And just handed another $14.3B by the USA. And able to have a blockade on Gaza for years. I suppose none of that helps at all does it?
They are not more intelligent, they are simply more ruthless and better funded.
I'm not sure how a "less capable and less intelligent" Hezbollah handed them their asses in 2007. All Israel could do there was to bomb innocent civilians too. Well, it's their signature move after all. They don't seem to have much else. They are evil, full stop. And chronic believers in their own B.S.
“They” are stoking terror & pushing people to pick a side. It’s more propaganda by mass media to divide & conquer. If we fight each other willingly, “They” can sit back & enjoy the show. It’s all fun & games to the ones making the decisions at the top. “They’re” psychopaths. All of em. The people have to see through this & unite. Innocent people on both sides are paying the price for their war games. To them, it’s just about power & money. Nothing more, nothing less. “They think it’s funny.” It’s their entertainment. At our expense. Children are the most innocent, & “they” are there to swoop up on them during times of chaos. How many will “they” steal? While the chaos swirls round. It’s truly insane!
This Soros/CIA NGO fake agitation will pass, Paul. The only reason the Bilderberg Cartel Infantiles are spending funds is because of our Trump, America First.
This is not an "organic" protest. These people have been organized by some group of insurgents. It is not about "Palestine". It is about a marxist takeover of our government.
Camel Toe Harris is not a legitimate VP, just as Biden is not.
Any person or group that proclaims "death to Israel" is an enemy of freedom and peace. Jihadist muslims must be seen as enemies of America. The deep state uses them to tear down the peace we had with the Abraham accords. The global cabal wants WAR, not peace.
Source for that figure, please? Hamas? How does one calculate numbers when they are *buried* under rubble, sight and sound unseen? That is classic Arabic, Hamas theatrics, to amplify, exaggerate and outright lie to elicit sympathy. Moreover, it is Hamas---and the palestinian people who elected Hamas and continue overwhelming support for it---who allow Hamas to embed itself among civilians, where they become casualties of what they voted for.
UN? Really? The UN is a hideous, sprawling hydra like entity that promotes all kind of totally ANTI HUMAN AGENDAS on multiple fronts. They are strictly globalist in orientation and everything they do is for the furtherance of their murderous goals. Please do yourself a favor and investigate what they are about before you go quoting them and linking to them as some sort of valid authority.
You have to be a special kind of dumb to not see the bodies piling up. I have seen hundreds of children dead, hunks of meat tangled with clothes and dirt being put into bags to try to have something to bury. And these are just the ones they can get out from the rubble or weren't blown into oblivion.
Why where they where? In their homes? In the hospitals? In the open?
And spare any "Hamas use civilians as human shields". I have still yet to see a SINGLE dead militant amongst these casualties. After 20+ years watching this I have come to the conclusion this is yet another lie by Israel to cover up and excuse their deliberate targeting of civilians.
Oh you are over there? How are you getting your information? First hand over The past 20 years? You have been actively counting the dead militants ( none) and 6000 children per week climbing around in the rubble. You have been just all over the place in what you call a war zone for all that time? Years and years........
If you aren't watching Richard Medhurst's reporting check it out he's the perfect blend of informed with all the history and politics, outraged and compassionate.. flippin adore him & this Gaza update packs punch!
Dr Paul, can you recall there ever being Jewish protests calling for the extermination of "the Palestinians" or even the Nazis?
I can't think of one instance in all of history where Jews protested across the globe calling for the extermination of anyone including those who are calling for their extermination.
I think that's all you need to know about whats going on and who we should stand with.
Stop letting corp warmongers tell you who your enemy is when the biggest threat humanity faces is fascist war machine running at high speed on our tax dollars.
Never stand on the side of the oppressor.. they are dropping bombs & popping champagne corks w more poor brown people to kill.. Death for profit is all our government knows.. take that to the bank!
Zionism is NOT Judaism.. Zionism is a NeoCon political faction that weaponizes the Holocaust to prevent accountability. Judiasm is a religion and Jews are people whose maternal lineage is from the original tribes of Israel.
Zionist genocide began when Britain wouldn't take Jews who survived Hitler so in fine Colonial tradition a young Queen Elizabeth oversaw slaughtered & displaced the indigenous Palestinians to send the unwanted Jewish refugees somewhere else.
Palestine was somewhere chosen in London to solve the Jewish problem.. an ancient land in the heart of civilization where people of every religion peacefully together in the Holy Land for so many.
