It appears the liberals are actually Nazis!

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Not my people, not my fight. Pity for the innocents on both sides who will die in this, but why, exactly, is world focus on this and not the genocide of the Armenians that occurred a month earlier?

US stay out!

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It appears as though our world is filled with demons. God bless Israel! God please come to our rescue 🙏❤️

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Paul and all,

We look no different than Nazi Germany right now with the massive DC protests, many chanting death to Israel and Jewish people!

Again, why is there a MASSIVE group of our terrorist enemies protesting at the White House in and around DC that began October 7 instantly after the Israel attack?

Why is it obvious we are going to have war on America’s soil…to only those who are NOT heavily indoctrinated?

Why wasn’t FREEDOM everyone’s top priority along with defending it since we have been attacked on a 1000 fronts everyday since the OBIDEN Regime took over?

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In answer to Dr. A's question "What do we make of this?"-- Here is a general statement not directed at anyone personally:

I don't comprehend how a thinking person can remain "neutral" and claim to "love everyone" in the current Middle East war. This is not complicated. Do we want our own nation (whichever the reader's may be) to refrain from overwhelming retaliation (with the help of our allies) in the event of a future terrorist attack because the on-cue chaos agent "protesters" of the world don't "approve"?

Of course there are bad actors on both sides of the conflict initiated by a Hamas terrorist attack. But a nation has the right to retaliate and protect itself from future terrorist attacks. And, if nothing else inspires your support, choose the lesser of two evils. Supporting Hamas/Gaza/Fundamentalist Islam is suicide.

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“They” are stoking terror & pushing people to pick a side. It’s more propaganda by mass media to divide & conquer. If we fight each other willingly, “They” can sit back & enjoy the show. It’s all fun & games to the ones making the decisions at the top. “They’re” psychopaths. All of em. The people have to see through this & unite. Innocent people on both sides are paying the price for their war games. To them, it’s just about power & money. Nothing more, nothing less. “They think it’s funny.” It’s their entertainment. At our expense. Children are the most innocent, & “they” are there to swoop up on them during times of chaos. How many will “they” steal? While the chaos swirls round. It’s truly insane!

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This Soros/CIA NGO fake agitation will pass, Paul. The only reason the Bilderberg Cartel Infantiles are spending funds is because of our Trump, America First.

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This is not an "organic" protest. These people have been organized by some group of insurgents. It is not about "Palestine". It is about a marxist takeover of our government.

Camel Toe Harris is not a legitimate VP, just as Biden is not.

Any person or group that proclaims "death to Israel" is an enemy of freedom and peace. Jihadist muslims must be seen as enemies of America. The deep state uses them to tear down the peace we had with the Abraham accords. The global cabal wants WAR, not peace.

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Thousands of children buried alive and people talk about retaliation

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This war is meant to divide the children of God. Satanist are laughing at all of you...

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Dr Paul, can you recall there ever being Jewish protests calling for the extermination of "the Palestinians" or even the Nazis?

I can't think of one instance in all of history where Jews protested across the globe calling for the extermination of anyone including those who are calling for their extermination.

I think that's all you need to know about whats going on and who we should stand with.

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Stop letting corp warmongers tell you who your enemy is when the biggest threat humanity faces is fascist war machine running at high speed on our tax dollars.

Never stand on the side of the oppressor.. they are dropping bombs & popping champagne corks w more poor brown people to kill.. Death for profit is all our government knows.. take that to the bank!

Zionism is NOT Judaism.. Zionism is a NeoCon political faction that weaponizes the Holocaust to prevent accountability. Judiasm is a religion and Jews are people whose maternal lineage is from the original tribes of Israel.

Zionist genocide began when Britain wouldn't take Jews who survived Hitler so in fine Colonial tradition a young Queen Elizabeth oversaw slaughtered & displaced the indigenous Palestinians to send the unwanted Jewish refugees somewhere else.

Palestine was somewhere chosen in London to solve the Jewish problem.. an ancient land in the heart of civilization where people of every religion peacefully together in the Holy Land for so many.

Israel was formed by a foreign mandate like every chapter of Imperialism stealing land & resources.. listen to Richard Medhurst explain the gas fields & Israel canal plans to help put the full resource looting in context..

it's backfiring big time.. the world is watching genocide & no amount of WW1 Babies on Bayonettes or Saddam Babies tossed from incubator PR will work


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Please watch '1948: Creation to catastrophe' (YouTube) to get a better idea of how the state of Israel was created. Then see if you still think it should continue to exist in its current form.

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Innocents should be left alone everywhere.

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