Israel was formed by a foreign mandate like every chapter of Imperialism stealing land & resources.. listen to Richard Medhurst explain the gas fields & Israel canal plans to help put the full resource looting in context..
it's backfiring big time.. the world is watching genocide & no amount of WW1 Babies on Bayonettes or Saddam Babies tossed from incubator PR will work
Great historical overview fab link thanks.. my favorite for current coverage w brilliant context is Richard Medhurst. He's been on my favorites list from his reporting of Julian Assange from the Embassy kidnapping in April 2019. He's fluent in five languages, UK citizen world traveler w Syrian Christian parents under UN Diplomatic charter.. live accurate translations are priceless & he always brings in maps to show where in the world who did what! <3
PAMELA. It's very clear You don't know the first thing about the History of the modern Middle East. First of all, the conflict prior to the founding of Israel had nothing whatsoever to do with Queen Elizabeth, young or otherwise. Israel gained its INDEPENDENCE in 1948 and ELIZABETH didn't even become queen until 1952. She wasnt even involved!!
Please show some respect for historical facts and quit making up stuff.
Wrong British Royal all the rest is correct & spare me inane respect for history barbs.
The Balfour Declaration, for all its vagaries, constituted the first step toward the objective of political Zionism as outlined by the First Zionist Congress at its meeting in Basle, Switzerland in 1897: “Zionism seeks to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine secured under public law.”
During the period of the Mandate, the Zionist Organization worked to secure the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close.
Also, PAMELA, in addition to your flat out wrong information, Your writing is unintelligible for the most part: it doesn't clearly communicate what you are trying to say
Further unbiased research before posting a comment would be certainly helpful if you want to get at the truth behind any event or series of events...
It was clear and easy to understand. You're upset because you don't agree. What was wrong about what she said? If you have a point about anything that she said that was wrong, then present it. Otherwise the straw man you present is burning.
I totally agree that that her later post WAS clear and easy to understand and also contained some historical facts. Juxtapose this latter one against the first ones she wrote: This later post was NOT the comment I was referring to. It was VERY DIFFERENT from her previous posts which, if you read them, ARE unintelligible and DO contain significant errors.
(Actually, the first posts and the later one dont even appear to be written by the same person...they are so different in fact that the last one seems to be a cut and paste job taken from some actually LITERATE and RATIONAL source: One NOT written by Pamela "BITE ME, WENCH" Drew.....revealed to be not only a possible plagiarizer but also not a particularly classy individual either, lol)
My comment pointing out the sloppiness in her earlier comments was originally placed directly beneath them. But it got moved so it appeared that I was finding fault with the cut and paste job.....which I never did.
See, I have no control how and where my comments wind up being ultimately placed and it can lead to confusion if it is placed in the wrong spot.
I hope you understand now, Simon? I just wanted to clear this up so that we are all on the same page!!
It's entirely possible that Pam WAS the author of ALL the comments, and perhaps the last one was NOT AT ALL the cut and paste job that it appeared to be: but rather that she had SOBERED UP by the time she got around to writing the last one, revealing her true stellar scholarship which is only enhanced by her tremendous writing ability......if that's really the case then please forgive my misunderstanding!!
Please watch '1948: Creation to catastrophe' (YouTube) to get a better idea of how the state of Israel was created. Then see if you still think it should continue to exist in its current form.
It appears the liberals are actually Nazis!
Not my people, not my fight. Pity for the innocents on both sides who will die in this, but why, exactly, is world focus on this and not the genocide of the Armenians that occurred a month earlier?
US stay out!
I agree that the US should stay out, and not give one more penny to Israel for defense. Though, I suspect that won't happen. But, if it were to happen, then I suspect that Israel would be attacked and defeated by Hezbollah and Iran, which I don't necessarily think would be a bad thing having Israel revert back to being called Palestine and have the Jewish Supremist Zionist regime replaced with either a secular government or Islamic goverment. If Israel were to become an Islamic state, I suspect that the Jews would have a better quality of life living there than the Palestinians currently living under Israeli occupation.
100% true.
Satire, right? Dear gawd in heaven, to even suggest that Jews would have batter quality of life under an Islamic regime. Please name one Islamic country that even welcomes Jews, let along providing a better quality of life.
Believe it or not, Jews living in Iran have a way better quality of life than Muslims living in Gaza.
PBS is not a reliable source.
True, but it seems that they are usually lying when they are warmongering, which is not necessarily the case when they are not. Here's an Israeli news outlet, which is obviously biased, but the worst thing they can point to is that Iran reportedly forced Jews to take part in the anti-Israel parade.
Ask yourself what the consequences would have been for them not participating!
Israel has not controlled Gaza since 2007. At first it was under the Palestinian Authority, then Hamas ruled it til now. Facts! Please stop twisting them.
Have you actually been to Gaza?
How about blaming the P.A. and Hamas for the living conditions of the Gazans?
Somehow I dont think you and your family would fare too well under Islamist Jihad. Nor would ANY Jews or anyone who doesn't immediately acquiesce to Muslim domination.
They would classify you as an Infidel and murder you. You need to inform yourself concerning this before you just repeat what you've heard.
Its a very complicated situation on multiple levels.
I don't know if there's many people on the planet having a worse quality of life than Muslims (and Christians) than do Gazans.
Iran? They have a guaranteed position in Parliament. Read beyond the propaganda and learn the truth.
You must be joking. Or high.
Again, have you been to the West Bank and GAZA?
Do you know.......
What would be the consequences for Jews speaking out against the Islamist Regime in Iran? I repeat, what would be the repercussions for refusing to participate in an anti Israel demonstration??
Please inform yourself.
Hi, Catherine!
Maybe you meant this reply (above) for flippant Mr. Fons rather than for me? : )
In any case, I'm in agreement with you.
definitely not you.I didnt mean to give you that impression, Kathleen! The situation in the Middle East is very complex, from the macrocosm of what God is working in Judgement there to wake people up to His sovereignty, and how HE is the answer to peace in the area; down through the evil and chaos that is worked by people trying to go their own way and that it will somehow lead them out of the mess they have made worse.....It is spiritual warfare
I'm not saying that Iran has a perfect system, or that they treat Jews living in Iran perfectly. I'm saying that Jews in Iran have a better quality of life than Muslims living in the West Bank and Gaza. So, it would be an improvement over the current state of affairs.
It appears as though our world is filled with demons. God bless Israel! God please come to our rescue 🙏❤️
God please come to the rescue of the Palestinians.
This is all a contrived situation. The global cabal is playing both sides against the world.
Yahweh does not condone the shedding of innocent blood.
I agree. Globalists manipulating the situation. They have installed their water carriers as heads of state in just about every major playing country, to do their bidding and achieve their goals for 2030 and 2050. Thats what this is all about.
They think they will be able to control the brownshirt Jihadis to do their dirty work, but will they?
Globalist puppets will betray and destroy their own citizens. Very evil. Genocide on all sides to reduce the global population. Globalist leaders encourage hatred, bloodshed and mayhem of the opposition..
Reduce everything to rubble, scrape it up to BUILD BACK BETTER and create 15 minute cities Remember Lahaina in Hawaii.
Paul and all,
We look no different than Nazi Germany right now with the massive DC protests, many chanting death to Israel and Jewish people!
Again, why is there a MASSIVE group of our terrorist enemies protesting at the White House in and around DC that began October 7 instantly after the Israel attack?
Why is it obvious we are going to have war on America’s soil…to only those who are NOT heavily indoctrinated?
Why wasn’t FREEDOM everyone’s top priority along with defending it since we have been attacked on a 1000 fronts everyday since the OBIDEN Regime took over?
Looks all contrived doesn’t it? Open borders = no country. They are chanting against current administration, the one’s who brought them here. Hmmm.....🤔
Thank you for your comment!
All the mess we are in is because We the People allowed a person who was NOT a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN to take office as ‘president’ in 2008!
This can NEVER happen again!
Follow wrier, Lex Greene @newswitviews! Click on his name for past pieces teaching citizens critical information the schools used to teach!
In answer to Dr. A's question "What do we make of this?"-- Here is a general statement not directed at anyone personally:
I don't comprehend how a thinking person can remain "neutral" and claim to "love everyone" in the current Middle East war. This is not complicated. Do we want our own nation (whichever the reader's may be) to refrain from overwhelming retaliation (with the help of our allies) in the event of a future terrorist attack because the on-cue chaos agent "protesters" of the world don't "approve"?
Of course there are bad actors on both sides of the conflict initiated by a Hamas terrorist attack. But a nation has the right to retaliate and protect itself from future terrorist attacks. And, if nothing else inspires your support, choose the lesser of two evils. Supporting Hamas/Gaza/Fundamentalist Islam is suicide.
I just posted a comment.
Very strange that over the 75+ year history of Israel, the Israeli's have managed to always be the innocent party while they just 'happen' to end up with almost all the land and killing more people who are in their way than any of the losses they ever suffer. Strange that.
Educate yourself in an unbiased way concerning Israel's history of the Wars it has been involved in and it will become clear to you..
In the 6 day war in 1967 Israeli was totally surrounded by the Arab nations ready to attack and the UN had pulled out their peacekeeping forces. The arabs attacked on many fronts simultaneously and Israel pushed outwards from their pre 1967 borders so that the fighting was done mostly on arab territory. Israel did not initiate the fighting, but it was certainly not going to lie down and not defend itself. The Arab countries' goal was to utterly Annihilate and genocide Israel's people. So in self defense Israel pushed into Sinai, Gaza, the Golan Heights and the West Bank, etc., and all that came with that like the Old City of Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem. It was necessary to do in order to survive. No other choice. The Arabs started it but Israel, ridiculously outnumbered by the Arab nations massed against it in manpower and all types of war equipment, finished it, with the help of God, the Creator and Sustainer. It was literally a miracle from God, because there can be no other explanation.
Israel dropped 6000+ bombs weekly on Gaza.. more than USA did over any YEAR in Afghanistan.. bombing babies and children literally fenced in... caged in an open air concentration camp... this is genocide in broad daylight, there is no defense in this slaughter & ethnic cleansing!
Richard Medhurst is fluent in Arabic & brilliant journalist!
You are just regurgitating what you've heard that suits your particular confirmation bias. Where did you get your figures from?? But you're fine with the Hamas terrorist attack of Israel along the border with Gaza?
Gaza an "open air concentration camp" but why have you been silent all this time if its been that horrific, Pamela? Israel hasnt been in charge of Gaza since the mid 2000's. Where have you been since that timeDirect your complaints to the Palestinian Authority and then Hamas, they have been the ones in Charge.
"Where did you get your figures from??"
Bombing figures come from IDF via Wall Street Journal.. presumably you trust Israel Defense Minister to share truthful information with America's legacy media.
Body count from The United Nations
" Israel hasnt been in charge of Gaza since the mid 2000's. Where have you been since that timeDirect your complaints to the Palestinian Authority and then Hamas, they have been the ones in Charge."
Palestinians are refugees living behind fences guarded by Israeli forces. Israel limits everything from water and food to fuel & medical supplies that enters Gaza which has been starved and suffering for generations.. That some form of governing body exists within the occupied territory does not absolve Israel of armed occupation and does not empower Palestinians to have basic human rights.
Hamas was supported by US and Israel in hopes of fueling internal conflict with PLO.. get some history that isn't newly minted propaganda from war mongering Colonial powers.
Read Times of Israel for an objective assessment.. get a flippin clue!!
Oct 8, 2023 — The premier's policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood.. Netanyahu faces reckoning over Hamas disaster.
You've never been over there. Gaza was like a modern city! Probably in better shape than some towns here in the states: With shops , office buildings, paved streets, restaurants, schools, sidewalks, parks, apartments, hospitals, You are just repeating lies that you have been told.
Israel has not had an ARMED OCCUPATION in Gaza since 2007. You know how I know? Because if it was truly inhabited by Israeli
occupation troops since then, it is highly unlikely that Gaza could have constructed that labyrinth of 300 miles of tunnels underneath the city or gather all that equipment and transport plus rehearsals necessary to carry out the October 7th invasion without BEING OBSERVED........riddle me that
That's not to say that there is not a lot that is extremely sketchy about how the Netanyahu Government comported itself throughout its reign, but that is a lengthy discussion for another time.
Surprising that you would link to an ISRAELI NEWSPAPER and then ELSEWHERE QUOTE the ADF since you apparently dont trust their information since you consider them the "enemy?"
You obviously don't know the difference between individuals and their government. By your reasoning every dip stick politician speaks for all its citizens. Your definitions for good and evil fall on ethnic lines. The newspaper source is NOT an individual but a Nationality as if all American news speaks for all.. absurd and insipid position especially when countries are rules by war mongering psychopaths. The most distorted vi8ew is this..
"That's not to say that there is not a lot that is extremely sketchy about how the Netanyahu Government comported itself throughout its reign, but that is a lengthy discussion for another time."
Genocide against unarmed civilians described a sketchy comportment is almost good enough spin for a job at the State Department. Evil is a personality not a nationality, ethnicity, gender or other human trait and the worst of all are in the top tiers of power. Lose your racist prejudice and open your eyes to the killers dropping the bombs & making fortunes on weapons of mass destruction. It's always wrong to stand w the executioners & oppressors!!
Not strange at all that Israel prevails. They are more intelligent and more capable.
And armed by and funded quite nicely by the USA to the tune of $8M/day. And just handed another $14.3B by the USA. And able to have a blockade on Gaza for years. I suppose none of that helps at all does it?
They are not more intelligent, they are simply more ruthless and better funded.
I'm not sure how a "less capable and less intelligent" Hezbollah handed them their asses in 2007. All Israel could do there was to bomb innocent civilians too. Well, it's their signature move after all. They don't seem to have much else. They are evil, full stop. And chronic believers in their own B.S.
“They” are stoking terror & pushing people to pick a side. It’s more propaganda by mass media to divide & conquer. If we fight each other willingly, “They” can sit back & enjoy the show. It’s all fun & games to the ones making the decisions at the top. “They’re” psychopaths. All of em. The people have to see through this & unite. Innocent people on both sides are paying the price for their war games. To them, it’s just about power & money. Nothing more, nothing less. “They think it’s funny.” It’s their entertainment. At our expense. Children are the most innocent, & “they” are there to swoop up on them during times of chaos. How many will “they” steal? While the chaos swirls round. It’s truly insane!
This Soros/CIA NGO fake agitation will pass, Paul. The only reason the Bilderberg Cartel Infantiles are spending funds is because of our Trump, America First.
This is not an "organic" protest. These people have been organized by some group of insurgents. It is not about "Palestine". It is about a marxist takeover of our government.
Camel Toe Harris is not a legitimate VP, just as Biden is not.
Any person or group that proclaims "death to Israel" is an enemy of freedom and peace. Jihadist muslims must be seen as enemies of America. The deep state uses them to tear down the peace we had with the Abraham accords. The global cabal wants WAR, not peace.
Thousands of children buried alive and people talk about retaliation
Source for that figure, please? Hamas? How does one calculate numbers when they are *buried* under rubble, sight and sound unseen? That is classic Arabic, Hamas theatrics, to amplify, exaggerate and outright lie to elicit sympathy. Moreover, it is Hamas---and the palestinian people who elected Hamas and continue overwhelming support for it---who allow Hamas to embed itself among civilians, where they become casualties of what they voted for.
I guess this is all made up also.
70 UN workers have also already been killed. By Israel. I suppose they deserved it also. You should feel ashamed.
UN? Really? The UN is a hideous, sprawling hydra like entity that promotes all kind of totally ANTI HUMAN AGENDAS on multiple fronts. They are strictly globalist in orientation and everything they do is for the furtherance of their murderous goals. Please do yourself a favor and investigate what they are about before you go quoting them and linking to them as some sort of valid authority.
The UN is not a reliable source. It is anti-American and anti-Israel.
You have to be a special kind of dumb to not see the bodies piling up. I have seen hundreds of children dead, hunks of meat tangled with clothes and dirt being put into bags to try to have something to bury. And these are just the ones they can get out from the rubble or weren't blown into oblivion.
If that is the case, why were the children there?
Why where they where? In their homes? In the hospitals? In the open?
And spare any "Hamas use civilians as human shields". I have still yet to see a SINGLE dead militant amongst these casualties. After 20+ years watching this I have come to the conclusion this is yet another lie by Israel to cover up and excuse their deliberate targeting of civilians.
Oh you are over there? How are you getting your information? First hand over The past 20 years? You have been actively counting the dead militants ( none) and 6000 children per week climbing around in the rubble. You have been just all over the place in what you call a war zone for all that time? Years and years........
If you aren't watching Richard Medhurst's reporting check it out he's the perfect blend of informed with all the history and politics, outraged and compassionate.. flippin adore him & this Gaza update packs punch!
This war is meant to divide the children of God. Satanist are laughing at all of you...
Yes. It creates hate.
Learn to love everyone. Even the ones who hurt you...
Dr Paul, can you recall there ever being Jewish protests calling for the extermination of "the Palestinians" or even the Nazis?
I can't think of one instance in all of history where Jews protested across the globe calling for the extermination of anyone including those who are calling for their extermination.
I think that's all you need to know about whats going on and who we should stand with.
Stop letting corp warmongers tell you who your enemy is when the biggest threat humanity faces is fascist war machine running at high speed on our tax dollars.
Never stand on the side of the oppressor.. they are dropping bombs & popping champagne corks w more poor brown people to kill.. Death for profit is all our government knows.. take that to the bank!
Zionism is NOT Judaism.. Zionism is a NeoCon political faction that weaponizes the Holocaust to prevent accountability. Judiasm is a religion and Jews are people whose maternal lineage is from the original tribes of Israel.
Zionist genocide began when Britain wouldn't take Jews who survived Hitler so in fine Colonial tradition a young Queen Elizabeth oversaw slaughtered & displaced the indigenous Palestinians to send the unwanted Jewish refugees somewhere else.
Palestine was somewhere chosen in London to solve the Jewish problem.. an ancient land in the heart of civilization where people of every religion peacefully together in the Holy Land for so many.
Israel was formed by a foreign mandate like every chapter of Imperialism stealing land & resources.. listen to Richard Medhurst explain the gas fields & Israel canal plans to help put the full resource looting in context..
it's backfiring big time.. the world is watching genocide & no amount of WW1 Babies on Bayonettes or Saddam Babies tossed from incubator PR will work
Great historical overview fab link thanks.. my favorite for current coverage w brilliant context is Richard Medhurst. He's been on my favorites list from his reporting of Julian Assange from the Embassy kidnapping in April 2019. He's fluent in five languages, UK citizen world traveler w Syrian Christian parents under UN Diplomatic charter.. live accurate translations are priceless & he always brings in maps to show where in the world who did what! <3
PAMELA. It's very clear You don't know the first thing about the History of the modern Middle East. First of all, the conflict prior to the founding of Israel had nothing whatsoever to do with Queen Elizabeth, young or otherwise. Israel gained its INDEPENDENCE in 1948 and ELIZABETH didn't even become queen until 1952. She wasnt even involved!!
Please show some respect for historical facts and quit making up stuff.
Wrong British Royal all the rest is correct & spare me inane respect for history barbs.
The Balfour Declaration, for all its vagaries, constituted the first step toward the objective of political Zionism as outlined by the First Zionist Congress at its meeting in Basle, Switzerland in 1897: “Zionism seeks to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine secured under public law.”
During the period of the Mandate, the Zionist Organization worked to secure the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close.
Also, PAMELA, in addition to your flat out wrong information, Your writing is unintelligible for the most part: it doesn't clearly communicate what you are trying to say
Further unbiased research before posting a comment would be certainly helpful if you want to get at the truth behind any event or series of events...
It was clear and easy to understand. You're upset because you don't agree. What was wrong about what she said? If you have a point about anything that she said that was wrong, then present it. Otherwise the straw man you present is burning.
I totally agree that that her later post WAS clear and easy to understand and also contained some historical facts. Juxtapose this latter one against the first ones she wrote: This later post was NOT the comment I was referring to. It was VERY DIFFERENT from her previous posts which, if you read them, ARE unintelligible and DO contain significant errors.
(Actually, the first posts and the later one dont even appear to be written by the same person...they are so different in fact that the last one seems to be a cut and paste job taken from some actually LITERATE and RATIONAL source: One NOT written by Pamela "BITE ME, WENCH" Drew.....revealed to be not only a possible plagiarizer but also not a particularly classy individual either, lol)
My comment pointing out the sloppiness in her earlier comments was originally placed directly beneath them. But it got moved so it appeared that I was finding fault with the cut and paste job.....which I never did.
See, I have no control how and where my comments wind up being ultimately placed and it can lead to confusion if it is placed in the wrong spot.
I hope you understand now, Simon? I just wanted to clear this up so that we are all on the same page!!
It's entirely possible that Pam WAS the author of ALL the comments, and perhaps the last one was NOT AT ALL the cut and paste job that it appeared to be: but rather that she had SOBERED UP by the time she got around to writing the last one, revealing her true stellar scholarship which is only enhanced by her tremendous writing ability......if that's really the case then please forgive my misunderstanding!!
If earlier posts were not clear, then maybe you should have said that on THOSE posts, so that we wouldn't be on different pages, maybe?
That is exactly what I originally did. Please reread my latest post, because it explains what happened.
Bite me wench!
Please watch '1948: Creation to catastrophe' (YouTube) to get a better idea of how the state of Israel was created. Then see if you still think it should continue to exist in its current form.
Innocents should be left alone everywhere.